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Book 19 Chapter 8

New flags

-The ultimate symbol

"What do you think, my lord?"


Zhang Wuyang turned the clothes he had received back and forth, examining them carefully. His eyes were very cautious and his demeanor was very serious. The white tiger emblem on the front was so prominent that it looked like it was about to roar at any moment.

"Okay, let's go with this one. Is the notation complete yet?"

"Yes. Only the coveralls were finished first, so we took them first."

"How's the publicity going?"

"It's already been done."

"Okay, okay, now is the time for our Zhongyang Bureau to rise above the Zhongyuan Bureau and become the First Bureau of Heaven!"

Zhang Wuyang was very pleased and exclaimed.

"We've made a significant investment for this right, and it's time to squeeze more out of it!"

"Of course!"

I shuddered as I relived the moment of that nerve-wracking trade. There was no way I could fail. The odds were in our favor. Sitting here, face to face with Mr. Nosabu, that moment from a few days ago came back to me with an unknown heat. As if by magic, the fiery ambition, passion, and dreams he had felt back then once again flared up in his heart.

* * *

"What do you think, Mr. Nosa?"

Zhang Wuyang swallowed hard and asked cautiously. His life depended on these words. How could he not be cautious?

"Hmm… so what you're saying is that you want us to make Hayang Yi the face of the Zhongyang Trademark Office?"

"Well, yes, I would like to see the majestic emblem of the white tiger, the white tiger of the white tigers, the white thunderbolt of the white tigers, on all markings and clothing. Also……."

"You want to be the guardian of the Zhongyang Marking Bureau?"

It had already been repeated five times, so unless he was suffering from dementia, Nosabu remembered.

"Yes, of course I'll do something about it."

What Zhongyang needed most of all was a special "symbol". While the current leader of the industry, Zhongyuan, had a long and storied history, even as he continued to grow in power and post steady profits. On the other hand, the current leader in the industry, Zhongyuan, had been around for over a hundred and fifty years. A long history is directly related to credibility, so the hundred and fifty years became a symbol of Zhongyuan Bureau's credibility.

In order for the Zhongyang Bureau, which he had devoted his life to, to become the number one bureau in the world, he desperately needed a symbol that could threaten the long history and reputation of the Zhongyuan Bureau, which was recognized as the most powerful bureau in the world. Without an incredibly powerful weapon, it would be nearly impossible to break through the dark shadow of the Zhongyuan family, whose long history is remembered in people's minds as a shield.

"But how much are you going to pay for it?"

Mr. Nosabu cut to the chase in a quiet voice. To Zhang Wuyang, it was like a surprise attack from a back alley at night.

"What? A fee?"

"Of course. If you're going to use Hayang Yi's face, don't you think you should pay the right price for it? You're not trying to get a free ride, are you? That's not only against the law, it's very unscrupulous."

"Oh, sure, I'll pay for it! But who do I pay for it to, do I have to pay tribute to it or something?"

"We don't have to go far. No need for tribute, no need for complicated procedures. Just find it close by, close by. If it falls down, it's within your nose's reach, how kind of you. Hehehehe!"

Nosabu said, stroking his spotlessly white beard.

"Well, to Mr. Nosabu?"

Nosabu nodded hesitantly.

"Of course. I am his exclusive representative. Of course, I wouldn't object if you were willing to negotiate with someone else as an intermediary. But don't blame me if one of their limbs or heads goes missing in the middle of a negotiation, I can't be responsible for that."

It sounded even scarier than being told that you should never trust anyone but yourself.

"And what happens if it's used without authorization?"

Zhang Wuyang asked cautiously.

"No, you're not, are you making a criminal prediction?"

Seeing Nosabu's eyes widen, Zhang Wuyang hastily threw up his hands in fear of being misunderstood, and denied all knowledge of his crimes.

"Oh, no, of course not, it was just simple curiosity, you know, the kind of vain curiosity that everyone has, the kind that you know is useless but you just have to ask."

"Hmm, I'm not going to do anything about it if it happens. I don't think it's necessary for you to do anything, but if one day your country or your behavior is attacked, that's beyond my control. If you have the courage to take such a risk, that's truly a great thing. Cancer, it's a great thing."

If you can categorize it as an all-purpose container, then yes.

"Well, okay, I guess I don't want to be long-winded."

A cold sweat trickled down Zhang Wuyang's spine as he answered with a pout. In truth, he had been too eager to ask for a simple understanding. He had made the fatal mistake of momentarily forgetting who this old man was.

"To get the best, you have to pay the price. Are you willing to do that?"


Naturally, the dry spell was over.

After a pause for thought, the Ministry of Labor declared.

"Okay, let's get to the negotiations, shall we?"

Zhang Wuyang tensed his entire body as he entered the deal of a lifetime. He couldn't afford to make a mistake, as he wouldn't be satisfied with just Four Thousand Suns. In fact, the negotiation was already over. The last words did not mark the beginning of the negotiation, but the end. Pay the highest price. Show your sincerity. Zhang Wuyang was willing to do that.

"Oh, and there's also an additional request from Ms. Yang."

What does that even mean?

"What are you asking for?"

"Once a month, we will provide a variety of fresh food, along with five dongs of 'Shaohong liquor' from Shaohong Lu."

"Sue, the white tiger, do you drink?"

Zhang Wuyang asked incredulously.

"Of course, he's got quite a discerning palate, and he doesn't drink just any liquor. Didn't you ever wonder why the liquor storeroom of the Shaolin Temple under Amishan was regularly broken into every few months?"

Of course I was curious. It was a popular story in my neighborhood.

"Whoa, you don't think that 'mysterious visitor' is……."

"That's right!"

A mysterious visitor who always appears on pitch-black nights when the moon is hiding behind the shadows, smashing up the liquor storeroom at Shaolong Lu and disappearing.

Each time, five coins of the highest quality would go missing, causing the owner a lot of trouble, but no matter how much he tightened his guards, the same thing happened every time, so he gave up in despair. There were many theories about the mysterious culprit, but it was never outside the realm of humans. But it could only be the work of this mountain king.

"Isn't that right, white girl?"

With the call, a figure emerged from the darkness, golden eyes flashing. I felt a chill run down my spine as I met those two sun-like eyes.


Bai Muhu growled.

"What do you think, white boy, are these conditions satisfactory?"


Bai Muhu shook his head. It was a clear sign of rejection.


"Um… what, you want me to do that?"

The master nodded in response to each of Hayang's growls.

"Are we having a conversation?

Was he really understanding or was he just mimicking? But he didn't have the courage to ask.

"I… what did he say?"

"You're running low on booze. You should have at least ten dongs."

"Well, that's too much! The drinks there are expensive because they're high quality… For ten dong, you can get them at……."

"Is that a complaint?"

"Hey, for seven dongs, why not?"


Bai Mu Hu's head snapped to the side as if he had no questions. Given its size, it was quite an intimidating gesture.

Zhang Wuyang forced himself to resist the urge to draw his sword. It seemed that even if he did, it would be his side that would be sliced to pieces. In that case, it would be much more beneficial to practice patience.

"Then I can't do it. I have to give up."

Labor added one more thing.

"Unfortunately, negotiations are off."

"Now, hold on a second!"

Stunned, Zhang Wuyang jumped up and ejaculated.

"If we disagree, we can agree to disagree, right? Give me a minute."

Nosabu, who was about to leave, sat back down as if he hadn't won, but Zhang Wuyang was deep in thought and unable to speak.


He still hadn't made up his mind. His hesitation was palpable. Labor spoke up.

"Let me give you a piece of advice. People often think that the world is ordered, that there is a sequence of things, one, two, three, and so on. But that's a big mistake."

Nosabu held up two fingers.

"Do you understand? There are only two groups in this world. The best and the worst."

The words became a sharp spear, instantly embedded deep in his lungs.

I did. No one cares if you're the third or fourth flag. A sign that says Sichuan First Trademark has a much higher trademark value than a sign that says Cheonha Jay Trademark. For this reason, the Zhongyang Trademark Office recently emphasized this point, "Sichuan First Trademark Office".

"Which side do you want to be on?"

He was again at a crossroads. But the decision had been made long ago. All that remained was to act.

Finally, Zhang Wuyang made up her mind.

It was well worth the challenge, and he could get more than his money's worth out of it. There was a world of difference between being the best and being the second best in terms of profitability, and he knew it from experience.

Only those who want to be complacent are afraid of adventure. I wanted to move forward, to take risks, to get the best of the best. The abacus was bouncing the other way.

It was not an easy relationship for an unassuming marksman like himself to be associated with a warrior like Nosabu. Demanding a share of his total income meant that they would become business partners. The more he earned, the more the other benefited, so it was only natural that a sort of community of destiny would form.

If you can put yourself in the shoes of a business partner with this attribution, you'll have an advantage going forward. It was much better to make a good impression, even if it meant losing some money. Reputation is very important in this industry, and if you lose it, you lose everything.

"Great, I agree, I'll take it all!"

Nosabu smiled and nodded, clearly pleased with the deal.

"Congratulations on getting the best symbol."

"Thank you."

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discord ko-fi