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Book 20 Chapter 8

Recruitment offers

-Blood Jade Prophetess Okuyukyung

Wudangtangtang! Kudangtangtang!

The night of the fantasy restaurant on the shore of Dongjeong Lake began with a crashing table.

A curved table toppled over, leaving four men sprawled on the floor of the restaurant in plain view.

"Go away!"

The spirit, who was sitting at the table, watching them with cold eyes, commanded in a cold voice.

"Get out of here before I dig my chopsticks up your nostrils!"

Slapping his palms together, he shouted a little louder. The men staggered to their feet, unable to steal a single drop of blood from their dripping noses, and let go of the ropes to run for their lives. Meng Mu looked at them coldly, then spoke.

"You've got a lot of bugs, lady."

"Okay, how many times did I hit this……."

The upright spirit sighed and replied.

"This has to be the realm of the Ten Thousand Pavilions, so why are they letting them get away with this?

I was curious as to why I would let the municipal government run amok like this.

"Is this place even patrolled?"


It was then that I heard a woman's voice behind me, accompanied by three short, regular claps.

"That's some nice workmanship."

The spirit, who hadn't felt a thing until the words were spoken, whirled around angrily. A woman in her thirties? A beautiful woman stood there, a hint of coldness in her regal expression.

'Incredibly powerful…….'

It was so powerful that it sent shivers down my spine at first glance.

"Who are you?"

The spirit asked nervously.

"My name is Ok Yoo-kyung… Why don't we sit down and talk?"

Ok said, pointing her finger at an empty seat.

"Oh, yes, of course. Come on, have a seat."

The spirit jumped out of his chair and hastily offered him a seat.

"Thank you."

"Hmm, so you're here to take an examination at a place called the Temple of Heaven?"

"Yes, sir."

"I don't think there are many people in the whole place who exude the kind of energy you do, and it's a wonder that a man of your caliber has ever come out of the woodwork. You seem to be very well educated for someone who's been in such a backwater, and your clothes don't seem to be out of fashion. I'd be willing to believe you were a late member of a prestigious family."

In her estimation, the spirit's attire was impeccable and very neat.

"Yes, one of my maids is very sensitive about that, and she thinks it's a disgrace to me, the master, to be insulted or laughed at."

I can't tell you how much it bothered Mongmu on the way here.

"Hmmm… a good maid, and you were in trouble because no one knew where the Temple of Heaven was?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Then you're in luck, because you found me here."


"You're not going to get a better guide than me, because I'm not……."

But her words didn't last long.

"Oh, boss, I was wondering where you were, and here you are."

A woman in her twenties, clad in flame-colored robes from head to toe, entered the room at a brisk pace and called out loudly. She was a striking beauty who drew admiration from all who saw her.

"Huh? You must be Liu Ha, what are you doing here?"

She was none other than the crimson-colored Swordswoman Shi Yuehua, who had been stunned by Yin Dao's blow on the volcanic Tianmu Peak.

"Hey… we're having a little trouble, and we need you to come with us for a minute."

Seokryuha said in an urgent voice.

"When has there ever been a day when there hasn't been a problem here?"

"Well, yes, but this one is a little more special."

"Did he?"

Ok Yoo-kyung is about to ask what she needs, but is interrupted by a spirit.

"I… who are you anyway?"

The spirit asked warily.

"Oh, never mind. It's one of my disciples. Liu Haya, say hello. This is Mong Sojae, the Mong Spirit of the Monghuan Mountain Range, who will soon be one of us."

"Oh, you've been recruiting?"

"Yeah, he looked like he could be useful. I wish you could have seen him in action, but alas, I'll have to claim him before some other stupid boy gets his eye on him."

Ok nodded in agreement.

"Hey, what do you mean by ……."

Unbeknownst to him, a story had ended. To the spirit, it was an absurdity.

"Oh, I'm talking about joining our unit, the Bloodbringers, once you're inducted into the Order. I have a place for you."

"What do you mean, who are you?"

Who could say that?

"Oh, you don't know this guy, this is……."

"Enough with the bullshit introductions. I'm the one who teaches swords to the children at the Tower of Heaven. I'm also in charge of the Seventh Dormitory. I'm asking you to join that unit."


It was so sudden that the spirit was dumbfounded.

"Apparently, you still don't know what you're talking about."

I nodded to indicate that the spirit was right.

"Yes, I have no idea, and besides, what do you mean, join the army? I'm joining the skyscraper to learn?"

"You really don't know anything."

Ok Yoo-kyung said, her eyes wide.

"I'm sorry."

I apologized for the fumbling, and then I was off to the races.

"Very well, since you are about to join our ranks, I will teach you with all my heart. There are thirteen bands here, and twelve dormitories. And each dormitory is traditionally headed by an untrained officer, though there are exceptions."

Instead of solving the problem, it only deepened it.

"Do you know what's the biggest difference between staying in a dormitory in the Heavenly Martial Academy and the Heavenly Palace?"

"I don't know."

"It's the difference in how the dormitories are run. The twelve dormitories of our vaunted skyscraper are all organized as a unit. The hierarchy within them is strict. The captain and a hundred or so men below him train to be ready for battle at any moment. In case of emergency. It's a different kind of discipline than you'll find in the dormitories where they think it's just a place to eat and sleep."

"That's right, I can't believe there's such a difference between the two, that's the first time I've noticed it!"

"Don't freak out yet! Sometimes they are chosen at random, but usually they are vetted. In the case of talent, there is often a scramble for the top spots, which is not uncommon. The Seventh Blood Corps, which she oversees, is known as the 'Upper Three', or the 'Magical Three'."

The spirit was stunned by the revelation of her identity.

"Then you're……."

She put her hands on her hips and thrust her chest out in front of her. It was the kind of swagger that suggested she knew who she was. But for once, that sense of naturalness was misplaced.

"You must be a teacher!"

It was Pomegranate Hana who was surprised by the spirit's unexpected reaction and twisted her ankle.

"Seo, a teacher… haha……."

It sounded very unfamiliar, even though it wasn't.

"You're the only one who calls her that. I've been called many names, but you're the only one who calls her that."……. I can't even remember the last time I heard that. Okay, I'm growing to like it!"

"No, it's just that… we haven't decided on……."

"Take care of this one, junior!"

Seokryuha's gaze fell on the spirit, and her head cocked to the side for a moment.

"Huh? Haven't we met before?"

"Well, I don't remember that."

"Really? You sure look familiar… That's weird……."

Sukryuha shook his head, as if his suspicions hadn't been completely cleared.

"We'll talk about it later. So, what's the deal?"

Okuyukyung asked, turning to Seokryuha.

"Oh, look at me, that happened, so that's why……."

Perhaps conscious of the spirit's gaze, Su Liuha began to talk in a whisper, and the longer she spoke, the darker the frown on Jade Yujing's face.

"How dare they do it again……."

Ok Yukyung, she was a coldly angry person.

"Okay. I'll be right there. See you later, spirit!"

"Take a look."

The spirit spoke as it swooped down on Jade Yujing, who disappeared as suddenly as the wind.

"Oh, and you might want to go to the fifth pier to the east tomorrow. They should have what you need there."

"What? What is that?"

The spirit asked in an urgent voice, looking at the distant Jade Yujing.


With those words, the two women's new models disappeared from their glasses.

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discord ko-fi