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Book 16 Chapter 15

The final gateway to the Five Element Pavilion Zhongtou Pavilion

"Finally, the final gateway."

Bi Ryuyeon stretched and said. Good morning, the air was clear. Beside her, Hyorong was mimicking her.

Being an example for others can be a pain in the ass.

"A lot of teams didn't get good scores in the last hydration tube. We were able to make up for the points we lost in the golden gate, so if we can get first place in this gate, we have a good chance of winning this volcano competition!"

Before the opening of the final gate, speeches and instructions were to be given at the center stage. After joining her colleagues, Bi Ryuyeon made her way to the stage. The stage was already packed with people, and there was a familiar face on the podium. It was Hyuk No Ya. People were lining up in front of their respective groups.

Once he was sure everyone was there, Hyuk-jung began his speech.

"As you may have noticed, this is the last gate, and I'm very happy and proud of the fact that you made it this far without incident. I'm sorry that we didn't get the win-win sequence right, but please don't blame us. This gate is a bit time-consuming, so I had no choice but to put it last, and I'm glad I did."

How long would it take him to say something like that? The words of the leader of the Ten Thousand Yul Tribes were enough to raise doubts in the minds of the people. People began to murmur.

"Then I'll explain the rules and how it works in the bowels of the earth."

The contestants listened intently, not wanting to miss a word. According to Noya, the gateway was a chance for them to pull off an upset, to overturn their previous performance in one fell swoop. However, the content of the gateway was just as daunting.

"Survive on your own for fourteen days in the wilderness. That's the only rule. There are no other rules, except that in the great outdoors, each group must find its own living quarters. We won't provide beds, but as a special service, we'll supply each group with a blanket. Food is yours to keep. You may hunt or gather. Use your own strength to secure food and water. If you can make earthenware, you are welcome to do so, and there are rumors of quite a few ferocious beasts living around the area where the ceremony will take place. A tiger was caught by someone not too long ago, and there have been reports of people being mauled, so be careful not to get caught. Wolves are also common. Some people have seen bears. Thunder, lightning, torrential rains, landslides, wind, and any other unexpected threats. There's no one to help you; the only people who can help you are your coworkers. I hope you can trust your colleagues and work together to get through this gateway safely."

Hyuk No Ya paused, glanced around, and then spoke again.

"How you survive will be an important factor in your grading. And make sure everyone receives this 'Heavenly Rule Plaque' from the Rulers standing at the front of their group."

Hyuk-jung pulled a wooden plaque about the size of an arrow from his pocket.

"This tablet is stamped with your name and the Heavenly Seal, which confirms its authenticity. Please take good care of it for the rest of the week. Losing it will also be considered an elimination, just in case something extreme happens!"

Then I heard a lot of shouting.

"Alright, we will now begin the final discussion gateway of the Volcano Covenant Branch's Five Elements Hall. Please follow the lead of the preceptors in charge of each group. Each of the eleven groups will be taken to a different location to be tested. Please begin with group one, and we will depart at these (30-minute) intervals."

"Okay, group 1, please depart."

Under the direction and guidance of the ruler in charge of the first division, the nine who had been appointed by the Grand Duke followed. Bi Ryuyeon was watching them from the side, some distance away. Bi Ryuyeon waved her hand in greeting, and the Blood-Symbol Lan Gyouk, who was standing next to her, also greeted the Grand Duke respectfully, wishing him good luck. After nodding dryly in response to the greeting, Bi's gaze met Bi Ryuyeon's. Bi's eyes were cold and heartless.

"I'll go first and wait. It won't be easy this time."

Could it be considered a challenge or a provocation? Everyone was stunned that the Grand Duke had shown interest in someone. Was this seemingly insignificant human worth it?

"We'll have to wait and see."

First Thursday, Group 1 wins. Second Friar, 2 wins, 1-7 disqualified. Third Hwasu Pipe, Group 7 wins, Group 1 runner-up.

Currently, there were five groups battling for the lead: the Grand Duke Bi's group, the second group of Yong Tianming and Maha Ling, the third group of Mo Yonghui and Lin Shengjin, the seventh group of Bi Ryuyeon, and the eleventh group of people from the Heavenly Pavilion. And it was the Zhongtou Pavilion, the final gateway to the Five Elements Pavilion, that would decide the outcome.

All they could take with them were their own weapons, one blanket per person, a set of cutlery, and a single flint. Other than that, they were not allowed to take anything else with them. Even pots were to be obtained according to ability. However, they were allowed to take their personal items with them.

The test is finally here. Actually, this gateway was more like an ordeal than a test.

Most people had rarely lived in such a natural setting. Even if they had been taught in a mountainous sect, there was a human society, a human civilization. At the very least, they had a roof to shelter them from the elements, blankets to keep them warm, and most importantly, food.

Suddenly, they were left to their own devices. At first, they don't know what to do first, so they have to wander.

Surprisingly, it was Bi Ryuyeon who showed him the way. He knew very well what to do when a man is left to his own devices, and when he was abandoned in the deep mountain valley, he did not show any signs of agitation, but rather became more energetic. When he was dropped into nature, he suddenly became competent and skillful in everything.

The discovery of the cave was an accident. At Bi Ryuyeon's suggestion that they should gather dry firewood before dark, they had scattered to do so, and while doing so, Na Yerin had stumbled upon something hidden in the grass not far from the edge of a small valley. It was a fairly wide and deep cave. It was an unexpected stroke of luck. And it didn't seem to have any visitors, like bears or tigers. It would have been unfortunate if there had been. It would have been unfortunate for the patrons who were already there.

"This is great, I don't have to create a makeshift thatch on purpose."

Bi Ryuyeon praised Na Yerin for her efforts. Shelter, water, and food were the top three priorities for survival. If the cave hadn't been found, she would have made one.

"Let's just set up camp here!"

Everyone agreed, and soon grass and trees were gathered to seal and camouflage the entrance. There was no point in exposing it and inviting trouble.

You've solved two of the first three problems: water and shelter.

"Now what do we do with the food?"

Na Yerin asked worriedly; she'd never lived like this before.

"We need to hunt, see if there are any wild plants or fruits."


"Don't worry, I have an ally!"


At Na Yerin's retort, Bi Ryuyeon smiled.


Bi Ryuyeon put a finger to her mouth and whistled vigorously.


The next moment, a majestic prince of the sky with blue feathers swooped down through the wind and landed on Bi Ryuyeon's right arm, his elusive thunderhawk.

"Gee, I haven't seen you in a while, and by the way, you brought your falcon, did you? Almost everyone else left theirs behind."

Bi Ryuyeon smiled brightly and nodded.

"I don't know about Yerin, but she's a very good hunter by nature."

Bi Ryuyeon's thunder hawk was extremely intelligent. All the others had entrusted their warriors to the academy, but she was the only one who hadn't. Moreover, although the Heavenly Martial Academy had a large number of warrior hawks, few were as capable hunters as he was, and he was also an excellent guide. He knew what his master wanted, and his sharp eyes could always tell him where the prey was.

"So are we going to go hunting now?"

"No, there's still one more thing."

"What is it?"

"We need to prepare for the biggest threats!"

"The biggest threat? What the heck is that?"

She didn't hesitate to answer.

"A human being!"

The mountains are deep and the trees are thick. The watchers are far away and the swords are close. The prey are loose in the fields, unaware of the harshness of the world……. I'm going to use this opportunity to somehow outsmart the competition and win. It's a thought that anyone who's ever been in this situation has had at least once. And among those who had the determination and greed to not only think about it, but to act on it, was a vicious gang called the Three Horsemen.

They were troublemakers, even in the rough-and-tumble world of the palace, where there were no shortage of fierce and violent children. What they did to the younger ones was even worse. It was not easy to gather not one, but three of them together, so they became the Three Horsemen. The Ten Thousand Three Horsemen. They were ostracized and shunned even within the Heavenly Pavilion.

It's not easy to do evil in a place where the best of the best are gathered, and if you're not good enough, you'll be destroyed in an instant. Yet they have maintained their infamy for more than three years. This shows that their skills and means are not ordinary. With such skill, they could have been chosen as representatives of the Volcanic Council. They had been placed in a group by chance, and were given the opportunity to strengthen their friendship once again. And this time, the center hall was the perfect environment for them to display their violence, cowardice, and meanness.

The only rule was survival. Hunting was essential to survival. So they set out to hunt humans, and finally their first prey appeared before them. One was a beauty that even the beasts in human form could not help but stare at. Her icy beauty, as if carved from ice, and the invisible magic behind it, stirred their desires fiercely. The one with the long bangs next to them didn't look much stronger, until he suddenly lifted his face and shouted in the direction of their hiding place.

"Hey, three guys in a tree, why don't you come out of hiding?"

The one with the long bangs had a surprisingly good sense of direction. They hadn't realized they were being ambushed……. Still, there was nothing to fear.

"Hmph, even Yonke noticed!"

There were stories that the three of them were opium addicts, and their narrow irises and overly wide white masturbators had the power to make you think that the rumors might actually be true. Four hundred eyes, they said. White in all four directions, up, down, left, and right.

There was blood in his slit eyes, and drool dripped from the corners of his thin lips, which were split open long enough to reach his ears above his pointed chin.

One of them ran a long tongue over his sword, licking it vigorously.

"I can hardly contain my excitement at the thought of seeing this blood. Hehehe!"

Eyes uglier than vipers swept over the woman, who was panting like a bitch in heat. It was healthier for his sanity to not know what was currently racing through his head.

"How many trillion of them?"

"Hehehe, is that what you really want to know, the elders of the Death Sect?"

"These are the three who will show you hell. I'm sure even a hillbilly like you has heard of the three of them."

"I don't know, I'm not busy enough to have to know all that crap!"

Bi Ryuyeon coldly replied, his sarcasm enough to earn their ire.

"I'll kill you in a particularly cruel way: first, I'll hang you upside down from a tree for a day, and when the blood rushes to your head and you scream in agony, I'll disembowel and skin you alive, and only at the end will I slit your throat!"

It was a threat that flirted with insanity and gave me goosebumps just hearing it.

"If you can do it, you might as well do it!"

"Oh, don't worry, I'll spare the woman over there, she's alive and well and has a lot to offer these bodies, heh heh heh heh!"

The eyes of the three beasts glowed red with lust. The toad's tongue licking disgust made Na Yerin's shoulders stiffen; it was a physiological revulsion, and had nothing to do with the martial artist's exaltation.

"With those words, your fate is sealed!"

Bi Ryuyeon said in a cold voice that carried the chill of winter.

Samhung was right.

They were right, the pain of hanging upside down from a tree for a day was unimaginable. My fragile brain screamed as the blood rushed to my head, and my red, bloodshot eyes looked as if they might jump out of my orbit at any moment.

"Write… this… bunch… of… birds… all… in… weeks… ……."

A lung-crushing scream escaped from the depths of his throat. But no one was listening. No one was busy enough to listen to a voice without value.

"What are you going to do with them?"

Obi-Wan asked, glancing over at Qui-Gon Jinn hanging upside down from the Great Tree.

"Let's leave it that way for now, because that's what they seem to want."

Bi Ryuyeon, who had just lit the firewood and was about to hang the pot on it, replied dryly.

"I thought you said we should just cut him down, since he was so infamous in our palace… and now he's in such a miserable state!"

The three elders of the Temple of Heaven, who claimed to be able to make even a crying child tremble, were now hanging upside down with ropes wrapped around their bodies.

There was a strong argument from Obi-Wan that he should be hanged, but it was overruled for the sake of the women's mental health and the taste of their dinner. B'Elanna made a very convincing argument that they shouldn't have to see such filthy things in order to have a good dinner.

They were covered in tears and snot. Bi Ryuyeon frowned slightly.

"It's only been a day and you're being a bit harsh!"

"People who are used to hurting others are less resistant to suffering themselves. They're usually oblivious to the fact that they could be hurt themselves. I guess you could say that's self-inflicted."

"Regret is always a habitual tardy student. It's never early enough, because by the time you regret it, it's always too late!"

In order to inflict harm on others, you must be prepared to be harmed yourself. That is equity. And a person with such a reverse-supportive mindset will never harm others.

"They're just getting started, they're just getting started before everyone else because of their blood."

I was thinking the same thing.

"There's probably going to be a line out the door, so maybe we'll have to issue numbered tags to establish raiding order?"

Then, suddenly, he flashed an odd smile and started laughing.

"Heh, heh, heh! This is the kind of thing that needs a warning and a lesson. If you want to hurt others, you have to be prepared to be hurt yourself, and kids these days don't have any of that. Like those three!

Now that I think about it, what did they say they were going to do to us? First they were going to hang us upside down, then they were going to… this, then they were going to cut our legs off? No, no, no, they were going to skin us first……."

As she rummaged through her vague memories, Na Yerin stood beside her to help.

"First they gut him alive, then they skinned him, and finally they cut his throat."

Na Yerin recounted the facts with precision. Her voice was devoid of emotion, which made it all the more frightening. Her eyes showed no emotion.

"Oh, right, that's right, I did! I remember now, Yerin's memory is extraordinary after all. Heh heh heh, decapitation……. They've got a good idea, why don't we cut their throats and disembowel them first, then hang them up as a warning?"

Obi-Wan's eyes glowed red with the fear that burns in a chloride inferno, and he let out a grim, sinister chuckle, taking great care to be heard by the three hanging ears.

"Kkkkkkk! That's a very good idea, and a good example of how this is our territory, and what happens to those who trespass on it. Isn't that the lesson of 'reverse geography'?"

Then a scream erupted from the mouths of the three wretches who had been running amok a moment ago, and they begged for forgiveness, wailing in a low, desperate voice.

"I have done wrong, my lord; I have done wrong, my lord; I have been foolish not to know you; so have mercy on me!"

The three screamed and howled at the same time. Their faces, which should have been red with blood, were pale in some kind of harmony.

"Please forgive me, I will be a new man from now on……. Brother, my lord, Daehyup!"

She flicked her little finger behind her ear and feigned ignorance. Obi-Wan clicked his fingernails together in concentration. Hyorong stirred the campfire with a branch.

Samhung's pleas that they had done wrong only when their lives were at stake fell on deaf ears; they were not naive enough to believe that he had sincerely repented overnight. Samhung's pleas were swept away like stones falling into a pool of nothingness.

"Lord, God, brother, Buddha, please help me!"

Finally, the faces of the three struggling men turned toward the hanging triplets.


Cackle cackle cackle cackle!

Samhung was filled with fear. The eyes and laughter of the three men coming toward them were not human from their subjective point of view. It was as if hell was descending upon their backs.

And they finally realized. But as Bi Ryuyeon said, regret is a ten-thousand-year sentient being that never comes soon enough.

Today, regret is tardiness.

Bi Ryuyeon raised the knife with an indifferent face. It was a sharpened blade that sent a chill down his spine just by looking at it, and he slowly raised it, taking his time.

I had no intention of inflicting prolonged pain. It would be merciful to end it once and for all, and to do so requires a blow so quick that life and death are unrecognizable. Only speed makes that possible.

Bi Ryuyeon's eyes sparkled as the raised sword reached its apex.


The knife came down with a sharp sound that cut through the wind.


Blood gushed out of his neck like a fountain.

The three women watching narrowed their eyes. Was this too cruel? But the world is bound by a food chain of weakness. Humans have to sacrifice a lot to survive. But let's not forget to be grateful for them, and try to be as greedy as possible. …….

Bi Ryuyeon said, skillfully peeling off the leather.

"Yerin, is the water all boiled?"

"Yes! That's it, Ryuyeon!"

Na Yerin nodded.

Tonight's dinner was rabbit.

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