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Book 17 Chapter 7

His Fear (恐怖)

-Hong, filled with fear

Even when he was still, Bing'er's icy face became even colder. The cold northern wind and snow seemed to ferociously emanate from his entire body.

He was here today to take care of some business.

"Master Guan's words… are you saying that there is one more place that is very suspicious?"


In a firm voice, Binggum replied. Marzinga had yet to see this man bluff. Water can change its shape freely and skillfully in different vessels, but ice frozen in the dead of winter, though composed of the same substance, is a complete departure from the properties of water. Such an icy and stubborn man was the Ice Sword.

The majinga didn't dare to listen in vain, so his natural body exerted itself.

"I can't even make out the end of that clue in my dumb head. May I ask you to teach me?"

"That's all very well. As a member of the Heavenly Martial Academy who holds the future of the Martial Kingdom in his hands, it's the right thing to do."

Now it was time to get down to business, and Binggum chose his words carefully. What would minimize the shock of Guanzhou? No matter how nonchalant he tried to be, he knew he would be nervous.

"What does Your Excellency think of the Zhongyuan Reich?"

The old man couldn't understand why a Zhongyuan emblem was appearing here out of nowhere. It was a great emblem, worthy of being called the Zhongyuan First Emblem. It had a long history of trust and loyalty, and it was still standing strong after a hundred years. Not only the Heavenly Martial Academy, but also the White Sword Forest Sect, the Zheng Tian Sect, had formal contracts with the Zhongyuan Marking Station for more than seventy percent of their transportation trade. It had already been more than thirty years.

It was Kangho's orthodoxy that he controlled more than 70% of the logistics.

What could possibly go wrong in such a place? If true, it was creepily frightening. It was the equivalent of saying that the enemy could cut off a significant portion of their supply lines at any time.

However, Zhong Yuan Feiqing was under the protection of King Fei, one of the teenage members of the Zheng Tian Clan. He could not be messed with without hard evidence.

"Do you have proof?"

"We have witnesses."

"So we don't have any hard evidence yet."

"We're currently looking for it."

The stakes were too high to put it all on the shoulders of someone who wasn't sure.

"…What do you want me to do?"

Binggum understood the meaning behind the words.

"Until now, the Academy has relied too heavily on the Zhongyuan Marking Bureau for logistical transportation, but now that their innocence is in doubt, it would be extremely risky to place the Academy's lifeblood entirely in their hands, even if only for a short time."

"I agree."

"The situation is similar for the Zheng Tian Clan, but we need to reduce their influence, at least in our Heavenly Martial Academy."

It was clear that the talking bird had a plan.


Finally, the question he had been waiting for was asked. Binggum asked in a hushed tone.

"Have you ever heard of the China Coast Guard?"

Majinga nodded.

"Of course I've heard of it. Isn't it a Sichuan state that's been expanding its power a lot lately? I heard it's located in Amifa's territory. They call it the First Sichuan State. Didn't you say the state's star sign is 'representative'?"

"Well, that's a quick story then. From what I've researched, they're not particularly suspicious, and while we've clashed a few times over business, they're not believed to have enough power to be much of a threat. I think it would be a good idea to use them to keep the Middle Kingdom in check. Oh, and they're not representatives, they're representative girls."

At Binggum's comment, Mazinger thought carefully before offering his own opinion.

"You may be on the rise these days, but do you think you can hold your own against the centuries-old power of Zhongyuan? Is there any danger that you will succumb to the slightest pressure?"

"Don't worry, I've sent a zeros to make sure that's covered."

"Good job."

Binggum continued in an uncharacteristically heated tone.

"It is believed that if Guan Zhu and I were to covertly support them, they could grow into a force that could threaten Zhongyuan in a short period of time. The other great powers don't have the same explosive potential as the Zhongyuan Clan, and it's my opinion that the Zhongyuan Clan is the only one worth looking forward to at the moment."

After a long pause, Majinga finally nodded.

"Hmm, great. I know it's a hassle, but can you come up with a concrete plan?"

"Don't worry, I've got a good guy on that side of things, and he'll have a usable plan up in a couple days."

I haven't even touched on the fact that the plan is already laid out in the mind of the human being that is Biyou, it just needs to be brought out.

"Then I'll do you a favor."

"Yes, please continue your conversation. I'll leave you to it."

Leaving behind an unintelligible greeting that had no bottom and no end, the ice sword retreated. However, the complexion of the recipient of this unintelligible greeting was quite something to behold. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Surprisingly, he understood the bottomless pit of Bing's greeting. After a moment's consideration, he decided to laugh. As a finite person in the cycle of life and death, it was his business to live positively in every moment.

"You are indeed a master of stealth, and I was confident that I was unbeatable when it came to stealth… and then this… this… this is part of what the Ice Sword Grandmaster is all about?"

The voice came out of nowhere, out of the shapeless air. The shadows that had spread across the ceiling converged in one place, like dew on a leaf at dawn, and then plunged downward. It was a grotesque sight indeed, for out of the mass of falling shadows he emerged like a ghost. A bitter accusation tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Do you think you've been caught, Red?"

Mazinga asked, sounding slightly concerned. It was better not to reveal his identity yet. That was a completely separate issue from whether or not he trusted the ice sword.

"I'm sure you knew I was hiding, but you didn't realize my identity, but it's amazing that you were able to see through my concealment. If I had any life left in me, you would have cut me down mercilessly, even if you could have seen me talking to you from a distance."

I knew I had to be more careful in the future. I didn't even realize that I was vaguely doubting myself until I was a chapter away.

"His senses are as frightening as his sword. I've known him for more than a dozen years now, and even I don't know where the end of his true skill lies."

"You are indeed trustworthy."

Hong said admiringly.

"So can you trust me?"

Not one to miss an opportunity, Mazinger said quickly.

"How does the story work like that? That and this are two completely different things."

In a serious voice, the man named Hong replied.

"What does a man of your stature do with something of this magnitude?"

"This has nothing to do with martial arts skills or status, even for a martial arts master. There are too many problems in the world for that."

When his pent-up anger reached its limit, the lid finally popped off, and he exploded.

"What the hell, if the boss is going to criticize you, why are you complaining so much? I'm a heavenly scholar, and I'm asking you to do this? Are you trying to save face? Save face."

But Hong didn't raise an eyebrow, as if he was used to it.

"Risking my life to save yours? No."

Hong replied firmly.

"Have you been such a coward, and what have I become after all these years of trusting and relying on you?"

"If Shaoxing is a coward, then I, Dai Hao, must be a coward as well. I won't do it this time, and if I go there and things go wrong, I will definitely be killed, I guarantee you twelve!"

Hong's shoulders shook at the mere thought of it. This was no act; he was genuinely scared. He knew from experience that forcing his way out at a time like this would only backfire. What could possibly be causing this man, who had endured unspeakably grueling training to be able to withstand all manner of torture and mind control techniques, to tremble so violently?

What I wish I hadn't known. I recognize that because I know, I can't force myself to do it anymore.

"You know what they say about time being a medicine, they'll understand."

"Well, sometimes it can be medicine, but in this case it's more likely to be poison."

Its defenses are so strong that it's hard to get through.

"You're really going too far, dear. Do I really have to kneel before you, do you think that will make you feel better?"

It was the first time Hong had ever realized that such power could be packed into the act of kneeling. It was more terrifying than any threat. And the most terrifying thing was the pair of gaping eyes that looked like they could burst into tears at any moment. He didn't want to see such a horrible, horrifying sight. He didn't want to be malnourished, and he didn't want to have sleepless nights. It was against his credo of sleeping well, eating well, and defecating well.

"Well, until you do……."

Still, I was in the position of being paid by the boss, so I was mentally burdened by his behavior. If it was an incompetent boss, I would have been amused, but Mazinger was too competent and sincere for that.

"This is……."

Hong scratched his head. His mind was beginning to wander a bit. In fact, for someone like Hong, a heartfelt frontal assault is the hardest to withstand.

"I'll pay you triple, nay, quintuple the usual risk allowance."

Like any good boss, Mazinger had the last word. The terms were unconventional. It was also risky.

"Phew, when you put it that way, I can't do it, I'd have to risk my life, this place is too much for me!"

I was never supposed to have an accident on the job.

"Just in case, well, I assure you that will never happen, but if it does, I'll make sure to give you a big funeral. Just so you don't envy the Empress."

It wasn't comforting at all.

Even as a marginer, it's not that I don't understand Hong's state of mind. For one thing, he was a man. Moreover, he had experience. Even a martial artist of Nie Bai Tian's caliber would understand and sympathize with his plight. But he had to go. He was the only one he could trust.

It broke his heart to have to let them go, even though he knew how hellish it would be to wait there.

His heart ached, as if he were committing a betrayal that would somehow break the bonds between men. But he quickly composed himself. As a man responsible for the lives of so many, he must not allow himself to become personally involved, even if it means sending his men out on a limb. He must never waver, even if he knows that what awaits him there is hell. Tears must be swallowed down.

"Please, Hong!"

Bowing his head slightly, Mazinger said in a hushed voice.

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discord ko-fi