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Book 16 Chapter 4

Unbelievable commotion, unbelievable silence

-Gum-hoo vs. Bi Ryuyeon-.

Despite what Do-Sung said, it wasn't just a matter of struggle.

How dare such an absurdity dare to exist in this ordered world.

The fact that it could happen at all felt like a blessing in disguise.

Mo Yonghui didn't know why this had happened, and he didn't want to know; what use would it be to find out how stupid his housemate had been? But one thing was for sure, it was bad enough that he was pretty sure it couldn't get any worse.

How dare she defy the sword master… It would have been much better to just slice her belly open. Bi Ryuyeon had touched someone who should never have been touched. As it was, he would be buried in River Lake forever. No matter how vast River Lake, the Savior of the Martial Realm, was, there was no place that would welcome someone who had incurred the wrath of the sword.


Once again, Sword Hu spoke coldly. But Bi Ryuyeon's head was still slightly bowed, and she hadn't made a move. Even if you look at her face straight on, you can't see what she's thinking.

"Do you not hear me?"

Sword Fu shouted again. Finally, Bi Ryuyeon quietly raised his head. His face still showed no sign of what he was thinking. However, he was calm in the face of the worst thing anyone could hope to avoid, not panicking or fearful.

"Master, please stop!"

Na Yerin ran to him, grabbing the hem of his robe and pleading. Her voice was plaintive, with a hint of urgency. Her icy mask had already been removed, and she now wore a face she had never shown anyone before. Master Sword Hu could not be an exception to this, but Yi Yun did not even flinch.

"You stay back!"

The stern voice of the heavenly master was telling Chu Ho that there could be no backing down, no reversal.

"Ling, what are you doing, take this child away!"

Unsure of what to do, Dokgo Ling immediately acted like a priestess with an oracle. She grabbed her sisters-in-law, along with Lee Jin-sul, and forcibly pulled them apart, then led them to where the people were.

"Now, what are you going to do, are you afraid?"

At the unintelligible words, Bi Ryuyeon lifted her half-lowered gaze and met Sword Hu's gaze. However, she didn't have the immaturity to become enraged at the other's provocation.

His gaze was like a sharp sword, but Bi Ryuyeon didn't blink an eye. It's not as if she was surprised, but…….

It was hard to tell what he was thinking with his eyes hidden by his bangs.


Finally, Bi Ryuyeon's mouth opened, only to close again. He didn't know what his fear was. The problem was elsewhere, and uncharacteristically, he was stumped.

"What's wrong with you, have you gotten scared?"

If that was the case, then he was truly pathetic, Yi Yun thought, and it would be intolerable for such a pathetic person to flirt with his disciple. He couldn't forgive himself for that, and he didn't want to be that pathetic.

"Is the person I'm looking at a coward, and if so, will you stop tucking your tail and admit defeat? If so, the solution is simple. Raise your hands now and admit, in front of everyone, that you are a coward and a cowardly loser, and never appear in front of my disciple again!"

Hearing the words from the other side, Na Yerin's face turned a deep shade of blue; she hadn't expected her master to make such a demand.

"I'm sorry, but I can't go along with that, because all I've ever been taught is how to defeat an opponent before the fight even starts. They never taught me how to lose beforehand, and no matter how famous you are, you shouldn't try to steal a win."

"Ho-ho, at least you have some balls! I'm relieved."

Even the voice is no longer a mere shout at the peak of a sword master. The tangible and intangible life force contained within it can be transformed into an invisible resonance that presses upon the opponent's mind and body. It's the immense presence and depth that makes this seemingly impossible task possible. This method of breaking an opponent's spirit and subduing their will before the fight even begins is similar to the roar of the lion, the king of the hundred, who subdues all animals with his thunderous roar. The method is different, but the principle is the same. It's the act of recognizing your opponent's superiority. It's a battle of minds, a contest of wills, and the one with the weaker willpower of self-defense loses. Losing before the fight was something he could not do.

"Do you now have the heart to draw your sword?"

Sword Hu asked in a cold voice.

"Looks like you're going to have to get me into a fight after all. I didn't want to fight you if I could help it, and I don't think it's a fight that has any point or reason to be fought……."

The fact that she's one of the Three Immortals was probably a good thing. The problem was that she was Na Yerin's teacher……. She was a very difficult opponent. He was more concerned about her than the fact that she was a sword master. If others had known his thoughts, they would have criticized him for not worrying about his life and worrying about his afterlife, but his will was as strong as steel.

"You must fight me. And if you lose, you must never appear in front of him again, as I have authorized, and even if you do, you must treat him like air, because I, Sword Hui Yixiang, demand it."

The swordsman pointed to Na Yerin, who stood propped up by the poisonous old man with one hand, and spoke in a determined tone. It seemed that she intended to impose her will no matter what.

"You're so stubborn! Your students are going to have a hard time."


Sword Hu meekly conceded. On the other hand, it was probably very fortunate for Poisonous Ancestor that she hadn't turned her attention to him at this moment.

"If I don't do what you say, are you willing to enforce it?"

"Of course!"

"So there's no point in me avoiding this, is there?"

"Of course!"

It was an unwavering demeanor, an unhesitating answer. There was nowhere to run, and she had to admit it.

"Very well. You're very pushy, which is just my kind of thing, so I'll go with that, but I think this match is a little too unequal right now. I'm the one who loses if it goes either way, and that's a little unfair, don't you think?"

"So? If you want to say something, say it, and I'll let you."

"If I win this bet, what's in it for me? It's really hard for me to fight for no reason and get nothing in return."

"Are you going to win this body?"

With a look of disbelief on his face, Xu Hu replied. The crowd around him was equally dumbfounded.

"Sure. Are there jerks who fight to lose, because there's nothing you can do with the mindset that you've already lost, is there?"

"Ho-ho-ho-ho, you're talking funny, that's for sure. There's no point in fighting a losing battle."

Apparently, Bi Ryuyeon's recklessness appealed to Sword Hu. Instead of anger, she unleashed a cathartic rant.

"Well, that's certainly the kind of crazy she is! Don't you think so, Junho?"

"Yes, Elder Brother Zhang, you're absolutely right. He's the only one who can do that in front of the sword lord……. But do you really think you'll be safe after that, Hyorong?"

"Well… maybe it's going to be tough? I'm so outmatched this time!"

Among the dumbfounded spectators were Jang Hong, Hyo-ryong, and Yun Jun-ho. They thought they had gotten used to Bi Ryuyeon's mishaps by now, but they were about to be forced to revise that perspective once again. Meanwhile, as they watched, Sword Hu seemed to be thinking about something for a moment, and she finally came up with a suggestion.


His words were short and to the point. But the ripple effect was unimaginable.

"Go… hiccup, ball… what?"

Another figure in the crowd, Bingfeng Movie Guardian Grandmaster Wei Zichen, hiccupped and muttered. His ears were in the wrong place, something so bizarre and unreal was happening right before his eyes. A trickle of red blood was currently dripping from between his clenched molars, but he didn't bother to wipe it away.

"Highly… accredited?"


The eyes of those around him widened at the unimaginable words. He was saying that he would officially recognize their relationship. This unexpected proposal took Bi Ryuyeon by surprise.


"I'm not a blacksmith, but I'm not an Ilguian."

It was a proposal that would have made Na Yerin's father, Martial Master Nabaxian, froth at the mouth and faint. Others would be shocked, if not stunned. Bing Bai Peak Na Yerin was said to be the best in the world. A woman of exquisite beauty with followers not only in the Heavenly Martial Academy, but throughout the Hundred Islands and even inside the Heavenly Palace itself. But with a heart like a ten-thousand-year glacier, she had never allowed herself to be touched by any man. A cold, lonely ice moon in the night sky, untouchable by anyone. ……. Anyone who knew of her existence could not help but be stunned by Sword Hu's proposal. In fact, from Bi Ryuyeon's point of view, it wasn't an exaggeration to say that receiving such an offer was enough to turn more than half of the powerful men into enemies.

"Yes, Master!"

Na Yerin, realizing the situation a step too late, shouted out in urgency, but Sword Fu continued to speak, ignoring his protégé's voice as if he hadn't heard her at all.

"That's right, I'm officially a certified sword fighter, officially!"

She especially emphasized the word "official.

"What do you think?"

Bi Ryuyeon was silent for a moment. But the abacus in his head was bouncing nonstop. Finally, Bi Ryuyeon finished pondering and raised his head. The calculations had already been done, and he'd finalized the total.

A swordswoman's guarantee, surely it was a tempting proposition. Her endorsement was worth its weight in gold in the current realm, and it was more certain than the endorsements of any other wealthy or powerful man. It must have been a tempting offer, even if he knew the risks of confronting her.

"That's a very nice offer, and one that I can't resist……."

Bi Ryuyeon pulled her lips to her right ear and laughed. But Na Yerin wanted to cry. She was flustered and impatient. Things were being done without her input. Worst of all, she wondered if the relationship between Bi Ryuyeon and herself was even close enough to warrant her approval. Authorization… that's a concept that never comes up unless you're married. I didn't know what else, but I knew I wasn't there yet. And then an even more terrifying premonition hit her.

"No, Ryuyeon, you can't accept it, you can't accept it, you have to beg for forgiveness, you can't win, you'll never win against him!"

Her cry was more of a scream, and to offer such terms meant she was serious. He intended to defeat Bi Ryuyeon with all his heart. He didn't care if she was crippled, dead, or in any other condition. But Bi Ryuyeon didn't flinch.

"What am I supposed to apologize for? That I fell in love with you, or that you fell in love with me? Neither of those things seems like something I should ask someone to forgive me for. Isn't it the law of heaven, the law of nature, the law of heaven, and the law of nature that men and women feel and are attracted to each other? Why should I be ashamed to apologize and ask for forgiveness? Is it because your status is higher, and your authority is higher than mine? Or is it because he is your teacher? I can respect you, but I can't bow down to you."

"That… that……."

I feel like I should say something back, but I can't think of anything to say.

The word love came out of his mouth as suddenly and abruptly as its peculiar nature would allow. Na Yerin's face turned as red as a blush. She hadn't expected to hear such words in such a bad enough situation, so she was caught off guard. The words shook her to the core, stronger than any force.

After taking a moment to catch her breath, she asked again in a quiet voice.

"And yet you want me to give up?"


Na Yerin couldn't answer that question. Nor did she persistently want to get the answer. In this case, the requirement that silence is usually the answer is met.

"Why didn't I answer that question? Why?

Like a wanderer in a dense fog, Na Yerin was still unsure of her own mind. What she was sure of now was that her heart was beating strongly, playing the song of life, and her warm blood was rushing through her body. Her cold heart was warming, and her frozen mind was beginning to thaw. The locks that had kept him locked for twenty years were loosened, and the rusted hinges of his mind were now creaking open.

"Seriously, kids these days are……."

Sword Hu felt his head swim. This was the first time he'd ever seen his disciple like that. Every time he caught a glimpse of him, it was always a new one.

"Is it her?

Swordhu's sharp gaze turned back to Bi Ryuyeon, who stood resolutely in front of him. It was commendable that her legs didn't tremble.

Even in the face of one of the most powerful authorities in the current Martial Realm, the Heavenly Martial Emperor, Bi Ryuyeon never faltered. His spirit always stood as firm as a pillar of steel, firmly establishing his place in this world. He never lost himself at any point in time. It didn't matter if people called him crazy, insane, or disrespectful. He was able to do this because he had a clear sense of his own identity.

The black armor twitched slightly.

"Hey, you're a liquidator, that's great! I admire your spirit and will give you a chance."

"When you say opportunity?"

"Take my ten seconds, and if you take my ten seconds, I'll count it as my defeat!"

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discord ko-fi