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Book 25 Chapter 12

Scuffle at the front door

-Tightening heart


But she didn't stop there.

"I said stop!"

Still, she didn't stop. Finally, the gate exploded.

"Hey, listen to me!"

She stopped in her tracks, and then looked annoyed.

"I'm busy, why?"

"Show me your pass."

"I don't have one?"

"What, you can't get in without a pass?"

The troupe members, Jang Hong, and Hyorong all had passes issued by the Temple of Heaven. But Bi Ryuyeon didn't have a pass. Sure, he had one from Yan Bi. But it wasn't in his name, and it belonged to a woman. She didn't want to be seen in such a crowded place. There was a risk of being recognized.

It would have been easier if it had been Yeonbi. I might have gotten away with it, but I didn't want to now. I didn't want to. I wanted to visit Yerin as she was, not as she was.

"Standing in my way?

First, let me commend him for his outrageous recklessness. But he'd better be prepared to pay a price for it, which he couldn't afford right now. He didn't have time to sit around smiling and wringing his hands.

If they stood in his way, the main entrance to the palace would be split in two today. Already, Bi Ryuyeon was ready to rampage.

I even went up to my master. There was no more fear, no more hesitation. There could be no more daring. Anything I do now will be less reckless……. Then it is good. Whoever stood in his way today would be the furthest thing from safe. So it was decided.

"I can't get in?"

Bi Ryuyeon's flesh erupted without reservation. He had never seen her like this before. It seemed like she could do anything at this point. It was dangerous.

"We have to stop this somehow!

Hyo-ryong hastily stepped in front of Bi Ryuyeon, who was about to explode, and showed her the pass he'd gotten when he came to the temple as an envoy.

"Please let him in. He's a coworker who was supposed to come with me. He's only here now because he's a little sick."

"You were sick? That can't be a reason!"

The gatekeeper called out. He was a thief in his mid-forties, and from the unusual prayer he wafted, it was clear that he was in charge of the gate's defense.

"Great, I don't have time to ask for permission, either, so let's get this over with."

Bi Ryuyeon took another step forward. He meant it, he was really going to do something now, and he wasn't going to hesitate to do it. It didn't matter to him what kind of ripples it would cause between the White and Black Islands. It was too late to think about that after he got Na Yerin back.

"Come on, Ryuyeon. Calm down, calm down. Don't do that."

Jang Hong desperately tried to restrain Bi Ryuyeon's rampage. He couldn't let her explode here. His appearance right now was unrecognizable from the cold and fiercely rational Bi Ryuyeon.

"I can vouch for his identity, please let him in."

Hyo-ryong persuaded him with good words.

"Who the hell are you to vouch for my identity? No way! Get lost!"

The gatekeeper was adamant.

"You. hit.me.with.it!"

Blue blood splashed on Hyo-ryong's temples. He hated being ignored by others the most.

"Can't you see I'm trying to be nice! Shut up and let me in!"

Hyolong let out a loud roar. The walls and gates of the city rattled with the force of his blows.

"Hey, Long Yong, calm down, calm down! I can't have you going on a rampage. It'll become a diplomatic issue!"

Jang Hong cut him off as he screamed and drew his twin swords to start a rampage. If it weren't for Jang Hong's split-second judgment, the gates would have already been covered in blood.

"Ryuyeon, you should think of something more peaceful."

"I like this one better because it's simple and fast, and I don't need to stop you if you're leading the way."

"Ryuyeon, please!"

Jang Hong shouted as he carried Hyorong from behind, who was charging like a wild horse. With his hands and feet tied, there was no way to stop him if he got into trouble. I had to stop him somehow, so I added another word.

"I'm already here, and this is just going to take more time. That's just irrational."

"So what you're saying is that it's much quicker to settle things peacefully, right?"

A look of relief appeared on Jang Hong's face.

"That's exactly what I'm saying. It looks like we're going backwards, but it's the fastest way."

"Okay, if you're going to put it that way, let's just do it. If we're going to settle this peacefully, we're going to have to start talking, which is annoying."

"Cancer, yes. It all starts with a conversation. There's no such thing as a bad person in the world if you just talk to them and get to know them."

"You don't really believe that, do you?"

"Let's just say I believe it."

Ryu-yeon Bi stepped forward and asked.

"What's your, nickname, and, first name?"

"Oh, I see you're going to try a blanket statement first.

But for some reason, the tone was very bland.

"Even the bones are a treat."

"Ah, I've heard of you. Nice to meet you."

Of course, I had never heard of her. I thought to myself, "What's the point of knowing such a nasty girl? But this is the world of adults, where we hide our true feelings, smile on the outside, and say what we mean.

"Yeah, you're doing great. The adult world is a corpse without the formalities, and you're about to become one.

Watching Bi Ryuyeon talk to Jang Hong, I felt satisfied. Her eyes were calm, as if she was watching her child grow from a child to an adult.

"I'm not happy at all."

"That's not important, let's move on."

"So what's the point?"

"Mister, don't you know who I am?"

When Bi Ryuyeon looked at him, as if to not know him was to be extremely ignorant, Zhan Xaldo was very embarrassed.

"That, well, who, who?"

"My name is Ryu-yeon Bi. Don't you know that?"

"Well, I'm not sure about that?"

When Bi Ryuyeon gave him a look that made him feel really bad, Zhang Gok felt unnecessarily guilty for doing nothing.

"Don't you remember, this is the same Bi Ryuyeon who won the last volcano competition with honor and dignity?"

"Ah, the Bi Ryuyeon!"

Apparently, he'd heard the name before.

"Okay, now that I remember, can we go in?"

After flashing a wry smile, Bi Ryuyeon took a step forward without hesitation.

"Wait! Stop!"


"I know you're the winner of the last Bicentennial Volcano Competition, but that doesn't mean you get to go up there, there are no rules, so don't try to sneak in."

Bi Ryuyeon muttered to herself, "Chew.

"Doesn't matter?"

"It doesn't matter."

"So you're not going to let me in?"

"Of course."

Then Bi Ryuyeon looked back at Jang Hong and said.

"Did you hear that?"

"I hear you."

"That's a conversation breakdown, isn't it?"

"Well, I see."

"I was polite enough to say that, in a nice way."

Jang Hong suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"What is he going to do?

Not being able to read behavior was his biggest fear.

"So let's move on to the next negotiation, shall we?"

Bi Ryuyeon smiled and held her hand out in front of her.

"Just out of curiosity, can you let me in now?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked for confirmation.

"How many times do I have to tell you before you understand? Go back."

Zansaldo Zangok said, frowning.

"What if you really need to go in?"

"Absolutely not. We can't let people into the tower who don't have a permit or a pass."

"You don't understand, I'm telling you I'm going in at all costs, and I'll tell you this, no matter what happens, I'm not turning around, so just open the door, because there's someone waiting for me in there."

"Not possible."

The repeated rejections didn't make her angry.

"Can't you see the people behind me? There's a dozen of them, and they're all getting really annoyed because they can't get in, and if I let them out, they're going to get really rough, and we're going to have a problem with each other, aren't we?"

"You'll never get past the gates of the Great Hall with threats like that."

"Oh, really, then let's not waste any more time with each other."

Bi Ryuyeon said in a dejected tone. Jang Hong and Hyorong were very suspicious of the way he seemed to be meekly withdrawing.

"Do you have the heart to go back?"

Bi Ryuyeon raised her right hand with an expressionless face.

"That's all the nice things I can say."

Then Zansaldo Zangok and one of the gatekeepers laughed at him. They were no mere perimeter guards, but masters of their own right. Beyond that gate were the garrison sent to guard the main gate.

"You mean you're going to use force?"

"No, I'm going to use magic instead of force."


Bi Ryuyeon raised her right hand as if she were holding an invisible fruit.

"Now, do you see this?"


"What do you mean you see?"

Zansaldo Zhanggok asked.

"Uh, don't you see 'this' carefully resting on my hand?"

"I can't see it. Isn't that crazy, what's in there?"

"Your 'heart'!"

Bi Ryuyeon said with a cold smile.

"You're crazy, go away!"

"You don't believe me."

"What do you expect me to believe when all I see is empty hands?"

Her hands were slightly clenched, but nothing was resting on her palms.

"Really, then let's give it a try?"

Zhang Qiu replied bluntly.

"Try it or don't."

"Really? No thanks."

Bi Ryuyeon's upraised hand slowly faded away.



Suddenly, Zhang Gokuo and the other Hohua grabbed his throat with both hands and twisted him around. He gasped for air, his mouth flopping open like a goldfish thrown out of water. But breathing didn't get any easier. As their breathing became harder and harder to come by, their complexions turned pale. Their pale eyes stare at Bi Ryuyeon's clenched hands with fear in their eyes.

"Hey, how the hell did this……."

Jang Hong and Hyorong hesitated, unsure of how to react to this sudden turn of events. They could only alternately stare at the agonizing faces of their masters and Bi Ryuyeon's slowly tightening hand.

On the other hand, Bi Ryuyeon's eyes were impassive as she watched.

"Can you believe it now, that it's your heart that's in these hands?"

Bi Ryuyeon slowly loosened her grip.


The two Ho's coughed out their breath in unison.

"Now, let me ask you again, are you going to open the door for me?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked politely again.

"No! I cannot let you pass this way, even if I die. Do you think you'll get away with this?"

"Of course we're going to be okay, and I don't think our okay is any of your business. For one thing, I don't have time, and I'm running out of patience, so……."

"Now, wait, what are you doing?"

The two horsemen exclaimed in disbelief.


"That, that, that! Yes, your hand."

Before she knew it, she was tossing the invisible heart up and down like a ball, consciously or unconsciously.

The two masters could not take their eyes off the unseen movement of their hearts, doubts weighing heavily on their minds. Seeing them so stupid and restless, Bi Ryuyeon smiled a smile of conversion.

"Why don't we give it a shot this time?"

Bi Ryuyeon snickered, a cruel smile on her face as she snapped her fingers.

"Well, don't do that!"

The two masters, whose hearts jumped at the words, exclaimed in shock. Their heart rates doubled in an instant. Seeing their reactions, Bi Ryuyeon smiled in conviction and said, "I'm sorry.

"Now that's believable, right?"

It must be a trick. I rationalized and replayed it in my mind, but at the bottom of my heart, I still felt a stirring of anxiety.

"We lost. Go in."

Finally, the two men said through gritted teeth. As the ones in charge of guarding the gate, their pride was already in tatters. The hateful glances were understandable, and Bi Ryuyeon's sensibilities were not so tender as to feel sorry for herself in the face of them.

"But remember this: it will be easy to get in, but hard to get out."

The grinding sound could be heard clearly by the cast members standing behind me. A few of them stole a glance out of the corner of their eyes, as if they could recognize the feeling. For some reason, it didn't look like anyone else.

"We'll worry about that when it comes up."

As he said that, he suddenly threw his right hand up in the air.

"Mu, what are you doing!"

Bi Ryuyeon smiled wickedly. It was a smile that could have been called a devil's smile. She slammed her other hand against the hand that had caught the transparent heart she'd thrown up. Then she shouted.


The air crackled with the sound of a heart bursting at once.

As soon as the thunderous sound erupted, the two frightened men were instantly stunned. Froth rose from the corners of their mouths.


Ignoring the stunned pair, Bi Ryuyeon moved toward the door.

"How did you do that?"

Jang Hong, who came up beside him, asked.

"A simple trick, but what's the fun in telling you?"

"But teach me something, I'm curious."

"A trick that's been seen through isn't really a trick, it's just a trick, and it's inconvenient to use again later."

"Are you going to use that again?"

"Just pretend I touched your heart with an invisible hand."

"That doesn't mean it really happened."

"Anything beyond that is a trade secret. It's called Moonfa Vision."

"Does your sect teach such tricks?"

"Trick, offend the listener. Call it an application."

The secret was in the thunderbolts. He used the invisible spirit to strangle them in secret.

The prior psychological manipulation had directed his attention to his heart, so he thought he was being choked, even though his throat was tightening and he was choking. His judgment was compromised by the mild suggestion.

That's why he seemed to have such an amazing ability. It was as if he had a real heart in the palm of his hand.

"It's going to be noisy from here on out."

Jang Hong shuddered at the foreboding of the storm. Somehow, things were getting bigger and bigger. He couldn't fix it at this point, but he couldn't rely on Bi Ryuyeon to fix it either. Right now, his mind was so full of thoughts of Na Yerin that he couldn't think of anything else.

Without the slightest hesitation, Bi Ryuyeon kicked the door open and flung it wide, then turned around and asked.

"Okay, who wants to go back?"

This is probably your last chance. If this line is crossed, there will be no turning back. This was Bi Ryuyeon's last option for her friends.

"I've come this far, so what can I do, I'm stuck with you."

Jang Hong shrugged and said.

"Karma, karma. I want to know what I did in my past life to deserve this."

Hyo-Ryong sighed and said.

The main crew's reaction was a little different: they leaned over and whispered in low voices.

"Are you going back?"

"Can we go?"

"I said you can go."

"Do you believe your big brother?"

"Um… I don't believe it."

"Probably, won't it kill you?"

"I'm sure retribution awaits."

"Because he's a big brother."

"Yeah, because he's a big brother."

"I can't. We're in this together."

"Let's make it visible, and maybe that will make things easier in the future."

"Sounds good. Now, who's out?"


Despite the grumbling, no one walked away.

She smiled and jerked her head forward again.

"It's not retribution for a bad friend."

When he came out, those who hung out with him had nothing to say.

"Now, let's get fancy, friends."

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