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Book 18 Chapter 19

A roundtable discussion with Ryu-yeon Bi and her crew

The Invisible Trio (Lee Ji-Ryong & Cheong-Ho & Hwang Bo-Ok-Yeon): Black Black Black!

Yi Yun: Oooh, finally… finally… he's here!

Hwang Bo-Ok-Yeon: How many books is this?

Hearing:That's 17 books, did we ever come out of book 1 and then come out again?

Hwang Bo-ok-yeon: I don't think so. Even then, it was just a name and no scenes.

Lee: It was no different than the tree in the background. In fact, it had less weight than the tree. It was almost invisible in the shade.

Hwang Bo-Ok-Yeon: But… this time, there were no lines. I was just a mute with honey again.

Hearing: That's right. How can they do this to us? We're one of the sixteen main cast members. Even Chun Woo Cho gave us a line when he came out of the volcano, and we're dumb as honey after 17 volumes. No wonder we're becoming more and more obscure. And Huang Bo Sojae, please take your turn. You've lost so little, you have to take your turn. It was my turn a moment ago.

Li QiyeLi Qiye: No, it's my turn, don't make it up as you go along.

Huang Bo: (interrupting) Come on, why are you fighting over something like that? The three of us should have defeated him at that time, and then our stock would have risen at once, and we could have added some color to this faint shadow… Well, it's better not to have things in our hands at that time…….

Lee Ji-ryong & Cheong-Heung: Oops! Not again!

Bi Ryuyeon: (opening the door and walking in) What are you doing here, you guys?

The Invisible Trio: Ah, ah, ah, the big… the big brother!

Bi Ryuyeon: Huh? Who are you guys? When have we seen each other before?

The Invisible Trio: Ahem, that's too much. Us, us, us. We're the ones who got the shit kicked out of us.

Bi Ryuyeon:Ah! I remembered you! It's you guys, the invisible trio. I haven't seen you in a while. Have you been traveling abroad or something?

The Invisible Trio: We were always there (Lee Ji-ryong). We ran together when others ran, and we were bullied together when others were bullied (Hwang Bo-ok-yeon). Even for extras, history flows (Cheong-Heung).

Bi Ryuyeon: What do you do when history passes by? If you don't make your mark on history, it just flows into the past. Who will remember you later? And if you don't come out, no one cares, including the readers, anyway.

The Invisible Trio: Black, black, black! So how do I make my appeal so good that I'm a permanent fixture like a courtier or a spirit?

Bi Ryuyeon: You have to make room for yourselves. Do you want me to make room for you? In any industry, only 10% of people survive, and less than a handful of 1% get noticed again. It's the same everywhere. Have you ever seen an unpolished gem shine? You have to train yourself. Do you want me to take care of that for you?

Hyo-Ryong: (appears) Still, isn't that a bit harsh? I'm sure they have their own problems.

Bi Ryuyeon: Oh, who is this? Isn't it the bookish armored dragon soldier? Why do you have feelings for him?

Huo Ling: (Bursting!) Oh, no! What are you talking about? I'm still alive and well. My popularity hasn't waned. I'm just… taking a break.

Bi Ryuyeon: Hmm, I don't think so. First of all, it's not very convincing when you say it yourself. You'll have to work hard too.

Hyo-ryong: Is it just me, or did Sojae only get one name in the 17th volume?

Ryu-yeon Bi: Uh-huh, is that a comparison? The main character usually comes later.

Hui-Long: What! Why am I an extra and you, Sojae, are the main character, even though we both appeared later? It's not fair.

Bi Ryuyeon: The world is unequal. What are you going to do if everyone is the same? That's not going to change anything. Difference is what makes a difference. Do you know the difference between a main character and an extra? If an extra doesn't appear, they're forgotten, but if a main character doesn't appear, their presence is highlighted.

Hyo-Ryong: That's right, isn't it?

Bi Ryuyeon: That's right, you three, get out of here. This is the main casting room, and it's still a hundred years too late for you to come in.

The Invisible Trilogy: One more line of dialogue…….

Bi Ryuyeon: Shut up, get out of here, you'll be unbearably light!

(The invisible trio, black as night, disappearing like smoke as quickly as they appeared.)

Hyorong: Those three must be really good at stealth, it's like a mirage.

Ryu Yeon Bi: You're a tough nut to crack, so be prepared. Let's see what happens in the next book.

Hyo-Ryong: Uh, is it over already?

Bi Ryuyeon: (firmly) That's it!





Jang Hong: Huh? Me?





Mo Yonghui:Hey, I also have… …….

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