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Book 17 Chapter 1

The story so far

A hundred years ago, there was a man who appeared like a storm with four henchmen, scattering blood and terror across the land like rain, and his name was the Heavenly Blood God Wei Tianmu, whose name people dared not utter for fear.

No one was able to stop him. The blood of all the swordsmen and the flesh of the thieves, along with their swords, which were their lifeblood, were scattered into the air, and the people called it the World of Heavenly Bloodshed.

Murim despaired. But hope comes at the end of despair.

At the edge of the cliff of despair, a new hope emerged. Just as suddenly as "he" appeared, a beautiful silver-haired man with a blue sword and a red dao in each hand, wielding them like a celestial deity, and black hair like a black lion's mane, He wielded the Dao with a force that seemed to crush the heavens, and the two men whom people later came to call the Martial God and the Martial Demon, and to worship, were named Heng Yue Lin of the Tiger God Army and Gal Zhong Hyeok of the Patriarchate.

They halted the unstoppable advance of the Heavenly Frightening Spirits like a flood in the rainy season on a volcanic crag, but the fiercest and most terrifying enemy, the Heavenly Frightening Blood God Yue Tianmu, disappeared into a nightmare, his life unconfirmed.

Two specialized educational institutions, the Cheonmu Academy and the Macheon Gak, were created as part of the training of later generations to prepare for the re-emergence of the Heavenly Fear Spirit, which disappeared into the darkness after the great battle on the volcanic Nakanbong, now called Cheonmubong.

It's been a hundred years since then.

The lowest-ranked member of the Reaper Clan, Zhu Jiaxuan, is sent off to Amishan to attend the Hagi Training Camp, which is only open to 64 students per grade within the Heavenly Martial Academy. However, the Iron Fence Immortal Qin Zhao Yun, who was supposed to be in charge of their training, died for some reason, and instead, to the absolute misfortune of not having to decide if it was good fortune or bad fortune, it was the self-proclaimed Universe's First Super Genius, Bailu Yan, who filled the void.

Claiming to be suffering under the tutelage of an eccentric master, Bi Ryuyeon decides to run away from home and enters the Heavenly Martial Arts Academy with a thunder sword and a mukkeum, the secret treasures of the masters. Through a series of twists and turns, she takes on Chul-su and Young-hee as her students, and meets Bing Bai-feng Na Yerin, a former disciple of Sword Fu who has been keeping her heart closed, and becomes close to her, earning her the enmity of Bing Bai-feng's unwanted followers, the Bing Bai film guardians and other followers.

After lightly defeating her own battles in the Hwanmadong exam, Bi Ryuyeon attends the Hwasan Covenant Branch, the largest unarmed competition for young people, where she meets a mysterious old man named Hyuk-jung and another legend, Cheon Mu-sung.

Meanwhile, Grand Duke Bi, the main figure of the defunct Heavenly Frightening Spirit, was also attending the volcano meeting with his seven henchmen, hiding a massive plot to set the entire volcano ablaze.

Finally, just as the dragon's red fangs are about to set the volcano Hongmae Valley and everyone in it ablaze, Bi Ryuyeon's body unleashes one of her final moves, the Feng Xin, which sends the dragon flying into the sky. Exhausted, however, Bi Ryuyeon collapses into Na Yerin's lap. …….

Luckily, the people are spared, but they are unable to prevent Hong Mae Gok from burning to ashes, and they miss the Grand Duke and his men by a mile.

Contrary to the wishes of many, Bi Ryuyeon is alive and well, and now she returns to the Heavenly Martial Academy, accompanied by her sword-sanctioned lover, Na Yerin, her disciples, Bing Sword Chul-su and Salt Sword Young-hee, and her priest, Zhu Jia-dan… and the elderly Hyuk-jung, who has insisted on accompanying her.

That winter, another cowardice led to the burning of a silversmith's shop, and a man was about to set foot on a mighty lake, but no one was aware of the storm that his butterfly-like step would bring.

And so, after a brutal winter, spring is here.

Now a new story begins.

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discord ko-fi