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Book 22 Chapter 22

A roundtable discussion with Ryu-yeon Bi and her crew

All-new serialization!

Yeonbi and the Smilers' Tea Party

(In a room, four women sitting around a rosewood table, elegantly drinking tea).

Na Yerin: (sipping her tea) It's sad to see an era come to an end.

Yeonbi: But it's inevitable for the dawn of a new era, because the new sun can't rise unless the old sun sets.

Eunseulan: Hmm, but there was a commotion on the other side of the door earlier. What was that noise?

Lee: Yeah, it's really loud.

(out the door)


Jang Hong: Yibao, please let us in. We have a shoot today. Yibao! Yibao!

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

Hyo-ryong: Mr. Zhang, I don't see any reaction.

Jang Hong: Keep tapping. There must be a mistake, it can't be!

Hyo-ryong: Oh, Brother Zhang, there's something stuck here. 男…子…出…入…禁…止! It says "Men are prohibited from entering".

Jang Hong: What! Why, why, why is this corner off-limits to men? This corner has always belonged to us men!

Hyo-Ryong: I… I think…… we're going to be fired from now on?

Jang Hong: You're such a fool!

(back in the room)

Yeonbi: Now, never mind us, let's have some tea. That's like an echo from the ghosts of the past. It's like the last straw.

Eunseulan: But with all the fuss, how could I not care?

Na Yerin: Yes, I can hear the echoes of men's fleeting sense of honor and the lamentations of a decaying vested interest. It's a shame, but it's painful to hear.

Lee: I don't know who you are, but you're really loud. A man's got to have some real taste.

(out the door)

Jang Hong: Where is Bi Ryuyeon at such a critical time?

Hyo-Ryong: I haven't seen you since the end of the last book. I thought you said something about the otherworld, but maybe you flew to the otherworld?

Jang Hong: …… We can't shoot this movie, Hyorong! We'll have to use emergency measures.

Hyorong: Brother Zhang, what kind of emergency plan? Did you even have one in the first place?

Jang Hong: We can start making those now. Come on, Hyorong, let's go.

Hyo-Ryong: No, why would I?

Jang Hong: There's a Qin Shui Sojae in there, too. You should try pleading with her. Maybe she'll open the door for you. Don't you know the story of Prince Hodong and Princess Ninglang? Come on, Hyodong!

Hyo-Ryong:……My name is Hyo-Ryong.

Jang Hong: Let's not sweat the small stuff.

Huilong: Okay, then……. (Bang!) Jin-sun, Jin-sun, are you in there? It's Hyo-ryong, can you open the door for me? (Bang, bang, bang!)


Lee Jin-sul: (anxiously) What should I do? What should I do? Hyo-ryong is calling for me, big sister. He says he'll be here in a minute, can I open it?

Yeonbi: (shakes her head, holding on to her embarrassment) Guys are all like that at first, they'll say "just a minute" or "just a little" or "it's okay" and then they'll end up with "kkkkkk". I know, I know, it's a shallow trick, but if you fall for it, you'll end up with… blackblackblack!

Na Yerin: Here… Yeonbi!! I see, don't cry. (pats Yeonbi)

Silver Lily: (fluttering) ……!

Na Yerin: (looking sternly at Jinxue) Take heart. You have me and the others here.

Lee Jin-sul: Hmph, uh, big sister, I'm sorry, I'll never open the door! Hyo-ryong, I'm sorry, I'll follow you.

(out the door)

'Hyo-ryong: Kahhhh! Okay, Brother Zhang, you've failed! And I… I've given you a huge insult……!'

Jang Hong: Pfft, you can't get frustrated, you'll lose! Oh my God, I didn't know they had such a strong defense!

Hyo-Ryong: What do we do now?

Jang Hong: I can't, I have to call him "he".

Hyo-ryong: (chuckling) Oh, you mean "he"! Yeah, I'm sure he can do it, he's the quasi-lead actor after all.

Jang Hong: Exactly!


Na Yerin: Well, that's unfortunate, because it broke up the quiet tea party.

Yeonbi: (inaudible) If that's what Rin says, I'm going to kick her out of here right now. (Clap!) Guards!

(out the door)

Jang Hong & Hyo-ryong: (squealing…….) No way!


Binary: I can't hear you anymore.

Na Yerin: I see.

Yeonbi: Phew, now I can drink my tea in peace, right?

Eunsulan: (raises her teacup) Yes, that's what I was hoping for.

Mileage: Oh, by the way, Silver Sojae, Hui… No, what happened to that trip to see Mo Yong Confucius?

Eunsulan: Haha, why is it that men don't know how women feel…… Seriously, it's pathetic.

Na Yerin: There was a time when I was terrified that half the world was made up of men.

Yeonbi: Tsk, tsk, men… I think it's time for them to evolve a little bit. They only care about themselves. Most of the time, all they know is to wait for women to take care of them, so they're still thinking too little.

Eunsulan:That's true, he's so pathetic, too. He can't read a woman's mind, but he's so good at cleaning.

Yeonbi: By the way, this is something I was thinking about as well, but Silver Sojae, are you sure you're going to be okay afterwards? To clean up to that standard, you're going to be sweeping and mopping from morning to night, and you're going to have a match for every hair that falls.

Eunsulan: That's what he says…… No, more than that, I think there's a weird premise behind that question. Why are you asking me this question? Is this… a lead-in?!

Yeonbi: you know, the hour hand, don't you, Rin?

Na Yerin: (nodding) You're blushing, Silver Sojae.

Lee: Wow, it's really red!

Eunseulan: (shaking her head) Hmph, I almost fell for it, but I'm not falling for it anymore. I'm exercising my right to remain silent!

Yeonbi: (snaps his fingers, in a small voice) That's a shame! Just a little more and we'd be over the hump…….

Na Yerin: I'm so sorry, the door to my heart that was almost open has been slammed shut again, and I don't think it's going to open again today.

Yeonbi: Oops, should I have been drinking instead of driving?

Na Yerin: My gut feeling is that it's much more likely.

Lee: I'm a good drinker, too! Long live alcohol!

Na Yerin: You've had too much to drink. Does Confucius know of your condition?

Lee Jin-sul: Don't worry, sis, I'll be able to hide it for another 30 years!

Yeonbi: Alas, I'm afraid we'll have to settle for the next best thing. Chit, I could have gotten one of your weaknesses…….

Eunsulan: (chuckles) Yan Sojae, what did you just say?

Yeonbi:What? I didn't say anything? Uh, more than that, don't you think you hear something outside the door again?

Silver Lily: Don't smoke it…… Uh, really.

(out the door)


Idiom: is so-and-so, is me. It's a phrase. I'd like to speak to you. Open the door, please.

Jang Hong & Hyo Ryong: (in small voices) Good job, Joon Joo Yeon!


Eunseulan: (panicked at the unexpected voice) Oh, what can I do? You said the tiger would come if I told him……. He says he has something to tell me, but even if I open the door for a second…….

Yeonbi: (tears suddenly welling up in her large eyes) Yes, Yerin……!! blackblackblack, here comes another foolish woman……!

Na Yerin: Hey, Yeonbi! It's going to be okay, calm down! (in a calm voice) Silver Sojae.

Agave: Lol… but…….

Lee Jin-sul: Hehe, Seolan, I was sick once too, but I got over it in the end. Let's grit our teeth together and make up our minds! Don't give in to temptation.

Eunsulan: (wiping away tears) Okay, I'll wait, I won't betray you. (Turning to the outside) I don't know who you are, but I need you to leave.

(out the door)

Hyo-ryong: Brother Zhang, Jun Zhu-yeon has collapsed! It looks like she's taken a huge mental hit.

Jang Hong: Ugh. I can't believe you have such a thick defense……. You brought your friends with you. Why did you come back? This is our seat…….


Jang Hong & Hyo Ryong & Mo Yonghui: No way!


Mileage: Phew, looks like it's finally done. A clean win would have ended that ugly mess. It's a shame.

Eunsulan: Did I do a good job?

Yanbian: Absolutely. I'm going to have to be very disciplined if I want to keep this tea party going in the next book. But first, let's say hello to our readers and wrap things up. It's our first time, so let's show them we can do better than the boys.

Eunseulan:Of course, but this isn't a change of subject, is it?

Yeonbi: (chuckles) Of course not.

Eunsulan: All right, then. I'll go first. (Suddenly confident) Hello. As I mentioned earlier, from today onwards, our refreshing and light refreshments will take the place of the men's sweaty, alcoholic, and stale roundtable. Although I'm sure some of the men will try to make a comeback in the future, I feel that their chances of rehabilitation are slim. It's already been said from the top. (emphasis added)

Lee Jin-sul: Sis, you're so different from the apologetic you were earlier, with your powerful lines. Seo, no way… It's just image management so far?

Eunsulan: Ohhhhhh. Oh, no, that's a misunderstanding, that's a misunderstanding.

Na Yerin: Qin Shui, I think it's best not to dig too deep. (to Yan Bi) But Silver Sojae, don't you think you've really changed lately?

Yeonbi: (to Lin) That's all because of someone who doesn't care.

Eunsulan: I can hear you!

Yeonbi & Na Yerin: (cringe)

Eunsulan: Okay, why don't you do the closing?

Binary Theory: Yes! Hello, all of you who love and care about Bireo Do. The 22nd volume of the infinite survival competition novel, Bireido, is finally out! Will the Yeonbi survive?! Please look forward to the 23rd volume!


Yeonbi: Am I… Dying? Survival. Survival! No. That can't be! I need to live! I want to live comfortably!

Na Yerin: Yunbi, calm down, it's all over now, it's okay, it's just a mosh pit.

Yeonbi: (breaking out in a cold sweat) Is it true, and why do I get the feeling that this is just the beginning?

Na Yerin: It's just my mood, I guess. (pats Yeonbi)

Mileage:Awww… Readers, please wish me well in volume 23! The main character doesn't die! Never Again!

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