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Book 25 Chapter 7

What searches

-Au to brother

The harbor was empty.

"The ship? They just left."

"Have you ever seen a coffin? Sure. I've seen dozens of them."

"Oh, those coffins were split between four ships."

"I don't even know where it's going."

"Those ships? They're going there, right?"

By the time Bi Ryuyeon and her companions arrived at the dock with Bai Chen, all four ships were on the horizon of Dongzheng Lake. They were all covered in sweat and dust, and everyone was a mess. The famous Martial King was no exception.


He called out his daughter's name to the ship as it disappeared over the horizon. But even his loud cry, like the ringing of an iron bell, was scattered over the vast waters of Lake Pity.

"My lord, calm down. You are losing your temper by shouting like that."

Extreme anger and grief could hurt an expedition. The loss of an expedition is the loss of an inner circle. This was the last thing a Muriman should do.


At that moment, a shout like a lion's roar erupted, drowning out Bai Xiaochun's shout. Jang Hong covered his ears and looked at his friend. This time, it was Bi Ryuyeon.


This one was even worse than his father. He was almost evil, and his cries were filled with anger and sorrow. He was screaming Na Yerin's name so fiercely that it seemed as if he might vomit blood at any moment, and just listening to him made my heart fill with sorrow. Deciding that it would be dangerous to leave him alone, Hyorong and Jang Hong grabbed one of his shoulders to stop him.

"Calm down, calm down. Ryuyeon, what if you're like this, too? Calm down. If the expedition is ruined, your studies will be disturbed. If you make a mistake, you might end up in the coinage business."

Damaged Yuan Qi causes a rush of blood, and the party who loses control of it is helpless to stop it. When the runaway qi becomes tangled like a tangled thread, it is sealed off. When this happens, the person is unable to control the emotions of sadness and anger that cause the disease. When sadness and anger overflow, the mind becomes insane. You lose yourself in madness and forget who you are. That's what happens when you become possessed. A coinage is a corruption of the body, and a yipma is a corruption of the mind. However, since the mind and body are inseparable, they often come together. That's why when you have an accident while traveling and your qi is blocked, it's known as a coinage mishap. Jang Hong was worried that Bi Ryuyeon's overflowing emotions and anger would cause her to become stirred up and fall into coinage.

"Who will save Yerin if you take the coin now? Be more rational. You still have a job to do, look me in the eye!"

Jang Hong shook Bi Ryuyeon's shoulder and called out.

"You haven't finished your to-do list yet. If you want to be crazy, finish it all and then be crazy. That's what I would have told you if I knew you."

Bi Ryuyeon's eyes, which had been as cloudy as a murky rock pool for a moment, slowly began to clear.

"You're right, I shouldn't be doing this. I've still got a lot of work to do and promises to keep. Besides, it's not right for me to sit here alone with a healthy enemy, cancer, that is."

He must find his world, his missing half. Besides, they hadn't even retaliated yet. The enemy was still alive and well. His calculations were thoroughly unreliable.

Jang Hong breathed a sigh of relief when Bi Ryuyeon regained her senses. He had been so worried about what would happen to her. He didn't know what would happen if she went mad, and he wanted to avoid that at all costs.

"What is that?"

That's when Hyo-Ryong pointed a finger at one of them and asked.


It was a small ferry with no boatman, and it was coming this way with something on board.

What was being carried in that ferry was clearly a coffin.

Zheng Tian Mengju Nabaxian Chinzhen.

The words were written on the coffin in red letters. The words were written in blood instead of ink, and Bai Xiaochun shuddered, wondering if it was Na Yerin's blood. All sorts of bad imaginings raced through his mind. It would be simpler to just go crazy.


Bai Xiaochun lifted the lid of the coffin with trembling hands. The coffin was empty. Instead, a scroll lay at the bottom, but it didn't say, "In honor of Spiritual Master Nabaxian Qin Zhen" on it. Instead, it read, "Brother Chinzhen. Bai Chen's hand trembled violently as he opened the scroll.

Hello, brother.

How have you been doing? I've been doing great.

How's your health?

Because of this, I'm healthy. So healthy, in fact, that I can barely contain my excitement.

I have a cute and adorable nephew. Seeing him grow up to be even more beautiful makes me very proud as an uncle.

I'm writing to you because I have a favor to ask. It's a simple request, and I'm sure you'll grant it.

There's something I've been wanting lately, and you know what it is? It's the neck of the Black Sky Lord, Galzongchuan.

I'd love for you to get that for me.

If you don't grant my request, I'll kill Na Yerin, you'll be surprised, right? Hahaha. But you shouldn't be surprised, because how could I kill this lovely child right now? This child has always made me aware of my hidden true self. How ugly and cruel I am. How deeply dark my soul has fallen.

Every time I look at her pure white skin, I want to tear it apart and drench it in red blood. That would be so ecstatic and exciting, I can just imagine it. But don't worry, I won't be taking her life. I won't be taking Yerin's life, but I will be sending you one of her adorable, white, pearly white fingers that I want to rip to shreds. How delightful and ecstatic it would make me to hear her scream from those fine, red lips. My heart is pounding with longing to hear that scream.

So it doesn't matter at all if you don't do any of the things written in this probe, because either way it will be an infinite joy to this little brother. I can see the look on his face as he accepts my loving finger. After the finger, where do you want me to cut it off and send it to you? If there's a part you'd like to keep, let me know in advance.

However, I would like to keep the crown jewel of this child's eyes for myself and not give them to anyone else, so please leave that out. I want her eyes, which stir my dark soul, to look only at me for the rest of her life.

-from a younger brother.

P.S. I'm sending a second letter to the tavern next door to the Black Heaven, and if you don't receive it, I'll be very lucky, because it will calm my beating heart with a sweet scream.

The moment he read it, Bai Xiaochun felt nauseous and his whole body shook with a burning rage. His brain felt like it was burning and he felt dizzy.

Snatching it up like a fish out of water, Bi Ryuyeon read it slowly, kanji by kanji. His face drained of expression as he read from one kanji to the next. It was as if his life was being sucked out of him, but he didn't look away. After reading the last line, he stood like a statue for a moment. There was no anger, no rage, no crying, no tears. Just a trickle of blood silently trickled down the corner of his mouth.

He had just decided a man's fate. Even if the heavens rejected it, he was going to write that fate on top of that man's, a fate that would go down in history as the cruelest fate anyone had ever experienced.

He cast aside all the mercy and forgiveness that lay dormant within him, and with a calm, silent decision, he resolved to make his imagination a reality.

'I don't know if there is a hell or not, but if there is neither heaven nor hell in the afterlife, I'll give you plenty of hell in this life. Just in case there is no hell for you to fall into when you die!'

"I will make you regret the fact that you were ever born on this earth. You'll never want to be reincarnated again. To make even the eighteenth layer of the Netherworld feel comfortable, should hell fall."

And with that, I silently swore.

For a while, no one spoke up. Even if you wanted to chase them, you couldn't, and it was a question of which way to chase them in the first place.

"All the clues are gone."

Jang Hong said in a pitiful voice. If the ship was headed to four different places, there was no way to know which of those four places contained the coffin containing Na Yerin. There wasn't enough time to chase them down one by one, and in the meantime, the kidnappers could keep changing locations.

"Now what would you like, ma'am?"

Na Baiqian looked back at Ye Qing and asked, "She's familiar with this side of the Heavenly Pavilion and the Jianghuorandao, so there might be a way. At the very least, if we can reduce the target…….


After a moment's thought, Ye Qing said.

"Let's go to Dunoy."

"You mean that old intelligence guy?"

"Yes, he's an old man, but he's still a competent information trader, and he might have something we don't, because his eyes and ears are hidden all over this place, Ganghorando, and he never misses anything that might make him money. He'll definitely give us what we want, because we're willing to pay him a lot of money."

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discord ko-fi