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Book 22 Chapter 18

Reflections on the endless uses of rope

-Triggers Blackjack Dragonzine

"Do you know what this is?"

An enraged Ilgang held up a black rope and shouted.

"It turns out it's just a rope."

Yanbi replied in a sullen tone. His disinterested attitude irritated Ilkang.

"Don't ignore this rope, it's not a normal rope!"

"Unless it's a regular rope?"

"This is a rope called a black dragon's claw."

"Black! Dragon! Sak!"

The Yeonbi exclaimed in disbelief, and it was an exclamation with a lot of emphasis.

"Yes! It's the black dragonhawk!"

Then Yeonbi shrugged and asked.

"But what is it?"

It was a very stern voice. Earlier, I had only feigned surprise.

"You mean you don't know the famous Black Dragon Saw?"

"I don't know, you water-dwellers must harbor an unexplained fascination with dragons, to even put a dragon's name on something as insignificant as a rope."

Then, in an angry voice, Ilkang exclaimed.

"Don't ignore rope! There are so many uses for rope! I know dozens of ways to tie rope in this body alone."

"Dozens of them?"

Suddenly, the Yeonbi looked a little surprised.

"Yeah, dozens of them!"

With a smile on his face, Ilgang replied.

"You seem to like tying people up with rope, do you tie people up?"

"It's organizational 101. You don't understand the subtleties of it, especially kids like you. Once you're tied up, you can't get out, cancer, not ever!"

"Ah, yes, the subtleties."

"Yes! The world of ropes is profound!"

Ilkang's voice was feverish, a little excited, and then Yunbi spoke up in a cold tone.


These cold words pierced through the heart of Ilkang in an instant.

"What, uh… why are you saying I'm a pervert!"

The traumatized Ilgang, who felt like he was about to vomit blood, retorted with a chuckle.

"You just said it yourself."

"My, my when!"

It was an outrageous accusation, even for him. He also possessed a conveniently flexible mindset that allowed him to set aside the question of whether or not he was being unreasonable in assaulting two innocent women.

"I'm sure this guy here heard it, didn't he, Rin?"

Then Na Yerin glanced at Ilgang as if she were looking at a beast or a bug, and nodded.

"I can't believe it!"

"I can't believe it. You have a really bad memory. You just told me a moment ago that you know dozens of ways to tie and tighten rope."

"Well, I did."

"And you said, 'The world of ropes is profound. That someone like me can't even get out of it?"

"Well, that, too."

"I like to tie a girl up with rope in dozens of ways, and if that's not a perversion, I don't know what is."

Then there was a murmur from the Jiangkang hexagrams-they were now reduced to hexagrams.

"I can't believe Daehyung has a hobby like that……."

"I should have known when I was tying and untying ropes at night……."

"I've been sneaking around doing stuff like that……."

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh! Stomp, stomp, stomp!

Hearing this not only from his enemies, but also from his own siblings, he didn't know what to do.

"Oh, no, I'm not fair! I'm… I'm……."

Then Yeonbi shot me a sharp look.

"Shut up, pervert!"

With those words, Ilkang's mind sank to the bottom of the abyss. Fury filled the void.

"Yi yi yi! I can't stand it! I'll get all of you bitches and give you a taste of the rope!"

Was it a case of letting things happen? The previous line confirmed his suspicions of perversion.

"That was it."

"So it's true."

"Large, I believed……."

"I'm in……."

In his brother's mind, Ilkang is now a certified pervert.

"You, too, Juding, shut up!"

Blinded by rage, Ilgang could no longer see. All that burned in his heart was revenge against that strange woman who had played with him.

Branded a pervert at the age of thirty-eight!

It was a lot of life.

"No! I'm not a pervert!"

Ilgang, who felt that he could not continue to be labeled a pervert, protested vigorously. He had dignity for his younger brothers. For the rest of his life, he would not be able to live with himself if he was labeled a pervert.

"A strong negative is a strong positive."

Yeonbi shook his head in disappointment.

"No, it's not! Listen, this black dragon's claw is not your average rope. Pow. I mean, it's made of whale's sinew and finely drawn cordage, twisted together with strong baby cord soaked in arcane solution, and then coated with iron flakes and iron powder. When you get hit with this rope, it's like being hit with a club, pow, pow, pow, tearing your flesh and breaking your bones, pow, pow. The delicate flesh of the young ladies will soon be soaked with blood and tattered, I tell you, puddle puddle puddle!"

Ilgang, who hadn't gotten up yet, gritted his teeth.

"Hmm, low class. I don't think even a child would fall for that kind of provocation. I think you'd be more productive worrying about losing your teeth than that."

Yeonbi said with a slight snort.

"There's no need to be afraid, Rin. It's just psychological pressure for them to be talking about their cavalry before they've even fought."

"I'm not that intimidated, but I was wondering why you were rambling on and on, and I guess that was your intention."

Naeryn, who was naïve about this part of the ruse, nodded with a student's face as if she understood Umpo's momentum.

"Ah, Lindo, you're still a little inexperienced, aren't you, and when you go on and on about how it's made in such an unorthodox way and its powers, it's not just because you're bored out of your mind or because the author is a simple pervert. The human imagination also creates shadows of fear, and those shadows subconsciously constrain our reactions, and that's what they're going for. But who knows if that's just a regular rope painted black?"

"Hmm, I see."

Knowing what she didn't know, Na Yerin seemed to ponder over what she had just learned. Chains that bind the mind like witchcraft……. It was amazing that an imaginary shadow could wield such terrifying power.

"Well, I guess I'm not in a position to speak for anyone else.

She, too, had her own burdens to bear. Her dark past still binds some of her psyche, and she's not entirely free of it either. Perhaps most of us are.

"That's just a simple rope, no matter how well it's made, and the people who use it can't do as well as Lean, even if you put a pair of them together, so let's get this over with and go have some tea."

"That's a great idea, I was just getting a little tired myself."

In a calm voice, Na Yerin replied.

"Ignore me until the end!"

Treating them as if they weren't even there, Yi Gang shouted furiously.

"Activate Blacksaber Dragonjin!"

After failing to subdue the initial steamer, Yi Gang immediately ordered an attack. Black Saks swarmed like bees from all directions, swooping down on the women like venomous snakes.


A moment ago, captivation was an incoherent rallying cry.

"I can't do that."


Yun Fei moved his right hand and the shadow of a black umbrella wrapped around them like a shield. The black curtain, like an upturned giant bowl, was large and solid enough to safely conceal the two newcomers.

"That… that's a bunch of nothingness……."

Ilgang asked, sounding a little stupid.

"That, I don't know……."

It was unlikely that any useful answers would come from my equally flustered siblings.

He said, slinging his black umbrella over his shoulder as he fended off the black dragonflies flying at him from all directions.

"This? It's not a black membrane, it's a… um… should I say a white membrane?"

I'm not trying to hide it, but it really didn't have a name. It doesn't even have a name yet.

"So it wasn't the herbivore you thought it was?"

Na Yerin asked in surprise.

"Applications, applications."

Yeonbi replied with a no-brainer.

"such as……."

It was hard for me to believe that such a change was possible with just one application.

"Self-defense is a must for fragile women living in these harsh times. It's a lightweight trick."

At that, Ilkang's eyes widened like a startled rabbit.


How can you call something like that mere self-defense when it's so skillful? What's more troubling is what he said next.

"Whoa, who says you're fragile!"

Ilgang exclaimed, as if he could not forgive such verbal blasphemy.

"Oh no! You're blind, aren't you, tsk tsk. Do you need to go far to find it, it's right here."

Yun Bi pointed his index finger at himself and smiled broadly. Although the smile was cute, it was abominable in Yi Gang's eyes. Once again, Yi Gang unleashed his Black Dragon Slash at the self-proclaimed fragile woman.

Pot! Pot! Pot!

Na Yerin swung her white glowing sword once more, creating a shield of white light, but it was not as easily defended as she thought. Black Dragonfangs flew at her from all directions, and whatever they were made of, they weren't cut down by Na Yerin's sword energy. In fact, it had even reversed course, embedding the sword in its own body. If caught, even a first-rate adept was doomed. Na Yerin was armed only with this blade, but the other heads of the Black Dragon were still alive and well.

"Yuck! Yuck! Yuck! Yuck!"

A scream erupted from Yunbi's mouth. She struggled against the onslaught of black ropes from all sides. Here and there he swung his black umbrella as a weapon, but even Na Yerin's sharp bokken could not cut the uncut rope.

"Are you okay, Yeonbi?"

Na Yerin exclaimed, her voice filled with concern.

"Oh, not yet, but I don't know how long I can hold out."

Yunbi shouted back in a desperate voice. The higher their screams rose, the more pleased Ilkang became inwardly.

"Just a little more!

If only one sword and one umbrella were blocked, the rest of the black dragon's heads would seize the opportunity and rush to bite her.


Shouting something ambiguous, whether it was a cheer or not, Yeonbi brandished a black umbrella.

"Get away from me! Get away from me!"

But that didn't make him listen.

"Rin, are you still okay? Can you hold on?"

Yeonbi cried out under her breath.

"No, what can I do? I'm at my limit, and while my master's secret weapon is infinitely effective in one-on-one combat, it's not much use in a siege like this, and I'm not used to this kind of unorthodox joint attack."

With no tricks up her sleeve, she was forced to rely on the hilt of her sword and swing blindly, expending a lot of unnecessary stamina. Na Yerin seemed to be getting outnumbered. Yan Bi was also struggling to swing her black umbrella this way and that, barely managing to block the Black Dragon's attacks, but her speed and power were significantly lower than in the beginning.

As he listened to the women's desperate screams, a smile of conviction crossed his lips: their artillery had proven effective in capturing the phoenix. Only a few more steps and the two beauties would be in their arms. At that thought, he couldn't help but smile.

"Hahahahahaha! Your screams are like the chirping of a baby bird! Cry! Cry more! But what can you do, it is your fate. Blame the maiden for being out of sight!"

And now, just as we were about to wrap up, Na Yerin threw a line at Yunbi.

"That's right, Yeonbi."

"Oh, right, now I get it."

Yunbi's cheerful voice had lost all the desperation that had seemed to be in her voice just moments before.

"What… what… what?"

The sword strokes that had seemed so desperate had turned into flicks, and yet the Black Dragon Sack's attack hadn't even touched the two of them. Even their panting breaths had suddenly become very calm.

"What the… is this……."

The change was so sudden that Ilkang couldn't quite grasp the situation. It was like he was dreaming. As Ilkang looked like he was being mesmerized by a fox, Yunbi decided to show him a kindness he had never seen before.

"You still don't get it, do you? This is why bad hair is such a pain in the ass. You should have studied instead of trying to figure out how to tie a girl up. It's not like you're giving it away."

"What… what?! Now……."

But Yeonbi cut him off at the knees.

"Stupid, why did we think you might still be breathing? It's because we had questions, and I'm a bit of a curious person, and I don't feel comfortable when I don't have answers."

"Come on… no way……."

"Yeah, we wanted to know who paid for this, so we purposely pretended to be outnumbered, and it was really hard to look desperate when it wasn't hard at all."

"So… it's all been an act, isn't it?"

Yi Gang spoke up, wondering if it was possible. But even that was too late for Yunbi.

"Now I'm getting a bit of a bad hair day, but hey, if you don't get it after all this, you should probably die."

Sharp words poured out of Yunbi's mouth that made me wonder if she had a knife on her tongue.

"I've heard that the Black Dragon King of Zhangjiang Surochae has a daughter, so this must be the young lady they're talking about."

Na Yerin said, her tone assuring.

"Do you happen to know his name, Rin?"

"No. I don't know, I haven't heard of it."

Na Yerin shook her head. Yunbi shrugged her shoulders.

"Chet, it looks like you were just another 'thing' with no name recognition."

He blurted out with a sour expression. Ilgang was furious.

"Rice, don't disrespect the young lady! Our young lady is so famous that there isn't a single person in Black Island who doesn't know her!"

Ilgang, whose loyalty had just been demonstrated, pumped his fist and shouted. It was truly a tearful loyalty. Yeonbi was right, he thought, slapping his palm with his fist.

"Aha, so you're Kang Soo Chae Jang, hmmm, that's what her name was……."

Satisfied that he had gotten all the information he wanted, Yunbi smiled in satisfaction.

"That clears it up."

Na Yerin chimed in quietly.


Ilkang's face paled as he realized his mistake.

"Tongue… brother……."

"That… if you say that……."

The faces of the younger siblings, who spoke one after another, had turned white. This was supposed to be a private and secretive affair.

"If the lady knew……."

"We're going to die."

They have revealed the identity of the master they were supposed to conceal, and the day that fact reaches the ears of the character assassin Hai Hua, they will no longer breathe on the water, for they will go straight to the rocks and be thrown to the bottom of the Yangtze River.

"Joe… was that an act earlier?"


Yanbi replied with a smirk. The moment Yi Gang thought the charade was over, it was actually still going on. Yan Bi and Na Yerin acted as if they knew all the facts, and Yi Kang subconsciously believed that they had already discovered the existence of Haerhua behind them. With his heart loosened, Yi Gang was a good meal for the martial arts world.

"Such an abomination of smoke……."

They say all women are nine-tailed fire foxes, and they weren't wrong.

"Excuse me, I shouldn't have believed you. Oh, I've been punished for holding back my laughter."

I was blown away by the Yeonbi that I didn't have to smoke anymore.

"So I don't have to pretend to be weak anymore?"

"Of course. That was a great performance, Rin. I almost fell for it myself."

Yeonbi gets a thumbs up. Honestly, he wanted to give her a prize. Na Yerin hung her head shyly. She didn't know if she was enjoying herself.

"This… this is the end of the matter. You don't need to be taken alive, I'll kill you!"

Having been treated like a fool more times today than he had been treated in his entire life, Ilgang's eyes rolled back in his head with rage.

"Well, is that even possible? Rin, I think we should stop playing."

"Okay, then Yeonbi. Why don't you leave this fight to me?"

Yunbi's eyes widened at that. It wasn't often that she heard Lin come out so openly.

"Any particular reason?"

"It just occurred to me that this is a great opportunity that doesn't come around very often."

Na Yerin replied with a serious face.

"What, why is that?"

"I thought it would be a good time to test out my new sword technique on Master."

"That's a great idea, Rin."

Yeonbi was applauded and liked.

"I've got a competition in a couple of weeks, so I should practice while I can."

Upon hearing this studious and sincere answer, Ilgang exclaimed.

"What, what! You think we're some kind of training dummies!"

Then he said in a tone that the Yeonbi was pathetic.

"Oh, my, what a useless thing to write about. You should be honored. I don't think it's anything to complain about. You're so bright, but you don't know how to look at your own subject. Alas, this is why most men live under the delusion that they're great. Tsk tsk. Cowards."

Ilgang turned red in the face and exclaimed.

"Whoa, who's revealing, and who's a coward! What the hell!"

"Tsk, tsk, you're so narrow-minded with your in-house topics, picking on such trivialities."

His tone was full of sneers. Ilkang's complexion, which had been reduced to that of a dwarf, turned red and purple.

"But since you asked, I'll answer: you don't have the courage to face reality, to face even yourself, and that's what cowardice is, right? Don't you think?"

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"

I shouted at the top of my lungs. I didn't want to hear any more of those words that dug into my heart. I would have paid any price to stop those words.

"Great, you say I don't have a topic, so let's see how great yours is, kids!"

"Yes, large!"

His brothers answered in unison.

"Unleash Blackjawed Dragonstrike!"

Blackfang Stygian!

It was the final attack of the Black Sword Technique, a technique that was meant to annihilate an opponent, not capture them. As the tide of battle shifted in response to Ilkang's chanting, the flesh that shot at both Yanbi and Na Yerin grew stronger, but even so, Yanbi laughed.

"What kind of shoes are these when there are only six of them."

Yeonbi pointed out with a smirk.

"You're the one who shouldn't sweat the small stuff!"

Ilgang shouted at the top of his lungs, feeling feverish as he continued to be beaten. He wanted to activate the Jinsei and wipe it from the face of the earth.

"Who do you think you're doing this for?"

But the two who had lurked and attacked from the bridge were fainting, and the two who had passed underwater were now drowning, so there was no way they could fill the nine heads.

"That's self-serving!"

The Yeonbi answer was a no-brainer.

"If you're going to take someone's life, you're going to take your own. Isn't that common sense?"


There was no way I was going to be able to answer that question.

"But…… well, I'll be extra patient this time."

Suddenly, Yeonbi spoke up.

"What are you waiting for?"

Ilgang, still twirling the rope, asked, his eyes narrowing.

"Stupid. Not only do you have no eyes to see, but your ears are dark. I'll wait for the nutmeg dragon to become a shoe dragon, thank you very much."

That meant picking up the pieces and regrouping.

"Where else would you find such a kind-hearted fiend? Wow, the world is a better place, isn't it?"

But Ilgang wasn't having any of it. An unreal sense of disparity continued to plague him.

"So what's in it for me?"

There was nothing to be gained for the women by doing so, so what on earth could he possibly be thinking of suggesting such a thing without being insane?

"I'm not crazy, I'm just stupid!"

It was as if I had read his mind.

"That… then why?"

"That's because it's too boring as it is, so what if it's not good enough for her to practice? What if it's not good enough for her to practice? That's a big deal, so what if it's good enough for her to practice?"

"Is that true?"

"You think I'm going to joke about this?"

I didn't think anyone would be that crazy. Or maybe they were crazy in the first place. Or maybe they're out of their minds, and what they're hearing is all hallucinations.

"So wake the kids up before I change my mind."

Then she settled into a comfortable position, her black umbrella dangling. Na Yerin slid her sword back into its sheath.

It was the first time in his life he'd ever been so disrespected, but he wasn't a fool enough to let his modest pride get in the way of a perfectly good opportunity. Trying to stay cool and calm, he instructed his brothers.

"Get the drowning ones out of the water and wake up the fainted ones now. Slap them or spray them with water, now! What, they're not breathing? Then give them CPR. It's not like you're getting tired of doing it. What's wrong with you? If you don't like it, punch them in the stomach, but just wake them up."

The other five of the Jiangkang martial artists, minus Ilgang, were busy. They rescued those who had nearly drowned and beaten those who had fainted to wake them up. There were a few frictions along the way, but Yunfei and Na Yerin waited patiently without interruption, much to the chagrin of Ilkang, who watched them with wide-open eyes, lest they do something stupid.

"Are we done?"


Ilkang replied. They had been Sixth Dragons a moment ago, and now they were Tenth Dragons. Qin Lie's strength was also much different than before. With all the vacancies filled, the Qin Lie had begun to unleash its full power.

"Then I'll be waiting, Rin."

"Thanks for your attention, Yeonbi."

Na Yerin bowed her head in greeting.

"Where is this going to get me a greeting? Didn't I just end up making it harder?

I didn't think it would make sense if the mechanism died and woke up.

Yeonbi took a step back, and Na Yerin took a step forward.

The stage was set for her by Yeonbi, and she can only hope to live up to it with her best sword dance.

"Yes, the sword!

Surely that would be enough to destroy this formidable force in one fell swoop. But there was a catch.

"That it's still unfinished.

An element of anxiety still lingered, but Na Yerin quickly hardened her resolve. There were no guarantees that she would always meet her foes at full strength. She still needed to grow stronger. She was not yet strong enough to face her destiny.


Na Yerin stopped dead in her tracks. It was the exact center of the pendulum.

"I'm ready to go."

In a quiet, calm voice, Na Yerin spoke. The sword, her alter ego, waited silently in her hand for a command. Her mind was now as clear as a crystal ball. Information poured into her ears, eyes, and mind from all directions. The earth spoke to her, the wind whispered to her. It felt like she could close her eyes and not miss a thing.


With a single signal, the ten men began to spin their black dragonhawks overhead, circling around Na Yerin. At first, the movement was very slow, but as time went on, the speed of their circling began to increase.


Before she knew it, the Longsword was spinning wildly around Na Yerin. The sound of the spinning black dragonhorn was as deafening as a swarm of wasps. Yan Bi watched the scene in silence. He had faith in Lin, and he had to put that faith into action.

"To master this sword technique, you must first master the bisubo."

Slowly, the silver sword began to move. Each movement was imbued with a sense of elegance that made one wonder if it was really a youthful swordplay. It was beautiful and graceful, like watching a master swordsman. Everyone could not take their eyes off the tip of her sword.

How that was possible was beyond them. Na Yerin's swordsmanship was already beyond their perception. It was only more amazing that it was possible in the body of a single woman.

Before he knew it, a white blizzard of sword light had drawn a white circle outside the black circle drawn by Jiang Jiang. The blizzard-like sword energy grew stronger and stronger, and began to erase the black circle within it. The white circle drawn by the blizzard was then trapped within the pure white hemisphere. The sound of the wind gradually died down, and silence fell.

As the silver blizzard dissipated, Yun Che was able to see the scene inside that the blizzard had enveloped earlier. All of the elite Jianggang Fifty Soldiers that Jianggang Suoqi had boasted of were lying unconscious on the ground, and the tough black dragonhorns that they had boasted of were in pieces and scattered everywhere.

Na Yerin stared at the post-blizzard landscape she had created, then slid her sword back into its sheath. With a click, the sound of the swords engaging rang out.


Only then did Na Yerin let out the breath she'd been holding in. After blinking a few more times and looking around, her senses slowly returned. She had lost herself for a while, as she had been in a state of complete absorption during her swordplay. In that trance, she was both sword and wind and blizzard. She knew that her body, glistening with silver, could envelop the world, and so she did. The tiny black circle that had been swirling around her disappeared. With nothing left to erase, she could finally remember what and who she was. In that moment, the reticule broke and her mind returned to reality. The cold, silver sword that had been her a moment ago was still in her hand. The first thing that returned was the feel of the wind on her skin. The next was her sense of hearing. One by one, the sounds she had forgotten began to return to her. The sights that had seemed so distant grew closer to her, and she could see her friend smiling in front of her.

"That was a great sword dance, I could stand and be mesmerized."

Na Yerin nodded shyly at the praise of Yeonbi.

"Thanks, Yeonbi."

He probably wouldn't have succeeded if it wasn't for her, if she didn't believe in him. It didn't matter if others thought his behavior was strange; only he and Yunbi needed to understand it.

A cold breeze whistles past your ears, very pleasantly. The smell of water tickles your nose. It was a good night, but it was also a tiring night. Now I wanted to rest.

Yeonbi immediately agreed.

Arriving at a collection of lodging establishments, she found a suitable room and undressed. Na Yerin was very tired, having spent so much energy today. She felt like if she lay down on the bed right now, she'd fall right asleep. But Yeonbi was nowhere to be seen. Where could it be? Rising from her seat, Na Yerin closed the door to her room and stepped out into the garden of the manor.

There, in the middle of the night, stood Yeonbi. She was dressed in a color deeper than night, silently looking up at the sky where the stars and moon slept. She was the same color as the night, and even though she was in the middle of the night, she didn't blend into the darkness, but seemed to shine. Na Yerin had never known a woman who looked so well put together. She couldn't imagine Yun Bi wearing white like her, or red like the pomegranate, which was called the "crimson swordswoman. The colors of the deepest night seemed to exist only for her. The color of the sky is called gen, not because it is black, but to symbolize the endlessness of its depth. As Yunbi stood quietly facing the night sky, the depths seemed unfathomable, like deep water and night. Even her ability to see into the hearts of men could not reach its depths. Na Yerin was glad of that. There is nothing sadder than not having a place to rest. Yanbi had filled the void left by Bi Ryuyeon. Just as she had been, Yunbi was now providing her with a shade to rest in. It was like her umbrella, protecting her from the strong sun and hard rain.

Na Yerin asked in a quiet voice as she stepped up beside him.

"Yeonbi, what were you thinking?"

Yeonbi replied with a wry smile.

"An obstacle of fate."

"Fateful disorder?"

"Yeah, it just dawned on me that I don't want to be a boring person."

Said Yanbian with an accusatory tone.

"Yeonbi, you're never boring. You're a cool person."

He meant it.

"Thank you, but that's the story so far. Now fate has caught up with me, and I have a choice to make: face it or run from it."

A man who resigns himself to fate is boring. I wanted to avoid being one of those people.

"Wouldn't it be interesting to interfere in some small way with the unfolding of one's destiny?"

He paused, thought about something, and then spoke again.

"Or maybe it's just venting."

Na Yerin's eyes widened at that.

"Angry about what?"

Na Yerin wondered if anything had happened recently that she could take out her anger on. Not that she knew of, and then Yunbi answered.

"Anger at fate for catching up with me."

At that moment, Na Yerin didn't miss the frown on Yunbi's face.

"Is that why you took out your anger on another fate?"

Yeonbi returned to his mischievous face and smiled.

"If you're mad at fate, why not take it out on fate, that's only fair."

Yunbi clearly realized that he had to face his destiny. Life is a constant process of choosing and defining, and freedom is the freedom to choose and the freedom to take responsibility for it. We have the freedom to choose, but the world and fate are jointly responsible for the choices we make.

Of course, Yeonbi doesn't mean you don't want to avoid it. You want to run away from it if you can, and if you help the night to reach the end of the earth, you may be able to escape its fate for a while. But in that moment, you become a fugitive. In that moment, he would be a defeated man. One who is defeated by fate cannot control fate. I could not be that defeated.

"Have you made up your mind?"

After a moment's thought, Yunbi nodded with determination.

"I'm not going to run away, that's not my style. I'm going to fight my fate that has overtaken me!"

"Is the name of that fate an enemy?"

"It's the enemy, and it's probably not far off from being called the 'greatest enemy on earth.'"

Everyone has an enemy. And there comes a time when you have to fight that enemy. There was no middle ground. There were only two options: win or lose.

一. Run away.

二. Fight.

There was no such thing as a third example.

Two options, one choice!


There were no exceptions [全無].

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