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Book 16 Chapter 11

Second contract


Ding! Bang!

Until I got back to my apartment and opened the door roughly, as if twisting the doorknob to squeeze through.

The anger and resentment that snaked through his mind and body was unrelenting.

Wei Zichen's eyes were bloodshot like ghosts, his heart was beating madly and furiously, and the blue veins on his temples were throbbing wildly, threatening to burst through his forehead at any moment. The man who had once been considered one of the Heavenly Martial Academy's top cultivators, along with Qing Shui and the Earth Dragon Bai Muyoung, was now nowhere to be seen.



With a loud crash, the desk flipped over. The items on the desk shattered with a loud crash before the violence.


But as if that wasn't enough, he threw his vase on the floor, the only thing decorating the room. It was the only thing in the room that he'd taken the trouble to decorate, and he didn't even notice.

Another loud crash echoed through the room, sending shards of pottery, water droplets, and flowers flying. When he caught sight of a scattered flower, he trampled it down without looking back.


After a few minutes of this rampage, my excitement did not subside, but grew more and more uncontrollable. My heart was beating wildly, like a madman's drums. My eyes were bloodshot and my mind was foggy, like a ghost.

He could think of no other way to quell his excitement than to see blood. There was an impulse rising from the depths of his exhausted mind, an impulse that in an instant succeeded in seizing and dominating his mind. There was no resistance; he knew very well the nature of the impulse; it was very familiar to him, like a friend, for he had felt it many times before. Except that compared to the previous ones, this one was unrivaled in quality and concentration. It didn't matter what happened now.

His mind had descended into chaos, his reason paralyzed by rage. He felt no sense of urgency to control his swirling emotions. Everything was chaos. The only thing he could think of was an impulsive need to see blood, so it would be a while before he found it. It wasn't until long after he had slammed the door so hard he thought it might come off its hinges that he realized what had happened to his room. It was a note lying on his nightstand. His eyes widened as he spotted the note, pinned to a needle so thin and long it was almost invisible.

Jasimal West Forest Boulders

However, it was not the content of this overly simple message that surprised Wei Zichen. It was the thin, long needle that held it in place that surprised him. Although it was an extremely rare and dangerous artifact, he knew what it was.

It's not something that can be found in the current Jianghu… But that didn't stop Wei Zichen from being surprised by its rarity. This needle alone wasn't enough… It unleashed its full power the moment it was placed inside a small silver-colored cylindrical device. A dangerous object with a power comparable to that of the Sichuan Tang Family's Wall Power Divine Cylinder, classified as the "Seven Great Gold Lava Machines" due to its terrifying power and excessive danger. The mere possession of such an item, let alone its use, could make a person a great hero.

But despite its scarcity and danger, for better or for worse, he had used it before, along with another forbidden item: a salt thunderbolt. The silver needle was one of the thousands contained within the Flying God Needle, and he had used it only once in his life.


Yu Zichen looked at the note in his hand with trembling hands.

My throat was burning.

Boulder in the forest west of Jashmal.

The rock was also known as the Meng Tiger Stone because it looked like a roaring tiger.

"Good night, Wei Ji Confucius. It's been a while since I've seen you."

A man appeared at the same time as Wei Zichen's arrival, and although he wore a mask over his face, Wei Zichen could tell at a glance that it was the same man who had given him the "things" before. The only thing that had changed was his voice, which had become strangely mellow. If he hadn't heard the voice, he wouldn't have been able to recognize the same person. I wondered if he was intentionally trying to hide his identity by giving me a different image every time we met.

"How did you get here?"

The masked man smiled and replied in a cheerful voice.

"I'm so glad you recognize me, Wei Ji Confucius! You haven't forgotten……. Ah, I am thrilled. To think that you remembered a nameless masked man like me……."

He had become very talkative. I couldn't tell which was the real him, the stern one or the lighthearted one.

"How? This isn't a place where just anyone can come in, is it?"

"There's no place a wish-granting fairy can't go, and I'll go anywhere to make other people's dreams come true. It's my true joy to fulfill people's wishes."

His exaggerated movements and voice sounded as if he was performing for a thousand people.

"Wishes? Are you talking to me?"

"Sure. I have a story you might find interesting."


"Yes, it's a story about a man."

"I don't care!"

He was very interested in a woman, but not so much in men; it wasn't his cup of tea. The only thing he was interested in and obsessed with was a goddess by the name of Na Yerin.

"Oh, no, you'll be interested in this story, I guarantee it."

The masked man tried to persuade Wei Zichen to listen. Reluctantly, he asked.

"Okay, who is this story about?"

At first, he thought he would just listen and ignore it, but when he heard what the masked man had to say, he was like a man under a spell, unable to put his resolve into action.

"You may have heard of a man named Bi Ryuyeon?"

The cloaked man said with an eerie smile. And the moment the name stuck in his ears, Yu Zichen trembled like a man struck by lightning. The flame of jealousy that he had suppressed for a while had once again flared up in his heart. His state of mind quickly showed on his face. The masked man smiled inwardly. This was the state he had deliberately induced.

"Do you want power?"

The cloaked man asked in a deep, quiet voice.

Wei Zichen had once made a pact with the devil. The fatal flaw in this pact is that once you make it, you're stuck with it. Like a debtor who borrows money from a loan shark for a momentary escape……. Once the devil has your ankle, he never wants to let go. And now, once again, the devil's hand was reaching out to him, and he could honestly say that he found himself ecstatically attracted to the temptation.

"Power… You mean there's a way?"

"Sure. Like I said, it's my mission to fulfill the wishes of others! Jealousy and vengeance… ah, how wonderful. Awesome to the point of pouting!"

The cloaked man shouted, rubbing his hands together.

"Jealousy, you mean I'm being overcome by such a petty emotion?"

Blue blood pulsed in Wei Zichen's temples. He couldn't accept that he was overcome by such petty emotions. He was supposed to be justice. Bi Ryuyeon was an evil that sought to harm his goddess, and he was the messenger of justice to exterminate the evil, the worms, the filth. Justice had to be within his grasp, and he was not doing this out of petty jealousy. Such subconscious self-justification was a pattern of behavior similar to that of many of those who sold justice and gods.

"It's important to be honest with yourself. I love that kind of passion, hot and fierce, burning everything. Even yourself."

It was a rather ungentlemanly tone, and it got on his nerves. However, Wei Zichen realized that arguing further would be a waste of time, so he decided to let it go. He was already learning to ignore the accurate judgment of others. He had already learned to selectively accept the rhetoric that his followers-especially the members of the Bingfeng Movie Guardians-were spouting.

"So how?"

Yu Zichen asked nervously.

"Eh… so……."

The masked man quickly began rummaging through his pockets.

"Huh? Where did it go? That's weird."

I searched for a while and couldn't seem to find it.

"You didn't lose it, did you?"

"Oh, no, that's not possible……. I must have put it in here somewhere… where did I really drop it……. Ah! Here it is! Here it is!"

The masked man finally pulled something out of his pants and thrust it in front of him.

"The key to victory is this!"

He cried out like a lowly apothecary.

"Highly concentrated specialty ki bombs, named blood bombs!"

It was a single pill, red as blood on red paper.

"What is this?"

"It's literally a specially crafted elixir, an elixir of elixirs that temporarily boosts the chi in your body."

The masked man began to elaborate.

"I've seen something like this on the market, even in the Martial Arts, but it's child's play compared to this. It really does work, and I guarantee it. Five times the normal potency! I guarantee it, and if it doesn't work for you, you can return it."

Yu Zichen laughed out loud.

"Return, what do you mean return what to, do you mean cut open my stomach and take out what's in it?"

It was a joking response to a bad prank, but the other person's reaction was different. The sarcasm vanished, and a chill spread through the air.

"Of course. I'm ready to cross the water! I heard that in the island provinces across the water, they call it halbok, and the proper way to do it is to make ten marks. One across and one down. When taught properly, it is said to be so spectacular that crimson entrails ooze out of it. Without that kind of determination, how can you hope to fulfill your dreams, don't you think, Wei Zi Confucius?"

Wei Zichen couldn't help but feel eerie for a moment. Although it had appeared and disappeared in an instant, the momentum from a moment ago was still the same formidable figure he had seen before. The other party was asking him to risk his life, and today's snowy Wei Zichen was willing to take that risk.

"But you'll have to be prepared, because if you eat all of it, the aftermath will be very painful, and I'll warn you in advance that it's going to be very painful, because I don't want you to blame me for not explaining it to you later, because I'm a good fairy."

"It must be the devil!" thought Wei Zichen.

"You're not going to back down now, are you?"

"Of course!"

He was now ready to sell his soul to the devil.

He had already realized that if the first time was hard, the second time was a breeze, as long as you put one foot in the mud.

"By the way, how should I write this?"

"Oh, don't be so impatient. You'll find out tomorrow, naturally."

The masked man smiled and replied.

"Does this have anything to do with the nature of the gateway I have to take tomorrow?"


"I take it that means you also know what the content of tomorrow's gateway will be?"

How does the author know something they don't already know? Who is the author?

"I picked up something."

I wasn't stupid enough to believe that.

"I don't think it's that insecure."

"Don't be too curious, Wei Zi Confucius, I'm just trying to help you because you're right, and we think highly of you, and I'm on your side."

"Let's just say yes."

They'll eat you if you let your guard down! Yu Zichen was sarcastic, but he didn't say it out loud. They were still holding hands for the same purpose. There was no need to let go of their hands before achieving their goal.

"Then I wish you the best of luck, Wei Zi Confucius, and I look forward to seeing you fulfill your wish, because I don't want to think that you're an incompetent who fails twice even with all this preparation. Then!"

With words like needles on his tongue, he vanished in a flash, seeming to melt into the darkness.


Left alone, Wei Zichen stared at his palm. What had happened a moment ago had not been a dream after all. The red pill on his palm was telling him that.

"Fine! I'll dance on it if you're willing to go this far to lay it down! I don't care if it serves my purpose! There will be no peace for her until it's gone! It's evil, and it deserves to be removed. I'm doing it for her now, because there is no one in this world more for her than me……. She will be saved by my noble sacrifice!"

With unfocused eyes, Yu Zichen muttered like a madman and clenched his fists tightly.

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discord ko-fi