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discord ko-fi
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Book 2 Chapter 11

Their journey began

"No confessions."

Ryuyeon Bi said.


"Don't stare at me like that. It's embarrassing!"

The words were directed at Zhang Wugang, who was staring at him blankly, as if he had seen a ghost. Zhang Wukang was dumbfounded and was swimming hard in a sea of mystery with no land in sight. Zhang Wugang's face looked like he was about to drown in the middle of a sea of mysteries, and he couldn't believe it.

"Uh, how are you alive?"

Zhang Wugang's tongue has been stiffened by the shock and he can't speak properly.

"Huh? When did I ever die? I don't remember that."

Zhang Wugang's face instantly contorted as he gestured to the obvious. His face crumpled like a poet's failed work, and Bi Ryuyeon smiled.

"Don't look so blatantly disappointed. I have a nice gift for you instead."

He had just finished inspecting the marks at Huayunlu and returned to the Zhongyang Marks Bureau where he was about to go to bed. It was a moment when everyone thought he was dead. How could he hope to live after fearlessly breaking the taboo of Yeomdo, and then adding the oil of provocation to it? Death was supposed to be the natural order of things, but then, in an arrogant disregard for fate's timetable, and without consulting the gods, he kicked the grim lion's ass and rescheduled his life.

The expressions on the faces of those who saw him were appalling. Someone who wastefully broke the teacup in his hand. Someone who blew a document in his hand into the wind, which would take a long time to recover. The one who had left a diagonal stain on the paper while organizing it with a brush and had to fill it out anew, and the one who had cut his hand on the bottle cabinet he was cleaning. Everyone saw him and went into a frenzy as if they had seen a ghost. Everyone stared at her like they were seeing something that wasn't there, and she just shrugged it off.

"Oh, I'd like to introduce you to someone who's joining us today and will be traveling with us to Nanchang."


Before Bi Ryuyeon's introduction was over, Zhang Wugang was yelling at Barak. It was enough to make him angry that he had returned safely, but he was about to brew another batch. His face was pale with the after-effects of his earlier shock, but thankfully it was not life-threatening. However, his blood was disturbed and he had to take absolute rest for the time being.

"This is not your mark," he said, "the owner of our Zhongyang mark is my father, and the head of this mark is my father, and this is not a place where you can come and go as you please."

"Go… Confucius!"

Deng Yuhao tried to stop Zhang Wugang's glowing eyes, but it was no use. Zhang Wuqiang was apparently invisible, otherwise, even the sovereign Zhang Wuyang wouldn't have been so brazen in front of the wary Bi Ryuyeon.


"Of course not. Not until I get dirt in my eyes!"

The words were spoken without realizing that the person standing in front of him had the character and ability to actually carry out his words. It was something that Bi Ryuyeon could not do, and would not be unwilling to do. She had barely escaped with her life under the tension of the terrifying red salt field, and she was still digging her own grave.

"Really? You're going to regret this……."


Zhang Wugang remained adamant, still unaware of the fraction. Fortunately for the Zhang family of the Zhongyang Marking Bureau, however, Bi Ryuyeon refused Zhang Wukang's request to put dirt in his eyes. What he did instead was to call for a man who was waiting outside the door.

"Come in!"

Bi Ryuyeon exclaimed, her face beaming with joy, and as one person entered the room, they were all stunned and had to go through a process to verify that they were indeed in the here and now. After a while, the members of the Zhongyang Bureau had to wipe away tears from their frozen cheeks. Everyone pinched and twisted their cheeks as hard as they could.

The most surprised of them all was Zhang Wugang. This was understandable, as he had been nearly killed for his offense to Yin Do a few hours earlier. He couldn't even feel his cheeks, which had been twisted and pinched from the strain, and his numbness made it difficult for him to stand upright, and his tongue, which had been frozen like a frozen dong, was unable to function, much to the frustration of its owner.

"This, this is……."

"Ah, it's the one that Zhang Xiaoqiao was talking about earlier!"

Bi Ryuyeon smiled and said. No devil's sneaky, evil smile could compare to Bi Ryuyeon's smile right now, Zhang Wugang thought, and he slapped the ground and regretted his vain, vain pride and frivolity.

The attitude and treatment of Bi Ryuyeon was transformed one hundred and eighty degrees, and it was the same for Yin Dao. In fact, given Kang Ho's prestige and position, he deserved it, and it was because of it that his attitude toward Bi Ryuyeon was transformed into one of imperial honor.

With the advent of Yeomdo, the story ended. There was no longer any need for sore tongues. No one would dare to offend Yin Dao's squeamishness. It was unthinkable. Zhang Wugang was still so traumatized that he was as mute as a honeyed mute, unable to speak. Bi Ryuyeon pointed to Yidao in front of Zhang Wugang and said, "This is a man who is willing enough to put dirt in your eyes, greetings." She regretted not being able to say it. Zhang Wugang's mental activity had ceased with the arrival of Yidao, and he was unable to respond to any external stimuli.

Yeomdo was warmly welcomed. What traveler wouldn't want to be accompanied by a super-high level of Yeomdo, and the mere act of standing still is the most potent insecticide and shield against the swarms of flies that tangle with the markings. With a mere glance, Yeomdo had the ability to send hordes of bandits scurrying to the soles of their feet.

Of course, they didn't know when or where their stalwart protector would turn into a war crusher, but that was unnecessary now that they had no choice. Zhang Wuyang and the rest of the Zhongyang Bureau welcomed Yin Dao by bending at a right angle at the waist, and from that point on, Yin Dao and Bi Ryuyeon traveled to Nanchang. This trip to Nanchang hadn't been in his plans, but a promise is a promise, so he had no choice but to stifle his anger and keep his word.

He was a simple, high-minded man, whose promises, once made, he kept and fulfilled like an ironclad, as evidenced by the taboos he laid down and whether or not they were enforced. Thus, at last, their journey began.

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discord ko-fi