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Book 25 Chapter 19



To: Forty-seven

You have all the information you need. You have determined that it is no longer necessary for you to be there, and you wish to abort the current marriage mission and move on to the next one immediately.

Twelve and a tangent!

As always, the next mission will be delivered by Twelve Ho himself.

Good luck.


The man's hands shook as he held the scroll.

End it? What? Are you telling me to break up with her? Are you telling me to leave her?

She's the one who keeps him warm at night when he's having nightmares? She's the one who's fierce, but sometimes gives him a warm glow? She's the one who tells him to stop the happiness he's finally found?

That could be…… That could be…….

When I tried to resist the command, the inhibitions embedded in my deepest consciousness kicked in.

It was also a last-ditch effort to bind the Shadow, a mental sanction far more powerful than suggestion.

Now, carry out the command. You are a shadow. A shadow that changes where it is cast depending on the direction of the light.

Your intentions don't matter. All that's required is the action of carrying out the command. You don't have to think for yourself. Do not think. Don't think. Just follow. Just follow. Just follow.

Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow.

When I tried to refuse the order, I felt an overwhelming sense of repulsion and rejection. I broke out in a cold sweat and my consciousness seemed to fade. It was hard to breathe. Something deep within her mind was rebelling against her refusal. What she needed to do to end the agony was simple. All he had to do was follow orders. Just as he had always done.

To do so would mean giving up everything I had built… giving up her. He had just learned to love… he had just learned to be human… and now he was being told to go back to the darkness. It was telling him that the tower he had built was a tower of sand. It was mocking him that it too was an illusion, a mirage.

You can't build anything. You can't build anything on a foundation of lies, it was saying. A sorrowful despair began to overtake him. Helplessness was consuming his entire being. Am I nothing…… Am I nothing but a lie…….

"Obey the command…… obey the command…… obey the command…… obey the command…… ouch!"


I slapped the wall hard with my left palm and it vibrated strongly.


Paroxysmally drawing his dagger, Jang Hongxing immediately stabbed it into the back of his left hand. He gritted his teeth and held back the scream that erupted. Red blood trickled down the wall.

"I'm not going to follow you! …this command…… can never be followed……."

That day, for the first time in his life, he refused a command.

"How strange that you should summon me to this faraway land."

A man in his mid-forties set down his drink and said something.


Jang Hong didn't answer, just stared silently into the other man's eyes. He didn't know this man's true face, and no one else in Muyoung had ever seen this man's true face. A man whose face changes with every encounter, a man who is said to have forgotten his true face even by himself, a man who can always follow any trail without leaving a trace, and no traitor has ever escaped his pursuit.

The Shadow of the White Dao, the head of the Muyung Dynasty, was such a man.

With such a person in front of him, it was no wonder Jang Hong was nervous.

"Don't be so nervous, you don't want people to look suspicious, do you, nephew?"

Jang Hongxing politely replied.

"Yes, Uncle."

We call them uncle and nephew, but it's a temporary status, and when we leave, we're strangers again.

"Okay, let's hear why you called me in."

After a moment of silence, Jang Hong finally spoke up.

"I can't comply with this order, please withdraw it."

It wasn't as hard to say no as it used to be. When he announced his intention to disobey the order, the Wu Ying overlord was quite surprised. No wonder. Under normal circumstances, this would never have happened.

"Deny the command?"

"Yes, I refuse, so please withdraw."

"I'm surprised you broke your mental inhibitions."

Mu Ying muttered to himself.

"I want to leave 20,000 units."

Once he started talking, he was unstoppable.

"Refuse orders, then retire? You're trying to do what I couldn't do."

When Jang Hong remained silent, Mu Ying spoke again.

"You've never let me down before, you've always done your job perfectly and pleased me, so why are you refusing this mission? If you were going to betray me, you wouldn't have said no."

"I'm not betraying you, I just want to stop shadowing you."

I wanted to be free, but I also knew it wouldn't be easy.

"Retirement is not an option for us, and I'm sure you're well aware of that, so why are you insisting on it?"

"I just want to live a normal life."

"You want to live a normal life…… you're asking for too much."

"I want to stand in the light… under the light."

Wu Yingdai's brow furrowed slightly.

"Light……. You're a shadow, and a shadow can never be a light, and you've never had a problem with being a shadow, have you?"

"I don't have a problem with that now, I just don't think……."


"I love her, and I want to be with her, for the rest of my life."

It couldn't do that as a shadow. It could only be done by standing in the light.

"Hehe……. Well, that's an unexpected comment. Love……. I've heard of such a concept. I don't understand it, though I can tell you what it's like, but I'm sure you know our maxim about love."

"'Love is a deadly poison' because it makes you crave what you can't have."

Jang Hongxing recited the words mechanically.

"And you're still going to make love?"

"Force majeure. I can't resist."

Muyoung stroked his beard for a moment, lost in thought.

"I know how much you want to stand in the light, but a shadow can never be the light."

"Are you telling me that's impossible?"

Jang Hong's eyes were desperate. His path to the light was becoming increasingly blocked. Just as his despair was growing, Lord Muyoung spoke again.

"There's only one way to be a shadow and live in a world of light."

"What is that?"

"Are you up for it?"

It meant that it would not be an easy road. But we were ready for it.


"That's how……."

Jang Hong leaned closer and closer. She whispered in his ear, as if she were about to tell him a great secret.

"It's called being a freeholder."

Jang Hong's eyes widened.

"An untouchable? Can I be one?"

"You just earned it. So you can challenge yourself to become a monarch."


When did he get something like that? Jang Hong was dumbfounded.

"Yes, you can refuse orders, which means you've broken free of the inhibitions of your deepest consciousness. It means you have a strong mind, and you're no longer a puppet."

Does that mean you've been a puppet that moves in response to commands?

"Only those who can refuse orders are worthy to lead the Unsullied, and you've just proven that you are."

"What do I have to do to become an Unseen Overlord? Do I have to kill you so that you can become an Unseen Overlord in recognition of my abilities?"

"No, not really, but you're kind of an honorable man. We've been known to do your dirty work, but you shouldn't get away with it."

That's what they say, but it's Muyoung Daejoo himself who's been doing more outrageous things than anyone else.


"All you have to do is get trained. Easy?"


In a way, it was a bit of a drag.

"Where the hell am I supposed to get any training?"

It was so easy that it was rather unsettling. There must be more to it. It's just waiting to come out like a tiger crouching in a cave.

"Across the sea, there's a country called the Land of the Rising Sun, which they call Japan. There's a land of warlords tearing up the land and fighting all the time. Hundreds of years of warfare have led to the development of an espionage technique called jutsu. That's where we'll be training."

It meant crossing the ocean and not seeing anyone until the training was over.

"How long will it take?"


"What decade is it?!"

This was during a one-time change in the weather. If the mountain changed, would people's hearts not change? Jang Hong didn't dare to say for sure.

"It could be shorter, depending on what you do. Think about it. Are you sure your heart won't change over the course of a decade? And even if it does, will the other person wait until then? The human heart is fragile. It can change at any time. Will you still do it, trusting that glassy, fragile human heart? It's a gamble. But when it's over……."

There was a pause, and then Muyoung Daiju spoke again.

"You're no longer a shadow, you're the light that guides the shadows. What will you do?"

I didn't have to think long.

"I will."


"If I could stand in a world of light, I would."

"Okay, that settles it."

Smiling, Moo Young Daejoo concluded.

"Can I ask you a question?"


"Why are you going out of your way to help me?"

Then the Great Lord Muyoung said.

"I want to do this thing called retirement."

* * *

"Are you telling me you abandoned your family to help some old man retire?"

"No, the old man was up to no good, and the innocent young man just happened to be the victim. I'm not happy about it."

But it didn't take a decade.

Jang Hong cut that time in half. Then he returned to Murim. And finally, he was able to pass all the trials and become the Great Lord of Muyoung.

"But why didn't he come back?"

"I'm suddenly scared."

"You're scared?"

"Yes. I was afraid you'd forgotten me, and I was afraid to check, because I was afraid it wasn't you I knew."

"I've changed since that day, so it's not the me you knew, and that's why you hate me?"

"No, absolutely not……."

"Of course not, that's why you didn't come back, you're cheating on me with a woman you don't know!"

"Bah, the wind, I don't deserve it, I'm innocent."

Jang Hong was frustrated.

"Well, what do you think, you were just a simple coward, all you did this time was run away, we were so close, we haven't seen each other in seven years and three months, am I that insignificant a woman?"

"You are not insignificant!"

Jang Hong shouted.

"Then prove it!"

Ok exclaimed.

"Uh, how do you want me to prove it?"

"Hmm, I guess you couldn't do it, your mind was only capable of that……."


Jang Hong suddenly hugged Yue Jing. His sudden action stunned Yue Jing.

"Okay, wait a minute, if you do this……."


At that moment, the blood armor worked.

Blood Armor (血鱗鉀).

One of the family heirlooms of the Bloodjade Family, it was given to her as a gift upon her marriage. It blocks most spears, and when an enemy touches it, a needle pops out to stab them. It's not lethal, but if you don't handle it carefully, you're bound to get hurt, and that's where the gaps come in. Jang Hong knew that. There was no way he wouldn't recognize a wedding gift.

"You know you're wearing blood armor, so why did you…… Why did you do that? Let go quickly."

Okuyukyung's voice shook violently. She didn't even seem to be able to hold the sword properly.

Jang Hong was in pain. He could feel her rejecting him, like a hedgehog rejecting another. But even as blood flowed from his body, Jang Hong refused to let go of her. Jade Yujing pounded on his chest with both hands, urging him to let go.

"I won't let go."

"Excuse me?"

"I said I wouldn't let go, and I won't let go anymore."

Her wavering eyes were asking why.

"Because I can't lose you anymore, and I'm afraid that if I let go now, I'll be gone forever."

I was afraid to see her, but I was even more afraid to imagine a world without her, and this pain was nothing compared to that fear.

"I love you."

The strength slowly drained from her hand as it struck his chest, and then tears fell. They were tears from the eyes of a woman he had never seen before, a woman he called the Blood Nachal.


And she buried her face in his shoulder.

* * *

Bi Ryuyeon rejoined the group with two others. She had originally planned to bring only one moyonghui, but she got an extra. The unexpected addition was named Polite Manner. He popped up just as Bi Ryuyeon was about to finish talking to Mo Yonghui and make her move. After holding his breath, he coughed and said the following.

"Uhhhhhh, I don't really want to go, but if you ask for help, it's my duty as a consensus-oriented warrior to help."

"I don't need it."

Ryuyeon Bi cut to the chase.

"No, think about it. I'm sure it will help……."

"I don't need it."

"No, I'm sure you're mistaken, I'm sure I can do better than Mo Yonghui here."

"No way."

Ryu's answer was cold.

"Since Mo Yonghui is going, I must go with him, even if you tell me not to, I will go with him. Why, there is no such thing as a multi-directional line. Let me join you. No, count me in."

The last one was quite brave. Ryuyeon Bi said.


Undeterred by Bi Ryuyeon's disapproving words, Gong Gonghui followed closely behind the two of them. Even when she was told not to follow, she stubbornly followed and eventually joined the group. He stuck to Mo Yonghui's side like a stick and didn't want to be separated. When she couldn't be bothered to argue with him anymore, she decided to leave him alone.

"Do whatever you want, but I don't care if you die or not?"

It was a case of look out for your own life, but the minor confluence of politeness was quickly overshadowed by a major event a few moments later.

Jang Hong had returned, accompanied by the seventh captain, Yue Jing. Those who hadn't expected her to bring the seventh captain with her were stunned by her arrival. Some automatically went into a state of readiness for battle. After all, they were now at war with the Heavenly Palace. And the greatest enemy to stand in their way were the twelve captains of the Thousand and Thirty-Three, so it was only natural that they were wary. Bi Ryuyeon stepped forward, calming the nerves.

"Uncle Zhang, what happened to you, you're a mess?"

After removing his blood-soaked top and roughly tending to his wounds, he changed into a new set of clothes. His movements were unnatural and his complexion was pale. The wounds from the blood armor had been treated, but it was only a stopgap measure. With each step, his body screamed at the wounds beneath the bandages.

"No, it's just that… there was a minor misunderstanding, so I thought I'd email……."

The wound was not light for a minor misunderstanding. Ok Yoo-kyung unnecessarily distracted herself by looking elsewhere, for there was something stinging.

"And him?"

Bi Ryuyeon pointed to the jade circle and asked.

"You're going to help us."

"One of the four thousand and thirteen captains is going to help us?"

Bi Ryuyeon looked incredulous. Now they were suspicious of the Thousand and Thirty-Three Captains, and it was certain that they would stand in their way.

"Are you sure you want to help?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked Ok Yuk-kyung directly.

"I can't believe that a pagoda man really did kidnap. It's a very dishonorable thing to do. But if it's true, it's unforgivable, especially kidnapping a woman. It's unforgivable. I am merely assisting you for a time to ascertain the truth of the matter. If what you say is false, then I will hold you accountable."

Ok Yukyung said in a commanding tone.

"Hmmm, no other reason, maybe because of your brother Zhang here……."

"Doesn't matter."

The answer is cut like a knife.

"Looks like you've been cutting water with a knife, I'll do it in moderation."

Bi Ryuyeon clicked her tongue.

"Well, how do you do that……."

A surprised Jang Hong asked.

"Do I really need to hear that?"

"I've got it!" she said, thinking to herself, but not saying it out loud. It was a moment of confirmation.

"Marital fights are good, but in moderation, in moderation."

"I'll do it in moderation, from now on."

I knew that Jang Hong was hiding his past, and that his name was probably fake. His past is probably not unusual either. Only he could know how many stories were hidden in it. But right now, Bi Ryuyeon wasn't interested in other people's pasts. Right now, there was only one thing he cared about: Na Yerin's whereabouts.

"What information do you need?"

"Got it. But it won't be easy, I'll have to search all four islands one by one."


"The coffins that were brought here were scattered, one on each island."

Unless you know which one is the real deal, you'll have to open each lid in turn. It's a cumbersome process, but it's not a painless one.

No captain would be foolish enough to give in to an intruder's demands after the emergency bell had already rung so loudly.

"Shall we all follow suit?"

Hyun-woon, who is temporarily serving as the head of the Jujak Troupe in place of Namgung-sang, asked in a cautious tone.

"No, the rescue party will be a small, elite group. You don't all have to follow me. I'm going to add a couple of people to the group that I need in addition to you. I've already gathered all the people I've foreseen, with a few surprises along the way. But there are things you can do that only you can do. Since Gung Sang and Anima are unavailable, I need you to do one thing for me. It's a mission."

"What mission?"

Bi Ryuyeon replied, keeping her voice low.

"I will give you two tasks. First, I want you to bind the eyes of the other Thousand and Thirty-three except for the Four Great Islands. It would be troublesome to enter the Four Great Islands and be attacked from behind."

"You're telling me to make a fuss over here."

"Right. Draw their attention to you, distract them from the four islands. But we don't have to go head-to-head."

"At times like this, it would be nice to have a salt and ice boss……."

Now they were still in Kanghorando. They had been in such a hurry to leave that they hadn't come with him.

"I've put a message out through the China Coast Guard. But I don't know if they'll be able to get here. There's the matter of the ship."


He looked a little unsure.

"I've taught you enough. You're strong enough, you've been through many hells, so take it from me. There's not a single one of those little brats here in the Ten Thousand Pavilions that can beat you. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Big Brother! I see, we've survived the lessons of hell, and this is nothing."

"Okay, second task then."

If the first one was that good, what about the second?" Zhu Zhaodan was on edge.

"If it becomes obsolete, we'll be lucky if it ever does, but it's just in case. So what you guys need to do is ……. Do you understand?"

Each and every one of Bi Ryuyeon's characters said what they wanted. Hearing the words that came out of his mouth, Hyun-woon was stunned.

"Is that even necessary?"

That meant I was assuming the worst. Apparently, things were going to get worse from here.

"Yes, we need it. There can't be any mistake. If we do, we might all die."

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