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Book 20 Chapter 24

The Gathering Crowd

-Today is a fateful day!

"That's right, the big brother hates to step up, but he loves to play big."

Looking at the vast demilitarized zone and the waves of people streaming into it, Noh Hak couldn't help but say something.

"You know what they say, a very rich man once said. If you're not going to think about it, you might as well not think about it, but if you're going to think about it, you might as well think big. If you're going to do it, you might as well do it big. Isn't that right?"

Hyunwoon couldn't help but be impressed by the scale. What's even more amazing is that they did it on their own.

"That's true, except we're the ones who suffer for it."

"I see."

The plan may have come from the mind of the mastermind, Bi Ryuyeon, but it was the troupe themselves who would make it happen.

"It's been really hard, you've barely slept for the past week, haven't you?"

"Sleep… Come to think of it, there was such a thing. It was hard when I did it, but it was worth it in the end, wasn't it?"

I wondered if this is what it means to be fulfilled, and that's why I kept wanting to make it better and better, so I kept looking at things carefully without anyone forcing me to.

"Hmm, what if we put a big banner up here on top of the empty space that says 'Bimuchochin'?"

The space above the unarmed entrance caught Hyun-woon's eye. The empty space at the top of the wall was tempting him with an unknown allure that made him want to hang something. But the man next to him had a different idea.

"That's not true. That kind of thing is usually reserved for young, fresh women looking for a strong man through Bimu."

Dangsam said.

"Are there still women doing that these days? Isn't that a very dangerous idea?"

"It's a little reckless, because just because one person's martial arts are strong doesn't mean the other person's personality is any better. If that's your choice, I respect it, but it's not something I'd recommend. It's like marrying someone based on money or status, but not personality, because you're only looking at ability."

"That's true."

Dangsam nodded.

"But isn't a woman's marriage at stake today, and since she's a bimuchochin, I think it's okay to walk?"

Geum chimed in.

"Yeah, but it's a little different. What if people think she's looking for a groom?"

"Yeah, that's a little awkward too……."

Hyun-woon glanced around once more and saw that the room was now almost full.


Hyun-woon whistled to himself.

"What do you think? My resourcefulness, even borrowing a non-stage costume for special occasions like the Samsung MUJE finals! Isn't it amazing?"

Geum Young-ho said poutingly.

"Nice trick, good job."

"Don't you want to hear how I borrowed it?"


Hyunwoon's answer was emphatic.

"By the way, what are the three of them doing?"

Namgungsansan asked.

"Ah, the invisible trio. They're managing the dividend board over there."

The carpenter replied.

"Ah, so that's why you didn't see it."

"It's them, all the time," he says, "although there are some people who don't say a word when you're right next to them."

Hwasuljade said, pointing at Ilgong, who was pacing.


Ilgong gave a curt nod to the captain of the squadron before falling back into silence.

"And Gene Sojae?"

"I haven't seen him yet, he's probably locked himself in his room."

"Come to think of it, I don't see him either, do you?"

Neither of our heroes of the day were in sight.

"I'm sure you have a lot of thoughts running through your head right now."

Namgung Sansan nodded in understanding.

"Well, it's a big day for her as much as it is for him."

"It's either marriage or widowhood before marriage."

Geum Young-ho blurted out the words in a casual tone. That unthinking word aroused the women's ire.

"Hey, fatty, that's what you say as a friend?"

"How can you say that so ominously on a day like today?"

"That's right, that's right, that's all there is to it, an asshole's belly? There's a level of mindlessness."

"Eggs, with that mouth."

"Just block it, forever!"

The women in the workshop burst out in unison. The general consensus was that it was a mystery how men could sometimes blurt out words without thinking. On subjects they can't even think about.

"Hey, you. You'd better apologize quickly, before you get buried alive."

Hyunwoon grunted, nudging him in the right side with his elbow.

"We may have to bury a body today……."

Dangsam whispered as he punched his remaining left side.

"That, that…… me, I'm sorry. I misspoke, so please forgive me. I'm going to kill you, you little bastard!"

Click, click, click!

Unable to bear the backbiting around him any longer, Geum Young-ho slapped his snout and apologized.

"Then die!"

The women's anger was not easily defused. It was hard to win their favor, but easy to lose it.

Meanwhile, Jang Hong and Hyo-ryong were seated in the audience, staring at the unarmed man. Yun Jun Ho was beside them. It would be a shame to miss out on the showdown of the century. They wouldn't call their friend "well," but they had a good seat anyway.

"By the way, the Amish Goddess is indeed very popular, and I'm sure most of the people here are here to see her, right, Brother Zhang?"

Hyo-ryong looked out at the stunned audience and exclaimed.

"Sure! I hate to break it to you, Namgungsang, but your friend is nothing more than a stage prop."

Due to Qin Xiaoling's presence, the attention surrounding this matchup was immense.

"Earlier, I met the life president of the Society, Bi-Yeon-Tae, and he was almost out of his mind with excitement, and he's gathered a bunch of painters, eight of them."

"Has he graduated yet?"

Jang Hong nodded.

"Probably paid."

"Again? Weren't you paid last year?"

"I did."

"But what do you use all those painters for?"

Hyo-ryong asked.

"I don't know the details, but I'm told it's to capture the bride from all sides."

"You are indeed willing."

The answer is yes, if you're non-committal.

'Oh, and just in case anyone says I'm not non-committal…….'

Jang Hong clicked his tongue and replied.

"But Brother Zhang, who do you think will win?"

"Well, no matter how restrictive it is, it's still the Ami Goddess, isn't it? You said that you only use a single herb, but from what I've heard, that single herb is the Yi Qi Sword."

"Iggy Gum, really?"


"So it's a win for the Amish, then?"

Hyo-ryong ran the numbers, but there was only one answer.

"What? You're not talking to your male counterpart, are you?"

"Oh, no, of course not, hahaha!"

Seeing her panic, Jang Hong spoke up.

"It looks like a gun."

"What do you think, Ryuyeon, do you think you have a chance?"

"It's probably about 50\/50 right now."

"Half and half?"

"Why? I don't think so?"

"Not because she's the same woman, but because her prayers are so powerful, you can feel them from a mile away, like a sword."

"He's certainly amazing, but I think he's done his homework, and the rest is up to him. His problem is timidity… I hope he doesn't let it get the better of him, or he'll be nothing but porridge."

"Is that even possible?"

"We'll see."

Now it was all up to Namgungsang.

"That's great."

Tosung looked around and marveled.

"I agree. I don't know who did this, but whoever did it did it with a student organization."

Gongsheng said admiringly.

"Yeah, whoever it is, they're pretty good."

Gumhoo agreed.

Nowhere on the list of those who had organized this meeting was Bi Ryuyeon's name, so the Three Heavenly Emperors had no idea that she was involved.

"Then why don't we take a walk?"

Gum Hu said with a grim expression.

"That's great. Let's try it."

"I'll bet you're a major, of course……."

"Of course."

"Where are you going to hang your hat, Tosung?"

"Hmm… I'm torn."

"Whoever wins gets to eat, right?"

"Sure, although I doubt even the biggest winner would be able to afford to eat……."

Gumshoe muttered incoherently afterward.

"What, what did you just say?"

"Oh, nothing. Nothing. Isn't that right, City?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, that's right, that's right, that's right, hahahaha!"

In a cold sweat, both men vehemently denied it.

"Hmm, is that so?"

He glared at the two men as they smoked. Of all the Heavenly Martial Emperors in the world, there was only one who could make the majority of them break out in a cold sweat, and that was a fellow Emperor.


Standing on the offstage area, surrounded by a crowd of people, Nangong Sang looked around and sighed. In one unarmed corner, he could see humans paying a small fortune to participate in the Discernment Competition, which was currently the most crowded area. The odds were obvious without looking. It was no wonder, it was common sense, a common…….

'It's common sense…….'


Namgungsang sighed again.

'Defying convention. That's something your brother-in-law would love…….'

In reality, based on common sense and objective judgment, it was impossible for him to defeat Qin Shaolin, the master of the Heavenly Five Swords. Even the Southern Palace Master recognized this. Therefore, if everyone wanted to win, they would have to bet on Qin Shaolin, whose odds of winning were overwhelmingly high. The same would be true for those who didn't bet on themselves. No one wants to lose money, so their popularity plummets and their odds skyrocket in inverse proportion. It's just too risky. It's literally a gamble. However, the story is different when you add the ambassadorial Bi Ryuyeon to the mix.

He breaks conventional wisdom and makes the unconventional common sense. In a sense, he turns the world upside down. And then he pockets all the money. Even if it was an exception, the exception was the rule.

"Just look at this one……."

To spread out the risk he might have to take, he created new rules to limit Qin Shaolin's abilities and strengthen his own in a short period of time.

'I almost died thanks to you, but…….'

It's a miracle I'm still alive, but the past week of training has been grueling. It gave me a glimmer of hope in the midst of near-zero despair. Of course, whether or not I was able to seize that glimmer of possibility and hope was entirely up to me.

Just before she stepped offstage, she remembered something her big brother, Bi Ryuyeon, had said to her.

"Hey, paladin, have you ever seen me bet on a losing gamble? No? Well, it's no different this time. You win this time, because I put money on it, and I always win."

It was a confident tone, as if it were the only truth in the world.

"Isn't that a different issue, and doesn't the order of causation seem somehow contradictory?"

The timid Namgungsang timidly voiced his doubts.

"Shut up! Don't sweat the small stuff. How could I not be prepared for the possibility of losing money? So stop being nervous. Relax and be confident. If you're carrying my money, shouldn't you be a little tougher?"

The strange confidence and supportive threats were strangely reassuring to Namgungsang.

"You say it's common knowledge that the Ami Goddess Qin Xiaolong defeats the Master of the Southern Palace, then go and break that common knowledge. That's what my priest should do!"

"Well, that's a lot of pressure……."

"Why not? That's the beauty of deviation. A world that repeats itself all the time according to common sense is a stagnant world, a dead world! Have you ever seen this world stagnate? No, I haven't. What's the point of being different, then? To bother?"

"That, I don't know……."

"That's because there are always exceptions. Disruptions that defy the world's stasis. Remember, only those who dare to disrupt the stagnant flow of the world can change it. Rather than being swept along by change, why not be at the center of it? That way, you can do anything, and you can make money."

Bi Ryuyeon struck a final blow to Namgung Sang's mind.

"Common sense is a girdle, but it's not the whole story, and the possibilities of the future are endless anyway. It's up to you to decide if you want to be bound by it, or if you want to be the one to break it. You've been dead and resurrected. Own it, go change the world, don't get bored!"

"Yes, Big Brother, I'll be right back."

Having already fallen prey to Bi Ryuyeon's skillful verbal maneuvering, Namgungsang replied cheerfully and strode toward the entrance to the offstage area.


Thunderous cheers greeted him as he stepped through the light.

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discord ko-fi