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Book 21 Chapter 19

Master Breaks Into the Heavenly Martial Arts Academy

-Fictional idols

In the center of the main boulevard leading from the main entrance of the Academy of Heaven and Earth, a giant statue stood tall, always looking down on the uninitiated. It was customary to bow lightly and respectfully when passing this statue. It was a way of honoring the man who had been a pillar in the establishment of the current Murim, and to strive to emulate him.

Today, however, there was an old man staring at the statue, and the look in his eyes was one of intense skepticism and wonder. It was quite a feat to evoke such emotions in an old man, and the Museum of Heaven and Earth had done it with a single statue.

The old man was, of course, the Ministry of Labor.

"Hey, let me ask you something."

Nosabu stopped a passerby on the street and asked him. The poor man who happened to fall under Nosabu's spell was the poor Musabu Mun'ilgi, who, despite having the perfect star sign of Volcanic Non-Conformity, had never been able to confess to the Heavenly Yin Master Hongran.

"Yes, please."

It seemed like a hassle on a busy street, but Moonlight stopped walking and nodded to the statue before answering.

"Whose statue is this?"


Rather, it was Moon Diary who asked the question.

He didn't ask, "Are you an old man?" because he was a man who knew the rules of Zhang Yu Yu, and that courtesy saved his life.

"It's clearly written there……."

I didn't know who she was, so I was naturally respectful, and I was kind enough to offer to read it to her if she couldn't read.

On the plaque he pointed to, four lines of text were inscribed in a bold, powerful typeface.

The eponymous Tianmu Academy

Mu in the Sky

Mushin (武神)

Taiyue God Army (Taiyue God Army) Yue Yue Lin (赫月璘)

"I can read, too."

Had the words stirred the pot? With a slight furrow of his brow, Nosabu replied bluntly.

"Then what?"

If he wasn't blind, he must be senile, Moonilgi was sure.

"What Nobu wants to know is, where in the world does that handsome man with the long beard, the manly lines of his face, and the strong, firm arms, each holding a sword and a dao, live?"

The statue's appearance was very majestic and masculine, as if the old man was not breathing. It looked like something out of a story.

"So that's the founder of the Heavenly Martial Arts Academy, the famous godless Revolutionary Yue Lin……."


Stars twinkled in Moon's eyes. She couldn't see when or how they flew.

"False and oily!"

From the lips of the Ministry of Labor came the words.

"You, have you ever seen one in person, a mushin or something?"

"Shaoxing hadn't yet shown such zealousness……."

The old man's unknown power rendered Moon Diary speechless.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

In the back of my mind, the question nagged at me, but somehow I couldn't resist. All I could do was obediently answer the question.

"This statue, when was it made?"

Again, the labor department asked in a questioning tone.

"It must be fifty years old……."

However, the fact that it was still smooth and unblemished showed that it had been well maintained, but the issue at hand was an unrelated topic.

"Were you there when this statue was erected?"

It was a reference to the martyr Revolutionary War.

"Oh, no, he was long gone by then……."

I'd heard that much from Moon, too.

"So what did the statue maker base this on? Did he have a portrait?"

"No, I don't think so."

Panicked by the mounting pressure, Moon Il-gi replied.

"Ho-ho, so you're saying you made this up without any basis in fact?"

Desperate to make excuses, Moon Il-gi broke out in a cold sweat.

"Well, yes, but this is only to honor his work……."

"Phew, that's loud. That's going to make a passing dog laugh. Did he ask you to do that, to erect such an ugly statue with not a single nostril like that?"

Nosabu pointed at the statue with his index finger.

"Well, I don't think so, of course……."

"Gee, I can't believe you're letting your imagination get the best of you. Get rid of that obnoxious thing at once!"

"Well, it could be……."

It was an outrageous request. The statue was a symbol of the Tianmu Academy. It shouldn't be taken down because of a comment made by an unidentified old man in passing.

"You mean no?"

"Well, it's more like it's out of my hands……."

"Really? Is that what you're saying?"

After a moment of thought, Nosabu looked back at the door. A vague sense of unease made Hua Shan Bichen Ning cower like a timid sparrow.

"I can't do it, I want to let them correct their mistakes on their own, but I'll let Nobu save me the trouble this time!"



The sound of three or four claps of thunder rumbled through the hall. It felt like the sky was falling.


The statue that had been guarding the Fifty Saints as if nailed to one spot finally broke free today and flew high into the sky. Small birds and the wind rustled by his side. But his sudden freedom was short-lived. After flying a dozen sheets, the statue fell to the bluestone floor, hit his head, and bounced a dozen times like an otter tossed into a lake, before landing on the main building in front of him.

It was something I didn't think was humanly possible.


Moon was so stunned that his jaw dropped.

A special emergency alarm, never to be sounded except in the event of an enemy ambush, pulses through the academy.

The martial artists hurriedly grabbed their weapons and rushed to the scene using the fastest light attacks they could find, including the Heavenly Martial Academy's Guanju Iron Fist Mazinger. He happened to be nearby when the emergency bell rang, so he was able to rush to the scene quickly.

The offender stood where he was, with no intention of running away.

It didn't take long for the encirclement to form. Nosabu muttered to himself as he lazily watched the encirclement take shape.

"You're a little late."

Instead of running away, he waited.

"Oh, my God!"

The samurai couldn't believe what they were seeing. The statue of a great hero they revered was hanging upside down from a building a dozen doors away.

"Who had the audacity to do this in the front yard of the Heavenly Academy!

In the meantime, the unthinkable had happened.

"You bastard, how dare you insult the gods!"

A samurai exclaimed in an indignant voice.

"Insult? Who?"

Nosabu's gaze flickered to the samurai.


The moment my eyes locked with the mysterious old man, he couldn't even breathe.

"I asked. Who insulted whom?"

The voice was low but powerful. The man gasped, his face pale, as if still struggling to breathe.

"This isn't just any cilantro!

Mazinger knew that intuitively.


Mazinga said, his voice strong.


Nosabu's gaze left the man and turned to Mazinger, and the man, finally breathing easier, sagged in his seat.

"Who are you?"

The Ministry of Labor asked.

"My name is Guanzhu Mazinga, and I am in charge of this Heavenly Martial Academy. If you don't mind my asking, may I have your honorifics?"

After glancing up and down the majinga, Nosabu said bluntly.

"You don't deserve it yet."

It was a remarkable statement that quickly sent the room into a state of shock.

"Go, you dare!"

They were ready to pounce on the rude old man at a moment's notice. Mazinger stopped them and spoke in a calm tone.

"Stay out of my way!"

He was feeling an unknown, instinctive threat. In retrospect, now was the time to act on that instinct. It seemed to have gotten through to the Ministry of Labor.

"You're in charge here?"


"So you know who made that statue over there?"

"Before I tell you, there's one thing I'd like to ask the deceased."


"Why did the deceased insult God?"

"Insult? Ha, red herring. I don't know who insulted whom; wasn't it your boys who insulted 'him'?"

They sound very offended. No doubt because their arguments sounded so ridiculous.

'That, that guy…….'

It was a title that bothered me immensely. What kind of relationship does it take to refer to a god of the heavens as 'him'?

"There is no way we would insult the Almighty, we honor him more than anyone else."

Mazinger protested.

"So what's that ugly statue over there?"

Nosabu pointed to the sole of the statue he had blown up.

"So it's in his honor……."

Nosabu clicked his tongue in disbelief.

"Honor? Isn't that an insult? Even an idolater wouldn't build a statue like this, cancer."

"Moe, an insult, how could you say that, that's an insult to us!"

Margin was brave.

"Then no?"

The Ministry of Labor asked.

"Of course not."

The old man laughed out loud at Mazinger's answer, wondering what was so funny.

"Cackle! Hahaha! Funny, funny, funny. All right, I'll ask you again. Who is that handsome man with the long beard like a god, the manly lines of his face, and the two strong arms holding the sword and dao?"

"So, of course, it's mushin……."

When Nosabu's gaze fell squarely on him, Mazinga could no longer speak. Like a frog in front of a snake, he felt his whole body shrink.

"You're still going to spout that crap, you haven't actually met the guy, have you? And you're in charge of this place!"


Nosabu's words became a mantra and struck a chord in Mazinger's heart. In truth, he had only heard rumors of Mushin, but had never met him.

"There's not a single guy here who's seen him in person?"

Nosabu asked, glancing around.

"There is only one person."

After a moment's thought, Majinga replied.

"Who is that?"

The old man asked with interest.

"There you go."

From where his finger was pointing, an old man was furiously charging towards him, kicking up dust with a terrifying expression. The old man who was charging towards them with a sharp sword drawn was none other than…….

"That's Senior Gongzon Gongson, the highest elder and advisor here at the Heavenly Martial Academy."

Mazinger introduced himself briefly. But the current state of politeness was not conducive to conversation.

"Get out of the way!"

The polite man, who had been rushing toward her with a gust of wind, burst into a rage like a wall. Flames of rage seemed to burst from his eyes. He must have seen a statue that had been disfigured. He may have been over a hundred years old, but he was still impatient, and if he could only get rid of that impatience, he would be on par with Swordsman, but he didn't seem to realize that.


Polite manners stampeded the ground with vigorous coordination. The newcomer sliced through the air like a scroll. It was an exhilarating movement that was completely unexpected from an old man over a hundred years old.


After leaping into the air from more than five zhang away, Swordzon stomped his foot again in midair and carried Xin Xing for another half dozen steps.

"Oh no, that's the legendary Void Walk!"

It was a legendary cultivation, the ultimate cultivation, the ability to walk on air as if it were bare ground. It was very rare for a swordsman to boast of his prowess like this, so the words of admiration naturally flowed from the mouths of those in attendance.


Void treading (虛空踏步). The art of literally walking on thin air as if it were the ground!

If the entire Martial Realm were a vast expanse of white sand, there would be less than a handful of people in the entire realm who could reach the level of walking on water. The illusory state of floating in the air is even more difficult to achieve, and has not been witnessed in the past few decades. How can you not be impressed by the realization of an illusory state that has been talked about and rumored to exist, unfolding in real time in front of you?

It didn't end there.

"Ha-ha! Up, up, up!"

At the same time, a new breed of politeness vanished from the air.


He leaped on the wind and disappeared into the sun. Dazzled by the sun's rays, the others lost track of his new sentence.

The Ministry of Labor and Employment, apparently unconcerned with polite behavior, stood back and stood still.

"Righteousness of the Dignified Sword Law!"

His voice boomed again in the sun.

"The Supreme Being!"

The sun's vastness became a spear of light, pouring down on Nosabu's body like a torrential downpour, to skewer him, still standing on his heels.

It's the same technique, but it's a far cry from the rudeness that Polite Speech briefly displayed.

"Everyone back off, it's dangerous!"

Mazinga shouted in an urgent voice. Apparently, the swordsman was overexcited and had failed to control his power. If he stood there, he was going to be skewered.

Mazinger and the other samurai scurried from the room as if they'd had an iron shoved up their asses, but Nosabu remained unmoved.

Bam bam bam bam bam bam bam!

The sun's spear pierced the earth with fierce intensity. Dozens of streaks of sword energy pierced the earth, kicking up countless clouds of dust. The fierce momentum chilled the hearts of the onlookers.

"Can you pick up the bones?"

"That would be hard……."

"I agree!"

Everyone swallowed hard and waited with bated breath for the wind to blow the dirt away and reveal the carnage. As the wind picked up, the dirt was swept away, revealing the scene.




There were people with missing jaws, eyeballs that looked like they were going to pop out of their sockets, and people with their hair clutched in their hands. The most alarming of all was the man himself, Gongson Ilchu, who had plummeted to the ground.

"No way!"

It was an unbelievable situation. The old man, who was supposed to have been scattered to the four corners of the earth, was still standing, limb in limb, as if nothing had happened. The only thing that had changed was that the hand that was carrying him had changed from two hands to one.

One unclasped hand nonchalantly grasped the hilt of his sword. How could a courtier's heart not sink?

"The heart is rash, the sword is even rasher."

Apparently, it decided it needed to be calibrated.

"I'm going to reprimand you."

Click! Click!

With a loud bang, the polite face jerked to the right and left.

It's broad daylight and the stars are twinkling before my eyes. Was it the after-effects of walking through the sun?

"Wow, a reciprocal slap!

The men had to catch their breaths as they watched a terrifying sight they never thought they would see in this life.

Gongsong Ilqui stumbled backward, feeling the throbbing pain in his reddened cheeks. He arrived at a seat right next to Mazin. Now even he was confused as to what was going on.

He politely missed the opportunity to protest the unreasonable insult he was subjected to.

"What? You look familiar?"

The anger that had been bubbling up like lava in an active volcano cooled with that one word.

'Such a stupid thing……. This is a dream!'

A scream escaped her lips. When he looked again, he recognized not only the face… but the pain in his cheeks. It wasn't just a memory; it was the face of the man who had torn her limbs apart with one hand, a face he could never forget, even if he could forget it.

How can you forget a face that haunts you at night when you're not feeling well, even if it's been a hundred years?

"I'm sure I've seen this somewhere……."

Nosabu was still rummaging through the dim recesses of his memory. He was careful not to remember the details, but there was a sense of familiarity, a sense that the long years of his life had left their mark.

"I think it's a mood thing."

The polite man said, his tone completely different from before.

"Please don't remember, please don't remember, please don't remember!

Gumzon cried out in desperation, but to no avail.

"Oh, right, you're that kid!"

He still remembered the kid he'd beaten up a hundred years ago.


At that word, everyone in the room was stunned. A child, one of the least fitting descriptors for a man called Swordsman. But Swordsman was speechless; he was too busy despairing.

"All, you……."

As his nightmare came to life, Gumzon felt a sense of confusion and despair that he hadn't felt in a long time.

"Hmmm. Did I see something wrong?"

In his dark despair, Gumzon saw a glimmer of hope. But the moment he looked into the old man's eyes, he immediately gave up hope. Those eyes were saying.

I'm already convinced, but let's see how it turns out.

There was no point in trying to fool him. Gumzon realized that instinctively.

"No, you're right."

Nosabu nodded at Gumzon's frank confession.

"I thought so. What's your boy doing here?"

He was also convinced.

"This is Senior Gongzon Gongyong, who is currently an advisor."

It was Mazinger who answered for him. The old man's dismissive behavior had appalled him, but he had sensed Gumzon's embarrassment and quickly answered for him.

"Gumzon? Hmmm, that's a pretty big title to wear."

He was clearly holding back laughter.

"Boo, shame on you."

The polite man stammered, unconcerned.

"Do you know him?"

The majinga next to me asked in a low voice.

"Just some, uh, acquaintance. Don't ask me any more details!"

His gaze was a mixture of determination and killing intent. It's only natural that a person's emotions would be stirred to murderous intensity by a probe into a past they wish to keep hidden, and Mazinger is no stranger to danger.

"Ask any more and it's dangerous!

It was an instinctive red flag, but the old man's words destroyed her polite but desperate efforts at cover-up.

"Oh, I touched you once, when you were so high up in the sky that you didn't realize it, and you were such a bluebird back then, but now you've got a convincing beard."

Glancing at his polite beard, Nosabu spoke up.

"Uh, old man!"

Politeness turned to tears by labor ministry's thoughtless revelations. This is a real killer…….

The huddled masses had to hunch their shoulders against the bone-chilling sting of flesh. Eyes with white pupils densely packed with red flesh scanned the area.

'Go somewhere else and run your mouth without hesitation! I'll kill you!'

The polite eyes looking around said so.

"So you've met him?"

"You mean him?"

"That's him on that statue over there."

"No, I've seen you a few times before."

"Really? Then you remember his face. I want your boy to testify, did the handsome fellow look like this?"

"What do you mean, pretty?

No matter how I thought about it, it didn't fit the image they had of the majestic god Revolutionary Yue Lin.

"Well, that's……."

Yes, he had seen them in action and even fought alongside them on a few battlefields. This was before the Three Kingdoms of Heaven had yet acquired the name Samsung, and the four of them were called the Four Divine Stars.

However, a "freak accident" prevented him from participating in the final battle, and as he lay in bed, he lost the chance to place his name alongside the three of them forever. The perpetrator of the accident was right in front of him, and how could his heart not be disturbed?

"Why is your answer so lame, did you boil a slug and eat it?"

The labor department pressed for an answer, a subtle push.

"Oh, no, that's because……."

With dozens of eyes on him, Gumzon felt overwhelmed.


"I've got my eyes elsewhere, there's more to the world than this old body!

But the crowd was all eyes and ears, waiting for him to open his mouth.

"Now, answer me this. Does he really look like that?"

Depending on the answer, they might lose their cause; but they could conceal the fact, but they could not make something out of nothing; and he who was before their eyes could not be deceived except by deception.

"No, it was something else entirely."

Finally, Gumzon succumbed to the truth. His shoulders slumped as he answered.

Boom, boom, boom!

There was a lot of disbelief.

"Then why did you allow this crappy statue?"

Again, the Labor Department interjected.

"Well, I don't think anyone would believe me if I put it up as it really is……."

Gumzon desperately tried to make excuses, but in vain.

"So you're telling me that you allowed them to put up a statue of that crap, just because you don't think people will believe it?"

"Well, yes."

With a heavy sigh, Gumzon replied.

"So now it's clear who insulted whom."

Nosabu frowned, glancing around impassively.


The samurai who emphasized swordsmanship and majinga had nothing to say.

In fact, I was planning to go home quietly and finish my business, but as soon as I walked in and saw this statue and the name on it, my mood took a turn for the worse.

"If you're projecting your own awards without even knowing what the person was like, then where the hell does he exist?"

When asked by the stern labor ministry, Zhong was silent.

"You must remember. Those actions you took were to extinguish the existence of a human being, that Heng Yue Lin over there! You might as well melt that false idol down and use it as a washbasin!"

"I'm sorry."

"It's disgraceful."

Mazinga and Gong Yi looked deeply reflective.

"I'm the kind of person who doesn't like to sweat the small stuff. Do you understand? Please don't provoke Nobu with petty things, it's annoying."

Nosabu clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Yes, sir!"

"By the way, good timing, since you seem to be the high man here, I have a question for you."

"Do whatever you want."

Gong Gongqiu replied politely. It was a demeanor that had never been seen before in the Heavenly Martial Academy.

"Where is he?"

It was a question that came out of the mouth of the labor department.

"What? What do you mean, him?"

The question was so short that I couldn't figure it out.

"According to that Shunfeng Sanbui guy, he's been stuck here for three years already?"

It seems that Nosabu had also visited the home of Shunfeng Sanbui Nadai.

"So which one are you talking about?"

"Ah, this is Bi Ryuyeon. He's in his early twenties, and he usually covers his eyes with his bangs like this. Have you ever seen him?"

Nosabu made a mess of his hair and shaped it to show them. Of course, even without that, they all knew.

"I've seen this before. Haven't you?"

Before Gumzon could answer, Nosabu spoke up.

"Nothing, of course."

Nosabu's eyes widened at that.

"Great. Things are looking up today."

Nosabu and the rest of the Academy of Heavenly Martial Arts, including Swordzon and Mazinger, were not so fortunate. It was, to put it mildly, the worst of all possible worlds.

"Yeah, where is the damn thing now?"

"Well, I'm not sure about that."

Gumzon replied politely. A slightly disappointed look appeared on Nosabu's face.

"You really don't know?"

"Yeah, no one's seen him lately, but he might know, he's the head of this place after all."

Gumzon then nudged Mazinger.


Mazinger was horrified. This was clearly a conspiracy to put him in charge.

"Ho-ho, you know your friend who's as big as a pylon?"

Nosabu's gaze shifted to Mazinga.


Mazinger glared at Swordzone with resentment, but Gong Gongliu quickly averted his gaze, as if he feared being stabbed by it. At this point, Mazinger couldn't help but panic.

"Why are you panicking, no way?"

Mr. Nosabu questioned with a piercing gaze. Mazinka scratched his head and muttered to himself.

"Well, yeah, actually, I have no idea where he is these days. Apparently, I put him on probation for a year after the last raid, but that was it……."

"The end is in sight?"

As if the action was getting out of hand, the labor ministry replied.

"Well, yes."

It was like a ghostly tweezer.

"I missed it again."

He sounded a little disappointed. They'd finally gotten this far, and now the clue had been cut off.

"Ha, but there is one place you might guess."

Regaining his composure, Mazinga quickly replied.

"Really? Where is that?"

The old man, whose complexion brightened a bit, replied in a pleased voice.

"That place is……."

Mazinger was torn for a moment. He wasn't sure if he should tell her his suspicions or not, if it would be a betrayal of his student.

"Excuse me, sir, but what is your relationship to this child?"

"Ah, that's my disciple. One day, without warning, he ran off with a monk's treasure. I was going to chase him down and give him a spin, but there were thirty bottles of gum namchun at the door. Hehe. I drank it all, and a few days passed, but I was just about to leave when a pension came flying in from the Qinglong Silver Market. I thought I'd wait until my livelihood was in jeopardy to leave, but then another three bottles of gum namchun were delivered. I ate and drank, and the pension kept coming. Hehe. Before I knew it, three years had flown by."

"Is that why you're only now getting around to cleaning up after the Qinglong Silver Pavilion?

It was a bizarre story.

"So, where do you think he is?"

Suddenly, the majinga became a disheartened, do-as-you-go mentality.

"Perhaps…… is the skyscraper."

Mazinger said, empowering the name stone.

"Skyscraper? Where have I heard that before?"

That was pretty recent, too.

"Oh, come to think of it, wasn't that where they were going?

"By the way, do you know a girl named Jin So-ryung, and a brat named Yoo Eun-sung?"

Mazinger was stunned.

'How did you get those two to…….'

"Yes, of course I know. This time, I became the leader of the Heavenly Martial Academy's delegation, and we set out for the Heavenly Palace together. But why did they?"

"No, I didn't. It just popped into my head. And we're supposed to send a marker from here to there, I think, on the Zhongyang marker?"

"Uh, yeah, that's good to know."

He knew too much, to the point of being a problem. He felt like he was possessed by a ghost. He couldn't find a connection between Qin Xiaoling, Yue Yunsheng, Zhongyang Bureau, and the mysterious old man anywhere.

"Hmm, I guess I don't need a guide then."

It didn't take much thinking to figure out how to travel cheaply and comfortably. In that moment, Gong Gongqiu was greatly relieved. He instinctively realized that if things went wrong, the role of guide would fall to him. He thanked the heavens that he had escaped that terrible nightmare.

The old man had no further business here.

"Thanks, take care. You too, kid."

Don't forget to say hello.

"No, wait……."

But the old man had already vanished like the wind.

"Am I dreaming?

How could such a terrible thing happen except in a midday daydream? For what seemed like an eternity, the swordsman remained frozen in place. In fact, he couldn't move even if he wanted to.


Gumzon nearly fell to the ground, but managed to hold himself up by plunging his sword into the ground. As worried disciples slowly gathered around him, he spoke up.

"Don't let anyone touch my body!"

If anyone touched him, he would not be able to maintain this position. Retiring in front of a crowd of disciples doesn't end with retirement.

"But does that monster mean he's the teacher of this Bi Ryuyeon guy?

If so, it wasn't normal.

"But who is that old man, my lord?"

Still dumbfounded, Moon Diary cautiously asked Mazinga.

"Well… honestly, that's what I'm most curious about."

Seriously, the Martial Roster in his head was pretty thick, but there wasn't an old man on it.

"From the way you talked, it sounded like you were aware of Mushin……."

Make your own estimates.

"Probably. Otherwise, you wouldn't have gotten so upset about the statue, which is something only someone who knows you well would do."

Immediately upon hearing that, someone pointed out.

"Then you must be Mushinma Galjoonghyuk?"

Mazinger shook his head.

"I can assure you that is not the case. I've met him, and I'm sure the Swordsman can confirm that."

Gong Gong Ilchu nodded. The sword was still embedded in the ground.

"I don't believe in him."

Catching Moon's gaze, Mazinga reluctantly replied.

"No, you're not a martial artist, you're not a martial artist, you know the martial arts, you're a martial artist of that caliber, and even if you were, why hasn't your existence been known for over a hundred years?"

Then there was another person who pointed out something else. The blood drained from his face as he thought about it.

"Seriously, you've got to be kidding me……."

"Say no more!"

Mazinga hastily covered his mouth and shook his head.

"Don't say more than that. No, you shouldn't."

True or false, the mere utterance of a word could conceive confusion. I learned to hold off on rushing to judgment until I'd done my homework.

"What does Gumzon think?"

It seemed that the mysterious old man and Swordsman had met before. There was no way that Swordzone, who had otherwise honed his immobility, could still be so flustered.

"It's not impossible… but it's not likely."

Gumzon replied reluctantly.

"In that case, we'll have to send out a lookout."

"No objection. And another thing. We need to keep a close eye on that old man, this Bi Ryuyeon. I'm afraid to say it, but if that old man is who he says he is, we'll have to……."

Gumzon paused for a moment. An unpleasant image raced through his mind.

"He becomes a disciple of 'him'."

It was like being the enemy of the mighty.

"I know."

In a somber tone, Mazinger replied.

"Give instructions to the special tracking unit, Mushigaku!"

Majinga's orders were swift and precise. The Muyungak was a special organization of the best of the new recruits whose job it was to track and gather information. The current head of the organization was a so-called invisible man who had never revealed his true identity to the public.

If Wu Yingqing couldn't keep track, no one else in the Heavenly Martial Academy could.

"I don't know about the kids, I hope they're okay."

To think that such a mysterious monster, who even the Heavenly Swordzone treated like a child, was headed there, was enough to make Maginot worry.

But now he was helpless; there was nothing he could do.

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