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Book 24 Chapter 12

Problems to solve, knots to tie


"My role ends here, it's Lean's turn."

Na Yerin glanced at the Yeonbi and nodded.

"Thanks, Yeonbi."

"You're welcome."

Na Yerin rose to her feet. She hadn't neglected her training for this moment. She still believed that the woman called the Spirit was a solitary spirit. With each passing day, she grew more convinced, not less. If the Dingo Lion needed help, she was always ready to lend a hand, and if that meant defeating the Dingo Spirit, she was ready to do so. Suddenly, she remembered her conversation with her master, Sword Hu.

"If you lack strength when strength is needed, you will miss the opportunity to help. So train yourself rigorously, so that when the time comes, you will be useful. If you don't prepare now, all you'll have when you get there will be regret. Do you understand, Rin?"

"Yes, Master. I will keep that in mind."

How true were you to your word? Had she practiced what she professed to know? Na Yerin thought for a moment. She was confident that she had done enough to try. Now she just hoped her powers weren't insufficient to help.

"Are you willing to point a knife at that person to help them, are you willing to take them down, and if you're not, give up, because you're never going to win without that."

"I'm up for it."

I swore to myself when I answered the Yeonbi question that way. I swore to myself that I would return the Dokgo Decree to its original form, no matter what.

I didn't even have to ask when that moment was, because it was right now.

"Are you ready?"

The last question Yeonbi asked was a checkup of sorts. To see what state of mind I was in. If she still hadn't made up her mind, he would stop her at all costs. Even if it meant taking the blame. Luckily, however, he didn't have to.

"Yes, I'm ready, Yeonbi. I've actually been waiting for this moment."

Without missing a beat, Na Yerin replied, rising to her feet and stepping gracefully into the arena.

Now she was a beautiful sword, already sharpened.

"We've met again."

Na Yerin was the first to speak up.

"Persistent, you too."

The spirit said, looking very fed up.

"I wish I could say I hear that a lot, but this is actually the first time I've ever heard it. You've always criticized me for being too attached, for wanting nothing."

Na Yerin said, smiling slightly.

"I don't know who it is, and of course it's not me, but you're right, if you don't want something, you don't bother trying to get it, and people like that don't get ahead!"

Then a look of delight came over Na Yerin's face.

"That's exactly what the Dingo lion said. You're a big sister after all."

That fact had already settled into Na Yerin's mind with unshakable conviction.

"I've told you many times, it's not me, you've got the wrong person! I've never met a single person who's single."

Na Yerin nodded in understanding. To her, the question didn't matter.

"Of course we've never met, because you're a single person."

"You're still pushing it, I'm sure it's a parallel."

"I agree, I don't think we can talk about this anymore. Unfortunately, I didn't think it would be easy. I guess I'll have to pay the price to get the person I care about back."

"So what are you going to do?"

"I have no choice but to restore what I've lost, even if it's by force. If you don't remember, I'll have to remind you, sister."

"With what?"


Instead of answering, Na Yerin drew her sword, which emitted a cold chill, and that was answer enough.

This wasn't her usual proactive attitude. She had already made up her mind, and it didn't matter what means she chose.

"That's interesting."

Unwilling to lose, the spirit drew his sword.

"If your sword can bring me down, I will think twice about your words."

It was a confident demeanor. Na Yerin nodded, her eyes serious.

"I'll keep that in mind, and don't forget this time, please!"

"You're always so suspicious of my memory. Don't worry, I'm sure I remember, but I don't need to remember."

"Why is that?"

Na Yerin asked.

"Because you can never beat me."

"That's what I'm going to say, and I'm going to give it back to you, sister."

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discord ko-fi