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Book 2 Chapter 19

A friend or foe on a wooden bridge.

Just now, a celestial cloud was heading toward the Yeomdo

Like a moth to a flame, you're about to pounce,

A lone voice came from inside the hall.

Although it's not huge by any means,

Without missing a beat in this tumultuous intestinal tract, the

It was a commanding voice, clear to the Chinese ear.

Judging by my polite and eloquent tone, it was clear that he was a great master of the art. Only the voice of such a person could penetrate the collective consciousness of such a group of practitioners, refreshing the atmosphere and energizing the surroundings. It was easy to see that I was using a fairly advanced ascension technique.

The moment he heard the voice, he stopped the hand that was preparing to crush the heavenly statue. He stopped all his actions and deeds, as if he were frozen in time. He doubted his ears. It was a voice he could never forget, a voice he could never get out of his mind, a voice he would drag with him to the grave, a voice that would follow him all the way to the other side, the voice of the one who had left a deadly scar on his heart. How could he forget the voice that was imprinted deep within his heart.

Suspicion bubbled up in the back of Yeomdo's mind. No way, he thought. His fists, which never seemed to shake, trembled slightly. What if it was him? His gaze slowly locked on the hall, the source of the voice. The door to the hall opened, revealing a dignified and precious middle-aged man.

Pale blue silver hair, blue eyes, and blue skin. The opposite of Yeomdo, this middle-aged man was all blue. It wasn't a deep blue like the ocean, but a pale silver-blue with a transparency reminiscent of the coldness of ice. Upon seeing him, Yeomdo's eyes turned into rabbit eyes in surprise. His eyes widened as if he had just witnessed an unbelievable wonder. Blood pooled in his swollen eyes like a net of red, thin branches. From the depths of his lungs, a raspy lion's wheeze burst forth.


It was a fearsome lion, whose majesty seemed to make all the mountain vegetation tremble. Everyone was stunned by the loud roar that shook the air, but the person who heard it didn't seem to be too surprised. Whether it was because he was deliberately keeping quiet, or because he was unimpressed, one could not read any emotion on his face. He did not show any emotion, and his composure remained as calm as a lake. He was, in short, a man as cold as the North Sea snow. His mouth, frozen like a glacier, parted, and a voice colder than a blizzard leaked out.

"We meet again, Hee (姬)!"

Hee (姬) is the Chinese character for princess. Of course, Yidou's name is not Hee, the princess, but Hee, the joy, but in the past, Binggum called him Hee as if to mock him.

"Bastard, don't call me that!"

Once again, Yeomdo burst into a rage. His whole body was shaking with intense anger, his body was trembling Why didn t I notice it before? I thought I could smell his scent from a thousand li away……. No wonder the mourning Hong Yan, who was his alter ego, was crying so bitterly. His beloved sword, Bing Lu, was a frost blade. It was a transparent ice-blue sword with a chilling cold light, and it contained an extreme yin coldness that was said to freeze even the moonlight.

Bing Lu, a sword of the same length as his mourning Hong Yin, with not an inch of difference, and of the same weight, with not a penny's worth of error. They were the twin swords of the Red Flame, born from the beginning of time as a pair of yin and yang, separated at the Tai Pole. Twin swords call out to each other and attract each other, so it's no wonder they resonate so poignantly as they draw closer and closer together.

"Was it you, was it you, Ice Sword Coffin, Iron, Sue!"

Yidou's voice was a gut-wrenching gurgle. His voice was the sound of an enormous outburst of anger. He acted as if he had just encountered the Iron Goddess. What had happened to cause her to treat him like that? We don't know, only the two of them would know. They were such a contrast. They were contrasting in everything: momentum, energy, personality, appearance, color, etc. Polar opposites that were never compatible. They seemed like polar opposites. Polar opposites that could never mix. Irreconcilable opposites. There was no other way to describe them than these words.

I've hung up my ice sword!

Qin Mu Zhen, a member of the prestigious Heavenly Five Swordsmen, the current head of the Heavenly Martial Academy. The Qin Mu Hall was the center of power for the martial arts division within the Heavenly Martial Academy, meaning that Bing'er was currently in charge of the martial arts division within the Heavenly Hall. In addition to being highly respected by the great martial artists, he was also a perfect martial artist, with no flaws in his personality, character, or skill. He was said to be the closest swordsman in the Martial Realm to achieving the Heart Sword, the most skillful sword.

Some even claimed that he had already mastered the deep sword. His mastery of the ice sword was a remarkable achievement that was firmly recognized by others. It was even said that the actual leader of the Fifth Heavenly Sword was the ice sword Kwan Chul-hui. However, he and Yin Dao were like water and fire, or should I say ice and fire. It seems that even his noble character could not be displayed in front of Yin Dao. It was an enmity that could be described as water and fire, water and oil, cat and mouse, and dog and monkey. No one knows what happened in their past. Only they know. …….

They were two people who were at odds with each other from top to bottom, and they were also the first people I would never want to run into if I could help it.

"Has it been a decade?"

Iceblade's frozen mouth opened. His voice was as cold as the glaciers of the North Sea. A cold, icy voice, devoid of any remnants of emotion. His posture was rigid and unflinching, his hair a bluish-black silver, his beard the same color and neatly trimmed. If Yeomdo was all red, he was all blue. His hair, in particular, was not dark blue, but rather a transparent silver-blue.

His brow, beard, and hair of bronze and silver, his robes of silver-blue silk with a hint of blueness, and last but not least, the blue divine sword that hung from his waist, emitting a freezing cold chill! It was a part of him, the Bing Lu.

"Hmph. Was it really you, the one who managed to get the Hoa Zhang manor to settle down in the middle of the South Window, the front yard of the Heavenly Pavilion? Yes, that's what you do."

Yeomdo said with a grunt.

"I've known him for a long time, so I gave him a little help. The rest is his own effort. I'm just an advisor, nothing more, nothing less."

"Hmm, that's always been you. All alone, acting all high and mighty and……."

He seemed to be unhappy with every aspect of his life, and his words were tinged with dissatisfaction and animosity toward Iceblade.

Yeomdo, who had been spewing out his frustrations and animosity toward Binggum, paused uncharacteristically for a moment, then forced something out of his mouth. It was a small, sincere tone, quite different from the one he'd used to criticize Bing'er.

"How is he… how is she?"

Finally, Yeomdo had to bury it. He had touched the powder keg between them. He had to touch it, even though he knew it was a dangerous thing that would explode with the slightest touch and hurt everyone around it. Immediately, a gleam flashed in Bing's eyes. He knew she would bring up this story, this finality. But he didn't want to touch it.


It was still a cold tone, devoid of emotion. Yeomdo's eyebrows twitched. Perhaps reading his expression, Bing'er paused for a moment.

"Eighteen years ago, when our paths parted, you asked only how she was doing. She was pregnant and……."

"It's been three months. I'll kill him!"

A flicker of pain flashed across his face. Old wounds in his heart that he had tried to forget throbbed and ached once more.

"Even when you met her by chance ten years ago, you didn't ask how she was doing."

"Oh, you mean the time we fought for three days and three nights? I shouldn't have let her live then, I should have finished her off. You should have thanked your lucky stars that the child in her womb saved your life."

"If she hadn't shown up then, you wouldn't be standing here. You were a lifesaver. Eighteen years ago, ten years ago, and today, there's only one thing I can say. She is well!"

"Your words have not changed in eighteen years, and you're still not credible. Do you have anything else to say?"

"Oh, my daughter is so beautiful. She's beautiful, just like her mom. She's even prettier than her social media."

I'm a person who doesn't have feelings, he said with his face and tone, I'll chew him up and kill him, he thought. The ice sword's words were a scream of salting. Salting is a series of long-term storage processes in which meat is cut evenly and salt is sprinkled over the cuts. But what would it be like to be salted alive? It would be a pain that cannot be described in words. Even though he was being salted, Yidao squeezed out the last of his patience and spoke nonchalantly.

"Really? Great, then I'll take it."


The mourning scarlet drew itself out and fell into the hands of the salt. He had read his master's mind. Bing Lu, the Ice Sword's mourning sword, also slipped out of its sheath with a crystal-clear sound, and was caught in Bing Lu's hand. There could be no compromise between the two; they were anathema to each other, sharing the same sky and breathing the same air.

Each wielded his gripped mourning sword and lamentation in unison, not a second out of sync. One second without a single concession. A terrifyingly fiery red rainbow stretched out like a beam of light from Yeomdo's Red Flame. Not to be outdone, a blue-white rainbow with a cold chill that could freeze even the moonlight cut through the air from the ice sword Bing Lu.

The crimson glow of the blade, leaving a pleasant afterimage of sparks behind, was a powerful display of firepower that was evident to both Bi Ryuyeon and the Hoa Zhang warriors, who were watching with interest from a distance. Watching from the sidelines, Bi Ryuyeon was also in awe of this move. It was a terrifying sword with the fierce momentum of an erupting volcano, and everyone in the room thought it was so terrifying that it could never be stopped. After all, if the dao energy emanating from the salt dao was reminiscent of a searing heat wave, the sword energy emanating from the ice sword was reminiscent of the cold, bitter north winds of Han Shuo. Even the moonlight seemed to freeze and shatter when it touched Bing Lu's sword energy.


The opposing energies clash head-on in midair. When true energy flies in the form of sword energy and entangles in midair, the skill of the caster can mean the difference between victory and defeat. As alumni of the same master, it has always been difficult to tell the difference between their skills. Both men concentrated all their energy into this blow, but it was not to be. Their clashing chi canceled each other out in thin air. Both men were at the end of their ropes. It was a perfect offset.


The dust generated by the collision of forces filled the air and obscured Zhong Zhong's vision. The gusts of wind were so strong that Zhong Zhong was unable to open his eyes. Everyone covered their faces with their sleeves and tried to see what was going on, but in vain.

A moment later, the dust cleared, and a clear view of the confrontation emerged. However, Bing'er defied their expectations. There was no sign of damage anywhere on his body, as the blue-white rainbow of extreme Yin Sword Qi emanating from his sword had so easily blocked the terrifying Dao attack.

"Phew, I see the rotten bastard hasn't rusted out his skills yet!"

Yeomdo said, chewing and spitting. He looked disgusted. Of course, there were no wounds on Yeomdo's entire body, so the palate of two people who had devoted themselves to martial arts solely to surpass their opponents could only be bitter. Even though they hadn't used their full strength, they could clearly see that their strength was not equal. Although they didn't want to admit it,…….

"You too!"

Binggum still hadn't moved a muscle in his face.

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discord ko-fi