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Book 20 Chapter 26

If interest is compounded, even countries go bankrupt.

-Fear of Interest

"Ryuyeon, you're going to do it yourself?"

"Of course! I will never forgive them. How dare they touch this body's money! Hmph, hmph, hmph! I'll make sure they get the lost principal plus interest, at twenty halos a day compounded!"

"Hey, hey, hey! Even the most unscrupulous loan sharks don't take outrageous interest rates like that. Even a country that pays them would go bankrupt…… You?"

Jang Hong realized something. Bi Ryuyeon chuckled.

"Exactly, I want to eliminate any risk to asset growth in the first place. Sure, war is a big moneymaker, but I don't plan on making money off of it!"

"What are you trying to do and how?"

"To catch a tiger, you have to go into the tiger's den."

"But with all the fools out there, you're not even sure you can get to the Tower yet, are you?"

The case was still pending against the fierce opposition of those around him. When Bi Ryuyeon's smile remained at his point, he couldn't help but ask.

"Is there some kind of pointed number?"

Bi Ryuyeon smiled wryly and nodded slightly.

"You only need to do one thing."

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discord ko-fi