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Book 15 Chapter 11

A roundtable discussion with Ryu-yeon Bi and her crew

劍 : Hello. Everyone, it's been a while, and I'm…….

Bi Ryuyeon: Who are you? How dare you usurp someone else's fixed role? Since the creation of time and space, it has been established that the first greeting belongs to the protagonist! Who are you?

劍 : Me?

Bi Ryuyeon: Yes, you!

劍 : 'The 作家'!

Bi Ryuyeon: What's that 'The' thing……?

劍 : Well, it's kind of a mark of distinction. In ancient times, it was called an "M".

Bi Ryuyeon: This is not your stage. What are you doing in someone else's nawabari (dwarf language), huh?

Jang Hong: Right. It's just that you seem to be getting less and less important. Now you're invading our only sanctuary? I don't approve!

Hyo Ryong : That's right, you're the one behind the scenes!

Bi Ryuyeon: Isn't this a conspiracy? This volume was especially low-key, even for me.

劍 : Is that why you secretly swore?

Bi Ryuyeon: Swearing? What are we talking about……. I don't understand…….

劍 : There's no point in trying to whistle past me, I know it! You're not going to tell me you didn't mean to add the damn "being" in there, are you? Do you even want me to tell you what page and what line? Hmm…….

(Para la la la!)

Page 184, line 15. Now, if you have eyes, see!

Bi Ryuyeon: Chit, you got caught!

劍 : Of course not. You think you can get away with using that kind of language and not get caught? You think too highly of me.

Bi Ryuyeon : Next time, I'll have to twist it a bit more, and adapt it a bit more, and be more stealthy. I'll have to layer the curtain several times…….

劍 : Are you going to do it again…, you…….

Bi Ryuyeon: No matter how you slice it, this volume was like a one-man show! Isn't that too much?

劍 : That's called authorial favoritism. And it was necessary. I had to deal with it somehow, otherwise the story would be weak. You can't just leave the first floor and start building the second floor, can you? Unless you've done a shoddy job.

Jang Hong: Well, I heard that the author had been dying to write it for 10 years and had been hinting at it for a while. I didn't believe it, but…….

Usefulness: 10 volumes?

Jang Hong: You know what? The incident in Huanmadong! That was a precursor to this volume, to get the word out. It's a carefully planned conspiracy. We're gradually encroaching on our territory.

Hyo Ryong: Was it a conspiracy……. Was this a conspiracy…….

劍 : Uh-huh, even if a Chinese scientist involved in space development was killed by a brick… It's not good to indulge in conspiracy theories! You need to be healthy.

Bi Ryuyeon: Then you're going to deny it?

劍 : Why, why are you doing this? I, I didn't kill him!!!

Bi Ryuyeon: Not that one, this one!

劍 : No! I was just doing what I had to do. This was an important episode. Do you think a young woman would have become a damsel in distress for no reason? Not a space pirate?

Jang Hong: Bam, that's convincing, that's convincing, that's convincing.

Bi Ryuyeon: What do you want to talk about?

劍 : Well, self-representation is that the surface of all things has an underside, and the law of causation, the law of reciprocal sensitivity of cause and effect, runs through it. …….

Ryuyeon: Yes, favoritism is a cause and effect, and just because the argument is valid doesn't mean the result is true.

劍 : It's very unhealthy to look at the world through such a crooked lens.

Bi Ryuyeon: It's better than idiots who only see one side of a phenomenon, who think that knowledge is only real when it's imparted to them. They're not brainless. The brain is there to be used, not to hold the center of gravity of the skull and body.

劍 : Well…, it certainly is, but…….

Mr. Jang Hong: So you're admitting the charges.

劍 : Harshly accusing……. Okay, okay, let's move on. Let's move on! Now, everyone…….

Bi Ryuyeon : Just wait a moment!

劍 : Why?

Bi Ryuyeon: You were just about to say goodbye, right?

劍 : Of course! Is there a problem?

Bi Ryuyeon: Don't you think that's shameless?

Jang Hong & Hyo Ryong: Cancer, shameless and not!

劍 : What is it this time……?

Bi Ryuyeon : You're going to hijack the opening greeting and the closing greeting without the main character's permission? You're going to claim both the beginning and the end……. It's like he wants to be a god, saying, "I am the alpha and omega".

劍 : That's exaggeration, exaggeration! Over, over, over!

Bi Ryuyeon: No matter what their intentions are, they can never be recognized. To get one, you have to give one away, generally speaking. If you want to create a fair and conflict-free society, you have to give back to society in return for the benefits you have gained. Where there is an excess of desire, there is chaos.

劍 : barely a greeting and that much'by'or…….

Bi Ryuyeon: Finally! Don't you know the end of the world? The world is all connected! In the end, it all comes down to one thing. That's proof that everything is connected! Complete separation doesn't exist in this world. Therefore, those who ignore the little things can't do big things. No, he can't!

劍: I think weighing and obsessing are different, but…….

Bi Ryuyeon: (snicker!) Do you have a complaint about something?

劍 : No, no, no! Okay, okay! Surrender! I give up. So don't look at me with those scary eyes. I give up. I'll let you guys have the last word. I'm afraid of what you'll do to me if I hold out any longer.

Hui Ling: Good call.

Jang Hong: But I don't like the word concession. We're just exercising our natural rights, so why do we have to hear the word "concession" from him?

Bi Ryuyeon: Let's not sweat the small stuff!

劍 : Hey… Hey, you're not telling the truth!

Bi Ryuyeon: If you help, you should be grateful, not resentful. You don't want to be called an ungrateful bastard, do you?

劍 : (in a low voice) Yes…….

Bi Ryuyeon & Jang Hong & Hyo-ryong: Rejoice, dear readers. We have finally defended our rights. I guess you have to live and let live.

劍 : (I didn't give you a concession to say that…)…….

Bi Ryuyeon & Jang Hong & Hyo-ryong: See you in the next volume, then bye-bye. Bye!




劍 : Dude, you went through all that trouble just to say that one little thing?

Bi Ryuyeon : Longer is not always better. Sometimes it's good, right? Simple things!

劍 : Isn't that a reference to… the end of Book 14?

Bi Ryuyeon: Yes! Of course!

劍 : …….

Thank you so much for waiting for what seemed like an eternity.

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discord ko-fi