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Book 18 Chapter 11

Master, I'm going to visit the Zhongyang Marking Station.

-Telling the truth

Zhongyang Peking was not far from the ironworks. The old man hadn't even left the forge when he was already looking up at the inscription on the tablet.

"What could he have been doing here?"

The old man muttered to himself.

"There's no way I'm going to be sitting here typing away……."

Just then, a loud voice from the far side of the door pierced through the crack and rang in the old man's ears.

"I'm the one who deserves this sword!"

It was a shrill female voice that rattled the rafters, and one I remembered hearing.

"I'm pretty sure the nickname is… did I mention… sleeping beauty?"

The Zhongyang Bureau spared no expense when it came to Amifa. How could he neglect his guard when he had such a reliable shield? Amifa's disciples were always welcome to accompany him on his travels. They would be provided with horses, lodging, and meals. Of course, the traveling expenses were paid for by the state. This was a custom that had been established since Zhu Jiaxuan traveled to Nanchang. They were experts in traveling, so it was a bit of a relief for the Amifa to be sending out new disciples from the strongest schools. However, due to the nature of the journey, there was a risk of being attacked by bandits along the way, but even if one traveled alone, bandits were bound to appear every two or three mountains. Moreover, it was rumored that traveling with the Zhongyang Bureau would somehow make them stronger, so not only the Ami Sect, but also the famous clans of Sichuan would request them. The more masters who traveled with the Zhongyang Bureau, the safer they would be, so the Zhongyang Bureau did not mind. A large group of traveling masters were headed to Nanchang, and their scheduled arrival was the day before the entrance exam. It was for this reason that Qin Shaolin and Yulan, who both had business at the Heavenly Martial Academy, and Yulan and Yunfei, who both had their own reasons for being here, gathered together at the Zhongyang Marking Bureau. And it was over a sword that Yulan and Yunfei were now arguing.

"I understand how much you want to have this sword, but it's already been reserved in my name. I was the one who drooled over it first, so shouldn't you, who's one step behind, make way?"

"Don't be ridiculous. I've been waiting for three years to buy that sword, and every penny I've saved for it has come from my own pockets, and you think I'm going to open my hand to you to buy that sword, I'm not like some guy from somewhere who doesn't spend a penny of his own money and everything comes out of the Four Hundred Lord's pocket, I'm not like that, I'm not like that!"

"But late is late, and don't you know that happiness is first come, first served? The early bird wins, like a sting."

"Hmph, do you think Yu Xiaoqiao deserves that sword with only that much skill?"

"That's not something I'm going to let slide, you haven't even seen it yet, have you?"

"I don't need to see it, but if you want to show it to me, I won't refuse. How about we play a game here and now, and whoever wins will be the owner of that 'bichen'?"

"You're going to regret this, aren't you, YuSojae?"

"Are you scared?"

"Okay, let's do this. I'll give you a taste of how fast the sting is today."

"Hmm, well, in that case, I'll let you experience firsthand just how changeable the Sword of Armee is."

Just as the two were about to draw their swords, Qin Shaolin, who had been watching them, spoke up.

"Stop, both of you, do you realize whose safety you're fighting over?"

"Hehe, Gene Sojae, it's okay. When you're young, you're a bit of a hothead."

"Unbi, we'll see," Yoo Eun-sung said with a smile, even though he was secretly thinking, "We'll see.

"By the way, there are two people and one sword, so that's a problem. You can't just break a good sword in half and give it away……."

But Qin Shaolin's eyes were still cold as he looked at the children.

"I don't think either of you deserve this sword. Here's the deal. First, I will keep this sword in my care and custody. Then, after an entrance examination, I will give it to someone I deem more deserving. Do you object?"

"…Uh, no."

"Me… too."

"What about Mr. Yu?"

"I don't see how I can argue with that, so have at it."

"Very well, then I will keep this sword for the time being, and you will both endeavor to become the kind of person who knows it and is worthy of it. Do you understand?"

At Qin Shaolin's stern words, both of them were equally upset.

"Yes, I'll keep that in mind."

'That old man is the…….'

As soon as Zhang Wuyang saw the gray-haired old man who had been politely escorted into the bureau by the receptionist, he knew at once who it was. He gently closed his eyes.

"It's about time!

Zhang Wuyang had told herself that it would come one day, but when it did, she couldn't help but feel nervous. The old man was the vicious and ruthless old man that Bi Ryuyeon had warned her about. He was also the one who had been prophesied by Bi Ryuyeon to one day come to ravage the Zhongyang Trading Post.

'Surely the old man will ask me where I am, and if I tell him I don't know, he will cut the flag down to the rafters.'

"Why are you doing that just because you say you don't know?

"Of course you do, because you know it.

"Yes? No, what is that?

'Lying doesn't work with that old man, he can tell when you're lying like a ghost, all you have to do is look him in the eye and it's over, sometimes he doesn't even have to look at you, he just knows. I don't know if he's practicing mind reading or the legendary Tasimtong, but either way, flimsy lies never work, you must always tell the truth, but never give away your whereabouts.'

'How can that be, didn't you just say a moment ago that we should always tell the truth?'

'You can tell the truth and still deceive your opponent, and many people do that. You just need to stop being scared and do what I say, and both Pyo Guk and Zhang will be safe.'

'How do you say, Non-Confucius?'

"That's… only part of the truth.

I was told how to do it, but I couldn't help but be nervous. She only had one chance in the real world. Zhang Wuyang calmed himself by telling himself to stay calm. The fate of the Zhongyang Stamp Office depended on his words.

"Welcome. Welcome. I'm Zhang Wuyang, in charge of a small marking station called Zhongyang Marking Station, and if you don't mind my asking, would you do me the honor of receiving your honorary title?"

"I have no connection to the name. So I have nothing to tell you."

"Is that so, and what do you want me to call you?"

"Hmm, now that you mention it, it would be nice to have a name for him. You can call me anything you like, but just call me Old Master, Nosabu."

"No… Mr. Noh?"

Zhang Wuyang looked a little embarrassed. In fact, there was another Nosabu he knew. That Nosabu had already shaken up the Zhongyang Bureau once before this old man, so he now had two people to call Nosabu.

"What's the problem?"

"Oh… no, that's not possible."

It wasn't my real name, it was just a title, and I didn't think it would matter if one person became two. The title seemed temporary anyway, and he wouldn't have to use it for long. Besides, as long as both labor and management didn't appear before him at the same time, he wouldn't be in trouble.

"Then I will call you 'Mr. Nosabun' from now on."

"Have it your way."

Nosabu replied that it was no big deal.

"What business do you have in such a shabby place, Mr. Nosa?"

"I'm looking for a guy. He's a boy, early twenties. He has long bangs and usually covers his eyes. Have you seen him?"

"What is his name?"

"The damn thing's name is Bi Ryuyeon."

"Of course!

He was right on the money.

"And what is the relationship between you and Mr. Nosa?"

"This is my naughty, naughty apprentice."

"Oh, I see, you were a student."

Something was wrong. Apparently, when Bi Ryuyeon first came to the Zhongyang Mark Bureau, the inspection was from his master, Nosabu.

'Oh, of course, this is the Ministry of Labor and Employment, but the Ministry of Labor and Employment is……. Eh, so… to……. Eh, I'm confused. So who is this labor union and who is the labor union from back then, and does that mean that there are two teachers of Bi Ryuyeon?

Suddenly, Zhang Wuyang's head was a tangled mess of threads. For the sake of simplicity, she decided to assume that Bi Ryuyeon was a disciple of Li Nao's; it would be less confusing that way.

"Do you know?"

"Yes, I think I know."

"And do you know where he is now?"

"I took him to the Payang Lake neighborhood a few years ago."

"Tell the part, don't tell the whole story."

I didn't mention anything about a martial arts center or a brothel. But he wasn't lying. Namchang was definitely a large city near Payang Lake.



Mr. Nosabu stared into Zhang Wuyang's eyes. Feeling intimidated, Zhang Wuyang smiled awkwardly. He must not have been caught, right?

"Hmm, that must be true."

Zhang Wuyang inwardly breathed a sigh of relief at Nosabu's words.

"He's gotten pretty far, there. Don't bother."

After a moment of grumbling, Nosabu's eyes caught sight of a bustle of people coming and going, many of them carrying boxes and loading them onto carts.

"From the way people are bustling back and forth over there packing up, I'm guessing they're about to hit the road. Don't you think?"

"That's… that's right, sir!"

At a time like this. Zhang Wuyang was puzzled for a moment before answering.

"When do we leave?"

"We hit the road at dawn tomorrow."



Zhang Wuyang paused in his answer. Nosabu asked again.

"Where are those marks going?"

"Remember. Never tell a lie."

Zhang Wuyang replied, telling himself that it wasn't his fault.

"I'm… a prostitute."

"That was definitely near Payang Lake, wasn't it?"

"That's… that's right, Mr. Nosa!"

The marker's destination is the Temple of Nothingness, and this was a monumental first trade with the Temple of Nothingness.


The Ministry of Labor threw a curveball. It was enough to add one more person to the Zhongyang Marking Bureau's Nankang-bound crew.

* * *

Bi Ryuyeon's eyes fluttered open in her sleep. Her back was still to the bed. Raising her upper half from the bed as if she were floating, she stroked her right hand under her left ear and across the nape of her neck. Her hand was damp with moisture.

"Night sweats?"

Bi Ryuyeon shook her head.

"What's going on, Ryuyeon?"

Mo Yonghui woke up and rubbed his eyes. He must have sensed that Bi Ryuyeon had woken up.

"No, it's nothing."

"Really? I know from experience, you should get a good night's sleep."

Mo Yonghui then went back to bed and pulled the covers over his head. Now that Mo Yonghui was able to sleep peacefully and not be tormented by nightmares, he realized the value of a good night's sleep, and he cherished his sleeping time very much. Bi Ryuyeon was left alone in the darkness again.

"Surely I wasn't dreaming?"

Dreams are for sleepers, not for waking people, and if he had a nightmare, he should have a record of it, but he had no memory of it, not even that he had dreamed it.

'Is this a hint of something? This hasn't happened to me in years?

She had an ominous feeling, but she knew better than to let it scare her away.

"Let's go to bed!"

It was the best decision he could have made. This time, he wasn't dreaming.

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discord ko-fi