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Book 14 Chapter 4

Open your eyes

- Open Eye

My eyes were opened.

Your vision brightens as if a blindfold has been lifted from your eyes, and it expands further and further, like the view of a great shelf rising toward the edge of the sky. It's hard to describe it in words.

There are limits to trying to convey experiences, feelings, and sensations in crude language that others have not experienced firsthand, for language is the most unfaithful conveyor of truth. But even if it is difficult to describe and understand, it does not change the truth that such a state of mind and such a fact exist.

And the world that Bi Ryuyeon is experiencing now is a world of formlessness. The realm of the superhuman, where only a select few are allowed to enter. That's what he's stepping into right now. His eyes were now gazing upon such a world.

As the field of vision becomes wider and deeper, an enormous amount of information rushes toward the periphery. Some people go crazy because their eyes are the first to open and can't take in all this excess information. But he takes it all in, sorts it out, organizes it, and insights it.

If he raised his head, he could leap across the sky into space, and if he lowered his head, he could see the number of wings of a night bug flying into his lap. A mysterious feeling enveloped him, as if everything in front of him could be grasped, and there was no reason why he shouldn't understand its essence.

You see your opponent's hand slowly rise. Everything looks like a still image because his gaze is timeless.

The path of herbivory that unfolds from her fingertips is as clear as the trajectory of a shining star. A choreographed dance of shimmering white spider webs fills the still world. The directions in which the power inherent in the opponent's body seeks to extend are combined to form a colorful mandala. For the average human brain with a small bowl, this information is enough to drive it over the edge and into insanity.

No matter how spidery and dense the lines are, once they are visible, the path becomes predictable. But when you encounter a true master, these dizzying lines swarm and invade your body. You need to have the ability to break free from these 'whirlwinds'. Seeing alone does not give you complete control over the phenomenon. The denseness and precision of these mysterious mandala patterns can be a good indicator of an opponent's martial arts ability.


For a moment, The Shadow felt an instinctive sense of discomfort. He felt humiliated, like a wild animal being stalked by a hunter. He felt naked, as if he were standing naked before his opponent.


The sin is too deep to spare the man who brought this disgrace. Therefore, the author deserved to be destroyed. From this world!

A terrifying force rushing toward your raised arm. An unrelenting pressure. Air tightening on all sides. The sky losing its light, fleeing from brightness to darkness. A blackened blade of darkness pierced the shroud of darkness, spitting out life through space.

It was like a whale shouting, "This eclipse is very, very dangerous, please evacuate your people from the danger radius quickly.


Bi Ryuyeon's eyes intensified the darkness, piercing through the iron barrier of her hair to catch every movement. The moment her hand reached its peak!


The hand dropped with the momentum of a waterfall tumbling down a hundred-foot cliff.

Spots, spots, spots, spots! Kwakkwakkwakkwakkwak…….

A roar like a rushing waterfall echoed in the night sky. The night air twisted and yielded and vibrated. Waves of flesh and razor-sharp darkness sliced through the air, a terrifying blue like a thousand blades swarming together at once, and within them was a power that would laughingly crush any human being.

Countless trajectories of light, tangled like spider webs, pierced through Bi Ryuyeon's body. At least, his eyes could see them.

The method of suicide in this case is very simple: just stand still and motionless on this trajectory. Then the sharp, living blade of death will surely dismember him.

Of course, Bi Ryuyeon was not a suicide wannabe. Moreover, he had a very low affinity for killing, so he pulled himself out of the way of the light's trajectory beforehand, as he always did.

Normally, that would have been the end of it, but something was wrong this time.


A rarely heard banner burst from her mouth.

"It's changed!

Through her faster-than-light thinking, Bi Ryuyeon realized that the trajectory of the brilliance, which had been spreading through space like a spider's web, had changed its position in an instant. The changed trajectory once again pierced through Bi Ryuyeon's body.

And before he could react, a storm of countless lives raged along the track of the trajectory. It was as fast as a bolt of lightning.

Before he had time to curse, a wave of life washed over him.

With time running out, the swearing was cut short, and Bi Ryuyeon was hastily pulled off the death track. But it was a little too late. The opponent's attack was faster than she thought.

His clothing became tattered as if torn by a gust of wind, and his chest area instantly burned.



The Grand Duke found himself standing alone in the clearing. All around him was a silent desolation.

"I thought I had it all figured out, but……."

You look down at your hands in disbelief. Hands that had been trained thousands and thousands of times. Hands that have known no failures, hands that possess infinite power.

"Was it shallow……."

I could definitely feel it. But it wasn't a fatal wound.

'I can't believe I'm actually going to survive…….'

You don't understand your failure.

'What the hell was that? That move at the end?

It disappeared like smoke in the air, like a mirage. It had completely "disappeared" from his view.

He thought he had it in his field of view, but……. He was exposed, but it was the other way around. At least, that's what Rain thought. But it turns out he was mistaken.

'You've managed to evade the tricks of one of my five enemies, the Thunderous Thousand Zhan, at such a short distance…….'

Ryu Yeon……. The name slipped out unconsciously, and I remembered it for sure.

'I'll see you again sooner or later, and when I do, I'll make sure!'

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discord ko-fi