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Book 2 Chapter 6

The arrow has already left the demonstration

If a family and all of its foundations are based on the

The question of annihilation, horsemanship, or all-or-nothing?

I was caught in a cruel spiral of fate that demanded an answer.

Lord Zhang Wuyang, head of a family. As far as he was concerned, the man who was asking him to choose between the life-and-death question of destruction or knighthood-though he was not saying it directly, but indirectly enough by the overwhelming, destructive aura that radiated from his entire being- had the power to destroy his family's fortunes as surely as the weight of his presence in the Great House.

In the past, the story of how he destroyed three bandits in one night for blocking his path is well known. Originally, there was only one bandit hut in his path at the time. However, after Yeomdo completely wiped out the one that stood in his way, he decided that his anger wasn't over yet and wiped out the two neighboring huts in one fell swoop. The two remaining houses were forced to walk the path of destruction under Yin's merciless blade for the simple and ridiculous reason that they were next door neighbors to the primary victim.

The fate of the Zhongyang Bureau of Printing was no different, so Zhang Wuyang had to do something immediately. This was not an individual's choice, but an organization's choice, a life-and-death decision for more than 300 lives. However, Zhang Wuyang was so overwhelmed by the enormity of the choice that he couldn't even think of making a move.

At that moment, his sons Zhang Wugang and the vice-chancellor Liu Yue, as if they had read Zhang Wuyang's thoughts, jumped out of their seats and sneaked over to Yue Dao's side. Of course, neither of them had the slightest inkling that they were going to try to find a solution or a compromise to the situation, much less defeat him. Zhang Wugang had no desire to test the sharpness and subtlety of his Qingcheng Sword, which he had honed in the fresh air high and deep in Qingcheng Mountain, against this terrifying man. These thoughts were fifty or sixty or a hundred.

As they walked toward the salt water, their only goal was a simple, desperate wish: how to calm the fiery man's anger and escape this absolute crisis.

'I'll do anything to save you, and I'll be grateful for the favor! Please let me live!

It's probably the best way to describe their feelings right now. To begin with, communication was essential. Even as they walked, Zhang Wugang and Deng Yuhao continued their wordless duel, using eye contact and gestures to determine who would speak to this dangerous man first. The exchanges of glances between the two men were reminiscent of the handshakes of peak masters in their intensity and swiftness. The fierce exchanges of eye movement and eye contact between the two were made all the more poignant and fierce by the fact that it was a battle to determine the first victim, the mouse with the bell on the cat's neck.

Zhang Wukang, of course, wished that Deng Xiaoping had spoken to him first. But he was too proud to make that clear to her. He didn't want to show his weakness to her, even though it was better than death. But she didn't want to take the initiative either. Life is a precious and valuable gift from the heavens, and it should be treated with care and cherished.

I felt the same way as a backup. Even though he mustered up the courage to walk towards the island, he regretted that he had done so. Deng Xiaoping was also a man who was acutely aware of the preciousness of life, and the fact that he couldn't even ask Zhang Wugang to speak to him first made it even more difficult. He was the heir apparent to the Zhongyang Sword Kingdom. No matter how small the bowl was, no matter how dull the sword shaft was, no matter how sharp the sword was, that was a fact that could not be changed.

It's not like I can say, "I don't want to do this, so you go to that dangerous stuff and forgive me for being wrong." So now they're in a situation where they're both in a very typical, canonical, stereotypical, crazy situation.

Still, as the heir apparent to the throne, Zhang Wugang took up the sword girdle. It must have taken a great deal of mental conflict for him to do this. Still, the pride of being an enemy disciple of the prestigious Great Qing Sheng Sect helped him decide. Zhang Wugang parted his lips, which were trembling slightly with nervousness, in a respectful and close example of bowing.

"I am Zhang Wugang of the Blue Sun Sword, the most invincible and powerful sword in Sichuan, a minor state of the Great and Great Yang Clan. You've heard of us, even if you're a nameless warrior. The reputation of the Great Ocean Clan has been spreading like wildfire lately, hahaha!"


Yeomdo's stomach flipped once again.

Yan Dao's face, which was already contorted, crumpled once more. There was no one in this powerhouse who would stand still when he heard the rumbling, arrogant, "I don't know how high the heavens are, or how wide the earth is, do you?" in his ear, especially when it came to the fiery Yidao.

But I'm so desperate to die as soon as possible, even if it's just for a minute or two, that I can't help but wonder if Zhang Wugang is so nervous that his head is spinning and he's lost all sense of fear. And yet, he continues to speak, not knowing that he's about to die.

"We'd like to stay here tonight at the Great Zhongyang Stamp Office, but there aren't enough seats, and we're all going to have to sit down and eat in comfort. What can we do? What can we do? We'll have to make arrangements. How can we make arrangements? Why don't you give up your seat and leave the restaurant quietly? Don't you think that's a good idea? But why is he doing this to you and not to everyone else? Oh, because you're the boss, of course. What, is he looking down on you? Is he the one who's looking down on you? Isn't he the one who's acting in a way that makes it look like he's looking down on you? Well, now that you understand, why don't you just get out of the way?"

Every syllable of the word is like a blue mountain stream, an unseen person……. I guess that's what they mean when they talk about inconsistency in behavior. The words that could never have come out of the mouths of the two men, who were bowing so deeply that their sweaty backs were clearly visible, ruffling their hair that was dripping with sweat, and rubbing their hands together in a fervent manner, kept digging their way into the ears of Yidou and turning his stomach inside out.

In the midst of this bizarre disagreement, Yeomdo shakes his head and ponders for a moment, realizing that if they had been in agreement, they would have been dead in a heartbeat. How could this be? Of course, if Zhang Wugang and Deng Xiaohu were still in their right minds, they wouldn't have uttered such life-disregarding words.

There's no point in digging a grave that's already been dug, just because it's shallow. Zhang Wugang and Deng Xiaoping had never said that. But it certainly sounded that way to Yue Dao's ears, and Yue Dao's ears weren't wrong. So how could this be? It was a strange thing indeed. The real Zhang Wukang had said those words with an embarrassed and apologetic face,

"Oh, it is the honor of my three lives to meet this… such an illustrious giant of the mighty river, the Flame of Fire, the Flame of Fire, the Flame of Fire, the nameless small state of Sichuan, the small state of Zhongyang, the nameless sword of Qingcheng, and the martial arts scholar Zhang Wugang. Oh… It is my family's infinite honor to be able to meet you today, the Flame of Red Flame, the Great Sword of Yin Dao, whose name is as bright as the sun in the Martial Realm, and whom we have always admired. I'm here to greet you like this, not only because it's a natural duty as a martial artist, but also because there was a big misunderstanding between you and our Zhongyang Bureau just now, and we wanted to bow down to you and apologize and clear up the misunderstanding. We, the Zhongyang Bureau, never in our wildest dreams did we have the heart to do anything disrespectful and disrespectful to the Chuho, the admirable Yan Dao Guo, this, this whole thing was all a… accident, yes, just an accident, so please forgive us for being insensitive with a big heart like yours!"

"I'm sorry," he said, hanging his head in pitiful desperation. He begged and begged and begged, until he had no more pride than the grime of a claw. How is it, then, that from one to the other, from the first to the tenth, all these different things were conveyed to his ears? The truth is this.

Let's say we have K, E, and P. Let's assume that K, E, and Byung are martial arts masters. In the above scenario, let's say that Kwak and Yi are talking to each other, and Kwak gives Yi a compliment. What if, at the same time, Byung (丙) used a tricky trill (where his voice is modulated with Byung's voice, and the listener can't tell it's a trill) to swear at Byung (乙) at the same time?

Naturally, Eun would hear none of Guk's praise, but only his insults, and of course Eun would think that Guk was insulting her. Then the two will fight, punching and slashing.

Transmission of sound is a technique of ascension in which sound waves or speech are transmitted to a specific opponent by means of a hollow ball, and the sound is transmitted directly to the opponent's ears by means of the hollow ball. If a sound and normal speech are transmitted to a person's ear at the same time, the person does not hear the airborne sound, but only the sound transmitted in the inner air. Since electroacoustic sound is a technology that uses the hollow to transmit sound through the air by directly ringing the eardrum of the other person, the hollow creates a kind of invisible qi membrane in the ear, and the airborne sound is blocked by this invisible qi membrane, and only the electroacoustic sound is transmitted. It's literally a chi blockage.

What just happened between Yeomdo and Zhang Wugang is exactly the same as the example above. If Zhang Wugang is the Yin, then Yin is the Yang. If Zhang Wugang is K'an, then Yeomdo is Yin. Needless to say, it's Bi Ryuyeon who is the cause of the fight between K'an and Yin. By using a clever, and some might even say crude, method of foreplay, Bi Ryuyeon once again played a trick on Yin and Zhang Wugang.

The first, of course, was the marking of the Zhongyang marker, which flew in from nowhere and landed on the table of the diners, and the second was the pushing of the Zhongyang marker deeper and deeper into the pit of doom. Bi Ryuyeon's lighthearted prank had brought Zhang Wugang and his organization to the brink. For the simple reason that Zhang Wugang is cocky…….

A bitter, harsh sneer mixed with anger at Zhang Wujiang, and indeed at the entire Zhongyang Clan, leaked from his mouth. His face was now so red that it looked like a dull iron sword stuck in a brazier.

"C'mon, Zhongyang Beacon, I've heard your name a bit lately, but how dare you offend me, a mere beacon, and ask me to leave because there aren't enough seats in this restaurant? You don't care about me and my Yeomdo? Your liver is completely out of your stomach. Is your life so light? You still want me to keep you safe? I still want you to stay alive, Hal!"

With a roar that echoed through the restaurant, a tremendous sense of authority emanated from Yidou. It was so fierce and overbearing that the two men standing directly in front of him were stunned and nearly fell to their knees.

"Mu, what are you talking about, Kwok Dae-hyeop? I… we… we're……."

Zhang Wugang was so stunned by Yidao's terrifying reaction that he was speechless. He couldn't understand what Yidao was saying right now. Zhang Wugang could barely stand on his trembling legs.

"H-how dare we say anything that would offend the fe-feelings of Kwak Young-hee, who is also Kang Ho's number one thief."

The face of Deng Yeoh, who was watching the two with an expression that clearly revealed his frustration from the side, instantly turned blue.

"Go… Confucius, no!"

The sound of her voice was almost a scream, and Zhang Wu Kang thought, "Aha!" as he heard her scream. But the arrow had already left the demonstration. Zhang Wugang's last words, whether or not they came from Yidou, had completely taken away any room for uncertainty and reconsideration.

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discord ko-fi