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Book 24 Chapter 10

Door, over

-Yeonbi, encounter

Yun Fei was currently walking down a stone pathway. The final match would begin in a few minutes, and only the winner would earn the right to fight the Bloodstain. A stroll was out of place before such an important match. His destination was the waiting room, where his opponent would be waiting for him a short time later. I had a message to deliver.

"I can't see my sister right now, so I need Yeonbi to deliver my message for me."

"You've made up your mind, haven't you, Rin?"


I wouldn't have made this move if it weren't for her. Of course, she didn't think talking would solve the situation. As far as she was concerned, the spirit hadn't shown its true colors yet. Watching him fight beside her was enough to tell. The two handmaidens who assisted her also had skills unbecoming of their status as handmaidens, as they had defeated all of their opponents. However, the swordsmanship displayed so far was new to both Yunbi and Na Yerin, who watched carefully to see if the spirit's swordsmanship would have any of the qualities of the sword angle, but they were in vain. The moment of truth had arrived.

Na Yerin was the only one who could handle this match. There was no place for Yanbi to play here, and that was too bad.

Yunbi walked, out of habit, with a stiffened body. The door to the waiting room was firmly closed, as if rejecting a visitor. Of course, Yunbi ignored it and walked forward. As she raised her hand to knock on the door, she heard someone talking on the other side of the closed door.

"Male voice?

Yun Fei stopped his hand from knocking on the door and went completely still, unable to feel his breathing. The three of them were all women. Moreover, the Dreaming Twin Brother who followed like a shadow beside the spirit wasn't even a cross-dresser like Yun Missouzer. So?

"Who is it?

Yeonbi maximized his hearing. A layer of wooden doors couldn't protect his ears.

'seven sevens…… must…… secret…….'

I couldn't figure out the other one because I didn't know the context. But I could definitely understand the last words.

"And I'll say one last thing."

No mistake, it was a man's voice, a young man's voice.

"Who is it?

It was a voice I'd heard before. It was very familiar. But I couldn't quite place it.

"Wait for one."

This time it was the voice of a spirit. The two handmaidens remained silent, though they could sense the stirrings.

"I've been hearing some strange stories lately, and I'm sure the young lady telling them is named Na Yerin?"

At the mention of Na Yerin's name, Yeonbi's ears perked up even more.


The spirit was silent. It waited for a word. Again the man asked.


The angry spirit replied.

"I will not be intimidated. You are my master. My loyalty is unwavering."

"You can't do it, even if you're agitated, because the human mind is infinitely weak."

He sighed low, and the spirit's restlessness carried over to the other side of the door.

"My heart is strong, and I will not be swayed by words like that."

"Can I trust you, spirit?"


I could hear the spirit's voice answering firmly.

"Then I, as your master, command you."

"Yes, your servant spirit awaits your command."

He could hear the spirit's protests. He was silent for a moment, then spoke in a voice that left no room for compromise.

"Kill Na Yerin!"

Yeonbi's body is stiff.

"How dare you!

A great anger boiled silently in the depths of his heart. He could dismiss with a snort the idiots who were talking down to him about his life and death, and he could give them the benefit of the doubt and let them get away with it, because he didn't want to waste his anger on them. But he couldn't allow himself to feel that way about Na Yerin.

"Anyone who tries to hurt Yerin will never be forgiven. Even if it's a god, a Buddha, or a demon.

It was a resolve like an oath. The thought of breaking this flimsy door in half and storming in right now rose up like a cloud, but he suppressed it. If he did so now, he would be sure to mess up Ye Lin's battle with the spirits.

"You mean kill?"

The spirits seemed unimpressed.

"Obstruction. She sleeps in our way. You must kill her. You may not kill the others, but you must kill Bing Bai Feng. Can you do it?"


The spirit was torn, unable to answer easily. After a long silence, the mysterious man spoke again.

"If you can't, I won't force you to."

The man seemed to turn around. I could tell by the sound.

'It's not coercion. That's coercion everywhere, you bastard!

You don't have to say "blackmail" to be blackmailed. Covert psychological pressure is a great form of blackmail, and in some cases it's even worse. The guy inside was a real asshole. Yunbi concluded that she would never like him.

"What shall we do?"

This question was the final nail in the coffin. It was the nail in the coffin of the threat. Now there was only one answer the spirit could give.

"I will ……!"

The spirit replied with determination.


The man replied.

"I will kill ……, Na Yerin."

That was the end of the conversation.

"Hehe…… Now, what do we do?

It was a moment of indecision. I was even more tempted to add another half to the door, making it four sides. But again, I persevered, counted to seven, and barely managed to contain my anger. It wasn't time to intervene yet. Na Yerin still had to tie her own knots. It was just a pitiful realization that all he could do was watch.

Then I felt the first signs of movement on the other side of the door, and it was about to open.

"To duck or not to duck?

I was briefly conflicted about Yeonbi, but it didn't last long; I was just trying to be polite because I'd probably beat him up if I saw him face to face.

"Okay, let's get acquainted.

I'd have to wait and see what kind of a ten-year old he was, so I could settle the light later, but it wouldn't be long before I had to. Yunbi desperately suppressed her rationality from being paralyzed again.


The door to the waiting room swung open with an unpleasant grating sound. A man stood there, escorted by a burly man half a pace away.

He was a "secret name.


The deafening sound of rusted hinges rubbing together echoed through the passageway, and the two men who emerged from it stiffened at the sight of the woman in black standing imposingly in the doorway, arms crossed.

"I didn't notice anything at all?

That's what their simultaneous glances said.


Eun Myung hid her expression and glanced at the black-robed man standing behind her, a massive weapon wrapped in a cloth on his back. His face was contemplative now, like a man who had done something terribly wrong, for it was up to him to be on guard when his master spoke of important and confidential matters.

"You don't have to stare at him like he's going to eat you, it's not that he's incompetent, it's just that I'm too competent."

Yeonbi smiled. But it was a stiff laugh that didn't seem to contain any sincerity.

"You have no manners, eavesdropping on other people's conversations."

The silent Eunmyeong spoke up.

"Well, I was just standing outside, how do you know if I heard it or not, did you see it?"

"Humans have the ability to make inferences based on what's going on around them without having to see it."

"What's with the reasoning skills, they must be delusional."

Yeonbi replied with a smirk.

"Who are you?"

It was a very calm tone. It took a lot of self-control not to show outward signs of panic. Yunbi decided that this man was no mere shiverer.

"You're not asking because you don't know, because you're not an idiot."

I asked about Yeonbi with a sarcastic tone.

"How dare you!"

He was about to step forward when his master raised an arm, and he became as docile as a lamb again. To command such a ferocious beast with a wave of his hand, Yan Yu was momentarily dumbfounded at the level of discipline and immediate obedience.

"That's just a shiver."

Yeonbi muttered.

"What did you just say?"

"Don't bother, it's not a big deal, you really don't know any better than that, do you?"

After a moment's thought, Eunmyeong replied.

"Well…… of course not. But I can't tell if you're the one I'm guessing or not unless you tell me, can you?"

The Yeonbi smirked and replied

"Then you're better than me, because I don't even have a clue who you are."

"We're new, so of course."

In a calm tone, Eunmyeong replied.

"First time? Is it really the first time?"

Yeonbi asked, shaking his head.

"Sure. Why, is that weird?"

"I'm sure we've met somewhere before."

"If you're flirting now, just give up because you're busy."

Without changing her expression, Eunmyeong said. At those words, Yan Bi smirked once more.

"That's not a funny joke."

"I hear that a lot."

In a blunt voice, Eunmyeong replied.

"So what was going on in there?"

"I had nothing to do."

"You're not just bad at telling jokes, you're bad at lying."

"Even if I did, I'm not obligated to tell you."

That's right," he said, acknowledging the Yeonbi.

"If so, will you tell me who it is when I ask?"

Yeonbi asked with a sharp gaze.

"Of course I'm innocent. I have no name to hide from anyone."

"Ho-ho? No sins committed? That's a very interesting statement, indeed."

Seeing what was so funny, Yeonbi laughed, even clapping her hands. But even after seeing that, she still couldn't find any emotion in Eunmyeong's expression.

"I'm Yunbi from the Academy of Heavenly Martial Arts, and I'm the one who has the misfortune of fighting the guy behind that door in the finals."

"I am Eunmyeong, the Third Captain of the Four Thousand and Thirteenth."

At that, Yunbi rolled her eyes.

'Is it correct to say that it's an honor to meet one of the leaders of the rumor mill at this moment in time?'

"You don't have to say that."

"That's great, because I'm holding back the swearing that's going to come out otherwise, and I'm kind of shy, so I always have to start swearing to say something like that, so that's great, that's great."

The Yeonbi laughed, and Eunmyeong laughed. But the air was tense, like a tautly drawn bow.

"I've heard that the King of Beihai, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, is the Third Great Captain Eunmyeong."

Hado was the Four Heavenly Kings, so I did some research. In a meritocracy where the majority of leadership positions were held by samurai, the fact that he was still a student meant that he was capable.

"I am honored that you know all the names of these fine men."

Eunmyeong greeted him in a condescending tone.

"I guess you're still a little bit normal, huh? I thought all humans called the Four Heavenly Kings were perverts and lunatics?"

"You mean the King of the East Sea? I've heard of him, and he's a bit odd, I'll admit, but in person, he's definitely one of a kind. There are many strong and powerful women in the Temple of Heaven, but I've never met anyone like you."

"You're welcome, but I have one question."

"Ask me anything."

Eunmyeong said with a good-natured smile.

"Aren't we spheres too?"

Yeonbi, he asked, not bothering to wipe the smirk off his face.

"……Like I said, we're new to this."

I took my foot off the gas. But the Yeonbi didn't budge. It didn't hurt to push it a little further.

"Let's just say yes, and by the way, if you ever want to shut me up, feel free to come by, you're welcome."

Gold flickered in Yeonbi's amber eyes, and the smile on his face deepened.

"Is that a temptation now?"

Eunmyeong fought back. But the opponent was bad.

"It's up to you to interpret."

Yunbi said, the smile still on her face.

"Well, you do seem to have some unusual tastes in women, for example, one-eyed beauties, or do you like to steal one eye from a normally two-eyed beauty?"

Hmph, Eunmyeong's first violent reaction, but it was by no means an outward reaction, and she could definitely feel the fuel, the fiery life that swirled within her for a moment.

But it wasn't the kind of Yeonbi that would make your opponent scream, "Ouch, hot!" just because you're breathing down their neck.

"If you want, we can settle this right here."

Responding to taunts with taunts actually suited Yeonbi's aptitude.

"You'd better not get too cocky, because from the looks of it, you're not even in that good of shape."


The Yeonbi grumbled inwardly. A cold sweat broke out on his forehead from pushing himself too hard. Under normal circumstances, this shouldn't have happened. This is what happens when you're out of shape. I shuddered at the thought that this was all because of my damn master.

Then, with a bang, the door opened.

"What's all the fuss about in someone else's waiting room?"

It was the spirit that opened the door. She glared fiercely at Yunbi with her exposed right eye. She seemed to be saying, "How dare you mess with your master?

"Wasn't it me who had to go to the bathroom, and I wouldn't have had to go to the bathroom with him?"

"That's what I was going to do, I just got distracted along the way."

"In that case, could you please finish your business and disappear, I don't want to distract you before your next fight, or are you here to intentionally distract me because you're not sure you can win?"

"Of course not, I definitely have some business to attend to, don't worry, I'll be back."

"What for?"

Yeonbi said with a nod.

"She said, 'I'll make sure you get it back, sister!"

Yeonbi and spirit gazes tangled in the air.

"Whose word is it?"

The spirit asked even though she knew. He knew she knew, but he told her the Yeonbi.

"Someone you might kill."

The words were filled with power, instantly freezing the spirit's body. Yan Bi looked again at Eunmyeong and his escort, who was sending out a signal for extension. He was shouting so loudly that he would tear that insolent bitch to pieces at any moment if he was given the command.

"Let me tell you this."

"Do it."

Eunmyeong replied in a calm tone.

"You're never going to get what you want, ever."

Eun-myung shook her head.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't know?"

"I don't know."

Eun-myung didn't let up until the end. Without taking her gaze off his eyes, Yeonbi said as if nailing it.

"You'll find out soon enough, both of us."

Then, as if he'd forgotten, he added one more thing.

"Oh, and be careful at night."

Yin Ming's expression hardened. The Demon Sword Wing was ready to pounce at any moment.

"What do you mean by that, is it a threat against me, Captain Eunmyeong of the Third Battalion?"

He smiled and said that Yeonbi was no big deal.

"No, I don't think so, I just thought I'd draw a map on the quilt."


Then a wicked grin formed on Yunbi's face.

"Why, it's like the old saying, if you like playing with fire, you'll pee in your sleep at night, blah, blah, blah."

He flinched slightly. Yeonbi watched the subtle change.

"You're still talking out of your ass."

Only the Magical Sword Ik, who was standing behind him, glared at him with a fierce glare.

"Excuse me, then."

With those words, Yanbi turned and walked away. His proud back seemed to be shouting at him to stab him if he had the courage. It seemed like the temptation was hard to resist. It was no problem to deal with it here. They didn't have to worry about disposing of the corpses. This was their territory.


His eyes were fierce. It would be dangerous to send you back as you are, Permit. His eagle-like eyes seemed to say so.

"Arthur. Don't you see that defenseless back? If you make the first move, it may be you who dies, and I'm the captain, not the lord."

"Yes, sir!"

Eunmyeong's eyes shone as she watched the back of Yunfei, who had now disappeared into the shadows of the passageway.

"Yeonbi…… is one more name to remember. Who the hell is this guy? He didn't just fall out of the sky, did he?"

But there was nothing to suggest a master, and as far as he could tell, the only one who could have appeared so suddenly was the wretched 'bangs' who had crossed his path on the volcano.

"To keep a close eye on them."


The answer came right away.

"I'm…… and you're the boss?"

In a voice that was almost a whisper, Magical Sword Wing called out a name.

"What is it?"

After many thoughts, Eunmyeong asked in a cold voice.

"That woman……."

He glanced over and saw a very serious face.

"Do you know anything?"

Then the flying sword shook his head and replied.

"That's me…… pretty, with a temper."

That's just my kind of thing, Eunmyeong said, and when she looked into his eyes, there was a hint of flavor in them.


Eun-myung was silent for a while, thinking about her subordinate Bok and her own qualities as a leader.

"You've got bad taste."

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