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Book 16 Chapter 13

Endless Delusions

There are those who live in delusion.

They reinterpret - almost pervert - everything from their own perspective. Of course, they don't get caught up in the stereotypes of the world around them, and they're able to create their own

It's right to accept the world.

However, in this case, they are very unstable at their center. They are swept away by ideas and their own emotions. Without a fixed center of gravity, they take in the world around them, only to have the world twist and turn around them. Moreover, it is very embarrassing for the person who is being misinterpreted because he or she interprets it according to his or her own convenience (in this case, often according to his or her own desires) or profit.

This is because something you never said can be interpreted as something you have said or done to that person. It's unfair.

What they all have in common is that they are losing their objectivity. They are unwilling to admit facts that are unfavorable to them. They lack the courage to look themselves in the eye. Sometimes they think they have, and they are absolutely certain that they are right, but that absolute certainty is an illusion. In this case, it's better to cast some doubt on your own perception and try to be more rational and objective.

Life in this world is meaningless, which may be the greatest blessing God has bestowed upon man, for the meaning you give it is the meaning of life. But it must not be abused. The meaning inherent in each world is different. Nothing is the same. It can be harmonized, but it cannot be the same. Therefore, when you meet another person, you must harmonize your meaning of life with them.

To impose one's meaning, one's world, on others is the greatest sin of all, for it is an invasion of their world.

Unfortunately, there are far more people in the world who choose to impose their meanings on others than there are who do not. One of the most egregious of these individuals was a man by the name of Wei Zichen.

He couldn't believe that his goddess, Na Yerin, had gotten to know the unworthy Bi Ryuyeon. He didn't want to admit it, as if admitting it would fix it. So he subconsciously chose to ignore their point of view. For him, it was an excellent choice. The rejection was gone forever. Only in his own mind.

When humans enter this state, even a heartfelt "no" from the other person sounds like just another form of "yes. Somehow, they are able to create that fact within themselves. The lack of sincerity is the main characteristic of these people. They reinterpret the world only from their own perspective. That's what Wei Zichen did.

There was no way that his idol, Na Yerin, would be favorably disposed toward a lowly man of such unknown origins. That was self-evident in his inner world, and the notion that he had gotten along with him was an illusion. As far as he was concerned, there was no value in the wretch. The assumption that Na Yerin might find value in something he could not see was naturally ignored. Unless this disregard and arbitrary assumption is repeated dozens or hundreds of times in the subconscious mind, the delusion cannot continue. Of course, the unshakable presupposition that one's point of view is an immutable, absolute truth, devoid of any hint of humility, was a necessary condition in this case.

Yu Zichen thought to himself, she is mistaken. There's something wrong with her. She must have been tricked by that cunning bastard. He must have used some kind of lowly trick, like medicine or witchcraft. He hadn't seen the evidence, but he was sure of it in his heart. It was his gut feeling. He chose to trust his gut feeling over invisible evidence because it had a much sweeter outcome.

Wei Zichen was righteously furious.

How dare you use such cowardly methods against my idol……. The justice of the heavens was howling! Surely the righteous heavens must be outraged by the deed. Someone must bring that heavenly justice (as he defined it) to pass. He looked around and saw no one. Alas, there was no one but himself to inflict heavenly punishment in the name of God, on behalf of the heavens. The call was made.

Beings like Bi Ryuyeon are nothing but evil, unworthy of existence in this world. She was an axis of evil. If left unchecked, she would continue to bring disaster to this world.

He certainly wasn't doing this out of jealousy; he was standing in for the sky. Even if he didn't have to ask the heavens (and even if he did, the heavens would have given him a clear answer), he was certain that the heavens wanted it. Wei Zichen came to a clear conclusion: Yes, a thousand voices have already echoed from the heavens above, so what are we waiting for? All that remains is the annihilation of evil. I will punish on behalf of the heavens.

It is a punishment, a judgment from heaven.

I am an apostle of justice, an agent of heaven.

He had been born into a powerful family and had lived a life of privilege, with no difficulty, in the embrace of authority, so he had no qualms or questions about this way of thinking.

That's right, there was only one thing for him to do.

Making the "wrong" right, that's what it was.

Extermination of Existence…….

But he didn't have the strength; he'd had one failure after another. But…….

There was a man who knew that he lacked strength, and that he was in great need of it right now, and he lent it to him when he needed it most.

Knock, and it shall be opened; and behold, is not heaven helping me!

Fear nothing, for heaven has sent an apostle to assist me in my exercises.

Justice is mine. I will only do it in the name of heaven.

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discord ko-fi