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Book 19 Chapter 21

A roundtable discussion with Ryu-yeon Bi and her crew




(A banner that reads "Congratulations! A banner that reads "Happiness!" hangs high on the wall.)

Jang Hong: Congratulations on the house.

Hyorong: Congregation!

Gnosis: Omedeto!

Jang Hong: Alas! I'm so happy for him! The shadow of trial has finally fallen upon him.

Nohak: Black and white, I'm so glad I won't have to see the big brother for a while.

Jang Hong: Your sincerity is not unknown to me, but don't be so obviously pleased. I may be watching from somewhere.

Noh Hak: Kuck! He… he… he… said such a terrible thing……. Brother Zhang, don't say that, even in jest.

Jang Hong: No, I'm serious…….

Hyo-Ryong: It's him anyway, so let's not let our guard down.

Jang Hong: You're right. There's no harm in being cautious and careful, and I'll use the many victims of the past to teach me a lesson.

Noh Hak: (overcome with emotion and tears) Blackblackblack!

Hyo-ryong: I forgot to mention that there's one person here who's been hit the hardest.

Jang Hong: Well, I had forgotten about you for a while, but how fortunate that you're still alive and well.

Nohak: But thanks to that, I didn't even make a proper appearance in the last volume, because I got stuck with an ugly hairy……. Besides, even nowadays, when I get fat, Saxin gets sore. I don't even eat dogs on the Three Festivals anymore, and I'm being looked down upon by my open fellow beggars because of it. On the subject of beggars, I don't even eat dogs on the Three Festivals.

Hyo-ryong: Hmm, so you're a fellow soldier, and I can understand that. I get it.

Noh Hak: What's wrong with that friend of yours? And now he's a palace official……. That friend is guilty of something…….

Jang Hong: So he's been through a lot, too.

Noh: If I'm short-term focused, he's long-term dispersed, regardless of who's more unhappy.

Jang Hong: (clucking his tongue in pity) But didn't he die this time? It's a reversal of fortune!

Noh: (nodding in understanding) That's true, but only someone who's been through it knows the pain of dough. Cancer, that is.

Hyo-Ryong: But this time, didn't Bi Liu-Yan finally end up in jail?

(Nohak, suddenly excited, pats his prize)


Gnosis: Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Life imprisonment! Permanent exile!

Jang Hong: Come on, don't get too excited. Too much excitement is poison to the body. Don't you know that stress is the enemy?

Hyo-ryong: Bi Ryuyeon, he's always been shouting "No trials, no failures!" as his motto. as his motto, but I guess he couldn't help himself this time.

Nohak: Exactly, that's right, that's right, that's right, that's why you're getting into a favoritism game, because you don't have to suffer, so your karma is going to fall on the rest of us!

Jang Hong: That's right, it's not fair that we always have to take the brunt of his crises. It's time for him to learn the hard way.

Hyo-Ryong&Geography: Yes, of course! I'm an alumnus!

Jang Hong: You guys, do you know how busy I've been lately, trying to clean up after him?

Hyo-ryong: Oh, that's right, it's a big deal, so what can you do now? What did you say to him? You should have made up your mind.

Jang Hong: It's all my fault. I don't know who to blame. Bi Ryuyeon: You should blame him. If the truth comes out later, people might try to kill me. Ughhhh…….

Hyo-Ryong: Ryuyeon, what about him, what's going to happen?

Jang Hong: Well, he's like a cockroach that won't die, so it's the poor, innocent citizens like me who have to suffer the consequences.

Noh Hak: You have a point, Zhang Hyung!

Jang Hong: Is there only existence. It is also the truth.

Hyo-ryong: But it feels good to talk like this without him, like we're the main characters.

Jang Hong: Hmm, that's exactly what I was thinking, too.

Nohak: I hope we stay locked in for the next volume, so we can lead this next time.

Jang Hong: Good idea. Good idea!

Hyo-ryong: We should also change the corner signage.

Jang Hong: That would be good. Let's finish this up before he shows up out of nowhere.

Noh: Yes!

Hyo-ryong: You don't want to take away the finishing touches.

ZhangHong & HyoRyong & LuoHak: Everyone! The Axis of Evil has been defeated, and peace has returned to the land. From now on, we will… do everything in our power to help restore this peace…….

Food for thought!

Nohak: Uh, what does that mean?

Jang Hong: No, that one?

Hyo-Ryong: You must be Ryuyeon's pet hawk.

Jang Hong: No, what is he doing here?

Gnosis: A letter on a bridge!

Jang Hong: (hurriedly opening the letter) What the heck does it say…….


Hyo-ryong: (picks up the scroll from the ground) No, it's a picture of a thumbs up…….

Nohak: Let me watch it with you.

Hyo-ryong & Nohak: (looking at the scrolls) Huh!

The probe read

i will be back!





Hyo-Ryong: Are we really going to be back here in the next book?

Jang Hong:……I don't know!

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discord ko-fi