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Book 21 Chapter 10

Raging tigers, bowed heads.

-The weight of karma

No matter how well-groomed you are, it's inevitable that you'll wake up a little disheveled. Na Yerin was no different. But in this case, it was even more compelling.

Most people are repulsed by the idea of perfection because they know they will never be perfect. A perfect human being would be something other than human, something that would be "less than" or "less than". Therefore, a small crack in perfection, a moderate dishevelment, is actually endearing.

"Good morning, Yeonbi?"

Na Yerin wakes up in the mirror, smoothing her hair. Her ebony locks bounced gently.

"Rin's hair is so pretty, she wins the silkiness contest."

I marveled at the Yeonbi, unable to take my eyes off his dark hair.

"Is it? I don't know."

Na Yerin blushed slightly at the Yeonbi compliment.

"That's enough to make it a national treasure, and I'm sure you've got some special management tricks up your sleeve."

Yeonbi was promised.

"I don't think there's really a secret……."

"Hmph, it's like the kids who win various martial arts competitions saying, 'I've been sleeping seven hours a night and training with nothing but the secret weapon, I swear, I don't have any elixirs or hidden masters or anything like that. Now, can't you see these glowing eyes of mine? Come on, spill the beans, is there a beauty-enhancing elixir I'm sneaking at night?"

Yerin stopped laughing as the Yeonbi bounced playfully. It was a clear laugh, like rolling jade beads onto a silver tray.

"Uh, is that funny? I've never seen Rin laugh like that before."

Yeonbi asked.

"Foot, I've never had anyone tell me a joke as funny as Yeonbi."

Even Dingo, with whom he was so close, had never shared a joke like this. Joking aside, Dingo wasn't particularly interested in decorating and grooming himself.

"Oh my, a woman's beauty is a big deal. A beautiful face is a woman's weapon! I didn't realize it when I was younger, but there are many times in life when makeup and grooming are more useful than muscle. Looks better, fights less. Something that a bunch of muscular, ignorant, sweaty guys can't do even if they wanted to."

Listening to Yunbi's words, basking in an unknown sense of triumph, Na Yerin tilted her head as if something was bothering her.

"But there are some exceptions, right? For example, ……."

"Like this?"

"Like Mo Yong Confucius… oh, no, forget what I just said."

A flustered Na Yerin threw up her hands.

'What am I talking about…….'

I didn't quite understand why she said that. It was something she would never have said.

"Did you move it to Yanbian?

"Hmmm, that's a pretty interesting proposal in its own right, huhuhuh, that sounds like fun."

Yeonbi chuckled.

"Speaking of which, it's almost time to go to the briefing."

"I see. Who did you say you were in charge of? Jade said something like……."

He had heard it, but had forgotten. It was Na Yerin who answered for me.

"Blood Jade Adeptess Jade Yujing. One of the few female high school students that Master recognizes in the martial arts."

The Yeonbi looked a little surprised at that.

"If you're a master of lean, what about you, swordsman?"

The standards for recognizing a master would have been strict and demanding, and the same woman would have been even more cautious and demanding, so if she somehow passed those standards, it would be no ordinary skill.

"I've heard it's also called a blood nachal here."

It's a fearsome symbol. But to make a name for yourself as a woman on the Black Island, you have to act like one, or you'll be ignored and eaten.

"Man, I can't be late today, I'm going to be in trouble if I get caught by that lady!"

Na Yerin laughed softly at the humor in Fuel's tone.

It didn't take long to get ready. Watching Na Yerin grab her pet sword, Bing Lu, Yun Fei lightly lifted the black umbrella. A new morning was finally dawning in the Great Hall.

As the Blood Jade Adept, the head of the Seventh Dormitory's Blood Rods, stepped onto the dais, all eyes focused on her. It was not uncommon for some of the men of the Heavenly Martial Academy to stare at her. Although her aura was chilly, she was quite voluptuous and possessed a flavorful, ripe beauty.

While the people of the Heavenly Pavilion who know her true identity stiffen at the sight of her from afar or shrink away from her, those who had just arrived yesterday were still unaware of her true identity.

"I thought Nachal would just be a dowdy tiger lady, but she's quite a beauty."

Yeonbi whispered to Na Yerin.

"That's right, your cold but imposing prayer is overwhelming, like a well-honed sword."

Na Yerin said, admiring the prayer. Just by looking at her, it was obvious that she was an adept of a considerable level.

"Indeed, I'll slash you if you get too close. It's dangerous, but it's also a kind of magic sword, sucking in the gaze of the unwary."

Yeonbi insights were also significant.

"Apparently, a bunch of guys have come up to her and gotten hit."

If it happened occasionally in the White Sea, it couldn't happen in the Black Sea. No, it would be worse in terms of frequency, but to be able to exude such a commanding presence meant that he had managed to eliminate all such threats with skill.

"She's quite a lady, and deserves to be recognized by her master."

He was a man who could make a statement just by where he stood.

"That's certainly true, but which one is stronger compared to Master Qin?"

"Jin Sosa? Ah, you mean the Amish Goddess Qin Yuexiao?"

Qin Xiaoling was accompanied by Yue Eunsung, the first sword of the divination, as their guide. For the sake of simplicity, the members of the Heavenly Martial Academy referred to Bing and Yin as elders, and Qin Xiaoling and Yue Yun as younger masters.

"Didn't you see the sparks fly when Qin Lieutenant and Jade Instructor met?"

When I arrived at my assigned dormitory after the high-pressure welcoming ceremony, I was greeted by the Blood Jade Adept Jade Yujing. She had come to inform me of the next day's schedule.

"I thought they were going to get impatient and exchange a few numbers on the spot, but they were both very patient."

"It was your first day, after all, and you both have status, so you wouldn't have crossed swords."

Na Yerin remembered the scene well, the fierce jousting that had tensed the air around them the moment their names were exchanged. One was a famous goddess of the White Dao, the other a famous sage of the Black Dao! Both are kendo masters, among the strongest of the middle-aged female martial artists. It was hard not to be excited.

"I'm sure those two are going to get into a fight at some point in the near future, for whatever reason."

Yunbi's face lit up with anticipation.

"Yeonbi, looks like fun?"

"That's funny, Rin, don't you wonder, who would win if you two fought?"

That kind of bluntness puts the questioner on the spot.

"Well, I was wondering, but……."

Na Yerin herself was a student of Swordsmanship and an expert in the art of the sword. As much as I cringe at the thought of a fight, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in seeing you two win or lose.

"One of the most fun things in the world is watching a cripple fight, so why not have a little fun with it, and it's not like we're picking fights."

"Hey, quiet!"

It was then that Okuyukyung noticed them talking and called them to order. She had no tolerance for disorganization. Sitting a seat away from the two, Lee Jin-sul glared at Yeon-bi, but she was all smiles.

"Yikes, you got caught."

Yeonbi stuck out her tongue, then turned her gaze to Okuyukyung.

"I assume you all know who I am, so I'll skip the introductions. When I call your name, raise your hand and answer."

Ok said, lifting the attendance list from the podium. She began calling names from the top of the list. As people raised their hands to respond, she looked at them carefully, one by one. Her sharp gaze and occasional comments showed that her roll call was more than just a formality.

In those brief moments of answering the call and meeting the eyes of the Blood Nachal, they all felt as if they were standing before an intangible tribunal. It was the first time they had been scored in the Heavenly Pavilion. While some of them shrank back in their shoulders at the sight of the Jade Flower Sutra, others were encouraged and bolstered their courage. Like Mach, for example.

"Hmph, you are the Iron Jade Sleep Maharishi, the only daughter of Lord Ma?"

At Okuyukyung's intrigued gaze, Maharishi replied with an air of dignity.


Seeing that, a thin smile appeared on Okuyukyung's lips.

"I like strong women! I liked it. I look forward to your performance!"

It was no wonder that Maha Ling was a little overwhelmed by the words, but there were others who were not so pleased with Yue Jing's encouragement.

"Hao, you must be Na Yerin, the ice-black peak with the reputation of being the best in the world."

Rumors of Na Yerin had traveled over mountains, down rivers, and across great lakes to reach this place. Ecstasy filled the eyes of the men, who took every opportunity to catch a glimpse of her.

"It's a rumor, and it's not exactly flattering, so please disregard it."

To her, being called the best in the world was a recipe for disaster. No matter how much she was exalted, she was never happy.

"Well, now that I see it, it is indeed a masterpiece. Even I, a woman, will fall in love with it if I make a mistake. So, how are you from the sword lord?"

By the end, he was sounding like a younger version of Lord Jade Sun. In fact, after the sword, Yi Yun was the person she most respected in the current martial realm. A man who would not bend the knee to any man, a man who could sometimes make even swordsmen and cities break out in a cold sweat. He was also the ultimate ideal and goal that Jade Emperor wanted to reach.

"Yes, you are correct, as always."

Right now, he's probably researching how to beat the birds of the South Seas with ease, or he's on a food adventure in search of the best places to eat.

"Really? I guess he's still the same."

Apparently, Okuyukyung had met Gum Hu before.

"By the way, the kid who just joined our academy is about your age, and he's very talented. I don't think he'll lose against you."

Ok Yoo-kyung's face showed that she was eager to get the two of them together, but Na Yerin was not naturally competitive, so she remained silent.

"Have you ever heard of the Spirit of the Dreaming Mountain?"

Na Yerin shook her head.

"With all due respect, that's the first name I've heard of you."

"That's a name that's not even on the map. I'll introduce you to it later. By the way……."

Her words sounded like she was promising me a rematch later.

"Didn't you have a lion called Dingo or something? I don't see it on your list."

At that moment, Na Yerin's face turned into a pitiful expression. Seeing her pale face, Yue Yun couldn't help but wonder.

"She's like an ice doll, and she's got that face… what's the story?

Na Yerin forced herself to speak.

"The lion… and the poisonous lion… could not come together."

Each word was spoken with such a heavy heart that it made the listener's stomach turn.


Na Yerin didn't answer the question. It was too painful to reveal to herself a reality she never wanted to admit. Instead, it was Yong Tianming who answered the question.

"Dok'anfeng Dokgorye Sojae has not been seen since the last Volcanic Council eruption."

"Well, that's a shame, because I would have loved to see what he could do."

It was a sincere sigh of regret. She was indeed a belligerent woman, and it was clear that her passion for the sword was not beneath her.

Afterward, as she continued to call out names, Okuyukyung's gaze rested on a spot on the roll call. Her eyes bore into it for a moment, and then, instead of calling the name, she lifted her head from the roll call and swept her gaze over the delegation. Her gaze landed on the middle seat between Hyo-ryong, with his shaggy hair and eye patch, and Yoon Jun-ho, sitting timidly.

Without breaking eye contact, she called his name.

"Zhang… Hong……!"

The parties angrily averted their gaze.

"For example, ……."

Jang Hong half-raised his hand and replied in a mosquito-like voice, his gaze constantly darting back and forth as if he were afraid of making eye contact.

"What? What's wrong with Brother Zhang today?

Questions simultaneously arose in the minds of Hyo-ryong and Yoon Jun-ho, who sat on either side of him. It was the first time they had ever seen Jang Hong look like a frightened puppy. Jang Hong, who was always the eldest brother, looked dwarfed today.

"Ho-ho, there's one person who doesn't look very out of place here, are you sure you're not in the wrong place?"

With a piercing gaze, Jade Yujing said coldly. It was clear who the arrow of venom was aimed at.


Jang Hong remained silent, still shaking his head.

"Are you dumb with honey, why don't you answer, Student Jang Hong!"

The tone is one of clear hostility.

"That, that……."

"Well, you can sit there with that look on your face, and I admire your guts!"

Ok seemed to have the ability to recreate the twisting blade with her voice.

"Where is that nonchalant face?

As he watched Jang Hong fidget, a question naturally arose in his mind. Sweat beaded on his forehead, and his eyes, once full of strength, darted to and fro with anxiety. His complexion flies like a sick man, and his hands and feet tremble like a man with epilepsy. No matter where he looked, he could never be called carefree. The Jang Hong he knew was nowhere to be found.

"Why do you think your tone has suddenly changed to respectful?"

My Yeonbi was dwindling. His tone had changed subtly since he'd spoken to Jang Hong, but there was nothing respectful or polite about it. Rather, it was deeply twisted.

"Yeah, that's right, your Yeonbi is sharp."

Na Yerin nodded in agreement. Once again, Yi Jinxue found herself looking as pitiful as a puppy caught in the rain when she realized that the two of them were having fun. For different reasons, she wasn't the only one in a pitiful position.

"If you don't like me… being here, I'll leave."

Jang Hong quietly stood up from his seat, no anger or resentment in his tone. The corners of Jade Yujing's mouth twitched in cold mockery.

"Nope. Stay right where you are. I don't want you to leave now and not be heard from for seven years, four months, and fourteen days, okay?"

Jang Hong's face contorted in anguish and pain, like a man whose entire body had been mutilated. It was a very subtle figure.

"I understand…"

With a grunted reply, Jang Hong sat back down.

A chilling silence filled the building. Everyone knew instinctively that this was not a time to mess around.

"Now, I'm sure you'll all forgive me for this unpleasant delay."

No one complained to her. It looked like it would explode if she touched it. After quickly completing the rest of the roll call, Ok closed the attendance book.

"Now, let's get down to business. The dormitories of our skyscraper are each and every independent force, each capable of performing its own mission. It is this independent force structure that allows us to respond immediately and efficiently to any situation that arises."

In short, it was wartime. It also meant that the dormitories were left to their own devices.

"The title 'Thirteen Thousand and Thirteen' suggests that there are thirteen dormitories in total, but this is not the case. Do you all know that there are four islands surrounding Jiajiao Island: east, west, south, and north?"

They all nodded. As they entered the skyscraper, escorted by speedboats manned by fearsome warriors, they saw. The four islands reflected in a great ring of flame that rose in unison around the murderous hulk.

The enthusiastic show of force under the guise of illusion was quite successful, and some were intimidated by its overwhelming presence from the outset. They had already realized that they were living a comfortable life in a very comfortable place.

"East, west, north, three to an island, and twelve dorms."

"Is there no thirteenth army?"

Someone asked a question. Twenty-three was one number short.

"They say there is, but no one knows."

Everyone was stunned by Ok's answer.

"No one has identified the unit in the last hundred years. We, too, have come to call it the Phantom Thirteenth. Therefore, starting today, I will lend you that thirteenth place. You will become temporary thirteens, and you will be thoroughly trained. Unless you are here to play, you will be treated just like the rest of the dormitory."

The roar spread like a wave.

"I didn't hear anything about that!

That pretty much sums up the whispers here and there.

"The first thing you need to do is go to……."

After glancing around, Blood Jade Adeptress Jade Yujing spoke up.

"You're electing class president. The deadline is tomorrow! Find out how at……."

There was a pause, and then the words came out.


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