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Book 16 Chapter 23

Trigger a Wind Spirit

-Life or death

An updraft of flames circling inside an urn-shaped valley.

The ferocious fire dragon rampaged through the valley.

The heated air was forming an updraft.

But now, the valley was compressed by a wall-like curtain of fire and an urn-shaped terrain that prevented the air that should have been rising from properly escaping upward.

The choice was clear: choke on the smoke or burn in the fire. The one and only fire escape they had secretly arranged had been blown up by the explosion of the grenade, and they had to rely on their wings to escape by flying.

"Do we all have to die like this?"

The wall of swirling flames was closing in. Even Samsung's martial arts were powerless in the face of this massive disaster. It was able to temporarily reduce their power, but it was impossible to completely extinguish it. If it were an ordinary fire, it might have knelt before their sword winds in the first place. But this was a fire that used special materials and techniques.

"Are you telling me there's really nothing I can do?"

Coughs from the smoke could be heard here and there. At this time, a booming voice rang out from the center of the burning Hongmae Valley, and there was no hint of despair in its voice.

"Come on everyone, there's still a way!"

It was Bi Ryuyeon who was the voice of determination in the face of a deadly situation.

The Grand Duke had already left the valley with his retinue when Bi Ryuyeon struck, and he knew well the timing of the single opening to the valley's entrance. He had even been kind enough to destroy the entrance.

There was no other way out. There was an emergency shelter, but it had already been destroyed by the first explosion. The enemy must have known of its existence; their enemy was indeed willing.

"Are you sure there's a way to do this, Smallje, when even we at Samsung are still struggling to figure it out?"

Gongsheng asked.

"Of course I do, but it's a huge drain on my energy, and I need your help. I don't feel confident enough to perfect it on my own yet. It's a bit of a damn technology……."

Hyuk-jung and Chunmusamseong's eyes widened.

"Is that really possible? Do we really have the skills to turn this around?"

"It's definitely there in my body."

"If what Mr. Small is saying is true, we'll do everything we can to help."

Chun Musheng nodded in agreement with Hyuk-jung's words. Meanwhile, the wall of flames was getting closer and closer. They were about to enter the final stage of the Fire Dragon Destruction. This wasn't the end yet. It was approaching slowly, like a stream, but soon, like a river in the rainy season, the flow of flames would surge and overwhelm them with an incomparably fast and powerful explosion. And surely all life would be swallowed up in its gleaming maw of red tusks.

"Well, I don't want to say 'instead of', do you have any questions?"


"If my adventure is successful……."

"And if it works?"

"Who will be the winner of this volcano competition?"

For a moment, the eyes of the four men, who had been dumbfounded by the honey, went blank. After a moment, Hyuk-jung said.

"If you succeed, you will undoubtedly be the winner of this volcanic tournament. And you will be given all the honors, injuries, entitlements, and rights. Along with your dividends, of course."

Hyuk-jung knew this because he was watching Bi Ryuyeon, who was participating in the discernment competition at the time.

"Well, then you can't go wrong, so let's start with……."

Bi Ryuyeon looked at Na Yerin. It didn't take her long to realize what he wanted to talk about, and now she could see the intent in his eyes even without words. He was an irascible man. How could he afford such a thing, even in such a dire situation? The heat of the flames made her flushed face turn even redder.

"A talisman for success, a kiss from the goddess.

But now, in this situation, in front of so many people? And even more troubling, in front of Master Gum Hu himself?

"Do I really have to do this?

Na Yerin asked with a glare, and Bi Ryuyeon nodded in silence. It was as if she wouldn't move, even if she had to be burned to death if she didn't kiss him, which of course she wouldn't.


Na Yerin sighed and moved closer to him. Suddenly, she was relieved to realize that she was in no danger. The fear and despair in her heart seemed to have fled. Trust this man, she decided, and live!


With a gulp of air, the eyes of Swordsman Hu, Swordsman Shi, Dao Shi, Hyuk Jung, and many others widened.

He gently wrapped his left hand around her waist and pulled her in firmly, and their lips met in one place. Neither of them could say anything about this unexpected turn of events.

When the long kiss ended, Bi Ryuyeon pulled her lips away and chuckled softly.

"This works great, I never fail now."

It was a questionable statement, to say the least.


"Good guts. As if I wasn't already hot enough, you make it hotter. I can't believe my student is like this……. It's been one amazing day after another."

Gum Hu said to Bi Ryuyeon, who was still fidgeting.

"What's the big deal, you don't start out cold. What do you want me to do for you again?"

"Be careful, boy, you might get poisoned by the lips of an old woman with a hundred years of binding."

Tosung warned in a serious voice next to me. He had a point.


Laughter broke out here and there. It was laughter that restored hope.

Yes, they were still alive, and as long as they were alive, there was hope.

"Listen, in order to write Feng Shui, you must first understand the laws of nature. Without that, you can't write feng shui. Feng shui is a skill that transcends the category of technology.

Both feng shui and brain shui are the embodiment of nature in a human body. By synchronizing the human body with nature, the most powerful forces are invoked. The power within us is limited. The power of the microcosm is the power to roll a snowball, and the power of the macrocosm is the power to grow that snowball.

The basics are this. The world is in an endless cycle, and the best symbolic representation of that is a circle. But the circle is not all there is to it. On the circular framework of the T'ai Chi, its two axes, yin and yang, intertwine in a spiral, turning the wheel of the world. It is an immeasurably strong and magnificent force.

Therefore, you must first align yourself with nature and realize that what moves you moves nature. All things come from Li, so there is nothing that is not Li; therefore, the whole is one and the one is the whole. "Self-existent Li is the source of all things. Everything that exists has an underlying principle that supports it. If you trace back to that principle, you will come to the reason that holds all things together. When you encounter and realize what it is, you embody it. In order to move the world, you first move yourself into the form in which the world moves."

First, a circle is drawn…and two forces spiral around the inside of the circle drawn between the sky…and the earth.

Clunk, clunk, clunk!

The mantras on both his hands and the mantras on his right leg were released, and all ten of the viridian swords emerged from his sleeves. But before they could be seen, they had drawn a circle around him. The ten sabers, five on each side and five on each side of him, circled around him as if in a spiral dance.

At first, the spinning wasn't very fast. But as time went on, the rotation began to get faster and faster, until it completely swallowed up Bi Ryuyeon. The spinning silver vortex had formed a circular wall with a radius of three sheets.

In the center of the circle, Bi Ryuyeon stood still with his eyes closed. Like an immovable object, he was unmoved. An immense power boiled within him. He was the nucleus of the universe, the center of the world.

Lightning Sword (飛雷刀)

Ultimatum (最終秘傳奧義)

Triggering Wind Gods

At that moment, Bi Ryuyeon's eyes lit up.

Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack!

A tremendous amount of power was released from Bi Ryuyeon's entire body, and the spiraling qi roared into a massive dragon wind. The surrounding gravel and dust were sucked into the rampaging draconic wind.

"Is this… is this human technology?

Even the Heavenly Martial King could not help but be astonished by the strength. It was unbelievable that such power could emanate from a human body.

The power of the dragon power wind grew stronger and stronger, until it finally affected the wall of flames that was closing in on them to engulf them. The compressed air currents spiraled around the miraculous dragon wind that Bi Ryuyeon had created. The wall of flames that had been closing the distance at three times the speed was no longer five zhang away.


At that moment, the Fiery Dragon Terrifying Beast breathed its last, unleashing all of its latent power. A tremendous shockwave swept across the valley, and a flood of fire raged to destroy life.

Even the draconic wind force that Bi Ryuyeon had created was unable to withstand this explosion, narrowing further and further. Bi Ryuyeon gritted his teeth. If he retreated, they would all die. He had the help of the Three Heavenly Emperors and Hyuk-jung. He hadn't exhausted his strength yet.


Final Vision Misconceptions

Chapter of the Windstorm

Phosphorus (刃) in a Spiral (螺旋)

Dragon Rights Seungryong

A huge storm swept madly across the valley, shaking it to its core. An enormous whirlpool formed around the spot where the Bi Ryuyeon was standing. Surprisingly, only the place where Bi Ryuyeon stood was as calm as the eye of the storm. However, his power was still in constant motion.

The hot air, expanding and unable to find a way out, was pushed endlessly up into the sky on the pillar of wind that Bi Ryuyeon had created between heaven and earth. From a distance, it looked like a red dragon ascending.

The wind and fire combined to shake the heavens and earth, and the flames were extinguished at once, exhausted by the enormity of the task. There was no more material to burn, no more air. Everything was gone in an instant, and for a moment there was silence. An unbelievable stillness enveloped them; no flame threatened them now.


Shouts of joy erupted from the survivors. They had survived, after all, and they were happy about it, hugging and blessing each other.

"You're alive, you're alive, Ryuyeon!"

Na Yerin threw herself into his arms, delighted. It was a bold move, even for her, and one that would never have happened normally, but for this moment, it was good.

"I see."

Bi Ryuyeon replied with a chuckle as he wrapped his arms around Na Yerin's slender waist. But his voice lacked its usual vigor. There was not a shred of strength left in his body, and he quickly lost consciousness and collapsed into Na Yerin's arms. It was the most luxurious fainting a man could have. An act that would have earned him the jealous ire of all the warlords.

"Ryuyeon! Ryuyeon!"

The most beautiful woman in the world called out to him in an urgent voice, but he didn't open his eyes. He was battling an overwhelming sense of exhaustion, and the only cure was sleep. He'd fallen asleep worrying about people.

"I really can't help it……."

A thin smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. Na Yerin sat down and rested his head in her lap, continuing to watch his sleeping face until he opened his eyes again.

"Good work, Ryuyeon."

Stroking his hair, Na Yerin whispered in a dreamy, soft, quiet voice.

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discord ko-fi