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discord ko-fi
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Book 2 Chapter 4

Currently working on a devious plan

Contemplation is the pursuit of the reasoning behind things.

Any mental activity that involves deep thought.

Lately, she's been spending a lot of time in contemplation.

Even the people around her couldn't tell what she was thinking about so intensely, which made her feel uneasy, but since no one came forward to touch her, she was able to quietly submerge herself in a lake of thoughts.

Lately, only one thought has been running through her mind: she is bored, tired, and exhausted because she has no disciples. She had no one to cook her meals, no one to do her work for her, no one to earn her money, no one to help her, and no one to take care of her. The more she thought about it, the more she missed the sixteen students who had just left her. With them, she had led a very comfortable and relaxed life. Instead, they cooked for her, worked for her, cleaned for her, did her laundry for her, and earned money for her……. How comfortable she had been.

His comfortable and relaxed life was all thanks to his sixteen disciples, and therefore he had only one earthly imperative on his mind at the moment: "I need to find one useful disciple somewhere! As he was pondering how and by what means he would find such a disciple, one fact was making him very unhappy, and that unhappiness was throwing a stone called irritation into the calm abyssal lake of thought, creating rough waves on the calm waters. This wave of "pissed off" was pulling him out of the lake of thought and onto the shore of reality.

It bothered him greatly, to the point of being a bit of a jerk. This was because there was a man on the other side of him who was glaring at him like he was going to eat him alive. He was Zhang Wugang, the only son of Zhang Wuyang, the sovereign eighteen-sworded king of Zhongyang, currently 26 years old, and he was indeed an eighteen-year-old. Of course, because I wrote it down in a purified language, it was an eighteen-year-old, but it was actually a bastard.

Wait here!

People often make the mistake of using profanity in anger. Swearing shouldn't be used casually. One of the most popular swear words is "asshole". Of course, it's not "eighteen assholes" when it's spoken. A strong accent is added to turn it into "asshole". But this is an incorrect usage that deserves to be corrected. It's a slang term that refers to a woman's secret pussy, a vital organ that belongs to women but not to men.

If it's a man, it's '씨팔놈', where 'seed' refers to sperm (精子), one of the two components of conception, and 'arm' means to sell or buy. In other words, 'seedseller' is a slang term that means a person who sells seeds like a stallion (種馬: a male horse used for breeding superior breeds), a seed dealer (氏賣買者), or a woman's whore (男娼). "Bitch" literally means "bitch" or "whore" and is a very unflattering term for a woman who sells her body for a living, a prostitute. It doesn't include the seed, so be careful not to confuse the two.

Therefore, the correct usage of this slur is asshole if the person you're swearing at is a man, or bitch if it's a woman. There is no such thing as a swear word, a slang word, or a slur. Let's keep this in mind. Of course, if a man dares to use the insulting word bitch on a woman, he is a true bitch.

In any case, from the moment they met, that seed or arm bastard Zhang Wugang made a bad first impression, or whatever it was that he was so unhappy about, he was glaring at her like she was going to eat him. His eyes were filled with malice and enmity, as if he considered himself an 'enemy', scratching at the edges of his otherwise complex nerves, so how could he not feel uncomfortable?

Do you want me to give you a hand, or do you want me to touch you a few times like anyone else? It's not that I didn't think about it. But for now, I held back. For Bi Ryuyeon, who has a beautiful (?) idea that even if you have hair, you have a conscience, this was a bit uncomfortable, so I tried to practice self-control, which I don't usually do, as a way of honing my skills. But once again, it was literally just a moment, just a moment.

At first, she thought, "Should I put up with it?" because she was being pampered and eating Zhongyang leek soup, but her heart was not so generous. "I can forgive a woman with small breasts, but I can't forgive a woman with a big waist," she said. The example she just gave was wrong, and to rephrase it, she had been acting on the belief that, "I can tolerate Guan Yunzhang shaving, but I can't tolerate things that offend me. However, she was a little hesitant to scold him outright because of the stares of others. To say the least, she was indebted, but to say the truth, she was the one who was worried and pampered.

So now all he could think about was, "Quick, a new apprentice," and he was deep in thought, "How do I pick this guy out, how do I kick his ass, and how do I make him say, "Good job!"? A few days later, something happened that proved the adage "heaven helps those who help themselves" to be true.

After thinking about it for a few days, she came up with a few brilliant and ingenious ways to do it. Of course, this idea - proving the truth of the old adage - was only in her mind, but not everyone else's. She had already given her plan a name: "Two birds, one stone!" She had even given it a name. It was a plan she was very happy with, even after reviewing it once more. Now all she had to do was pick the right one, substitute the right variables, and apply it to the situation. This was the scary thing about Bi Ryuyeon: he thought of ploys-or rather, schemes-as plural, not singular. The difference between a scheme and a ruse is that a scheme is a big, deep plan, a combination of a plan and a ruse, with the implication of a ruse.

The fact that she didn't just think of one thing, but thought of multiple things, assuming different situations and variables, was what made her so resourceful and willing. What would you do if you had a plan, but the environment or circumstances didn't allow you to execute it? Would you just swallow hard and give up? I don't think so. He didn't have the pathetic hobby of swallowing a bunghole based on whether or not his barely-constructed plan would fail. His plans were designed solely for success, and there was no room for exceptions. That's why he would assume multiple situations and variables, and plan each operation accordingly.

If one goes wrong, there are others. It's a matter of picking and choosing. A good strategist will have multiple plans for different situations. You can only be a good strategist if you have as many plans as there are possibilities. Of course, manipulating and adjusting the number of possible outcomes to a minimum is the true skill of a bookkeeper. In this sense, Bi Ryuyeon was not called a genius for nothing. She was called a genius for a reason.


Smiling, she decided to wait for the right time. The actors hadn't gathered yet, and the stage wasn't set up properly. Nervousness is a big no-no when planning something like this. A play doesn't begin until the actors are assembled, and what he needed to do now was to wait for the right time, decide on a play to perform according to the situation, and search for and select the right actors to play the right roles. Feeling cheerful, Bi Ryuyeon laid down on her back and looked up at the blue sky, ignoring the unpleasant gaze that tickled the back of her head. Looking up at the endless blue sky, she felt as if a blockage had been cleared. The seemingly endless expanse was clear and pristine.

As I gazed at the sky, I was intoxicated by its blue color and melted into a state of relaxation and serenity that I hadn't felt in a long time. The cloudless winter expanse, the clear, high sky that had lost its dark gray color and regained its blue, was as beautiful as a blue bird soaring on its wings toward the end of the world.

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discord ko-fi