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Book 25 Chapter 14

Dementia Register

-Sixth Army

Jadeite, the Swordsman.

He was short. But if you ignored him, you could get in trouble. But don't let his small size fool you, he had a very cute face, and he was very strong. Despite his small size, he was stronger than any of the big men in the Sixth Battalion, which is why he was able to rise to the rank of Captain of the Sixth Battalion of the Ten Thousand. He had risen to that position by sewing the mouths shut of two hundred humans who had mocked him as a small child. He had an important mission. He was on his way to the captain's office to fulfill it now. In his hand was a note, a red envelope that screamed urgency, which made his short legs move faster than they would otherwise.

"Drrrrrrrrr! Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Pooh-pooh-pooh!"

Placek's hand went to knock on the door as he always did, but it was stilled.

"You're getting married again.

The snoring that made the door shudder was unmistakably the boss's, just in case, and it was.

'Well, he sleeps every chance he gets…….'

He would always wake up with some sort of gibberish dream story, not sure if it was a memory or a dream, but most of the time it was a dream. If it's not a dream, it's a story about taking on a thousand people at once and no one being able to take him down.

Zhang Ziyi took a deep breath, then knocked hard on the door.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

"Captain, Captain Nameless, wake up, this is an emergency announcement, Captain, Captain!"

Knock on the door like you're beating a drum.

"Drrrrrrrr! Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Pooh-pooh-pooh!"

To knock on the door so loudly and not wake up, a man of the Black Sea should keep a dime's worth of consciousness even when sleeping, knowing that he could be ambushed at any moment. It was a pathetic moment for a man who was the captain of his own unit.

"I can't believe he's still alive and hasn't had to take a lesson.

That's what made it even more interesting.

"But I have to get my work done.

Before he became a troop leader, he was told by a former troop leader who was transferred to the Black Panthers.

"You know what's the most important job for the commander of our sixth company to do?"

"I'm not sure."

"That's what you do, you wake up the sleeping boss, whether you beat him or kiss him, but don't cover your tracks."

The previous unit leader was a woman.

"You can use a knife. Use an axe, whatever it takes to wake him up. He's not going to die. He's not going to get hurt. If you're curious, you can try it."

"That… that……."

"My predecessor did it, my predecessor did it, my predecessor did it, my predecessor did it, that's the rule of the Sixth that hasn't changed in a hundred years, and that's the most important mission."

At first, I didn't see what was so hard about it. But now I realize how hard it is. Once he falls asleep, he sleeps as if he's dead. And on that subject, what a snorer he is. If I were married, I'm sure I would have gotten divorced over his snoring. Thinking that this is no longer possible, I open the door, but it is also locked.

Clink, clink, clink, clink!

He picks one lock after another, not for the great intruder, but to keep out anyone who would disturb his sleep. Six in total today. This key-picking skill was also one of the key abilities required of a 6th Battalion commander.

I quickly picked the key and went inside, where I saw the side of the captain's head, snoring nonchalantly in bed, and the back of his head, where his gray hair was disheveled.

It's so nonchalant.

I approach, step by step. Normally, a captain of his rank would have a sword flying at him before he was within three paces, but this captain has none of that. He doesn't even have a weapon at his side. His demeanor is calm. There's not even a hint of tension. In a way, you can't help but be impressed that he's been able to make it this far.


The sword is drawn.

"Captain, please stand up."

Placeok chuckled.

"Drrrrr! Pooh-pooh!"

The answer was the same.

"If you don't get up, I'll poke you."

But again, it doesn't happen.

"Wake up!"



The gray-haired man spun halfway around in an instant, and brought the blade down on the tender bed. It was in vain, another failure. This is not normal, this is not normal. But I'd never been hit by a blade trying to wake me up before. This was not his first attempt, and there were stab wounds all over the bed, but there was not a single wound on his body. Having failed again today, Zhang Ziyi decided to use a trick up her sleeve.

He reached into his bosom and pulled something out.

"Just in case, I'll tell you a secret trick. With this, you'll always be successful!"

His predecessor in the unit had a trick up his sleeve: fuck.

But this was no ordinary stick. It was made by a shop in Sichuan province called Parigurang Shuangshang, a famous snack shop, and it was said to be so delicious that if seven people ate it and a series of murders occurred, the last person holding it would be the real killer.


Just holding it out was already a reaction. The sniffing nose seemed to recognize the presence of this shit.

'Okay, now if I can just gently induce this…….'

He slowly brought the fly's scent to his nose. If he got too close, he might get eaten. The price was high to begin with, but with the transportation costs of bringing them from far away, it was not cheap. Using one for each wake-up wouldn't be enough to keep the unit's finances afloat.

"Sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff!"


The captain, who had been sleeping soundly, stood up like a ghost and flew at him like a wild beast stalking its prey. Zhang Ziyi, who was prepared, quickly pulled back his polearm. Then a gust of wind blew in.


Caught off guard, Zhang Zhiqing closed his eyes tightly. When he opened them again, his captain was half-asleep, with a raggedy dick in his mouth.


It will be taken away again. How can he only be so quick at times like this……. I almost wondered if I had some sort of grudge against sugar in a previous life.

The captain had eaten every last bit of it in his mouth. It was as if the most important thing in the world to him right now was to eat that shit. It hurt that he wasn't even paying attention to the man in front of him.

"Huh? So-ok, when did you get here?"

"Deputy, Deputy. Not Sook, please call me Deputy Chief Zhang."

This boy hated his name. It was bad enough that he was short, but his name had a diminutive in it. It was also too feminine.

"Yeah, Jadeite. What's going on?"

He wasn't listening at all. Yes, when had he ever listened to anyone else? Zhang Ziyao gave up and held out the red scroll he had come here for.

"This is an urgent, emergency, first class letter from the Commander-in-Chief."

"What happened? I don't remember, but I think this is the first time this has been issued in decades, no, years?"

"We've got an intruder, the emergency bell has been ringing nonstop for a while now."

"Really? Why didn't I hear that?"

'It's because he's been sleeping around!" said Bogey, holding back what he wanted to shout.

"Because he was sleeping."

"Sleep is a basic human need. It's very, very important."

"But I don't sleep without trying."

The gray-haired man scratched his head in annoyance, opened the sealed letter, and began to read.

大至急 (大至急).

Convene an emergency captain's meeting.

Each Captain will report to the Captain's Office immediately.

-Hundred, the Thousand and Thirteenth.

"What does it say?"

"There's an urgent captain's meeting in the First Lord's office, and they want you there now."

"Then you'd better get ready fast."

"Do I really need to attend? I'm sure the rector can handle it."

"Well, you're one of the Twelve Captains of the Thousand and Thirty-Three, you should be there."

There was a strong tendency to assume that an invisible thirteenth army did not exist, so the number of captains was twelve, not thirteen.

"Isn't there such a thing as preferential treatment for the elderly?"

"You're not going to get anywhere with a face that looks like it's in its late twenties, so get ready."

The gray-haired man didn't grow old because I didn't want to grow old, I just didn't grow old on the outside, I'm already a hundred years old on the inside, I don't have a bone in my body that isn't broken, I only sleep more because it's hard to cut, I shook my head, but it didn't work.

"Go ahead and get ready. There's no point in fussing."


The gray-haired captain replied with a deadpan expression, then threw off the blankets that had covered him in a rueful sleep, stretched out his arms, and yawned languidly. It was a behavior that made one suspect that he was the oldest of the fourteen-thousand and thirty-three captains, and the youngest in mental age, and it was the job of the Sixth to support such behavior.


As I was getting out of bed, my body hit the table next to me, sending the utensils on the table crashing to the ground and shattering.

"Did you do it again?"

"I don't pray," shouted Turo Zangiok. He couldn't resist a momentary glance and committed another crime.

"No, that's… why is this here……? Was this here…….? I don't remember……."

He is so careless and unskillful. It's a wonder how he can dodge the swords of his enemies when he can't even dodge a standing table. His captain is truly the most enigmatic of the fourteen thousand thirteen and twelve captains, and he is the one who constantly reminds the rest of the captains of how such a thing could be a captain.

There were a few captains who argued that he should be removed from his position because he was undermining the prestige of the entire organization, but that didn't work, and he somehow managed to stay in his position, because despite his uncharacteristic behavior, he was actually the oldest and most senior captain here. Whether it was through some sort of half-life transmutation or supreme cosmetology, he maintained the youthful appearance of a man in his early thirties, and he was also the longest serving captain. In fact, his age was a mystery to the entire skyscraper. Rumor had it that he was even older than the master of the pavilion, but the truth had never been confirmed.

It is said that he occasionally mumbled something unintelligible like "I'm an excommunicated warrior," but that was never confirmed. In a sense, he was a monster that never grew old or died, so it was thought that he should be given some form of dementia.

"You forgot again, so it must be a sign of dementia."

"Oh, that's not fair. You speak to me like that. You hurt my delicate feelings."

This guy's captain is somehow not only careless, but has such a bad memory that I suspect he has dementia. He forgets things easily, and it's the captain's job to take care of that.

"Do you know any captains who get hurt by their troop leaders? I'm sure they'd faint if they heard that, sir."

"I don't have dementia, I just have a hard time remembering things for long periods of time."

"That's what the rest of the world calls dementia. Now, hurry up, it's the first time in nine years that the emergency bell has rung due to an outside intrusion, and if you're late, you'll get another scolding from the chief."

"President Yu is a little short-tempered."

Placeok then points out.

"It's not General Yoo, it's General Baek."

"Huh? When did that change? I thought it was definitely President Yu……."

"Chief Yu went missing 'some time ago'."

"That's too bad. General Yu, that fellow had a pretty promising future, too……."

I paused for a moment to recall a vague memory. I knew that if I left it like this, time would pass again.

"I'm more scared of General Baek right now, how fiery he is."

"Is that so?"

"Sure. He's the one who recommended you, so if you don't go soon, I'll get in trouble again."

"百战总统…… 百战总统…… 百战总统…… 百战总统……."

"What are you doing, boss?"

Placek called out to the captain, who stood there muttering.

"Oh, I practiced it for a while in case I forgot again."

The gray-haired captain said with an innocent smile. Lieutenant Zhang Zhiqing felt his bones tingle.

"Come on, let's do that on the way, and get your weapons."

"Weapons? Did I use those?"

For a moment, Jang Ji-ok felt hopeless about her situation. She felt like screaming, "It's over, I can't do this anymore, I'm doomed." She did.

"Of course!"

Jang Ji-ok bellowed.

"I can't believe you don't even know if you're using a weapon or not!"

It's not that I forgot to write it, it's that I forgot to write it at all. It's the kind of thing that makes you wonder if you've ever written anything.

"No, you don't have to be weaponless……. You can listen to whatever you want……."

"Do you remember what magnetic martial arts are?"


What scared me more was that the answer didn't come right away. At times like this, I would laugh and say, "Of course, you wouldn't forget that, ahahaha!" to relieve the anxiety. This dementia captain was brutally honest about his poor memory. It was not at all black and white.

"Hmm…… I don't remember."

Jang Ji-ok almost fainted at the sight of it. The fact that the commander of one of the units was so traumatized that he fainted would have been a source of ridicule for the other units.

"You, the monster whose face never ages!

Alas, he can't even remember if he's using a weapon or not!

"Die, die, die, you demented bastard, die, fade into eternal oblivion!"

Before he knew it, he found himself cross-armed and choking the captain. It had happened in a split-second, in a moment of unreason.

"Ahahahahahahahahahahaha! Ahahahahahahahahahaha!"

But the gray-haired captain only laughed good-naturedly as I grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and shook him to death. Even when I choked him, he didn't even flinch. He just laughed like it was good. In some ways, he was like a grandfather watching his grandson's antics, and in other ways, he was a madman.

"It's okay, it's okay, you don't remember Wukong, but you don't remember your own name either."

"What's the big deal about it being fine!!! Besides, the usage is wrong, I don't remember the martial arts, but I do remember the name, and if the former is negative, the latter must be positive!"

"But I don't remember it at all. So what's my name now?"

"Did you forget that again, you nameless one?"

That's right. This damned captain was nameless. Not because he'd abandoned his name, but because he couldn't remember it. It was the consensus of the thirty-three-year-old that he must be suffering from dementia.

"Look. I'm nameless. What have I forgotten? Who was I in the past? It must have been something important, but I can't remember it at all, and all this kung fu and weaponry is trivial compared to that."

His lost past was always the only thing that bothered him, and he wasn't interested in anything else that was black and white.


Zhang Ziyi's complexion darkened, and Mu Ming laughed again.

"Ahahahaha, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, I may not remember the martial arts stuff, but my body definitely remembers."

The next thing he knows, he's standing next to his captain, his captain smiling at him and smoothing out his disheveled clothes.

"Huh? No way……."

He couldn't figure out what had happened. Zhang Ziyi looked down at his empty hand in a daze, as if he was possessed by a ghost. He was sure that he had used this hand to grab his collar……. It was definitely grabbing his collar……. A normal person should have passed out before he got to the halfway point, but somehow the grip had been loosened? It was as if my memory had been ripped out.

"I'm like, 'What, I have dementia too……? Dementia in the colon is contagious?!

Otherwise, this was impossible. He looked up and saw the captain's face, smiling as always.

"Uh, how? I just said that I definitely don't remember Wu Gong……."

"Oh, that's okay, don't worry, the only thing I forgot was the first meal."

"You mean you forgot the martial arts basics?"

"Yeah, kangri."

The mute replied with a very refreshing smile.

"You liar, that thing that slipped out of my hand just now was definitely a mugong!"

"Just because you've forgotten it doesn't mean you can't use it, and losing it means you're out of the mold, so don't worry about it, you're not tall enough."

"Nah, nah, nah, who cares, I'm not short, I'm just looking out for our cause……."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm a happy boss, that's what I'm saying."


The place jade exploded once more, but Captain Mu Ming only smiled and accepted it.

"Come on, let's go, they won't like it if we keep them waiting any longer."

"Ah, yes. Captain."

Nameless, captain of the Sixth Battalion. He forgets what weapons he wields, what martial arts he uses, and he can't even remember his own name, but there isn't a single person who remembers a story about him being defeated by someone.

'After all…….'


Zhang Ziyi stood in front of the General's office, nervous as ever. Even though there was only one door separating them, the tension beyond the door could be felt here. It seemed like she was at the bottom of the heap. It was all because of the damned captain, but she had nowhere to turn.

"Captain Nameless of the Sixth Battalion, please enter!"

The two guards standing on either side of the front door shouted loudly, and the door slowly opened.

Mu Ming stepped forward without any hesitation. There was not the slightest hint of nervousness. Inside the room, the captains in charge of each dormitory were already seated. Seeing a few empty seats, Mu Mu smiled brightly and opened his mouth.

"Wow, I thought I was in last place, but there were people who hadn't come yet. This is lucky."

Then everyone's eyes shot like arrows toward the unknown.


As a first-timer, Jang Ji-ok couldn't help but feel nervous.

"You're a little late, Mr. Unknown."

The first to speak was Zhen Chong, the commander of the Third Battalion, who was in formation.

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm sorry. But there are still five empty digits……."

It certainly did. Fifth, Eighth, Ninth, and Fourth. All of them were led by current students, not non-commissioned officers.

"They're already on a mission. Because the raiders are most likely headed for the Dead Sea."

The silent commander-in-chief, Bai Tianzhe, opened his mouth. The mere utterance of a word conveyed tremendous power. He was embarrassed, but his whole body trembled to the point of numbness, and a cold sweat ran down his back. To think that his mere presence could create such an overwhelming feeling……. He was indeed the commander-in-chief of the Thirteenth Generation.

"Oh, and by the way, the position of Captain of the Seventh Battalion Okuyukyung is also vacant, has she been assigned a mission as well?"

"No, she's simply tardy."

"Really? That's not like her to be so conscientious."

"Maybe we're dealing with an intruder."

"Ah, that could be it, Chief Yu."

"Wrong again!!!

A stunned placeJade screamed inside.

"It's not General Yu, it's General Bai. Your memory is as good as ever, Unnamed Captain."

"Oh, yeah, that's right, I'm sorry. I'm having a hard time remembering……. Shall we just take a break?"

He seemed to want to be kicked out of the meeting.

"No, just sit down. I'm sure you'll forget what you heard anyway, but you should listen."

The sound of snickering could be heard here and there. Zhang Ziyi looked around angrily, but was met with only contemptuous glances. He was furious, furious, furious, but he could only blame himself for being so weak. His captain was simply smirking, seemingly unperturbed by the obvious sneer. That made his stomach twist again. It wasn't something that happened every day, but it was still something he couldn't get used to. It wasn't unreasonable to list "extreme patience" as one of the qualities of a 6th Battalion commander.


At that moment, the commander-in-chief struck the floor with his lightly held sword. Despite the lightness of the blow, a tremendous sound wave filled the room. Some of the less studious troop leaders had to hold their eardrums and bow their heads in pain, but the captains remained impassive.

"I think it's a little quieter now."

After a quick glance around, the rector called the meeting to order.

"Okay, now that we have everyone here, let's start the meeting."

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