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Book 18 Chapter 13

White lightning, flashing

-way, blocked

A path can be tangible or intangible, but once you've decided to walk it, you should be prepared for the things you'll encounter along the way. If you don't have that, you might as well give up on the path altogether. If you don't have that kind of determination, you might as well give up on the path altogether.

The road they were traveling now was a dense mountain pass, with trees lining the sides, and it was difficult to traverse it with so much baggage, but it was necessary to get to their destination, because it was the widest, lowest, and most well-maintained of the nearby mountain passes.

Some claim that the government's civil engineering department, which has a reputation for being far from meticulous, careful, and diligent, spends its time idly collecting tax dollars, and that the reason this mountain road is so well maintained compared to the surrounding trails is because bandits encamped in the area sneak down with shovels and do massive stops to clear the road. The government denied it, saying it was ridiculous, but in fact it was mostly true. So why would bandits do such a seemingly admirable thing to improve the convenience of the people and benefit the country?

Some have loudly and emphatically asserted the absoluteness of causality, stating that there are no uncaused effects, but there are uncaused effects.

But in any case, except in a few special cases, it does not usually apply to these ordinary, secular, mundane situations. Therefore, there had to be some special reason, some cause and effect, for them to take the initiative to do something that would be inconsistent with their professional ethics. It wasn't as if a few ragtag bandits in the neighborhood, who had a reputation for being quite brutal and ferocious, had suddenly become reformed, like red-eye in the middle of the night, and couldn't resist the irresistible urge to do a good deed whenever no one was looking. Nor were these men, whose brains seemed to be filled with muscles, moved by the maxim, "Let not the right hand know what the left hand has done." They had heard of it, of course, but they had taken it to mean nothing more than a way of emphasizing the importance of destroying evidence when doing bad things, such as looting, murder, and arson.

For them, the maintenance of difficult mountain trails was a kind of sales strategy: the roads were their main source of business, and to attract more customers, they needed to make them stand out from the crowd. Therefore, the sales strategy they chose was road maintenance.

It was the heavens that made this mountain lower than the others, but it was humans who saw the neck of the mountain and built nests in anticipation of it becoming a "transportation hub," and they built trails to attract more and more customers. And they didn't hesitate to do the dirty work of cutting down beautiful trees in front of trails on other mountains, even if it was a bit of a dirty trick. They were bandits, after all, and such dirty tricks were very much in keeping with their profession. This road-maintenance strategy and dirty tricks were surprisingly successful, and many people began to flock to the road. Their willingness to take chances didn't stop there. They didn't open for business right away. They waited. If they had opened their doors, they would have gotten a bad reputation and seen a huge drop in business. They waited for the traffic to build up, and once people were familiar with the road, they opened their doors to merchants and representatives when they thought it was most appropriate. They had a pretty good cause, too.

-We are the ones who built this mountain road, so anyone who wants to go through it has to pay a toll.

The merchants and representatives were surprised at first, but they were experts in their own right. This kind of thing was commonplace in trade and commerce, and if you fought, all you'd end up with was a mountain of debt, so it was better to bargain than to fight. If you had to deal with the bandits one by one, you would inevitably suffer heavy losses, which you could then pass on to your customers. At least the bandits on this side had a conscience, since the road had been cleared, so the mountain pass was still well traveled despite the bandits' presence.

Therefore, the Zhongyang Marking Bureau had already made up their minds before departure and prepared their own tolls, but whether they wanted to waste their minds or simply had a whim, today was different from other days.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, something is wrong!"

"I agree it's weird, Mr. Kang. One……."

Zhang Wuyang hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"Don't keep calling me twice in a row. Call me once, and my ears are still intact, and I will answer your call. Do you understand?"


"Good to know. Now tell me what you think is weird."

"Isn't it strange, as I'm sure you've noticed, that until now… nothing has happened. Not once!"

"Again, right? That's the third time. Nothing has happened. I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad."

When Guo Jiu let out a light sigh, Kang Representative Du, the actual leader of the group, crossed his arms and shook his head a couple of times as if he understood the sentiment.

"Maybe they're taking the day off because it's a holiday?"

Sometimes a break is necessary to increase the efficiency of labor. It was possible that the green forest vegetable was trying to improve its constitution because it realized that it couldn't work as well as it could if it was overworked. But Zhang Wuyang was adamant in his denial.

"I've never heard of bandits taking breaks from work. Besides, didn't they just walk right past us three times already, without incident? It's not like they've been on a pep rally."

He was getting anxious that nothing was happening.

"What's going on?"

At this time, the approaching Qin Shaolin interrupted their conversation. She sensed that the expressions on their faces were far different than they had been before they entered the mountain, and her curiosity was piqued by the fact that Zhang Wuyang and Kang Jiaodu were speaking in whispers that only the two of them could understand.

"Oh, it's no big deal, Ms. Jin. I was just puzzled that nothing had happened since we entered the mountain."

"Isn't it supposed to be nothing?"

Qin Xiaoling asked, puzzled.

"Of course, nothing is the best thing that can happen, but I'm a little concerned that nothing is happening."


If she didn't understand something, she'd ask and ask and ask until she did, and then she'd get it right.

"It's not unreasonable to wonder," he said, "because you're worried if something's going on, and there's nothing going on, but it's so quiet again. Normally by this time, we would have passed two or three business offices, but as you can see, no one has come out to do business, which is odd, because if it was this big, they would have known about it long before they came into the mountains. This is definitely strange. Even if it was a regular holiday, they should have left two or three guys collecting tolls, that's how they do business, 24\/7."

"What do you mean, a sales office?"

When he spoke again, Qin Xiaoling asked him what he meant. It was Zhang Wuyang who answered.

"Ah, the sales office……."

A post was a toll collection area controlled by bandits. The Zhongyang Marking Station had gained quite a bit of notoriety in the Green Forest due to several battles involving Zhu Jiaxuan and Bi Ryuyeon in the past, so no one dared to touch it, but the more powerful Sanchai would still demand a reasonable toll. They were not willing to risk unnecessary casualties or damage to their markings by entering the fray, so they would settle for a reasonable price. Loss of life and damage to property had to be avoided at all costs. Shallow bandits tended to be relentless in their pursuit of targets and damage if they were short on taxes. They couldn't have been any crazier or more desperate, so trouble had to be kept to a minimum at all times. Even if you think you're going to win, you don't fight until the last possible moment. If they went on a rampage relying on their strength alone, they might end up repeating the 'Tribulation of Mount Bokhosan', which happened to the Zhongyuan Kingdom a decade earlier, when they trusted only three people and ignored the bandits. Almost all the carts of the Zhongyuan Marksmen, which were carrying huge amounts of marks, were baptized with fire and burned to the ground. It was a demonstration that it was easier to destroy than to steal. The company was forced to pay huge sums of money in compensation to its customers, and its reputation, which had been as bright as the sun in the sky, immediately plummeted to the bottom. It would take a great deal of time and effort to rebuild that reputation. It was not worth it.

"It's so shallow, that we should be so anxious about the fact that there's not a single bandit doing business."

Zhang Wuyang clicked his tongue. Ordinary humans like herself would always feel uneasy about breaking the routine, even if it was a bad thing.

To have traveled this far on such a large scale, and to have traveled this far, and to have no one come out to do business with them, was the same thing to them as the sun not rising every day. There is no way that they had suddenly decided to become good bandits, so rather than rejoice, the fear of what might come next outweighed the joy. But being anxious about the sky not falling wasn't exactly recommended for mental health either, but the local stalwart, Salhochae, never let a mark go to waste.

"I don't need to go to them, and I don't need to beg them, if they don't come to me."

Qin Xiaolong said. In fact, she couldn't understand why anyone would pay an unjustified toll to bandits. In her world, it was unthinkable. It seemed like a way to compromise with what wasn't right.

"Yeah, but… that's still a bitch."

"Maybe they've moved locations?"

Jin said.

"There's no way that's going to happen after all the work we've put into paving the way."

He might be a hundred years behind Qin Shaolin in swordsmanship, but the ecology and habits of bandits were his specialty. All sorts of thoughts kept popping into their minds and bothering them. However, as those responsible for the safety of the traveling public, they could not help but be wary of the current peace.

Liu Lan, who was only a few feet away, asked Qin Xiaoling.

"That's very strange," I said, "that would cause me to worry in any case, wouldn't it, Master?"

Yoo Eun-sung, who had appeared out of nowhere, answered for him.

"People are afraid of having their routines disrupted. It's the nature of the world to be ever-changing, but humans are paradoxically wired for stability. We don't accept change easily because we want to be complacent."

Then he looked at his nephew to his left and said something.

"The complacent do not progress. Unvi, you would do well to keep this in mind."

"I will keep that in mind, Mr. Four Hundred."

Then Qin Shaolin was told.

"In any case, the only constant is that things change endlessly. Wouldn't it be better to change as much as the dragon became a chrysalis? Yulan, you must not be afraid of change. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master, disciple, I will keep that in mind."

Yulan replied.

"Oh, by the way, what is He doing?"

Qin Xiaoling asked.

"Yes, Master. He's been sleeping on the cart ever since we set out. Curiously, no matter how much the cart rattles, he doesn't wake up, and he doesn't fall off."

It would have been much more sympathetic if he'd rolled over once or twice.

"I don't understand, Master."

"What do you mean?"

"Why do you use such an honorific for a person like that, Master? Isn't he just a strange old man, and why do you, a man of your stature, have such a hard time with it?"

Yulan said with a pout. She was still a young girl and had the habit of blurting out whatever she wanted to say without restraint.

"Well… I don't know about that."

"such as……."

She barely held back the urge to shout, "That's not an answer. Qin Shaolin was well aware that his student was dissatisfied with this answer.


So she added one more thing.

"Always be cautious when encountering the unknown, and listen to your instincts. Instinct is sometimes a much better judge than shallow emotions based on human prejudices."

It was then that a black-clad figure stopped them in their tracks.


He appeared out of nowhere, about ten pages away from the front of the table.

The color drained from Zhang Wuyang and Representative Du's faces even as the mysterious masked man blocked their path. It was because they felt like they were back in their normal lives again, and their anxiety had suddenly dissipated, leaving them in a relaxed mood.

"Oh, you've been waiting a long time. Welcome."

First, Ms. Zhang greeted me warmly.

The two of them were genuinely welcoming this mysterious man. The man in the middle of their path, Feng Fei, a senior leader of the Flying Dragon Army, was momentarily taken aback by the unexpected welcome.


The uninvited guests were being overly welcoming, to the point where they were passing out.

"Are these crazy?

It was not unreasonable for him to think so. He had always lurked in the dark shadows of the night, doing nothing but evil, and how could he have expected such hospitality?

"But it's a little strange, my lord."

"What else is weird?"

Zhang Wuyang replied in a shaky voice.

He liked things the way they were; he was a mediocrity-oriented man, but his wishes were simply dismissed by those under his command.

"Yeah, that's weird again."

Weird is weird, so I couldn't help it. If you call something weird and say it's fine, then it's weird.

"I've never heard of any of the businesses around here doing anonymous sales."

As it turned out, the bandits he encountered, however despicable, were all openly banditry. None of them wore masks like that. Banditry is a pretty dirty business, but they didn't seem to think so. They are powerful idiots who live off of other people's backs, so they should have that much affection.

"What peak are you from, Mr. Ligature?"

A ligature was a slang term for a partner in the greenery, while a peak or bush was a clan. Zhang Wuyang was asking which clan he belonged to.


This time, I had a good answer, but he remained silent.

"That's really… weird."

Zhang Wuyang cautiously hypothesized that the other person might be deaf or mute.

"Give me the children!"

Blood said in a menacing voice.

"Haha, of course, the state… huh? The kids?"

Zhang Wuyang was about to reply, but was interrupted.

"Children? Excuse me, Mr. Kang, did you have any of those on this tabulation list?"

Kang Jiaodu glanced at the list of markers before answering.

"I don't see that listed anywhere."

"Oh, is that so? I was also surprised to find out that our Zhongyang Marking Bureau had unwittingly gotten into the human trafficking business. Huh-"

"Haha, how could that be?"

Zhang Wuyang said to the black-clad man with a wide smile on his face.

"Do you hear me? We are not a disreputable marker, illegally carrying anything other than what is on the list, so you have nothing to give. Go home knowing that."

Of course, even if you were on the list of trophies, you could double your money, but the nature of the trophies was such that you couldn't hand them over.

"Hmph, don't lie, the trail has been cut off from you, and you're still trying to play games with me? Just lead the children to safety, or else……!"

"And if not, what will you do?"

Qin Shaolin suddenly stepped forward and asked in a cold voice.

"You're going to get your ass kicked!"

As if he couldn't read the life force emanating from Qin Shaolin's body, Blood Mark replied hesitantly.

"That's an interesting suggestion."

"Phew, that's something to laugh about!"


Bloodshot raised his hand to signal, and dozens of cloaked figures emerged from the grass to his left and right. Suddenly, the quiet forest air was filled with cold life. Each and every one of the masked figures was the owner of an unusual prayer.

"Uh, at some point……."

Yulan and Yu Yunfei looked around with panicked eyes.

"Calm down!"

Yoo Eun-sung had already noticed, and she glanced around, her posture unflinching.

"What do you think? Have you changed your mind?"

Bloodshot asked again, his voice icy cold.

"Well, you don't really need to brag about having a large family, do you?"

Zhang Wuyang replied in a relaxed voice. He was no longer the sovereign of the small country he had once been; he was Zhang Wuyang, who, though he claimed to be of ordinary orientation, had nevertheless felt the need to cultivate his vessel to match that of his burgeoning country and had not neglected his training. His years of experience had allowed him to respond in this manner. Sometimes, the position makes the man.

Showing weakness here will quickly demoralize the marksmen. A demoralized soldier, no matter how many heads he had, was just a paper doll. Therefore, as their representative, he must not show weakness. Zhang Wuyang was also aware of this.

He now had not one, but two trustworthy secrets, and the more he thought about it, the more determined he became. With the Five Swordsmen of Heaven and Earth and the First Sword of Divination protecting him, what could he be afraid of? It was time for the merits he had accumulated to shine through. It is said that the house of goodness is always blessed, so it was time to do some good deeds.

"How dare you interrupt our ceremony, on the subject of a mere flag?"

In an instant, blue blood surged from Zhang Wuyang's forehead. Then he shouted.

"A single country! Watch your tongue! Three years!"

Zhang Wuyang stretched out his right arm and vigorously stretched three fingers.

"I assure you, within three years, our Zhongyang Bureau will overtake the industry leader Zhongyuan Bureau and become a true powerhouse!"

Zhang Wuyang stretched his sword arm toward the sky. Then he swore.

"I, Zhang Wuyang, promise you on this day in the heavens, with my life!"


At his curious appearance, the morale-boosting marksmen raised their swords and roared.

Zhang Wuyang's confidence was boosted by the cheers. It was worth a fight.

"Lan'ah, you get out!"

Qin Shaolin said quietly to disciple Yulan.

Instantly, the eyes of everyone within earshot - that is, everyone - widened in horror. It was as if he had stabbed his disciple in the back.

"Yes, Master, I accept your command!"

Without hesitation, Yulan replied, "I'm sorry.


Then Yoo Eun-sung called for Sajil Unbi.


To his questioning son-in-law and nephew, he delivered a swift and deadly verdict.

"You're not going to stand by and watch her go out alone, get ready to go!"

He didn't really want to say yes, but he realized that if he did, he'd have to dig two more sheets under his bed tonight, so he stopped. He stopped digging more than three sheets because he was not a king.

"Do I have to?"

As soon as those words left his mouth, a flame of anger flickered in the eyes of the Four Hundred Eunuchs.

He was adamant that if anyone dared to humiliate him in front of Gene Sojae, he would not let them off the hook.

He knew from years of experience that he should not dare to interfere with the four hundred in this state, and that his orders should be obeyed absolutely, no matter how much coercion might be involved.

"I was joking, of course, Mr. Four Hundred, so please don't give me that scary look."

"Do you call an unfunny joke a joke?"

"I'm going to go take care of that and come back with a cold one."

I quickly ducked out of the way. You never know when a punch is going to come your way, so being at least five feet away is good for your health.

"Are you sure you're okay, with two young men like that?"

Zhang Wuyang asked in a worried tone.

"It's going to be a great experience, and you can't really get real hands-on experience unless you do something like this."

The lion's sternness was bitter.

"It's the basics if you think about the trials they're going to have to go through, because it's not an easy place to be."

But he didn't send them out into the wilderness unprepared.

"Yu Dae-hyeop."

"Don't worry, Gene Sojae. I'll protect you with all my might. This distance is no obstacle to me."

"Please. I'll do my best."

But as the two approached their first real-life test with a lot of nerves, they were unfortunately denied the opportunity to experience the real thing.

It was shortly after a white-hot gust of wind swept in front of them.

There was a flash of white light.

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