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Book 20 Chapter 28

Young people on the move

-Yeonbi (燕飛)

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Hyo-ryong asked with concern.


Bi Ryuyeon replied with a calm face.

"Do you really not know?"

Hyo-ryong didn't understand why he was more upset than the party. But he couldn't hide the fact that he was angry.

"Are you sure you're sure about this, Ryuyeon? You'll be the only one missing out. When I leave, you probably won't see me for a year, and besides, most of the people you know are leaving this time, too, aren't they?"

In the end, Bi Ryuyeon was left off the list.

Only a few people close to him were surprised when the announcement was made that he had been removed from the list of envoys to the Heavenly Palace as a punishment for his misdeeds. The surprise was not so much in the content of the announcement as in the fact that he had accepted it so readily. They couldn't believe that the embodiment of the conspiracy, the master of maneuver, had done nothing to stop it.

"So, Long Yong, do you think it'll make you feel any better if I cry and beg you not to go and grab you by the lapels?"

Shaking her head, she asked.

"That… that… who would want such a horrible nightmare, but……."

Hyo-Ryong was speechless afterward.

"Don't worry about me, worry about you, because I don't think this journey is going to be a smooth one."

"Are you sure you don't want to go? We're ready to go if you are. We'll join you in your plot, that's for sure."

That's what he really meant.

"Conspiracy? What do you think I am, someone who conspires without even trying?"

Hyo-Ryong's mouth dropped open when Bi Ryuyeon asked in confusion.


Sometimes silence equals affirmation.

"I'm fine, but I heard you got to go with the tomboy this time, so have fun."

Immediately, Hyorong's complexion turned very dark.

"If I can get back to……."

The place where he grew up and where he lost his brother, the one he admired and loved. Can he go back there now? Will he still be Hyo-Ryong when he gets there? Or will he become someone else?

"Will I be able to come back to them after that?

Hyo-ryong wasn't so sure about that.

"By the way, Ronglong. I need to ask you something."

For some reason, Hyo-Ryong suddenly felt uneasy, as if Bi Ryuyeon's eyes were suddenly glowing brightly from beneath her tousled bangs.


"I've been wondering, since when did you become an asshole?"

Hyo-Ryong was stunned and put his hand to his right eye patch.

"Oh, you know what, there's a story behind that."

The eye that had been stabbed by Lee Jin-sul had not yet fully recovered. Hyorong shuddered involuntarily as he recalled that moment. It was fortunate that he quickly closed his eyes the moment he was stabbed, or else a terrible disaster would have occurred!

"Hmm, that's very suspicious, with the scattered hair and the peck marks on his right cheek……."

"Hmm, did you see that?"

"You can cover it up all you want, but you can't deceive my eyes… Is that… the work of that tomboy?"

Having been cut to the core, Hyo-Ryong was stunned and speechless for a moment.

"Since you're speechless, you must be right."

"Well, that's a long story."

Of course, that didn't mean she had any intention of telling him about it, and as if reading her mind, he spoke up.

"Hmmm, in that case, I'll have to ask why next time."

He was excited to see what bombshells were in store.

"Uh-huh, I know I don't have to, but… well, I'm off. I shall not see you for some time. Take care of yourself."

"Maybe it's not your time to worry about others."

In fact, at first glance, you wouldn't have guessed it was Hyo-ryong at all.

"I'll leave you to it then."

Waving goodbye, Hyo-Ryong left, and Bi Ryuyeon muttered to herself as she watched his back for a moment.

"If he's trying so desperately to hide his identity……. Are you afraid to go back after all?"

That was something he would have to deal with in the future. There were things he had to do right now.

"Well, I guess I better start getting ready, huh?"

Bi Ryuyeon opened the locked closet and pulled out several items. The last item was inside a special safe he had made for himself. A thin groove was cut into the rim along the side, and the front door had ten circular holes the size of thumb nails instead of a handle. The holes were also hermetically sealed, suggesting that it was probably a double-door design. Bi Ryuyeon pressed her fingernails along the grooves in the side, then inserted her fingers into three of the holes in the door in sequence.

Click, click, click, click, click, click.

There was the sound of tiny metals interlocking, and then the door of the safe slid open. Bi Ryuyeon reached into the safe and pulled out the last item. It was a small, faded box. She was very careful as she stroked the box.

After carefully checking the items she needed, she sat down in front of the dais. The men's dormitory was equipped with a game table as well. It wasn't as fancy as the women's, but she had no problem using it. It was usually used by Mo Yonghui, who suffered from severe disorganization, when he was desperately searching for his dishevelment.

Bi Ryuyeon stared at her reflection in the mirror for a long time. She was grateful that he was always there when she looked back, rain or shine, but she didn't feel like thanking him right now. In fact, he doubted he ever would. He didn't have much of a relationship with the 'me in the mirror' anyway.



Staring at herself in the mirror, she lifted her right hand and swept her bangs out of the way.

You see an unfamiliar face in the mirror. You know it's you, but it doesn't feel familiar.

"Long time no see, you?"

The 'me in the mirror' smiled.

"It's been a long time. How have you been? I've forgotten your face.'

I seemed to be saying that to myself in the mirror.

"I thought I'd never be 'that guy' again……."

'I know. I agree, but isn't it fun to be unpredictable in life?

"I see."

Bi Ryuyeon muttered with a thin smile.

"This must be the only way, right?"

If so, delaying any longer was a waste of time, stamina, and heart.


When I opened the drawer of the tournament, I saw a pair of white scissors made of steel.

"I thought I'd never have to use it, but……."

After a moment's hesitation, she picked up the scissors with determination.

"So, let's get started, shall we?"

He picked up the scissors and slowly moved them toward her long, hanging bangs.


The open scissors closed with a clang.


Staring at the box with its mouth hanging open as if it were about to test your brain, Lee was lost in thought. There were so many things to put in the box, and so little space. That was the problem. The operators didn't seem to understand the delicacy of women, but rules are rules. Only one box was allowed to be carried through the gate. The rest of the luggage was just bot luggage for carry-on, so it wasn't unreasonable for a young, eager-to-be-married virgin to be concerned about its organization.

'Mirrors, incense sticks, sachets, at least ten changes of clothes… Bersun, Danghye, Eto… Eto…….'

"Ouch, it's still too small!"

Lee Jin-sul screamed in frustration.


Next to him, Na Yerin was silently packing her things, almost all of which were white and monochromatic.

After a quick glance at him, Jin-sul went back to packing his things.


Lee Jin-sul, who was grunting and packing his things, suddenly let out a long sigh and said.

"That's a shame, Yerin."

"What do you mean?"

At that nonchalant answer, Lee beat his chest in frustration.

"Hey, Confucius, Confucius, you didn't get to go with us this time."

"I see."

Still the same indifferent answer. Her touch as she packed never stopped.

"Are you just going to keep packing like that?"

In a raspy voice, Lee exclaimed.

"This is not a short journey, only a month or two, and it is inevitable that you will be carrying a lot of baggage."

"I know that, and that's why you've arranged for a beacon to carry the group, right?"

"So pack while you can, and don't forget anything. There's no use regretting it later, so take care of yourself."

With that, Na Yerin went back to packing her things, which made Jinseul sigh.

"Is he upset that Confucius isn't going with him after all?

I'm not being coy, but my female instincts were telling me so.

"What are you doing?"

Without turning around, Na Yerin spoke up.

'No, it's not. I just can't seem to figure out what to put in there. Aha! Okay, let's get this organized, shall we?'

With a stifled laugh, Jin-sul went back to thinking about how to pack his things. There was no further conversation until they were all packed.

The last thing Na Yerin carefully picked up was a small, worn box. Judging by its faded red color, it was at least a decade old. The elaborate phoenix carvings on its surface were now faded and faded. Na Yerin stroked the age-worn box very carefully.


Carefully opening the box, she is greeted by two nostalgic objects. A silver dagger and an ornate walker glowing with seven colors.


A wistfulness flickers in her eyes.

"Sis, what is that, I've never seen that before?"

Jin-sul asked, poking his head to the side.


Na Yerin, snapped back to reality, replied in a blunt voice as she closed the box.


There was no point in crying about it.


With the last box, Na Yerin closed the crate. Then she stood and waited for a long time. It would be quite some time before Irisul was finished packing. It was only after much more waiting that Na Yerin was able to witness the end of Iinsul's long determination.

"Phew, I'm done."

Lee Jin-sul said, wiping the sweat from his brow. Na Yerin gave a small, single nod.

"Let's go then."

Na Yerin went first, carrying her pack.

"Yes, sister… oh, wait!"

As she was about to walk out the door, Lee Jin-sul hastily grabbed her. When she turned around, her eyes were filled with wonder. Her sunken eyes were filled with a rebuking light. It was as if she were saying, "Why are you so slow?

But Lee couldn't back down for her own reasons.


Lee Jin-sul mustered up the courage to speak up. The look in her sister's eyes that said she would not forgive her for anything was overwhelming. Poor Lee Jin-sul became more courageous.

"Don't run! Don't run! Don't run! Don't run!

Finally, her head snaps up and her finger points to one side.

"You'll have to take that… sword with you, sister."

The next fleeting sight might have been an illusion, a gust of wind blowing suddenly through the claustrophobic room, but under the fine waves of her flowing black hair, Yi Jinxue thought she saw ice cubes turning red, as if capturing the dusk. She wanted so badly to check again, but she could only see Na Yerin's back, so it was impossible to see her face. Undeterred, she pushed forward, but Na Yerin would not let her go. Of course, she didn't say a word.

After picking up a pet sword that had nearly separated her from its owner, Na Yerin remained silent and carried the heavy box to the door.

"Come with me, big sister!"

Lee Jin-sul hurriedly picked up his bot-bag and called out to the longing Na Yerin in a cheerful voice, as if a great burden had been lifted, and then followed suit.

The world was waiting for her to expand further.

"…You have quite a journey ahead of you, but success doesn't lie in the middle of the road where everyone else can take it; it's only when you've traveled the hard road that you've gained what others cannot. Even if the road is hard, I have faith that you will overcome it, and my final request is that you do not forget that you are the proud and honorable students of the Heavenly Martial Academy, and that you compete fairly and without dishonor to the Academy. Now then, let's go!"

After a long, tedious, and unoriginal speech, the envoys of the Heavenly Martial Academy rode their assigned horses out of the wide-open gates to see them off. In the lead were Bing'er and Yin Dao, followed by Qin Xiaoling and Yue Yunsheng. As expected, Long Tianming was chosen to lead the group. His deputy was Maha Ling.

When she first heard about it, the 'Maiden of Steel' made a very unpleasant face, but then she nodded. She had been secretly taking lessons from her great-grandfather recently, but she had decided that it was not yet time for her to compete. The martial arts of the city were too broad and deep to be learned in a single sitting. He still had many years to go before he could truly make it his own. It was never too late to flatten the bridge of Long Tianming's nose, she calmed herself.

Of course, part of her impatience was due to the fact that she was in the presence of her father, the head of the Majin family. It would be heartbreaking to see the students split in half and bicker, and she couldn't bear to see it in front of her own children. 'Please take care of it,' Yong Tianming said, and she gave him a mildly sour look, followed by a group of Zhu Jiajia, led by the Namgung Sang and Qinling.

"You're finally leaving."

Swordhu stood on a high watchtower and watched Na Yerin's figure on horseback disappear over the horizon with the rest of the group. Although he was familiar with his apprentice's skills, he was still worried about her precarious situation.

"He's not there, is that okay?

If anything bad happened, he vowed to himself that he would pay for it later.

"I hope everything is okay."

Gongsheng stroked his white beard and said in a solemn tone.

"Normally, I wouldn't worry about it, but since it's Siggy, I'm worried."

Dossi also chimed in.

"Oh, by the way, your granddaughter is in there, too. So, Ma Guanzhu's daughter's name is……."

Gumshoe's memory stops there.

"Bam, dude, it's dementia, it's dementia, it's dementia, it's dementia, it's dementia, it's dementia, it's dementia, it's dementia, it's dementia, it's dementia, it's dementia, it's dementia, it's dementia, it's dementia."


"Ah, yes! That's Mach, the kid you've been holding onto all winter, promising to teach me a trick. I've seen your face a few times, but never remembered your name."

"Don't you think the words should come out of my mouth? I didn't grab him, my sweet grandson grabbed me. I've never seen such an intense look in his eyes in my life."

"Was it?"

"Cancer, yes. She had a venomous look in her eyes, full of determination and will. I can still see it. She was ready to kill herself if I didn't teach her right, if I didn't give her enough credit. I was pretty sweaty back then."

The swordsman smirked at the sternness of the city.

"Hehehe, even the greatest city in the world is weak against its only granddaughter, isn't it?"

Tosung replied with a bitter smile.

"He's my one and only grandchild, how could he not be cute, but that doesn't mean I'm going to coddle him and teach him anything, and I'm not!"

"Making accommodations for everything on the street because it's cute is the way to ruin your grandchildren."

"Who doesn't know that!"

If a grandchild or child was cute, I had to give that possibility wings.

"I know that no matter how good a mother bird is, she can't fly for you."

I realized that the unpracticed bird just crashes.

"Have we made any progress?"

Gumsung nodded vigorously at the question, as if he had been waiting for it.

"Of course! This is my granddaughter! A strong-willed person with a clear goal is never discouraged, and it must be accomplished."

He still couldn't forget his granddaughter's determined face when she came to his room unexpectedly.

"I'm ready to start all over again. Grandfather, please train me. I must grow stronger, to be worthy of the name Granddaughter of the City."

There was only one answer he could give at the time, and that's why he stayed by her side the entirety of her stay at the Heavenly Academy last winter. Full of determination, his granddaughter was eager to learn as never before and never complained about the grueling schedule.

"It was the first time in a long time that I felt 'excited to teach'."

A spontaneous smile appeared on Tosung's face.

"He must have gotten something out of that Hongmae Valley, too. Our grandson did. Even though the Heavenly Martial Peak was burned to the ground in the fires of injustice, leaving nothing behind, it must have left something in the hearts of the children."

Swordsman shook his head, arms crossed.

"Now they're going to a new battleground, and I hope they're safe."

Sword Hu said in a quiet voice. She knew very well that the Heavenly Pavilion was currently filled with unseen dangers.

"But that doesn't mean we can't be there to support them. The future is in the hands of the young people who live in the present. We've done all we can do to bring the past into the present, that's our role, and now it's up to them to build the rest of the future."

Tosung spoke up.

"May you have a long life."

Gongsheng was sending his grandson, Tosheng was sending his granddaughter, and Gum Hu was sending his heir. Their hearts were not at ease as they sent their children to a place that might be the most dangerous in the future.

"Hmmm… but I guess we have to let the past be the past, right?"

Gongsheng said, stretching lightly.

"I'm going to go back and finish my unfinished 'Splitting the Sea'."

His insistence that the work was nearing completion deeply irritated Tosung.

"Hmm, that idea, have you thrown it away yet?"

Pinzan was right back.

"We'll see if it's a daydream or a nightmare."

Sword Lord spoke in a calm tone. Sword Hu also stepped forward, not wanting to lose.

"I'll have to figure out a way to turn a thousand into two thousand."

It was a remark that sent the South Sea bird community into a panic.

"Next time, I'm sure I'll come up with something plausible."

Somehow, he felt like he had been left out. It wasn't a pleasant feeling to feel that way when the only two people he had with whom he could share a genuine friendship were these two.

"We're still on active duty."

Xue Sheng chuckled. Even though he was over a hundred years old, it was still a childlike, boundless laugh.

"Cancer, sure. It's a matter of dignity to be treated like an old fart."

Tosung thumped his chest and shouted.

"Gee, isn't this just the beginning? I haven't even gotten halfway to where I want to go yet, and I've got two or three hundred years to live."

A woman with a face that already had nothing to do with age said nonchalantly. It seemed that they had no intention of neglecting their self-cultivation even now that they were over a hundred years old. They would probably continue honing their skills until just before they died. It seemed that even Daoists could not learn without a word.

"Looks like you've finally made up your mind to become a demon."

His ears, trained by his super-senses, were bright.

"What did you just say?"

He threw up his hands in contemplation.

"Oh, no, it was just bullshit, bullshit, ahahahaha!"

To be the limits of youth that must be crossed. The Wall of Heaven and Earth still loomed high above the mighty river, a more glorious barrier overlooking all, but even for them, there was a wall that held them back, just as there were walls for other young people.

"By the way, I haven't seen you since this morning, where did you go?"

Gum Hu asked.

"I think you must have followed them."

"Really, you found a kid you could use, is that what it was about? How does it feel to have your own grandson chosen?"

You know what you're getting yourself into. Swordsman replied with a bitter smile.

"Actually, that's not so good, I'm just sorry that I made him feel that my martial prowess wasn't enough. The Great One has hidden his sword even deeper."

Gongsheng said in an exclamatory tone.

"Or maybe they threw it away."

"You mean the cultivation of the Underwater Sword and the Heartless Sword?"

Gongsheng exclaimed to himself.

"No sword in the heart. This is why there are no 'sword jabs'."

Dao Sheng corrected him in a firm voice. As was customary, the swordsman didn't argue back. Instead, he patted the branch at his waist, a galaxy.

"Ever since I got my hands on this guy, I thought I'd be able to give him a run for his money…… Too bad."

Before I knew it, the wall had moved a little further away.

"You haven't given up yet?"

"So, did the swordsman give up?"

Gum Hu said, his eyes widening.

"Of course I didn't, it was a promise we made 'back then' that we would always surpass those two, but I thought I was the only one who hadn't forgotten it, after all, it's a hundred years old."

They were young, of course, and that promise was made in a time that is already a distant memory.

"A promise that fades in time is not a true promise."

Gumsung insisted.

"Then I suppose you remember that promise as well. You know, the one where you promised to marry the man who defeated the big guy in the bimu, I assume that's still in effect?"

I have to get this out of the way," said Do-Sung in a tone of voice.

"That was a joke, not a promise, and don't you dare mistake the two, you old fool!"

Gum Hu shot me a look.


Tosung was left speechless.

"Still, I'm glad to see that the old master was righted, because a win over a crippled old man wouldn't make me happy or prove my true skill. A win in perfect condition, that's all that matters."

"I agree, you're right."

"Well, from the looks of it, he's going to live for another hundred years."

"It would make sense to study the teaching of the sea."

The reason why Sword Sheng was studying the Sea Teachings was because he couldn't defeat the formation with the River Teachings. The reason that neither Sword Hu nor Dao Sheng had yet ceased to train, cultivate, and study was because they had a clear goal in front of them. It was both a curse and a blessing: a curse in that it stood in their way and reminded them of their weakness, and a blessing in that it gave them a goal and an impetus to push their limits further.

"It looks like I'll be corrected for a while yet, so I should go and continue my training. I'm the first one to take down the master."

"No, it's me, it's me!"

"No, that's me."

"No, because that's……."

For a moment, they bickered. It wasn't the kind of conversation you'd expect to hear from a group of powerful reapers, at least.

"Wait, this will never end."

The swordsman interrupted the argument.

"That's enough. We'll see, and I'm done for the day."

"That would be great."

After all, they weren't going to stop sharpening their swords and dao to polarity today in order to break through that wall.

"They're going from light to dark now."

As he watched the departing horde with a weary glance, Sword Hu spoke.

"With light comes shadow. When they know the right and the wrong, when they know the light and the dark, when they know that there are two sides to every story, and when they can embrace both and merge them into one, then they will be truly martial."

"A narrow-minded view will never lead to greatness, not even in the next millennium. Only those who can break through preconceived notions can truly achieve greatness, and to do so, they must first realize that the world is too complex to be divided into two categories."

This was a journey to do just that. It would be risky, but it would also be rewarding. It was shameless to expect income without risk.

"All we can do now is watch and wait."

It felt very dangerous for them to leave the Heavenly Martial Academy now, so they decided to stay a little longer.

* * *

Na Yerin's surroundings were like an island. Everyone wanted to stand by her side, but they were too busy keeping each other in check to dare approach her. If she stood out alone, she would be judged and criticized for being a square peg, and no one had the stomach for it. Only Bi Ryuyeon was able to do so with aplomb. However, he was disqualified from the competition due to the backlash from the previous incident.

What was unusual about the organization of this mission was that it was open to cadets who had just joined the academy. Of course, it wasn't just anyone, but there was a catch.

Be in the top four in the entrance exam.

The reason for the four was that the list of successful candidates would be posted in a circular fashion, and they would be the ones who controlled the four directions, east, west, south, and north. In order of excellence, they were assigned to the directions of north, east, south, and west, and each had a name. They were Bukwon, Dongwon, Namwon, and Seowon.

The idea was to give potential employees a lot of experience.

The idea of having a junior to take care of didn't seem to bother them too much. What was surprising was that two of the four were women, one of them Yulan, a disciple of the Amu Goddess Qin Xiaoling. Luckily, Yu Yunfei had also passed with flying colors and was able to join the ranks. The other man was Gong Zhenghui. He had been able to participate in the examination because a number of unsavory incidents had been cleared up through intricate political negotiations. However, it was the view of the Southern Palace that his future was not likely to be very bright, especially with Bi Ryuyeon's weakness.

No one dared to approach the golden station, where the black horse, its mane glistening like a jet-black tassel, snapped its greedy mane, and approached Na Yerin's white horse.

"That woman is……."

Nangong Shang's eyes widened.

Sitting atop the slender black steed was the mysterious sage woman he had served in his exams, still clad in her ebony robe of courtesy. She was perched on the black steed with her feet together and her back straight.

"Why, Sang, do you know him?"

Distracted, Namgungsang makes a serious mistake, missing Qinling's question.

"Hiya… I never thought she was that beautiful……."

"Sang, did you not hear me?"

Unaware that he was accumulating more and more karma, Namgung Sang was once again lost in thought, having missed Qinling's words. He wore an umbrella draped in cotton threads, so we couldn't see his face during the test. A plum blossom pattern embroidered with silver and gold thread. Looking back, I still use that umbrella to shield myself from the sun, but the cotton threads that covered my face have been removed.

"Who the hell is this?

"She's gorgeous.

It was no wonder that she was the center of attention, and not just from the men. Even though she was shaded by an umbrella, it was clear from her eyes and features that she was a beautiful woman. She was tall and slender, with a slender waist, and her movements were as graceful as those of a dancer.

Namgungsang shook his head.

"But it's weird, I feel like I've met her before, not just then, but anytime……."

But his thoughts were cut short.


The voice burned with anger, and Namgung Sang turned his head quickly.

"Hee hee hee hee!"

There was Sura, whose body was wrapped in the karma of hell.

"Where are you going with this?"


A furious 'Yi Wen Zheng Zhu' struck Namgung Sang in the side.


A pitiful scream rang out.

"Ugh, how can I find the exact same place……!

The place where Qin Lie's elbow struck was the same place where the Lady of the Prefecture's elbow had already dealt the fatal blow. The ceremony in the Southern Palace ceased at that point.


The black-clad woman at Na Yerin's side smiled brightly.

"Who are you?"

It was a new face for Na Yerin.

'Eye of the Abyss…….'

The woman's silken locks cascaded down her forehead and were casually swept to the right. Her right eye was partially obscured by a slanting bang that draped like a thin cotton thread, but her left eye, the opposite side of her face, had a jewel-like beauty. Rather than black, it was a deep agate-like color with a variety of bronze hues, an abyss that seemed to suck you in.


"Oh, my God!

Suddenly, Na Yerin's eyes narrowed.

'Who the hell is this woman? I can't read her mind!

The prefect smiled softly, covering her mouth with her sleeve.

"It's been a while, Rin!"

Na Yerin's fingers stiffened at being called "Lin.

The woman slowly removed the dark umbrella she was wearing. As the sunlight illuminated the woman's face, Na Yerin was stunned. The woman's eyes, as deep as bronze agates, slowly turned a brilliant gold in the sunlight. Na Yerin had seen gems similar to those eyes before. A beautiful and majestic gemstone that emitted an indescribable glow that changed from bronze to brown to golden again, depending on the angle of the light! Yes, that's right…….

"It's like a tiger's eye stone!

Na Yerin was stunned again when she realized that she had said the exact same thing before.

"Come on, no way……."

A faint memory of the buried past pierced her heart like an arrow. There was silence.

The tiger-eyed woman smiled again. Now it was as if she were asking me if I remembered.

"Gosh, I feel so bad for you."

A very heartbroken Turo woman said.

"Did you forget, Rin?"

The mysterious woman did not hide her disappointment.

"Well, no way… how could I forget, my life saver……."

Of course I remembered. How could I forget the one who had protected not only my physical life, but also the life of my mind.

With a tremor in her voice, Na Yerin pulled out a nostalgic name she'd buried for decades.

"Hey, Yeonbi(燕飛)!"

The woman smiled as bright as the sun and lifted something in her hand. After a long, long wait, the familiar boyo shuddered silently, sending out a dazzling wave of light.

"Once again… it's been a while, Rin, it's been a decade."

<Continued from "Reliability" Volume 21

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