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discord ko-fi
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Book 2 Chapter 23

This place is so boring

The lush green forests that seem to cut through the sun in the sky are somehow familiar.

Dense foliage that even light can't penetrate!

After much deliberation, he realized that where he was, the

I was able to figure it out.

(Huh? Where am I……. Alas, amino acids!)

A faint memory begins to stir in my mind, and I recognize it as the backwoods of the Amishan Training Center. Through the dark green space, surrounded by dense forest, I could see the two Inyoungs.

(Uh, who's that?)


(Uh-oh, that's Gungsang! Uh-oh, there's Ryeong-ah!)

Two figures came into view, both faces he recognized as familiar. In the midst of a verdant forest, at the height of dusk, there was a nervous, ugly boy who didn't know what to do with himself in front of the girl he liked, and a girl who stood in front of him, looking as beautiful as ever. The girl may be deliberately inducing the young man's heart attack. A young man on the verge of death from a heart attack caused by her bewitching beauty, and a beautiful girl who is constantly threatening his life. As he looks at them, a smile appears on his face that he doesn't recognize.

The man who could not help but blush and feel embarrassed in the presence of the girl he had set his heart on was a man he knew very well, Namgung Sang, the highest ranking member of the palace. It was truly pathetic that a man who was quite skilled with a sword could only falter in the presence of a woman. The girl who was so beautiful in front of him was clearly the spirit of Amishan, the one who was keeping him awake at night.

(What's going on?)

Curiosity got the better of me and I tried to look between them more closely, but suddenly my vision was blurry.


Suddenly, the objects and scenery around him seemed to shake, and then, like a mirage, the scene changed and a group of familiar children appeared. Of course, it was hard to call them children now that they were nearly twenty years old, but still, in his eyes, they were just children. Children who lived in a volcano where they had no choice but to burn their food. Yanhua from Mr. Huangbo's family, who would never eat roasted snake if she could help it. Mo Yongqui, who was so quiet she was mute. Dan Moxu, who was better at making rags out of laundry than she was at washing it. She was responsible for turning the laundry into rags and had to do bleeding stitches to turn the rags back into laundry, because the rags were their only form of punishment.

And then there was Dang Wen Hye, who was not at all gentle. She was so good with women that no man had the courage to touch her temper. Even the third son of the Tang family, Cheol-young, more often called Tang-san by some, could not move in front of her. And her polar opposite, Namgung Sansan, who was extremely feminine and unusually fond of cooking. Without her, the maintenance of their diet during the training camp would have been in serious jeopardy of forgetting the most basic human needs. Therefore, she was very precious to them. Everyone couldn't help but look nostalgic.


Now that I think about it, my memory of boys is a little fuzzy. After all, the brain's memory quota for tough, rebellious boys is bound to be lower than for pretty, cute girls. Isn't it obvious?

What is the point of utilizing so much space in the brain to remember the company? It would be much more beneficial to use that space to study in industry and academia. Still, when I pull out the bits and pieces of my memories, some ideas come to mind. Hyun-woon, a shaman who loved to look at the stars, but later preferred to live underwater. Xu, the monk who liked to sneakily eat meat. I call this guy "Su" because he's a total douchebag who doesn't even deserve to be called a monk.

There was no reason to add the letter 'nim' to a tango that was able to turn alcohol into water and meat into rice. So, Ilgong just became a 's'. But he was too quiet and reticent for his actions. Dang Chul-young was unnecessarily proud of a subject he couldn't even memorize. But over time, he learned to make a necklace properly……. It's a great place to start, but it's also a great place to end.

Qingyun, who was a disciple of the Sword Sect on Mount Qingsheng, but couldn't handle a sword. Yi Lingyi from Mount Kunlun, who had a knack for dancing on water. Nohak, who was beaten for trying to be picky with his tastes, and how could he say he couldn't eat grilled snakes and stir-fried maggots when he was a beggar? Still, this one is especially memorable because he was the one I touched the most out of all of them. He was also the most rebellious.

And the volcano's natural rains, who insisted on using an axe to make the plum blossom. And Geum Young-ho, who had nothing but money and knew nothing but money. He was worried about how powerful his side-cooked martial arts would be, but he didn't hate him because he made the most money for himself. But did he know how to do anything? I can't think of anything but money.

They should know by the light of the three lives that this body has remembered these sweaty, smelly men to this extent. They all come together and call themselves by name.



Biyou's eyes opened. The sudden sunlight blinded her. But only for a moment, the eyelids that rested on top of the snowballs slid back down as if they weighed a thousand pounds. He hadn't completed his task yet, and it took an incredible display of willpower to keep his eyelids from closing completely. If his willpower had been any less strong, it would have been dangerous. He was going straight to dreamland.

Barely able to keep her eyes half-open, Bi Ryuyeon looked around. She felt her skin tingle and her ears prickle, which was quite unpleasant and unpleasant. Her nerves were getting on her nerves. He glanced around, still dazed, and saw that several of the warriors were glaring at him, questioning how he could have done such a thing. Still, all of them seemed to have a shameless glint in their eye sockets, as if they'd been trained to a certain level. Perhaps it was because of their inner strength.

Only then did she finally realize where she was, how and why she was standing, and the reason for the glares that were shooting at her.

'Aha, this was the entrance ceremony to the Tianmu Academy…….'

Yes, it was. This was the solemn and sacred ceremony for the initiation of a new member of the Celestial Academy, and he was standing here to be initiated, and he was fighting off drowsiness. Now that everything was understood, his heavy eyelids attempted to descend once more without a trace of reflection, but the constant baptism of disgust from his surroundings forced even the most desensitized of minds to break their resolve. Bi Ryuyeon's regret at the lack of sleep was overwhelming. Tragically, his sleep would be interrupted.

"Did I make a mistake?

Bi Ryuyeon felt the need to reconsider his actions so far. Wasn't the reason he had come to this place, the Heavenly Martial Academy, to find something fresh, refreshing, and stimulating that would make his brain tingle?

Of course, a large part of this is due to nostalgia for the children I once had as students. I don't necessarily deny that fact, nor do I fully acknowledge it, but……. When you are constantly oppressed and exploited by your master on a daily basis, you suddenly miss the children who used to call you "master" and follow you.

She was surprised and mystified by the unexpected fact that she had developed this unfamiliar feeling of longing for others. Where are they now, and what are they doing? Are they doing well? She wondered if they were getting beaten up every day, just like when she was working for them. Still, they were once her students, the ones she had taught, the ones she had taken under her wing and learned from, even if it had been a scam. It was only natural to feel nostalgic. She was a flesh-and-blood person, just like everyone else. Many people were skeptical of this fact, but there was no denying that she was a person.

Month after month, thirty days in a month, three hundred and sixty sijin, angelic one hundred and forty airs, two thousand eight hundred and eighty teas, two thousand eight hundred and eighty fragrances! That is to say, if he could eat rice without stopping, he would empty an angelic hundred airs; if he could drink tea without stopping, he would drink two thousand eight hundred and eighty cups; if he had the courage and perseverance to watch, he would watch two thousand eight hundred and eighty incense sticks burn; and if he had the courage and perseverance to witness two thousand eight hundred and eighty incense sticks burning, he would periodically calculate his earnings and bring them to his master, and every time he did so, he would feel something. He had a sense of urgency that his life would end in continued exploitation, hardship, and permanent abuse at the hands of his master, so he decided, or rather, planned, to join the children's academy as part of a plan to overcome the current crisis and design a new life for himself. He knew he couldn't stay under his master's thumb forever, being treated like a servant or slave, so he made a bold decision with his eyes closed.

To be honest, I had been preparing for this mortal coil for quite some time, and it was a very hard, painful, and close call, but I kept it a secret, avoiding the prying eyes of my monstrous master inspirer with an indomitable spirit.

"It's time to break free of the inspiration bug!

He was able to evade his master's devilishly sharp eyes, ghostly cries, and sharp senses, fudging his income and expenses, and stealing money through overtime. It was for this reason that he secretly robbed bandit lairs to gather money and riches.

But what is this? From the very beginning, things were going in a different direction than she had expected. Just like when she first took on her students, she was secretly hoping for a lot of fun things to happen soon.

"But this isn't really it, this is a den of idiots, a bunch of pathetic people risking their lives for something that doesn't pay.

He couldn't help but feel that he had spent all of his money on something that was boring and pointless, and he couldn't help but feel that he had spent all of his money on something that was pointless. To him, it was a foolish and uneconomical thing to spend money on something like this, not unlike throwing money into thin air. He was almost dizzy with the hopelessness of the reality that something so uneconomical, unproductive, and inefficient could be done, but no one really understood his despair.

His frustration was so great that he was on the verge of tantrums. Only yawning was the proper response to the emotions of boredom and tedium. What a waste, what an emptiness.

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discord ko-fi