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Book 22 Chapter 12

Two commentators

-Commentary is hexagonal!

In this arena, there were men with a very unusual job: they were seated just above the center wall of the arena, one very young and one very old. Their role was that of emcee and commentator, meaning that they were in charge of relaying to the spectators what was happening in the arena in a more exciting way. It was doubtful that their voices would be heard in such a large and noisy arena, but that doubt was soon resolved.

"Well, you've waited and waited and waited. Finally, the big show of the day, the match of the match. I hope not all of you have your necks out, and if you do, please put them back in quickly. Because if you don't, you're going to regret it. I won't be able to sleep at night for at least a month, angry and resentful!"

When the smooth-talking young moderator opened his mouth, it was as if his voice could be heard from everywhere - he didn't speak very loudly, but his voice was very clear.

"That's quite a feat, to have that voice reach every corner of such a large arena. Sounds like some sort of application of hexproofing……."

The art of hexagonal transmutation, the simultaneous transmission of sound from all six directions, was a very advanced technique for transmitting sound. Furthermore, it required a strong inner core, so it was very difficult to master at a young age.

"I don't think it's just a hex, I think it's a mix of metallic sounds, so I think they've planted tubes that act as loudspeakers, you know those big golden funnels up there?"

"You really are."

"That's probably something that's connected to a little metal funnel sticking out of that commentary box, and that's what we use to expand the sound."

"Oh, you know what, Yeonbi?"

"Oh, I've always had a bit of a hobby for tinkering with metal, I've made a lot of stuff."

"That's an unusual hobby, and now that I think about it, you said that the gift you gave me was homemade, which is amazing."

"No, I shouldn't be that surprised……."

Then the young man's voice rang out again.

"As always, the commentary will be provided by me, Yujin, a minor, with the assistance of Mr. Wu Guang, a martial arts expert who is well versed in all aspects of martial arts."

Then a diminutive, elderly man sitting at an angle next to me greeted me with a cheerful snort.

"I've heard the name Wuguang Sensei before, too, from a guy who's been wandering around Kang Ho for decades, declaring that he's going to study all the schools of martial arts in theory as a hobby."

"In theory?"

"Yes, in theory. In reality, it's impossible to learn all that stuff, right? So he decided to learn it in theory to satisfy his thirst for knowledge."

"You're an unusual person."

"He is said to have studied the ancient texts to understand their contents, and he is said to be fluent in all kinds of arithmetic and powers, not to mention the I Ching. It is said that there is not a single person who has ever won a debate with him. Why would such a person be in a place like this?"

"Well, maybe it's just my hobby, or maybe it's a place of research or experimentation."

Or maybe it was both. In any case, whatever he was doing here, Yeonbi was of little concern. In the first place, he hadn't heard the slightest bit about Mr. Matte's reputation.

"Okay, finally. I hope you've put all the missing heads back in, and picked up any eyeballs that have fallen out, because the bout you'll regret missing is about to begin, the bout of the king of the cylindrical arena, the lion with the seven scars on his face, the 'Seven Scars'! Are you all ready?"

Eugene, a self-proclaimed minor, mimed putting his hands over his ears.

Then a thunderous cheer erupted.


At the mention of his name, the crowd erupted in cheers. The enthusiasm was enough to show how much everyone was looking forward to his match.

"Now, then, the only challengers are the men who have spent years sharpening their blades of vengeance against the Seven Sacred Scars, Iron Blood Spear Dan Mok Gang and two others!"

Cheers erupted again, and an elderly man with a long spear and two swordsmen following him emerged from the aisle to the right.

"That person is……."

Na Yerin's eyes widened at the sight of the long spear.

"Do you know him?"

"Yeah, I never thought I'd see someone I knew in a place like this."

Na Yerin looked incredulous.

"Who is it?"

It's more accurate to say that they weren't interested than that they had a short visit.

"Dan Mokgang, the Iron Blood Spear! He is the younger brother of the famous Eight Great Families, and the leader of the Dan Mokgang's most elite military group, the Xin Wind Battalion. His spearmanship is extremely refined, and the skills that emanate from the tip of his spear are said to be exquisite and sharp. But why would such a man be in this place?"

He had plenty of money, so there was no reason for him to stand in this position. To stand here would be to dishonor the family name. But why?

"And the two who followed him?"

"Perhaps those two are 'Zando' and 'Ho Sword', two of the three great masters of the Xin Feng School."

"The other one of the three great masters must be that shorty, right?"

"That's right, the Three Great Treasures of Xinfeng, the Three Great Treasures of Xinfeng, appear at the same time in this place……."

I couldn't figure out the cause and effect.

"And now, at last, the emperor has arrived. Please greet him with cheers, everyone. The true winner of this arena, who has not lost a single match in the past five years, the Man of Seven Wounds, the Blood Emperor Seven-Sang-Sang!"

He emerged from the darkness with a cheer so loud you'd think the arena was about to collapse.

Click! Click!

The sound of clashing metal echoed from deep within the passageway.

Click! Click!

With each step he took, the sound repeated itself inexorably. When he appeared in the arena, everyone held their breath. Indeed, seven large scars ran across his face like furrows, enhancing the ferocious qi that enveloped his body. The scars cut across the flesh, giving the man's face a terrifying appearance, as if it were a patchwork of torn hides. The scars were so severe that the man's face was unrecognizable. This is why some have dubbed it the 'tilted face'. His shoulder-length hair was tousled, and his eyes were colored with a deep darkness and madness.

His entire body was wrapped in black chains, which held tightly to the black coffin strapped to his back. It was an ominous sight to behold.

"You look the same as always today."

The undefeated king, the man in the black coffin. No one has ever seen what lies within the chained black coffin. To see inside, one must defeat him, and so far, not a single man has been able to do so. He reigns over this arena like an iron wall, and there is one who challenges it.

"I've found you, you villain!"

The two eyes of Dan Mokgang, a renowned martial artist of the Bai Clan and rumored to be good-natured, were now filled with a murderous glare.

"Who are you?"

In a dull voice, Qian Shi Heng replied. His voice was very slurred, as if he didn't remember Dan Mokgang, and his attitude only fueled Dan Mokgang's anger.

"You can't tell me you don't remember me, and you haven't forgotten the name Danmokwoo?"


"That's right, Dan Mok Wu, the iron sword of Dan Mok Sega!"

He thought for a moment, then stroked his middle finger across the long scar that ran from above his left eye, past his nose, and down the side of his right cheek. A cold sneer tugged at the corners of his mouth.

"Alas, it was he who made this wound. Hearing his name, which I had forgotten, makes this wound throb all over again, though in return, I cut him open from his right shoulder to his waist."

It was a clear provocation.

"You enemy of my brother!"

Then the intestinal murmur grew louder.

"No way, no how, no how, no how, no how, no how, no how, no how, no how, no how, no how, no how, no how, no how, no how, no how, no how, no how, no how, no how, no how, no how, no how, no how, no how, no how, no how!"

"You're an unknown quantity to the powerhouses."

"So you lied about dying of the disease, Mr. Matte?"

"Hmm, come to think of it, I'd heard rumors like that before: that Iron Blade Danmoku hadn't died of illness, but had lost a duel to a nameless tramp, but no one who knew Danmoku's skills believed it."

"So that nameless bum was the Seven Deadly Sins?!"

Mr. Muguang nodded.

"That's right. It was an untold story for most people."

The story shook even Na Yerin, who was never one to be surprised.

"I thought the second head of the Danmok family, Danmok, had died in an accident, but I can't believe he was taken advantage of by such a nobody……."

Na Yerin couldn't believe it either. She had heard very little about the Seven Stars.

"Is a single-minded person that strong?"

"I've heard that you've honed the Sosle sword method, a Danmoksega household sword, to the point of polarity."

"Hmm, and how does that compare to Lean's teacher, Gum Hu?"

"Well, well, well, they're so different. How can I compare to him? There's only one person who can match him with a sword, and that's the same God of Heaven and Earth."

There was a hint of pride in his voice.

"Well, not enough to bother with, then."

I am at a loss to understand how you could come to such a conclusion. I can't believe we're using a sword that's already out of specification as our standard…….

"That's an unusual set of criteria."


Turo Yeonbi replied with a no-brainer.

"But you'd better not say that in front of Master."


"You haven't met him yet, but he's not a normal personality, and you two, Swordsman and Dao Sheng, have a hard time with him."

"Will he be angry?"

Na Yerin shook her head.

"You're probably going to praise me for that, too. That's really good guts. And……."


"You're going to tell me to draw my sword right now, so we can talk in swords."

Na Yerin smiled at the sight of him.

"That's his way of complimenting you."

And usually half dead. I didn't want to see that happen to my Yeonbi.

"I'm looking forward to that."

I smiled unabashedly because I wasn't afraid of Sword Hu's praise for my Yeonbi. Mr. Mu Guang's commentary continued again.

"It wasn't until he performed the non-martial art 'Hundred People Dance' that he became famous in his own right. It was quite a sensation in some circles."

Wu Guang had been following his whereabouts with great interest, so she knew a lot of the details, though she didn't mention that on a few occasions she had gone to watch him in person.

"What kind of non-dance is called white cham?"

Eugene, a minor, asked, a kind gesture for those who didn't know him well. Along the way, he would nudge new audiences to explain things they might not know, and his secret skill was deciding which breath to take.

"Oh, it's an incredibly harsh bimu practice that involves mortgaging one's life and shredding one's body and mind. It's just that it's said to have been practiced, and there's almost no record of it actually being practiced, because there aren't many sane humans who would go through a hundred life-and-death battles, let alone a simple bimu, and on top of that, they're prone to dropping out."

"And you're telling me you managed to pull off that dastardly deed?"

"Yes, and maybe the reason he's in this arena is because he wants to move on."

"That means……."

"What do you think is next for Whitey?"

On the contrary, Mr. Muguang said.

"Well, is it two hundred?"

At that, Mr. Muguang smirked.

"Of course not. It's the Thousand People's Charm, and I'm thinking he's still practicing it here. Well, that's just me speculating."

It was certainly a compelling story, but it didn't matter to Dan Mokgang.

Again, Danmokgang cried out.

"Now, draw your swords, for I will not kill the unarmed. I will fight you fair and square today, and I will show you that the martial prowess of the Danmoxe family has never rusted!"

Then Qi Shanghui laughed out loud.

"Three in a row? I've never heard of three in a row before."

In an instant, Danmokgang's face turned red.

"Yi Yi Yun, who do you think you are? I was told that I couldn't apply unless I had three jobs, so I had no choice but to come with you! Otherwise, I wouldn't have come to this shitty place. Don't think I'm here because I want to be a spectacle!"

He finally found his brother's nemesis, Chil-sang-hyun, but he was hiding in a heavily guarded arena. He repeatedly demanded that the arena release Chil-sang-hyun, but his demands were repeatedly ignored. He was told that if he really wanted to get revenge on Chil-san, he could become his opponent. It was even more humiliating when I was told that I would have to fight him as a three-man team. He offered to fight him one-on-one, but was rejected.

"Hmm, I guess the one-on-one didn't work out after all, did it, Mr. Matte?"

"Of course, why would it be three against one, because one against one, no one is a match for seven against seven. It's a no-win situation, so of course you'd be against it."

The problem was that he couldn't make money. The reason was that no one would bet against him, and it would be too one-sided: you have to lose to make money, and if you don't have a losing side, you can't do business. Dan Mokgang had no choice but to grit his teeth and accept their terms, and so he stood here with hatred and anger in his heart.

"By the way, you've been trying to figure out to which source the Martial Arts of the Seven Heavens are attributed, have you made any progress?"

Mr. Wu Guang shook his head with a pitying expression.

"No, unfortunately, we haven't found him yet. In fact, his identity has been a closely guarded secret until now. He's never revealed it himself, and I suspect the arena management doesn't know either, so I've been trying to find out about his martial arts origins, but there's nothing in particular that would give him away. The fact that he's managed to win so far without any great skill speaks volumes about him, and I'm looking forward to seeing if he can unleash his hidden power today."

The challenger was still nervous.

"Don't worry. I'll fight the fight myself!"

At that moment, Dan Mokgang shouted at Qi Shanghui.

"No, you don't have to."

Qi Shanghui replied in his characteristically muddy voice.


Dan Mokgang replied with a puzzled expression.

"This is annoying. Do it all at once!"

It was a crazy thing to say.

"Yes, a taunt. King of the Arena indeed, what a deployment."

"Well, I haven't been up against him yet, whether it's three or five people."

"This…… guy!"

Danmokgang's eyes burned with rage. It was like throwing oil on a burning fire.

"I'm going to make you regret saying that!"

"It's never too late to make a promise like that after you win. Of course, that opportunity will never come."

'Anyone who wants to see where this fight is headed, put your money where your mouth is. I promise it will be ten times more exciting. Come on, bet, bet on your future, bet on a better tomorrow, bet on winning! Come on, let's have some fun, let's have some fun, let's have some fun, let's have some fun, let's have some fun, let's have some fun, let's have some fun, let's have some fun, let's have some fun, let's have some fun, let's have some fun, let's have some fun!"'

The odds were tilted in favor of the challenger. The idea that it was worth a shot to be the third generation of the Danmoksega family, one of the eight major families, began to dominate people's minds.

But it didn't take long for me to realize just how complacent that idea was.

The first to move were the three Xinfengs. It was an inverted triangular formation with Zando and Ho-gum spaced out in front and Dan-mok-gang in the center of the rear.

"Looks like all three of you are going to be dumping together, huh?"

Na Yerin said, looking at him.

"You're not confident, as much as you say you are."

Yeonbi ratings were sour.

"Is that it?"

The prayers of the Seven Deadly Sins were so extraordinary that they could be felt even from a distance.

"But I guess it's better than trying to fake it and getting screwed."

Danmokgang's eyes burned like burning coals. He was furious, but it was time to put pride aside.

"Your pride will kill you!"

"It's never too late to say that after you've killed them all. It's always the boring bastards who say the boring lines."

"What, what!!!"

"Since you don't have a mind, there's no way anything intelligent can come out of it, so you'll be a dullard and live a dull life, and if you're not a dullard, prove it with that spear!"

Qilin grimaced, twisting his scarred lips. The effect was immediate.

"Of course I will!"


With a sharp sound that cut through the wind, a red long spear stabbed into Qi Shanghui's forehead. The flesh gathered at the tip of the spear shot toward the Seven Wounds. The Seven-Scarred Man laughed, as if he were mad with joy.

"Okay, we're going to do the 'speculative system' now, opening and closing!!!"

Minor Eugene rang the bell with the small hammer he held.


It was the bell that signaled the beginning of the life-and-death struggle of dying and killing each other.

"Come on!"

The fight for life has just begun.


The two men in front of him leaped forward, aiming for the left and right sides of Qi Shanghui.

"Oops, Zando and Ho Gum ran off first!"

Minor Eugene exclaimed excitedly.

"I'm guessing it's a diversionary tactic, to give Danmokgang a break."

Before he could finish his sentence, fava bean sparks flew and a dust storm erupted. There was a resounding bang! Something clashed with great force, but the dust cloud made it impossible to see.

"Oh, my God, I can't see it, I can't see it at all, maybe they should have changed the floor to stone after all, this is why I can only hear the sound, I can't see it with my eyes open, what a rude awakening for our guests!"

"Well, the battles of the masters are sometimes too difficult for the layman's eye to follow, and when they strike, as they do now, they leave a cloud of dust in their wake."

"So you're sure you've seen Mr. Matte?"

"Well, it's all I've ever done for a living, and I pride myself on being unbeatable when it comes to eye contact."

"So about those two and their union……."

Mr. Wu Guang shook his head.

"It's not two people, it's three."


The arena rumbled at his confident words.

"Hmm, that's definitely good eye contact."

Yeonbi nodded and said. Mr. Muguang spoke again.

"That roar at the end, that was the sound of a single-point stab of a short steel."

"Ah, yes, so the ambush was successful?"

Mr. Mugwang shook his head, not sure he knew.

"The dust will soon settle and we'll see."

When the dust settled, we had a clear view of the arena.

Before he knew it, Zando had retreated seven steps and was on one knee in agony, and Dan Mokgang's long spear had reached the heart of the Seven Deadly Sins. Unfortunately, his blow failed to pierce the enemy's heart.

It was not to be, for the broad, half-sectional sword of the Seven Sigils that he had drawn was now blocking the tip of the spear.


Cheers erupted from the crowd as they finally understood what was going on.

"I've blocked it, yes, I've blocked it, I've parried the unexpected and terrifying thrust of Dan Mokgang, and I'm the king of this arena!"

"He deflected the left and right saber strikes and then used the broadsword as a shield to block the stab, which is an amazing feat."

It was impossible to make a wound on his body, and he deflected the two attacks with the sword he had drawn in an instant. The overwhelming pressure that instantly overwhelmed them forced them to take five steps backward.

"His weapon of choice was a sword. He's really quick."

Na Yerin said, admiring the quickness of the move. She hadn't expected the best to be very good in a place like this, but she had been sorely mistaken.

"By the way, that's a very unusual looking road."

Yun Bi was right, the city was only half as big as he said it would be, and the sprawling cityscape was dotted with cobwebbed wounds that spoke of the battles that had been fought.

"Half a Dora……."

The most horrified person in the room was Dan Mokgang, who had failed to deliver the ultimate in conversion: a one-hit kill.

"Oh, my God, you blocked the first strike……."

Then Chil-sang-hyun chuckled.

"That was kind of cool. But it's no good if it doesn't fit."


Danmokgang's face contorted in anger and shame. But he could not withdraw the power contained in the spear pointed at his heart.

Mr. Muguang saw the scene and commented.

"Well, it's wise not to take the power out of the spear right now. If we do now, we'll be hit right back, but how long can we hold out?"

This is what we mean when we say it's a no-win situation.

"That's interesting."

Qi Shanghui chuckled once and began to slowly push the sword out of his grasp. Even though he was pushing with one hand, the short-handled steel spear he was holding onto with both hands slowly began to slide backward.

"What power!"

Dan Mokgang's complexion turned pale as he realized that, unbelievably, he was being slowly pushed backward along with the pole.

"Oh no. Any more losses here and we're in trouble. Danmokgang, how will you overcome this difficulty?"

Just then, Zhan Dao and the Ho Sword, readying themselves, once again charged toward Qi Shanghui.

"Avoid, refrain!"

"Die, evil!"

"Chit!" exclaimed Qi Shanghui.

"Do not disturb!"

At that moment, his dao glowed red. A thin, glowing red web of blood filled the air.

It was a blood vessel calling for blood.

"Oh… no!"

Dan Mokang couldn't believe his eyes. He instinctively used the recoil of his spear to throw himself backwards when he heard Zhan Dao and Ho Gum's cries, and the next moment, a flash of red light flashed through the air. The next moment, a red light flashed through the air.

"Yes, it's amazing! One of the organs of the Seven Deadly Sins, the Blood Net Killing, has struck. Zando, Ho Sword, you can't stand up!"


Another enthusiastic cheer erupted. The sight of a sword calling for blood always gave them a thrill. Hearing the excitement in the crowd's voices, Na Yerin frowned.

"Looks like those two lives are nothing more than entertainment for them."

"Because that's what this place is."

Yunior said without taking his eyes off the game.

"Zando, Hokum!"

No matter how many times I called out, there was no answer.

"Do you remember this first meal?"

Dan Mokgang's face instantly turned ghastly as he heard the question.

"Of course, you foe, how could I forget that vile herbage, that one second that took my brother's life!"

"I'm glad you remembered, and I'm sure you have a backup plan, so I hope you don't disappoint me."

His words, to my surprise, were not sarcastic. He was sincere.

It wasn't normal for someone to want their nerve endings to be destroyed so badly.

"Of course I'm ready!"

How long he had struggled to shake off the nightmare etched in his mind, all for the sake of this day, but he could not even find the time to unleash his secret weapon.

"Your brother didn't stop this. But I hope not you."

It was a strange way to think about it, to want one's own secret weapon destroyed, but there was no point in refusing. Dan Mokgang reminded himself why he had risked all the disgrace to stand here.

"Of course we will."

Dan Mokgang raised his long spear again, aiming it at the scarred man's brow. It was a mountain he would have to cross anyway, and there would be no restful night unless he could tear it away from the dried bloodstains beneath his eyelids.

"Come on!"

Qilin shouted in a muffled voice.


The tip of his spear began to glow white with the sound of Danmokgang's cheering.

"Oh, that's a sword, or should I say 'spear' because it's a spear?"

Mr. Muguang exclaimed in excitement as he watched the white glow at the end of the long spear.

"Changgang? That's a weird word."

"It's because they're not used to it. Very few people who hold a spear have reached that level, compared to those who have reached the level of a sword."

Eugene nodded in understanding.

"Changgang… interesting, but I don't think it's much different from before, except for the clanking. Is that really a feat, Mr. Wu Guang?"

"You'll know it when you see it."

His eyes flashed with madness as he positioned himself to unleash his bloodsucker once more. Dark flesh erupted from his entire body like lava. The air-scorching flesh silenced the others. His body was once again preparing for a deadly technique that many had practiced.

Dan Mokgang had not developed any special herbs, and he found it hard to believe that a herb created in such a short period of time, seven years, could be more powerful than a herb that had been practiced for forty lifetimes. So he devoted himself wholeheartedly to the evolution and refinement of the most powerful herbivore in existence, tirelessly cultivating it. And so he came to a conclusion.

"All things are subdued by one thing!

With such a long spear, the nature of the weapon would limit the changes it could make. He needed the simplicity of breaking change, which is why he'd spent the last seven years focusing on a single stab.

I started from scratch. I started by piercing the very first piece of paper. I pierced the paper, then the book. There was no point in just cutting through it. I kept repeating just one stab until I had a round hole that looked like it had been cut with a sharp bayonet. Next up was a wooden board, which I stabbed and stabbed and stabbed and stabbed at the top of a clothesline. I didn't use any hollowing. I had to spend months on it because it wasn't completely fixed.

Next came trees with roots in the ground. I started with a piece the size of my forearm and gradually increased the thickness. It took me three years to drill a hole I was happy with in a beautiful tree. Next came rocks. Starting with huge boulders and ending with stones thrown into the air. It took me another three years to find a hole I was happy with.

Finally, I lined up paper, wood, rocks, and iron sheets in a row. I believed that if I could pierce through all of them with a single blow, I would be able to break the nightmarish vegetation that clung to my eyes. It wasn't easy. There were many setbacks, but after a bone-crushing ordeal, I was finally able to punch a hole through the three layers of that tiresome wall. I'll never forget the tears that streamed down my cheeks.

Though he hadn't reached the point of immutability, he felt he'd done his best. Seven years of desperate training, the first of many, to become impenetrable to all defenses and changes. Now it was time for it to shine.

"Now, if you can dig it, dig it!"

Once again, the seven-and-a-half-headed daoist threw a red net into the air, filled with life force. This time, it was incomparably more powerful than before. Dan Mokgang tightened his grip on the spearhead as he watched the myriad veils of bloodline rush out to engulf him.

Although he didn't develop it, the polarity of his training gave him a new focus.

"Take it!"

All those years of training came together in this one moment.

"Truth, one-point killing, triple unity!

The gleaming white tip of the spear exploded to tear the red curtain of death.


The crowd booed. Why were they booing at such a high-level duel?

The reason was simple.

Because it was so fast and so awesome that they couldn't see what the heck was going on in their heads. If you can't see it, if you can't understand it, it's not entertaining. It's annoying as a spectator if the sound effects are awesome but there's nothing to see.

"Oh no, I can't see it again. I can't see it even when I strain my eyes. It's such a shame, can't we at least show them some fight?"

Eugene, a minor, spoke up.

"It was a one-hit wonder, a killing blow, a throw of the whole body, an attempt to break through an unrelenting tidal wave of pottery with a single spear. It was a life-or-death move, and I can assure you, there is no looking back. The game was already decided by this one move."

Mr. Muguang assured me in a heavy tone.

"So what happened to the win?"

Then Mr. Muguang said in a serious voice, with a stick under his chin.

"I guess that's something we'll have to find out. That was a hell of a fight, that's amazing!"

But it seems that Chil-sang-hyeon's signature move has surprised someone else.

"Just now, that first meal was……."

He frowned as he saw the red, thin lines of blood covering the air. She hadn't expected to find such a surprise here, and she felt like she'd been ambushed.

"Why, is this something you've seen before?"

Yeonbi shook his head.

"Uh, no. It looks a little bit like the kind I know, but that's not the kind you spread out on the road… that's the kind you spread out on the road like that……."

I was pretty surprised by the Yeonbi.

"I don't think the spearman's method is wrong, but unfortunately his cultivation hasn't reached the peak yet to dig up that vegetation."

"What's that……?"

"There's something his spear can't penetrate yet."

At the end of his speech, the dust slowly cleared, revealing to all the world his hidden life and death consequences.


The Danmokgang's spear protruded past Qi Shanghui's body and into his back. Seeing the sight, Yu Jin exclaimed in an excited tone.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

"That's not true."

"That's not true."

Na Yerin said, frowning.

"It was a waste."

With an expressionless face, Qilin opened his mouth.

"…Is that so?"


Blood spat out of Danyokang's mouth.

"Not a bad blow. But a stab that pierces rock and steel will not cut through this herbivore. Perhaps a spear that pierces water would do the trick."

"I see… I wasn't good enough after all… Damn!"

The state of water pipes, a state that he strived for but never achieved. Taking a clear glass bottle of water and piercing it with water without breaking it. The water should not leak out for some time after the hole is made. Even the spear of the Danmok River, which pierced iron and rock with awe, could not pierce the water virtue, which changes its form according to the vessel.

"If only I had three more years… If only I had three more years……."

He conceded that point.

"It's your fault for trying before you were a decade old."

A bitter accusation formed at the corners of Danmokgang's mouth.

"I guess I was too impatient……."

With those words, Danmokgang stood and closed his eyes.


At that moment, his clothes ripped open, and a fountain of blood gushed from his slender, cracked back.

Na Yerin closed her eyes silently. Yunfei did not turn away from the sight.

Danmokse was the last of the Samgaju Iron Spear Danmokgang.

"Nine years since then… Is it a failure today……."

As he surveyed Dan Mokgang's corpse lying in a pool of blood, Qi Shanghui silently pondered to himself.


With a single swing, the blood splattered to the floor. After sheathing the half-sheathed sword, he turned and walked back the way he'd come.

In anticipation of what comes next.

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