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Book 21 Chapter 22

A roundtable discussion with Ryu-yeon Bi and her crew

(A loud laugh is heard from somewhere.)




Hyo-Ryong: What, what's that laugh?

Bi Ryuyeon: After all, the protagonist is an immortal being in the universe. It's like a self-congratulatory laugh for him. The whole is one, one is the whole! I am the universe. Mhahahahahaha!

Hyo-ryong: Are you okay? Do you need some medicine?

Ryu-yeon Bi: Uh-huh, but it turns out that the rumors that I'm going to be the main character in this volume are false.

Hyo-Ryong: Huh? You're in this book, though?

Ryu-yeon Bi:Of course, the story wouldn't be complete without the main character, right?

Hyo-Ryong: I didn't see it.

Jang Hong: Me too.

Yonghui Mo: Me too.

Bi Ryuyeon: Hehe, if you look hard enough, you'll find it. It's time for you to have a flexible mindset, isn't it? Humans… You can't see what's right in front of you because of your stereotypes, right?

Hyo-ryong: I wish you'd stop with the sarcasm, it's kind of unpleasant to listen to.

Jang Hong: Right. Besides, you're only human, right?

Bi Ryuyeon: No, it's different!

Jang Hong: What do you mean, what's different about it?

Bi Ryuyeon: I'm not just a human, I'm a protagonist!

Hyorong & Jang Hong & Mo Yonghui:…….

Jang Hong: You must have been afraid of getting beaten up, seeing as how you're so obsessed with the main character.

Hyo-ryong: I think it's because it's popular these days for non-humans to be the main characters. They're afraid that if it's known that they're human, they'll lose their place as the main character.

Jang Hong: But isn't the story of non-humans as the main characters from the far west? It's almost an otherworldly place, and I thought that fad had already gone out of style? Nowadays, "non-humans" only play a minor role.


Mo Yonghui: (looking shocked) So, I wasn't human before?

Jang Hong: (puzzled) No, why are you here?

Mo Yonghui: I'm Jun Joo-yeon!!!

Jang Hong: (to Hyorong!) You've been thinking about it.

Hyo-Ryong: (Sighs!) Yeah, I'm pretty obsessed.

Bi Ryuyeon: Sometimes their kids kidnap our kids, and there's a lot of distance between there and here, so it's possible that fads that are just catching on here will catch on.

Jang Hong: Anyway, fads are always changing, just like the world, so you never know what's going to be the next big thing, right?

Hyo-Ryong: Sure. What's next? Can I be 'that'?

Jang Hong: It's too late, you're already human, so it's faster to just hope you get abducted by 'them' while walking down the street at night.

Hyo-ryong: That's right. That's too bad…….

Jang Hong: Well, you might be reincarnated as a dragon or something, so don't give up hope.

Ryu Yeon Bi: Isn't that out of style?

Jang Hong: Uh-huh! Fads come and go, they're bound to come back at some point.

Bi Ryuyeon: I don't know, maybe I'll come back when everyone else is old.

Hyo-ryong: (becomes even more depressed) Then what's the point of being a protagonist? Being an unpopular protagonist, just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes…….

Jang Hong: Don't give up yet. There's still a lot more to come.

You're right, it doesn't have to be a dragon. You know, like that guy from Journey to the West who was a heavenly general, but he fell in love with a woman, was reincarnated as a pig, and later became a great warrior!

Hyorong: Pig…….

Mo Yonghui: Besides, he wasn't the main character, was he?

(Mo Yonghui quietly pointed out).

Bi Ryuyeon: (slaps her palm) Oh, that's right, she was Jun Joo-yeon!

Mo Yong-hui: (shuddering like a man struck by lightning) Joo, Jun Ju-yeon…….

(Seeing both of them frustrated, a smile of conversion forms on Bi Ryuyeon's face.)

Jang Hong: Terrifying! You've taken down two of them with your mental attacks! Am I the only one left?! Looks like this is going to be a lonely fight.

Bi Ryuyeon: Hmph!

Jang Hong: I've already been through the whole prenatal process. Besides, information warfare and enduring torture are my specialties. It won't be that easy!

Bi Ryuyeon: (pointing a finger at Jang Hong's back) Oops, Brother!

Jang Hong: (furiously, like he's about to start a match) What, uh, where?

(His head snaps back for a second).

Bi Ryuyeon: Heh! I'm surprised! Of course I'm surprised, I've left it alone for seven years. Isn't it strange that you're not angry?

Jang Hong: (clutching his chest) Ugh!

Ryu-yeon Bi: Without even a letter.

Jang Hong: (knees bend in half) Big!

Bi Ryuyeon: He doesn't even send her a message to let her know if she's dead or alive. Why would he throw his wife away like she's his only child? I feel sorry for him, too. If that's the case, he shouldn't have gotten married. Marriage is no joke!

Jang Hong: (his knees finally give out) Big time!

Bi Ryuyeon: You're a thief, trying to steal seven years of a woman's life, and now you're shamelessly showing your face. You've really put an iron plate on my face! I've been so scared, I didn't dare to come… What are you doing, Brother Zhang?

Jang Hong: (after he had already fallen into a state of irrecoverability) Boom, boom, boom!

Bi Ryuyeon: (glances around, not paying attention to her feet) Well, is there anyone left?

(The three people still frustrated at his feet were ignored.)

Ryu-yeon: Hee hee hee hee, it seems like we've eliminated all the competitors. After all, only one person is enough to be the main character. Let's finish the game alone for the first time in a long time! We've been doing it together lately, but there's even a guy who looks like Saxie and gets picked up halfway through, so we need to remind them who the main character is.

(after smoothing out your clothes)

Ryu-yeon Bi: Okay, everyone, please stay tuned for the next volume, the long-awaited volume 22, where the story will continue with a solo protagonist.

Until we meet again in the next volume!

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discord ko-fi