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Book 2 Chapter 17

Consequences of reckless resistance

Hearing the commotion, Ganyu rushed to the scene.

As soon as he saw the two of them, he exclaimed, unafraid.

Without a godbrother, he was the eldest of the clan, and the

He was in charge of the priests and servants on behalf of his master.

That's why he was always so confident.

"Who are they?"

"Who are you, why!"

Ryuyeon took in Ganyu's inarticulate words and kindly corrected him. Outside the tightly closed gates, Yi Guanwu and Sun Gongwu made a lot of noise and tried to stop the two from entering the hall, but with a simple wave of Bi Ryuyeon's hand and a flick of her foot, they flew off into the distance. Even though they were both promising martial artists, they were only one or two people, and it was impossible for them to stop Yi Guanwu and Bi Ryuyeon.

"Wudang wudang!"

Son Gon-woo and Lee Guan-woo rolled side by side on the sun-warmed pavement. The bad luck didn't end there, and it only got worse. The customer service representative, who had opened the closed iron gate to see what was going on outside, was struck on the bridge of his nose by a flying fist and sent flying three sheets of paper, knocking him unconscious. All for the trivial reason that he was blocking her path by closing the door. In this way, Bi Ryuyeon and Yin Dao had entered the Hoa Zhuang without any effort at all. In front of them, Ganyu came running out. With a look of bewilderment on his face…….

However, from the first impression, the pathetic Ganyu was not pleasing to her eyes, so she dismissed him outright. She didn't see him as worthy of her time. She didn't take his existence seriously at all. Feeling insulted by this behavior, Ganyu Yunxu's complexion turned red. He was full of pride as a late exponent of a prominent clan and a prospective Heavenly Guan Dao, and Bi Ryuyeon's disregard was an unbearable insult.

"Who are you?"

Ryuyeon's gaze met Yun Shu's, but her long bangs prevented her from seeing his gaze directly. A faint smile appeared on her lips again.

"You're just as rude as the last one, and who are you to ask for someone's identity when you haven't introduced yourself first?"

"I'm Ganyu, an enemy warrior disciple of Hoa Zhang here. Who the hell are you?"

But Bi Ryuyeon again ignored Ganyu's question. And then she knew.

"Ah, so you're the second student of Hoa Jang, the one who got the math wrong and doesn't know fractions. Nice to meet you."

"Fractions? What do you mean, fractions?"

"Aren't you that second disciple who's trying to get into the Heavenly Martial Arts Academy by special selection, using his master's recommendation to get in because of his tenuous and lousy skills? That's how you don't know fractions. Oh, and another talent you have, according to the guy who taught me here, is an uncanny knack for not being able to grasp your subject at all."

"Da, shut up, you rude bastard!"

Ganyu was dumbfounded. Had he ever been so disrespected in his life? No matter how hard he squeezed his head and racked his brain, he couldn't find it. For the first time in his life, his personality and pride were crumpled into a ball and thrown away in disgrace after receiving such a humiliating insult.

This was the end of his patience. No more words were needed. In an instant, Ganyu drew the Supreme Sword, and in one swift movement, he unleashed the arcane sword technique of the master who had so proudly proclaimed himself a master at the first insult to him. The fierce sword Qi swept over Bi Ryuyeon in a stern manner.

He, and almost all of Hoa Zhang's students, are much wider, thicker, and longer than ordinary swords, both in length and width, so those who first encounter them are bewildered by the unimaginable reach of their sword power, and by the powerful sword pressure that seems to tear their grip. Because the width, thickness, and weight of the sword are wider and thicker than a normal longsword, the sword power generated by it is no joke. An ordinary longsword that does not contain any internal power would be cut in two in front of it.

This terrifying sword power and sword wind were also the unique characteristics of the Fierce Fierce Sword Method. A ferocious sword power that could destroy an opponent's sword. A fierce momentum that could cut an opponent in two in a single blow. Twenty-six Fierce Fierce Sword Techniques, all of which were considered to be extremely powerful, were cast at Bi Ryuyeon.

Up until the moment he first drew his sword, Ganyu was confident and imposing. However, when he actually attacked Bi Ryuyeon with a sword technique that he thought he had mastered, a non-sword fierce and fierce sword technique that he thought was unbeatable, he found that it was completely ineffective in front of him. The sword qi couldn't even cut through the hem of his clothes, and the sword wind could only serve to cool his sweat as he exercised. In a word, it was useless, and he was completely helpless.

With a simple flick of her body, Bi Ryuyeon had already completely broken free of his sword stance, and the flick of her body was like a flash of light as she stepped forward again.


In a matter of seconds, he had burrowed into Yun Che's embrace, and the two fists he had thrown at the same time had stifled Yun Che's breathing. His entire body's qi was tangled up in a single blow. Bi Ryuyeon's right fist directly struck his abdomen, and the flow of Qi was instantly cut off.

"Pavabac! Puckpuck! Toobababac! Pavababac! Pah-pah-pah-pah!"

The sound echoed like violent hail pounding on a thin sheet of steel. It was the kind of sound that a stranger would find uplifting and exhilarating. The rhythm and rhythm of her blows were in perfect harmony, and were about to be elevated to a state of art. With her right fist plunged into his abdomen, Ganyu's face and entire body were scorched by the confirmation killing blow, unable to utter a single moan or scream. This is when one of Bilyu-yeon's organ systems, the right to be beaten to death and the right to be beaten three times, was triggered. Dozens of scorching fist baptisms quickly took away his consciousness.

What happens next is so disastrous that I'm going to skip it. It would only be detrimental to your mental health. Ignorance is bliss, as they say. Thus, the hopeful of the Hoa Giang, Ganyu, had the strange and unusual experience of standing on the threshold of the afterlife in broad daylight, stargazing, and soon lost consciousness amidst a multitude of twinkling stars. I would have wanted to escape from reality as soon as possible. Bi Ryuyeon took one look at Ganyu on the ground and gave him a strange look that said, "Come on.

"Ugh, this guy is so fragile, isn't he?"

She couldn't believe it. It was too fresh. A youngster who had rejuvenated the honor of the sect had gone bad so easily. It was pathetic. Ganyu Yunxu hadn't even been able to deal with Bi Ryuyeon's one move, let alone counterattack. This was the result of recklessly trusting in an incomplete Fang Tiger Sword Formation, and although he was confident that he had mastered the Arcane Sword Technique to its fullest extent, the truth was that he hadn't.

In the eyes of a master, it was still a long, long way off. That was his true skill right now. However, at the hands of an unforgiving and unthinking Bi Ryuyeon, who had no intention of forgiving anyone who defied him, no matter how weak they were, he had been beaten to a pulp without even the slightest sign of resistance. Even if it had been Yeomdo, his momentum would have left him dizzy and unable to stand. He was lucky if he didn't piss himself.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you're trying to get into a place that's supposed to be so great with your skills? You can't even stop a fist from being thrown at you when you step out and take a shot. Do you really want to lean on a rotten pillar for support? Do you really want to ruin the school? You should lock the door for a while and work on your skills. I'd advise you to stay in your cave and sharpen your sword in peace. Don't even think about wandering around. What a pity. You're so pathetic and unworthy of a master. Waste of a name, waste of a name. You should be thanking me because I saved you from being a total disgrace. Thank me!"

However, Bi Ryuyeon's words did not reach the ears of the already stunned Ganyu. This was Bi Ryuyeon, who had just been defeated by the so-called first-ranked genius of a minor sect in a single step. He was a second-ranked disciple in the Heavenly Hall, so he must be a second-ranked genius. In any case, there should be some kind of reaction. Is it really so hard to stop a single thunderbolt and a few beatings?

"Uh, uh, uh, I'm being gentle, but why is it that one step in and he's dumbfounded, like he can't believe it, and then I throw a punch and he's knocked out, and then he scowls like he's going to die in one punch, and then he takes two more and he's knocked out? Isn't this how you know you're going to be able to beat someone up safely?

This was the honest Bi Ryuyeon's feelings, but he wasn't entirely right. Although he hadn't lied, he had left out some facts, and there was no denying that the story was overblown.

The author of the full name of the kung fu method, called the three-fisted kung fu method, overlooked the fact that the single number refers to a series of dozens of blows. Of course, there is a strong possibility that he intentionally ignored these facts. There was only a feeling, not a proof. Even if he had been struck by the first bushido, it was still too much for even a master to defend against.

Moreover, a single step of a thunderbolt is a single step of a flash of electricity that does not even leave an afterimage. The thunderbolt, like the thunderbolt, was a method of penetrating into the opponent's arms in the flow of an instant, and it was a method with only one step, only one step. It's ridiculous to talk about this two-step with only one step. I'm not sure if he didn't even think about it, or if he deliberately ignored it, but Bi Ryuyeon was still the same oddball he always was.

The ridiculously simple collapse of Ganyu Water had caused Bi Ryuyeon to have some doubts about the Heavenly Martial Academy. The priests and subordinate disciples of Ganyu, who had arrived late to observe the scene, were horrified at this unexpected turn of events. Some of them were furious. A sense of shame that made them want to bite their tongues and die immediately took over. The third disciple, An Huigang, who had rushed over to help the fallen Ganyu, glared at Bi Ryuyeon with hatred in his eyes and shouted, "I'm sorry." Not only that, but the eyes of the priests surrounding him were also swirling with the same intense hatred for Bi Ryuyeon.

"The death penalty, the death penalty in this shape. Yes, if only you had the death penalty, I wouldn't have been so patronized by you."

The third disciple, An Houkang, was full of venom in his voice, and his words were the words of all the warriors of Hoa Jiang. "If only we had the great Confucius, we wouldn't have lost so badly!" was the common sentiment of his students. The disciple who was scheduled to take the examination for the Heavenly Martial Academy this time was Ganyuan Shu, the second disciple of Hoa Zhangzhu's Hoa Mengsword, but a month before the examination, he had been unfortunate enough to lose.

But in fact, the true hope of Hoa Zhang was not Ganyu. The disciple of Lord Hoa Zhang and the shining hope of Hoa Zhang had already passed the Heavenly Martial Academy examination last year, becoming a Heavenly Pavilion Master, so he was not here today.

The fact that his disciples continued to believe in him even after being beaten like this showed that they had great faith in him. A man of such trust must not be an ordinary person with ordinary abilities. He was the next great master of the sect. It was not a position that anyone could do, or anyone could be, but he was not here now anyway.

"Really? Then bring them in later, I'll deal with them anytime, but when you do, tell them to come prepared to die, and don't blame me for shattering their expectations."

Bi Ryuyeon was still the same sky-high confident, loud-mouthed, no-nonsense bastard he had always been, and he strode toward the inner courtyard with a stride that was almost shameless. Now there was no one in the outer courtyard who had the ability to restrain him.

While there have been no problems or obstacles with the hoarding so far, I have noticed a change in her complexion. His forehead and brow were triple wrinkled, as if he was uncomfortable, and his complexion was not bright. In fact, from the moment he stepped into the Hoa Giang, he had been feeling a strange sensation that was getting on his nerves, a sensation that seemed to be unique to him. It was a terrible shivering feeling that not only made him feel unpleasant, but also made him feel uneasy and awkward in his mood and behavior.

"Woohoo! Woohoo!"

Red Flame, his mourning sword, had been crying for a while now. It was rattling its blade, making its presence known. Gently stroking the blade as it wept aloud, Yin Dao gently soothed its own mourning. Since ancient times, it has been said that swords and swordsmiths have been imbued with spirits, so that when their masters are in danger, they will speak out to warn them of the danger. They are also said to be able to read their masters' minds, to speak for them, and to reflect their masters' latent wills. A sword imbued with a soul has a will of its own and is already considered a spirit object.

From this point of view, the mourning sword of Yan Dao, the Red Flame, was a masterful sword worthy of being called a spirit animal. But now the Red Flame was crying. But the sound it was making was not a warning of danger to its master. It was a mournful, sorrowful tune, like a mournful love song.

'Is it Gong Ming? Who is this person who can emit an aura that makes me tremble in a martial manor of this size? Hong Yan is crying. Even when he was surrounded by a hundred elite members of the Black Society, the most powerful assassination group in the world, he didn't cry……. I can't believe it.''

The Yeomdo was beyond my comprehension. It never occurred to me that there was someone like him in Hoa Giang. No matter how much he racked his brain, the result was the same. But he couldn't get rid of the uncomfortable feeling that had been tugging at his senses for a while now.

I couldn't calm down. His chest heaved and his heart pounded as blood rushed furiously through his body. His instincts were sending him warnings at every turn. Never before had the red salt sounded like this, which made him feel even more uneasy. This cry, like a love song, was somehow more ominous to him than a warning cry.

But, seemingly unconcerned with the mood of the people, Bi Ryuyeon went deeper and deeper into the clinic. But no one stopped him. Not only did they all fail to enter, but all they got in return was excruciating pain and the unfamiliar experience of stargazing in broad daylight.

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discord ko-fi