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Book 24 Chapter 24


A roundtable discussion with Ryu-yeon Bi and her crew

Jang Hong: (looking at a man with his back to the setting sun) Yes, that's him!

Vocabulary: Do you know this person?

Jang Hong: Aldamada! That nine-foot-tall hulk of a man, his brick-like muscles so thoroughly trained, and the stitched scars that cut diagonally across his face! And the subtly different skin color bordering the scars, and the white hair mixed in with the black!

Mo Yonghui: That certainly sounds like a great fighter.

Jang Hong: A fighter? No, he's a doctor.

Mo Yonghui: Are you a doctor? Is that your size? You look like you're about to scream, "You're already dead!"?

Jang Hong: That's what I often hear. Some of my friends think I have seven scars on my chest, but I don't.

Mo Yonghui: Oh, so you shouldn't judge people by their appearance.

Jang Hong: No, actually, he often says that. He says a lot more than "You're alive!" He's a terrifying friend. I don't want to turn him into an enemy, because his hobby is to cut people's stomachs open.

Biography:……. What the heck is it?

Jang Hong: This man is the captain of the Thirteenth Priestly Battalion, and is known as the Bulldog of the Saintly Office.

Mo Yonghui: That's an unusual name, so why are you here?

Jang Hong: Hmm, I don't know, it's because of Mr. M?

Mobi:Did you say you were sick?

Jang Hong: Well, why didn't they call him? I didn't hear any moaning.

Mo Yonghui:Hmm, but do you think he's going to be okay?

Jang Hong: That's his luck. It has nothing to do with me. But if I were you, I would never go to him.

Yonghui Mo: That's what I'm thinking, too.


Writer M: (startled while writing) Whoa, who are you?

Bulakgukchuk: (exhales a deep breath through his mouth) Whoa, whoa, whoa, the senator!

Writer M: You're not… a robber?

Bullock: No! Where did I say I'm a robber?

Writer M: Perfect.

Bulldog: Why isn't the patient lying down?

Writer M: Of course I have to meet the deadline……. But what are you doing here?

Bulldog: Don't you know? I'm a doctor! I go wherever my patients are! Now, tell me! What ails you? I'll cure you of anything! Whoa!

Writer M: No, why are you exhaling with your mouth open like that?

Bulldog: It's a habit. Don't bother, tell me what hurts more than that, and I'll make you one if you don't have one.

Writer M: Oh, no. I don't have a business traveler coming in, I just had a cold, and then I thought it was going to go away, and then I had a rhinitis, and then I thought it was going to go away, and then I had a sore throat, and then I had a sore throat, and then I had a sore throat, and then I had a sore throat, and then I had a sore throat for about three weeks, and then I had conjunctivitis in the middle of it, and then I got rid of the first one, and now I only have conjunctivitis, and my left eye is a little red because it's a little bloodshot, but it's nothing.

Bulldog: Chit, is that all there is?

Writer M: You know… you just sounded disappointed, didn't you?

Unbreakable: It's just an illusion. I can't do that! I'll have to look you in the eye. You are indeed a sight for sore eyes.

Writer M: Blood, blood!

Bulldog: (raises one trained finger) Whoa, whoa, whoa, there you go, one poke at the 'gong' and you're done. You'll be comfortable in no time.

Writer M: Well, I don't think that's necessary, because I'm fine, and I'm taking precautions.

Bulakchuk: (radiating speculation all over his body) Shut up, you're going to be treated, and you're going to pay for it!

Writer M: Hey, you're not qualified to be a doctor if you say lines like that.

Bulldog: Foolish, this unlicensed body needs no such qualifications. All this body needs is skill and trained muscles.

Writer M: Well, that's just plain stupid!

Bulakguchuk: (shrugs) People call this body the Legendary Yamae. For the record, I'm unlicensed, which makes me even more expensive.

Writer M: You can't be serious! (Writer M turns and runs away)


Bulldog: Stop! I haven't even paid my bills yet! I'm unlicensed and my bills are high!

Writer M: (from a distance) I'm not bragging∼.



Writer M: Well, you're not following me this far. I was very worried about what would happen if I followed you, but fortunately I was able to escape unharmed. I think health is definitely something that's important, and it's an integral part of happiness, and I'm going to take better care of it next time so that I can get to you a little bit faster, and I think I'll be able to get to you in February, if not with this book, then with another book.

Bulletproof: I finally found it. No use trying to escape my care! You're already in my care!

Author M: Huh! Everyone, I'll see you in the next book! Shhhhhhhhhhhhh!

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discord ko-fi