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Book 2 Chapter 13

The Passion of Sunfeng Sanbui Nadaiyi

Mildly labialized ears. Age 45 years. Occupation Information merchant.

He is currently the owner of the largest private information trading organization in the Nanchang area, Shunfengdao.

With ironclad credentials and superior intelligence, they've been able to build a reputation as a

It's the largest information trafficking organization in the province, even in Namchang, where dragon tigers roam free.

It was even talked about publicly.

The person in charge of managing and operating the Shunpung Hall was the person in front of you, the person who was called Gongsun Yi. People usually call him Shunpung Sanbui or Nadai Yi.

Originally, a soonpung-i (順風耳) was a nickname for a person who listened to a lot of rumors, and was said to have several soonpung-i in different places. His nickname, Gyungshun-i, was originally a reference to an old story handed down from the ancient times, which was distorted and manipulated rather than quoted to tell the story of Confucius entering the state of yi shun, the state of being able to hear what others are saying, at the age of fifty.

However, his sutra, like the artificially manipulated asterisks, is also a distorted, pinched sutra; he listens to others' stories when he gathers them together, but later separates them into those that make him money and those that don't, hence the light letter in front of it.

In addition, he had ears so large that the Three Kingdoms' Yubi Hyundeok was his elder brother, and from a distance he looked like he was wearing two pockets on either side of his face, so some people ridiculously called him "twin ears" because of his ridiculous shape. Of course, he hated the nickname, which means "two pocket ears," so much so that if he talked about it, he would suffer a seizure and lose his limbs.

Nanchang was the source and forecourt of the Heavenly Martial Academy, the first division of Wulin, so those with small and medium-sized schools like Later Sea were limited in their ability to expand their power by the might of the Heavenly Martial Academy. At best, they would be reduced to the status of a mere servant of the Heavenly Martial Academy.

So even if you were the leader of an organization, it was hard to escape the limits of being a small-time information merchant here in Nanchang. However, with his natural cleverness and wit, Nie Hai had not only earned the reputation of being the top intelligence organization in Nanchang, but also had some connections within the Heavenly Martial Academy. As such, the amount of information he was currently dealing with and in control of was beyond anyone's wildest imagination.

Although he was well known and recognized in the men's room, he was now sitting in the lower room of his residence with the utmost courtesy and respect for the Five Elements. His face, which was long and thin and gave the impression of shallowness, was covered with beads of sweat that looked as if they would fall off at any moment, and his ears, which were like long, wide belly pouches, were drooping helplessly.

He was extremely nervous, to the point where it was almost pathetic to see the rat-tailed beard beneath his thin, pointed nose twitching like the tail of a mouse caught in the rain. In front of him, in the upper seat (上席: the very seat where he usually sat, organizing his affairs, settling his accounts, and giving orders), was a middle-aged man with a rugged, red-colored appearance, who, with his rugged, steadfast appearance, reminiscent of the grandeur of Yue Yue, Red Yin, and Red Mi, exuded a tremendous air of prayer and presence that seemed to suffocate the beholder.

This middle-aged man, whose entire body seems to have been written with a clear emphasis on who he is, is a person that even the later years of his life in the information industry could not fail to recognize, even if they tried. Perhaps not a person who works in the information industry, but someone who lives on the shores of Lake Guizhou, he was a person who could never be unknown.

But what's interesting is that there was one other person sitting alongside him who, despite his immense and fearsome prowess, preferred to keep to himself due to his poor social skills: a gaunt young man of about twenty years of age with long, dark hair and bangs that reached below his eyes, making his facial features indistinguishable. It was unbelievable and incomprehensible to me as a young man of about twenty years of age, with long, dark hair and a head of hair that fell down over his eyes, that there was a dwarfed and scrawny-looking young man sitting on an equal footing with him, right next to Salt Island, which exuded a terrifying sense of authority, but on the surface, everything was going well.

To make matters worse, the young man was sitting cross-legged with his right arm crossed over his chin, as if he had three or four lives to spare. That's why Kyungsoon was even more surprised when she saw him later. To put it bluntly, she was so surprised that her eyes popped out of her head, her heart was pounding, and her liver was expanding and contracting.

"Did your heart get all hairy and your liver jump out of your stomach and say, "Catch me, catch me"?

It was inconceivable, even in his dreams, that anyone would dare to sit in such a posture next to the king of heaven, Yaldo, without the slightest hint of courtesy. The fact that he was now kneeling in this position, cowering and holding his head in his hands, was all due to the name of Yeomdo and the gravity of his presence and his prestigious (?) nature. His secret nickname of 'Burning Gachaban', who secretly wanders around Murim, is not for nothing.

But one cannot help but wonder at the preservation of life, the complacency of safety, and the intactness of one's limbs while sitting in such a posture next to a salt lake known for its fiery temper. Hundreds and thousands of question marks flashed through my mind, drowning in a sea of thoughts. His brain spun furiously until it was twisted and tangled, and thoughts slithered through his mind like snakes.

But no matter how much she racked her brains and searched for information, she couldn't find even a shadow of the young man. While he was still furiously and enthusiastically racking his brains, the young man's mouth opened and Jingxun stopped him in his tracks. In an instant, the question marks that had been swirling around in his head disappeared like a lie.

The young woman's identity was undoubtedly Bi Ryuyeon, the self-proclaimed master of saltiness. But right now, she was in a very bad mood, and her face was marked with many signs of discontent.


It was in response to the answer she had given to his question earlier, but for some reason, it seemed to be a bit off. Nadonghai felt a little embarrassed.

"Yes, exactly as I said."

A cold sweat ran down his spine. For the time being, he answered politely. Self-restraint, caution, and prudence were three essential virtues, especially for those in the martial arts, as there was no harm in being cautious and careful in dealing with an unknown person.

"I thought I heard that the test was tomorrow, and that's why everyone was making such a fuss about it, but how can it be that it's already over!"

Bi Ryuyeon's face instantly crumpled as he screamed at the top of his lungs to leave the office. It was a sign of his current mood: his mood was probably just as crumpled and twisted as his face right now. Whether he realized it or not, the latter continued to speak.

"Yes, once again, the date of the Ascension Festival is definitely tomorrow, but the application period has already ended a month ago. The Ascension Martial Festival, the entrance exam for the Heavenly Martial Academy, which is famously difficult and demanding! The test is held to determine who will be admitted to the Tenmu Academy, where the best martial arts training environment, status, honor, and prestige are guaranteed. It is practically impossible for us to test each and every one of them, which is why we have a one-month deadline after accepting applications to weed out the lesser of two evils, just as we weed out the weeds in a rice field. Therefore, there are many people who fail the one-month screening process and do not even make it to the preliminaries."

Using all the knowledge and information he had, Nahuahae summarized and elaborated in a way that even a brainiac could easily understand. However, his efforts didn't seem to have any effect on Bi Ryuyeon. She didn't even seem to want to listen or understand in the first place, so all his hard work proved to be for naught. What a dog of a personality, he thought later. He was never outwardly shy, but…….

At noon on this day, Jing Sun had just finished eating his meal, with a joyful and grateful heart, before a statue of a man with a bent upper leg, when, what a blow to the dry sky, what a blow in broad daylight! He had barely lifted his cutlery to take a bite, when the doorway, which had stood so well before his eyes, was shattered, and two figures entered through the open doorway. One of them, judging by the devilish coloring of his hair, which seemed to be covered in blood from the top of his head, and his wild and terrifying prayer, which was like a blazing flame, was unmistakably Kwak Young-hee, the man whose reputation he had been hearing so much about.

The other unceremonious visitor was an unheard-of young man in his early twenties. The story goes that they so easily knocked the eight guards guarding the exterior of the main hall to the ground, and then roughly and savagely kicked in the door, which was easy enough to open, before barging in,

"Hey, hey, hey. What do I need to do to get into the Museum of Heaven and Earth?".

So the latter answered. I don't know how many people would criticize a man for answering a question from two uninvited guests who had disrupted his school of thought by saying, "Oh, it's like this." Probably a lot. However, the identity and status of the uninvited guests was such that they could be extinguished beyond his resistance, and Later gave up the fight too easily. The survival of the fittest is what keeps the sect alive. Nachuhai obediently answered the question.

"You just have to take the test and pass it."

This one word almost made her quit that day. Perhaps my inability to read the mood was a factor in my failure." Bi Ryuyeon asked Nadonghai, who was rubbing the bruises on both of his eyes.

"Take the test and pass, I know that, but what I want is more precise, detailed, and definitive information about taking the test. What do I need to do to enter this test called the Ascension Test, and what do I need to do to pass it, and what if the test is tomorrow? What do I need to know so that I can apply and take the test, so that I can pass and enter the Heavenly Martial Hall!"


Nadhae paused for a moment when she asked if there was something she was having trouble answering. He seemed to be trying to evade her question.

"I……. Don't you know what's next? Don't pause, just tell me."

Bi Ryuyeon asked, impatient with Nie Hai's hesitation. Still, his temper was impatient.

"Well… that means you'll have to wait another year or two to join the Ascension Festival."

"What, a year? Am I crazy, am I crazy, do I look crazy, how can I wait another year, why, wasn't that ascension exam supposed to be tomorrow?"

"I'm sorry to hear that, but although the test is tomorrow, the registration period ended over a month ago."

For a moment, her eyes grew to the size of fire glasses, blinked twice in a daze, and then shrank back down to size. Next, her facial muscles twitched in strange ways, and she crumpled up like a piece of paper thrown in the trash. There was a moment of silence as she assumed a pose that demonstrated her full-body nakedness, saying, "I feel very dirty, very unpleasant, and very uncomfortable right now.

This was the entirety of what had just happened, until Bi Ryuyeon broke the chilling silence for a moment, forcibly unclenched her facial muscles, and asked again in a calm voice. Next to Bi Ryuyeon, who was currently sitting with a frown on her face, her facial muscles twisted again, she spoke up, her eyes shining with an inner light formed by the Yeomdo that had been sitting there for so long.

"So you're saying I can't do it?"


The latter could not answer his question. She could only fidget and hesitate.

"I don't see any nails."

Bi Ryuyeon said, her angry, stern complexion quickly turning into a suspicious smile.

"There's no way?"


Bi Ryuyeon's fingers fiddled with a single quill in his inkwell, his face full of frustration. At first glance, it was nothing, but she suddenly sensed an ominous omen in his behavior, a keen intuition that she had honed over three decades as an information trader.

"Intake ended yesterday?"


Still silent, still unable to find anything to say, he sat there, head down, like a mouse in front of a cat. He really couldn't think of a solution, so he didn't have anything to say in response to Bi Ryuyeon's question. He was at the point of frustration now, wondering if he was really the owner of Sunpungdang, the best private information trading organization in the city. If things went on like this, the signboard of Sunpungdang might come down today. This continued silence made Bi Ryuyeon irritable, and finally it happened.


A frigid chill rushed through the air, accompanied by a ripple in the air, passing through the great ears of the Nautilus. The wind pressure ripped off a few strands of hair, sending them flying through the air.

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