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Book 14 Chapter 17

Solar Pavilion Lunar Pavilion

- Assigning listings

"Now, let's all go back to our quarters and get some rest!"

The people watched in a daze as Hyuk-jung walked down the aisle with a coolness that was uncharacteristic of an old man.

As he descended the dais, the preceptor of the Order of the Silent Obon, with five black bands around his left sleeve, stepped forward, and spoke in a low voice, but clearly audible to all ears.

"Now that we're officially at the Volcano Covenant Conference, I'm going to end your stay in temporary quarters and assign you to your official quarters!"

In the meantime, they had been staying in temporary quarters, one for the Orthodox and one for the Black Islanders, which were not meant to be used by the participants, but rather for guests to visit while the Volcano Covenant was in session.

"Men will stay in the Sun Pavilion, the red building you see over there, and women will stay in the Lunar Pavilion, the blue building next to it. It's very easy to tell them apart, so you won't get confused."

Both houses had very unusual names.

All eyes turned to the building, which, by its color and appearance, seemed to have been built recently.

"It was built 'specially' for this Centennial Volcanic Convention, and everything is brand new, so you shouldn't have any problems staying here."

The kindly ruler explained. It was a very simple explanation.

"Just because it's new doesn't mean it won't be inconvenient.

On the contrary, the newer the building, the more likely it was to have various inconveniences. But she didn't let that stop her.

"What about room assignments?"

Jang Hong raised his hand and asked.

"I don't need it."

The Venerable Master Obon replied with a simple, clear answer.

"What? Why is that?"

"You'll see why when you get inside. Now, let's move!"

At the command of the ruler, the people returned to their temporary quarters and began to pack up their belongings.

Up until this point, no one had given much thought to what the two official houses would be like. Everyone had been under the impression that a hostel was just a place to sleep and rest.


In the midst of dozens of humans moving simultaneously at the command of the Lawgiver, one stood unmoving in the corner, his cold eyes glowing.

"That's an interesting idea, but will it work as well as you think?"

The Grand Duke spoke in a quiet voice as he watched. But no one around him understood the true meaning of the words.

"Make yourself at home."

With those words, the guide left them alone and disappeared. Thrown into an unexpected situation, the dozens of male participants could not help but panic.

The old man frowned and muttered as the shadows and footsteps of the Ruler disappeared beyond the building.

"Rest easy?"

Nohak felt like letting loose with profanity, and so did most of the others.

"How can you put us in this shitty situation and smile and tell us to relax?"

It wasn't that their accommodation was dilapidated, or that it leaked, or that the wind would blow them away. It was the fact that they were right next to each other, in the same building, in the same room, and it was making them feel uneasy.

"Hey, what's this!"

"No way!"

"It's a scam, it's a scam!"

"Are we in trouble?"

It was an unusual bedroom, not often found in the Middle Kingdom. In the center was a six-foot-long passageway paved with stones for people to pass through, with long wooden poles on either side of it. On top of this were thirty futons, arranged in rows. Behind each row of bunks was a cabinet for the individual's belongings.

The house was designed to accommodate thirty people on one side and sixty on both sides. The entire building was one giant room. There were no partitions or even basic things like feet to block the view of others.

But I could live with that. They might not have had the money. But there was another part of it that I really couldn't stand.

"Old people have a lot of brains."

Looking around the huge communal quarters, the Sun Pavilion, Bi Ryuyeon could quickly grasp the dubious intentions within. The method was quite rough, but it would certainly deliver a strong impact. Or even make it through the Iron Heavenly Water. It was an extreme measure.

People were angry and irritated because they realized that from now on they would have to live together, black and white, in this place. They were all thrown together in one place, no matter where they came from or where they belonged.

"Why do we have to stay with these assholes?"

Someone from the Temple of Heaven shouted.

"I can't believe I have to share a room with those sandals……. I wonder if you're going to get tired of them."

Then, undeterred, someone spoke up.

"What the hell, I'm so annoyed that I have to live with such bad people, how can I trust them and live with them?"

Again, harsh words were spoken from the direction of the Heavenly Martial Academy. And this time, the implications were quite extreme.

"With that bunch of apostates who might cut our throats out in our sleep!"

It was all I could do not to let my frustrations bubble up. The discord and fights were a foregone conclusion.

"Hey, that's a good vibe."

While everyone else had the air of the eve of a storm, Bi Ryuyeon spoke in a refreshing voice.


Ryu-yeon Bi stretched out.

"Do you sleep in this situation?"

Hyo-ryong asked curiously.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, we're not there yet, we're not there yet!"

Bi Ryuyeon waved the index finger of her right hand in front of his eyes.

"The most important thing in the world is to know exactly what I am supposed to be doing right now. I've listened to the still small voice in my head, and it's telling me to lie down and go to sleep, so I'm going to sleep."

No sooner had he finished speaking than he flung himself back onto the bed, where he quickly drifted off to sleep, unable to feel the shivering air at all.


Only Bi Ryuyeon, already asleep with his limbs stretched out, seemed to be one step away from all this discomfort and tension. He was asleep with a face that could not have been more relaxed.

I don't know if he did it consciously or unconsciously, but I do know that his desire to sleep had a lot to do with preventing the first crash.


A long line was drawn across the uneven floor. It was a red line that bisected the property exactly in half, a hostile dividing line that marked their territory.

"Don't cross this line, and if you do, stop!"

The man who drew the line was Ma Chulang "Yi Kyu," one of the participants in the Macheon Pavilion. His eyes were as fierce as Iri's, and his personality was as rough as his dirty eyes.

"Pfft! Don't you dare come over here. Our skin rots just by touching you!"

Just across the line, a gnome was shooting a vicious glare.

"And then what if it goes over, like this!"

As he said this, he poked the branch he was holding lightly above the red line. His hand naturally moved toward it.


A lightning sword of unknown origin flew toward his wrist. A lightning bolt of sword lightning sliced through the branches.


The gnome hastily withdrew his hand.


The sword cut off the branch exactly as much as was left behind the red line. The cleanly cut piece of wood fell to the ground.

"Mu, what are you doing!"

The old man breathed out a word of indignation.


As one man drew his sword, his opponent drew his weapon, and the sound of weapons being drawn rang out from everywhere. The whole place began to feel like a ghastly place to live. The confrontation lasted a long time, but thankfully did not turn bloody.

In the midst of all this chaos, only Ryuyeon and the Grand Duke lay with their eyes closed. As soon as he entered, the Grand Duke quietly took a seat to one side and glanced at the sleeping Bi Ryuyeon, but then quickly ignored her.

The armorers were soon reaped. But neither their lives nor their malice were wiped clean.

The next day, the people began the morning ordinance with bloodshot eyes. Unable to trust each other, they stayed awake at night, anxious and worried.

So did everyone else. They were all screaming into the night.

"Ugh, I can't sleep! Damn it, I might as well go back to my den and sleep.

It was a clear indication of how much pressure they were under.

Everyone slept with their weapon on their left hip (so they could draw it with their right hand), and if that wasn't enough, some slept with a sword under their pillow. It was strange that he was able to sleep so peacefully under these circumstances. Sadly, Bi Ryuyeon was one of those sad and strange people. At this rate, she would have no choice but to spend the night with her eyes wide open.

After two sleepless nights, they came to an agreement. The first agreement ever made between black and white, it was that

"We need to get some sleep!

With bloodshot eyes, they agreed, laid out a plan, and accepted each other. It wasn't until they pledged to keep each other's numbers from this day forward that they were able to sleep at night in peace (though not completely).

Hongmegok Shimchu Noya Hyukjung's Room

As the lanterns swayed, shadows danced over the relics around them.

The book the old man was looking at was a list of the participants of the Volcano Covenant meeting. It was a very ordinary booklet, except that the information department had moved to write down detailed biographies.

White is paper, black is text.

The old man's eyes are now fixed on a single point.

Bi Ryuyeon (飛流連)

The sect of origin written underneath was left blank. If it was a one-man transmission or a transmission from a hermit master, it was not uncommon in Kangho, as many people would not dare to talk about it. However, it was still suspicious to see Yeomdo Kwak Young-hee listed as the guarantor of the identity.

If no one else, the old man was one of the few people who knew who the master of saltiness was.

"I wonder what it is……."

He's definitely hiding something, he's just not revealing it. It's safe to say that there hasn't been a single person in recent decades who has piqued his interest like this.

"I need to look into this further."

It was at this point that the old man made a decision about one thing.

Suddenly, there were three figures in the middle of nowhere. A moment ago, there was clearly nothing there. Since when had they been there?

There is not a trace of tremor in the flame, which responds to the slightest vibration of the air. Despite the ghost's unexpected appearance, the old man doesn't seem fazed at all.

"What's up?"

Without turning around, the old man said.

Chuck! Shake!

Three shadows fell to their knees in unison.

"The Four Great Dark Heavens are calling!"

Their words were filled with extreme reverence. Surprisingly, all three of them possessed prayers that surpassed those of their sect, but contrary to the name, there were only three of them, not four.

"Looks like we're going to need your help!"

The old man said in a calm voice. Then a shiver ran down the old man's spine.

"The three of us?"

The shadowy figure in the center of the room spoke. It was an aged voice, as if youth had long since passed him by, and that alone suggested his age.

Just then, the shadow standing to the far right also spoke, his voice slightly disgruntled.

"One of us is enough to wipe out any sect, and yet you need three?"

There was no lie in their words, and the old man recognized their ability to do so. These are beings who serve only the One and are subject to no other authority.

"I'm sorry for the hassle. But I want you to recognize that it's important."

They had a relationship that transcended discipline, so I didn't hesitate to apologize.


The three shadows bowed their heads in unison.

"Any word from Ilchun yet?"

"Not yet."

"I see! I see the dastardly fellow still hasn't been heard from! …Rest in peace, then. The detailed plan is here, read it carefully and carry it out. If you have any other requests, I will contact you later."

He was an old man who used the word "request" instead of "command," which was also very unusual.

"Stand down, my lord!"

They disappeared from the room as quickly as they had appeared.

The old man, Hyuk-jung, who was called Zhu-kun, patted his right shoulder and muttered quietly.

"I'm going to be busy from now on!"

If he says it, it must come to pass. The moon was sinking silently into the waves of the deepening night with the sound of grasshoppers.

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discord ko-fi