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Book 14 Chapter 12

The Seven Deadly Sins

At this point, there was a pair of eyes watching the confrontation from a distance, eyes that had been fixed on the Archduke since he entered the gate.

The man's beady eyes were as sharp and fierce as a hawk's on its prey. The owner of these eyes stood atop a cedar tree that must have been a dozen years old, more than thirty miles from the epicenter of the gust of wind that had brought the two men together. It was one of the few cedars in the plum-blossomed valley.

He stood at the very top of this spiky, beautiful tree, looking down with his back straight and arms folded, and though the wind was blowing so strongly that the hem of his robes fluttered with his height, his new model, standing on the tip of a needle, was as steady as if he were standing on solid ground. He wore a sleeveless black leather robe that clung to his body like a glove, and his hardened, steel-like flesh radiated like blades, and on his back hung an enormous deformed weapon, pitch-black and very oddly shaped.

"The Lord has come."

His granite mouth opened and a blunt voice spilled out.

"He who stands in the way of the Lord dies."

A voice that didn't sound like an emotional flute. It sounded like the voice of a lifeless man.

"That's punishment, do you want me to teach you a lesson?"

The other voice came from the branches just below, playfully toying with the blade on the end of a sturdy-looking whip. He wasn't the only one watching the two clash. There were six more shadows besides this blunt man.

"Do you think it's okay to do this without your lordship's permission?"

One of the other six asked, though he was more cautious than the others.

"If you're talented, you'll survive. Or death."

They were talking about a person's life in a casual way. It was as if the power of life and death was in their hands.

"What a waste of a young life!"

A soft voice rang out, out of place in such a stark group. A woman had joined them.

"Is that okay?"

The man in the clingy black uniform nodded, arms crossed. Apparently, his position was the highest of the seven.

"He who stands in the way of the Master. It is our mission to destroy those who stand in your way. The Lord will approve."

His loyalty was absolute, and his tacit approval was returned.

The man pulled a huge 'it' from behind his back and held it in his hand. It looked like a huge, heavy blade curved from the middle, tapering off to the left and right from the center in a symmetrical fashion. It was a peculiar weapon, like a human stretched a little wider. Both the front and back blades were upright, except for the one the man held, which was unsharpened. It was a throwing weapon, a kind of boomerang-like weapon that had the ability to return to its original position after being thrown. The men called it a black spear.


The man drew on the energy in his body.

Woody, a hand the size of a man's cauldron, grabs a black wing with such force that it crushes it. The back of his hand splashes with black blood. His bones crack.

Tuduk, the shoulder muscles of the man with the giant deformed weapon bulge. From his shoulders to his forearms, the veins bulge like rubber bands.

"It's been a while since I've seen you, and it's the Black Wind Festival!"

The coworker next to me with the spear watched and said.


With a short, rumbling cheer, the Black Wing spun wildly and took flight.

Quack, quack, quack, quack!

A harsh crashing sound followed the black shadow as it launched into a swift, destructive maneuver. It flew, whipping through the wind with more violent turns than the wheels of a chariot on a battlefield.

As if on cue, seven shadows simultaneously disappeared from the cedar treetops.


It flew, tearing through the atmosphere.

It ripped through the atmosphere with a lingering, cicada-wing-like crackle.

"What is it?"

Na Yerin was the first to be alerted to the sharpness of the killing intent, which was flying toward a single location at breakneck speed. Bi Ryuyeon, standing precisely there as if by appointment, was so focused on the Grand Duke that she couldn't be bothered with anything else.

"It's dangerous!"

But the flying "it" was faster than her words.


The giant black wheel spun with fierce speed, unceremoniously bisecting Bi Ryuyeon's body from side to side along with the earth.


Its terrifying power ripped the earth apart, sending pebbles flying and digging furrows like great wounds.


A scream erupted from the mouth of Lee Jin-sul, who had been watching from afar with Nay-lin, and to her eyes, it looked as if Bi Ryuyeon had been torn in two.

"It's okay!"

On the contrary, Na Yerin was much calmer than her. The new Bi Ryuyeon that had split into two drifted like mist in the air. There was no blood where there should have been.


Lee Jin-sul realized that her current skills were not enough to keep up with the dazzlingly fast movements of Bi Ryuyeon.

After vanishing like a phantom, Bi Ryuyeon reappeared about three chapters away from where she had originally stood.

Quack, quack, quack!

The black wheel that had bisected the Bi Ryuyeonyeon (albeit illusory) seemed to slow down a bit in its fierce rotation after it unceremoniously crashed through a few rocks and bushes to see if it had any energy left.

Ichthyosaurs, as they are called, are frightening in their destructive power.

It was a weapon and a method she had never seen before. What kind of weapon could wield such terrifying power? She was both frightened and curious.

"What weapon is that……."

But her question to Na Yerin didn't go anywhere.

The black wings hovered in the air like a taloned hawk and turned their talons toward the Archduke, their power greatly diminished but still formidable.

Just then, someone swept past them with great speed. He leaped in front of the Grand Duke's five chiefs, quickly flipped in midair, and blocked their path as if to protect him.


The black hawk was snatched up by his hand.


Even if his power had diminished, it was unlikely that it had been completely eliminated, but he took it in stride and didn't even flinch.

It was like an iron wall.


But she didn't get to hear the answer.


Once again, the sound of wind piercing the atmosphere echoed through the song, but it was sharp and piercing and thin, unlike the harsh, destructive sound that had echoed earlier.

"What, not this time!"

Lee was startled, as if the sound had been directed at her. But she had nothing to worry about. The sound's goal had been set from the beginning.



The spear plunged into the ground, piercing right through her heart. The spear's vortex of whirlwinds enveloped Bi Ryuyeon's new form, scattering it into thin air.


Lee Jin-sul screamed again. She still hadn't adjusted. Clearly, her vision was too impaired to make a rational assessment of the situation.

Caught in the maelstrom once again, Bi Ryuyeon's new product scattered through the air like mist, and this time it was an afterimage.


Bi Ryuyeon reappeared about a foot away down the road.


Again, another precise attack was made on the spot where his new model appeared.


This time, however, she was half a beat faster. A little further down the line, the new model appeared.


Without warning, a spear was hurled at the spot with great speed.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Lee Jin-sul watched the stifling workshop with bated breath. It was as if they were playing hide-and-seek for their lives. Every time he heard the sound of a spear flying by, he felt a rush of fear, as if his heart was being pierced. Her throat burned with thirst. But her curiosity overcame her fear, and she didn't move from her spot. She glanced over to see Na Yerin clutching her sleeve, but at first glance, her eyes were as calm as an abyss, and she couldn't guess what she was thinking.

Even though Bi Ryuyeon moved as fast as the wind, the spear pierced his heart exactly where he had appeared. However, Bi Ryuyeon's movements were half a beat faster, so they all fell to the ground, piercing only an illusion.

Even though he missed, he had surprisingly sharp eyesight. Slipperier than a loach and more agile than a flying squirrel, not many people could keep up with her.

The trick repeated itself five more times since the first time. And just when I thought it was over, it came again.


"Watch out!"

Na Yerin's mouth opened for the first time as she watched the scene in silence, unlike Lee Jin-sul, who watched with trepidation. The sound it made was nothing compared to the previous six times. Compared to this time, the previous six times were a joke.


There was a loud explosion, like a grenade going off, and in the aftermath, a gust of wind rippled around the window. It was a shockwave. The hems of Na Yerin's and Lee Jin-sul's clothes fluttered violently in the wind.

Lee Jin-sul instinctively closed his eyes against the harsh wind. But Na Yerin's gaze remained fixed on Bi Ryuyeon, unwavering.

"Uh, where did it go?"

After a moment, Lee Jin-sul opened his eyes and looked around. There was no sign of Bi Ryuyeon anywhere. She hadn't been able to follow his movements when she was squinting, so how could she expect to find his tracks with her eyes closed. But this blow had been so powerful that she could have easily believed that she was caught in it and turned to dust. So she looked around even harder, trying to find him.

Then another man stepped down before the archduke. He was a fair-haired, fair-skinned man of blue, but he was not at all likeable, probably because he was the one who had thrown the spear.

A large pit, perhaps a mile in diameter, had been dug where the last spear had been inserted, and its shape, which would make a fine tomb if filled with earth, fueled the girl's anxiety.

"No way!"

Yi Jinxue cautiously turned her gaze to look up at Na Yerin. Her night-blue eyes remained fixed on the spot. Her pomegranate-red lips were pressed tightly shut, and it was even more frightening to the girl that she stood there in silence, not saying a word.

At that moment, Na Yerin's eyes, which had been sunken into indifference, shone like stars. In contrast, the second blue man's eyes hardened. It looked like he was gritting his teeth.

Swoosh! Chin!

On top of the spear pole that had sent a huge shockwave through the air, a human figure landed like a feather. It was Bi Ryuyeon.

The spear flew seven times in all! The spear stuck in the ground and formed the shape of the Big Dipper. Of course, the spear was not thrown on purpose. It was the result of Bi Ryuyeon stepping on the Big Dipper's defense.

The window's turn was over, but there was still a queue for the next one.


Lee's reaction was not unreasonable. The attack was relentless. He must be intent on taking her life, or he wouldn't have pushed so hard and so uncompromisingly.


It was a bizarre sound, like air being ripped apart.

This time it was a whip, with a sharp, gleaming blade at the end, and its swiftness tore through the air and taunted the wind. It changed dozens of times in an instant, making it difficult to predict its movements without being dazzled by its brilliance. The blade at the end of the whip flicked out like a viper's tongue, exuding venom.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The whip cracked through the air. Bi Ryuyeon dodged each one, shifting from one to the other as she stepped on the phoenix tree. It was as if she had already predicted the direction of the next blow.

But like a viper, the persistent whip did not give up easily. Was it a hardy viper? The whip maneuvered relentlessly, trying to catch her breath. Once again, she dodged it by flinging her new form upward. The blade at the end of the whip dug into the ground. A normal whip would have blocked the movement at this point, but this silent blade was not like that.

Quack, quack, quack!

The whip that had dug itself into the ground twitched and turned the ground upside down in an instant. It was as if this hindrance was nothing. It was an uncharacteristically terrifying power. A cloud of dust rose, hiding Bi Ryuyeon's new form.

Only then did Iris and Na Yerin recognize the whip-wielder. He was a cold man in black robes, his eyes slit from side to side like snake eyes, giving him a repulsive appearance.

The snake-eyed man's right wrist was no longer moving. When the dust cleared, the reason was clear. Bi Ryuyeon's foot had pressed against the blade of the snake-eyed man's whip. He tugged at the whip to regain his freedom, but to no avail, and was soon forced to let go of the venomous tongue of the snake he was stepping on.

That's when another attack came for his life.

"How many are there?"

There was no way he was going to get an answer. In any case, the fire at his feet was urgent, and he had to move to avoid the flesh rushing toward his heart.

The snake-eyed man, his whip unlocked, ran to stand beside the two men in front of him.


A very sharp sound pierced the air, like a snake stalking its prey.

"That trick!"

Jang Hong's eyes, which had been dragged out with him-according to his own account-were tearing up.

He didn't recognize the first three attacks, but he knew who was responsible for the fourth, and he knew all too well how dangerous it was, having faced it himself. He could still feel the throbbing in his back where the blade had torn it open.

"Does that mean they're the ones?

If so, it was a real surprise.

"Ryuyeon, be careful, his methods are very cruel!"

Jang Hong exclaimed in an urgent voice.

Sociopathic Venomous Blade (蛇蛇毒劍鞭)!

So named because it was sharp and cruel, like a viper's fangs. But it was a whip, but not a whip. It was a weapon made of dozens of shortened blades held together by a special cord, a sort of stitching together of blades. Unusual and difficult to master, but once mastered, it was an extremely brutal and vicious technique that could cut through most anything. Its attacks are unpredictable, varied, and unpredictable. Its destructive power is so great that a head-on attack is never advisable. If you're caught in its venomous web, you're dead.

"They're even scarier and more brutal than before!

A decade ago, a series of attacks of incomparable ferocity were aimed at Bi Ryuyeon. She was very young then, and now there is no trace of her majestic appearance. Already, enough time had passed for his strength to change once. He had often thought that if he hadn't been so young and inexperienced, he might not have won.

He must have gotten a little high, because his three consecutive attacks all came to nothing, destroying nothing but the natural artifact he had so futilely pined for. The blade of his sword, which had been churning through the air like a poisonous dragon, fluttered in dazzling splendor. An unusual aura emanated from it. A pure white aura surrounded the blade like a group of snakes.

"Huh! Danger!"

Jang Hong knew all too well what it was a harbinger of. A trick he could not forget even after ten years. A terrifying technique known as the Hundred Snakes Bite the Dragon.

The Secret Formula for the Hundred-Sworded Dragon Slaying

Finally, the technique that had carved the indelible scars on his back erupted. A terrifying aura swirled, and countless tornadoes of flesh enveloped Bi Ryuyeon. It seemed that for once, he would be helpless. However, this fellow's response was even more astute. With the phoenix dance of righteousness, he used three lateral movements and four upward movements to escape the fierce snake's jaws. The fight between the snake and the loach ended in the loach's favor.


The serpent uncoils and reels itself back in.

The master of the kendo sword stopped attacking and stood next to the three men in front of him.

"Watch out, there's still three more to go!"

Jang Hong warned in an urgent voice; he had just realized who they were.


As Jang Hong warned, the opponent's offense wasn't over yet.


This time, something heavy cut through the air. I could tell by the way my ears pricked up that it was a very heavy, very destructive weapon.

"What's next?

Rather than feeling intimidated, she was now more curious than intimidated.

"What about these guys who showed up to defend him? There are still three more?

It seemed unlikely that he would learn their true identity until the end of this series of attacks. If that was the case, he concluded, he could not afford to let them get away with it.

The weapon this time was a heavy-looking chain with an extra chain attached to it. It was made of iron, but it was as agile as a creature. Before I knew it, I saw a man in brown robes approaching. He wore a white cloth on his head, his eyes were like those of a hobo, and he had a wild beard.

"What? That!

Bi Ryuyeon's gaze fell on the man's left hand. The man's right hand was nimble, bending the chain as if by magic, and in his left hand he held an iron scythe with a sharpened blade. The other end of the chain was attached to a hook at the base of the scythe's hilt.

It was a weapon he had never seen before. He could not tell that it was a chain knife, a weapon used by the warriors of the small island nation of Why. It didn't matter what the weapon was. Sure, it was convenient to know, but it didn't apply to Bi Ryuyeon. So far, their weapons had mostly been long-range weapons with long spacing. However, it was the pride of the Bi Liu Clan that there was no method that was faster, more versatile, or capable of traveling greater distances than the Bi Liu Dao in terms of distance, speed, and transformation. The master spoke confidently.

'No long-range weapon can surpass the movement of our viridians. It contains all the possibilities of a long-range weapon.

All you need to do is read the distance and spacing of the weapon. The direction of attack is a matter of air tremors and intuition. Not to mention speed. Once you get used to its speed, most things just look like a slug dance, which is why Bi Ryuyeon was able to dodge the previous four attacks with such ease.

But the fifth man had another trick up his sleeve. It was an unexpected double-edged sword for Bi Ryuyeon, who had been caught off guard by the chain's every move.

Shhh! Shhh!

As the left-handed iron sword swung in a swift motion, the crossed sword qi, or chi, flew toward Bi Ryuyeon. In response, the chain weights that had been flying toward his back and sides trembled in harmony, drawing seven strands of light.

ðŸ™' ðŸ™' ðŸ™' ðŸ™' ðŸ™' ðŸ™' ðŸ™' ðŸ™' ðŸ™'!

It's amazing how he can harmonize left and right at the same time with a celestial instrument that he holds in both hands, but can barely handle one properly.

The crossed sword in front of him, the seven-stranded chainmail behind him! It was a tricky situation. In an instant, Bi Ryuyeon's golden vision opened once more. Within it, time began to flow slowly.

This time, Bi Ryuyeon's method was even more ignorant: he remained in place, his waist at a right angle. As soon as his back was level with the ground, he used his right foot to powerfully kick away the flying crossbow.


The seemingly suicidal move was surprisingly effective, and it was instantaneous. The flying cross swerved like an osprey and swept across the top of his chest. It was a reckless move that Kang Ho's common sense would not allow. At the same time, his left shoulder, which was lying horizontally on the ground, was raised at an angle.


Then the first chain passed by, followed by a second over his right shoulder. The distance to Bi Ryuyeon was only a sheet of paper.

Again, Bi Ryuyeon lowered her left hand and raised her right shoulder.


This time, the opposite happened. A third chu-ying passed under the raised right shoulder and a fourth over the lowered left shoulder, but the fifth was aimed squarely at Bi Ryuyeon's cheekbone, making it impossible for her to dodge it with just a shoulder shift.

Bi Ryuyeon raised his head slightly, not showing any signs of embarrassment. It was the most appropriate action he could take at the moment. The fifth pendulum narrowly missed his back hair and exited between his crotches. A moment too late and his head would have shattered like a watermelon.

Weddings! Weddings!

The sixth spindle targeted his left leg, which was stuck to the ground. Bi Ryuyeon slightly lifted his left leg on his right axis. Then, with a split-second's notice, the seventh and final spike came for his right shin. There was not enough time to lower the already raised left angle and raise the right angle again.

Seventh Addition Just as he was about to smash his right shin, Bi Ryuyeon pulled off another great move. He didn't just hesitate and lift his right leg. Instead, he used both hands to grip the ground. He then pushed off the ground with both hands, flipped over, and stood up very casually. The seven consecutive attacks of the chainwheel were all deflected, as was the cross.

It's a very long sequence to describe in words, but the time it took for these three movements to take place was only a blink of an eye to the average person's eye. In that short amount of time, Bi Ryuyeon was able to accomplish all of these movements effortlessly.

There was no sign of agitation on his face as he pushed himself back to his feet after such a desperate attack.

"That's it?"

Turning to the man from Chainnat, who was already standing in front of the Grand Duke, Bi Ryuyeon spoke in a mocking tone. The man's pale face was quite a sight to behold.


As if on cue, the sixth attack came, and unlike the previous five, which were noisy and destructive, this one was quiet and stealthy. The thin, slender skewer-like sword appeared out of thin air, aimed at Bi Ryuyeon's side, and appeared as if from nowhere, without any sound or premonition. It was as if it had stepped out of a mist. It was not a man's sword. It was an assassin's sword, the kind of sword that only an assassin of the highest caliber could carry.

Even a highly trained martial artist would have been stunned by such an unexpected blow, piercing his lungs like a meat bandit. But Bi Ryuyeon was different. He knew that sneak attacks were only for the weak. To be beaten by a sword, the master said, was to be even weaker than the weak, so one should not suffer the dishonor of being beaten by a sword. And he had the discipline to do so. Over the years, he had to defend himself against his master's unannounced attacks.

In the beginning, he could only watch helplessly as his master harassed him, and he was powerless to defend himself. He was often robbed of all his hard-earned money, which, believe it or not, was not uncommon. As if the exploitation wasn't enough, on the days when he didn't have enough money for drinks, there was always an attack from his master. He must have gotten information that I was earning extra money, overtime, under the table.

I had to grit my teeth. I had to protect my money. I couldn't let this happen to me, so I desperately practiced martial arts in order to avoid being beaten by my master. Begging and pleading with a master who had no blood or tears would have no effect and would only hurt his pride.

There was only one way out, therefore, and that was to develop the skill to be unassailable. It was not until many years later that he became unassailable to his master.

Sharp as it was, it was nothing compared to the ruthlessness of his master's assault. Bi Ryuyeon swept the sword, which was meant to be a one-hit kill, over his stomach with a single swipe of the paper, and immediately lunged for the ducking assassin.

His ability to conceal himself in the air without the need for terrain was unrivaled, but it would be quickly exposed by the open eyes of Bi Ryuyeon. He could hear his opponent's astonishment in the air. He hadn't expected to be able to pinpoint his hiding place with such precision.

Bi Ryuyeon stretched out his finger. The opponent abandoned his attack, uncovered his concealment, and stood before the Grand Duke. He wore a black cloak over his entire body, with his face covered by a black mask, as if he were claiming to be an assassin. His clothes clung to his body without knots or wrinkles, so as to make as little noise as possible.

"There's only one left!"

Jang Hong exclaimed excitedly. If they could survive these seven attacks, it would be a great opportunity to boost the morale of the Heavenly Martial Academy and, conversely, to stiffen the noses of the Heavenly Pavilion.

The final attack was very colorful and artful. But that didn't take away from the ferocity that was in it.

Dozens of needles flew by with colorful, multi-colored threads. It looked like a rain of colors. It was a fierce killing blow for an embroidery needle that created beautiful patterns in a woman's hands, but this attack was far less powerful than the previous six. Bi Ryuyeon dodged the five-color needle rain with a leisurely demeanor, as if she were taking a stroll. The persistence of the previous six was nowhere to be seen. It was a disappointing result for Bi Ryuyeon, who had been hoping for the last one.

A red shadow leaped and flew like a butterfly toward the Archduke, stopping as still as a feather. She was dressed in a red silk robe that accentuated her voluptuous figure, and her mere standing oozed elegance. Her face was covered by a pale pink cotton thread, as if she didn't want to show it all, but her eyes shone with a seductive light. Her intense gaze was directed at Bi Ryuyeon, her whole body telling him that her strongest attack was not the immersion method she had used earlier, but the gaze itself. Any man's bones would shake under that gaze, and it was a gaze trained to do just that.

But what about her? Na Yerin stared at her, but to her surprise, she took it in stride. She didn't look away or avoid it, she just took it in stride. Honestly, even I was surprised.

The gazes of the seven who surrounded the Grand Duke as if escorting him turned toward her. She shrugged them off with an air of arrogance.

Then the seven of them turned back toward the archduke without a trace of emotion, for they had more important things to do than play djinn with him.

"I've been waiting for you, Grand Duke!"

In unison, the seven men clapped their hands in salute. The Grand Duke acknowledged the greeting with a simple nod.

"Is the author the Grand Duchess of Cambridge, the one who is shrouded in secrecy?

Jang Hong watched the scene with an uncharacteristic gaze. The information about him was shrouded in layers of secrecy, making it difficult to know his true identity outside of a few limited tidbits. No wonder he was called 'secret' instead of 'master'.

But no matter how you slice it, it's hard to believe that people with skills equivalent to the Kowloon Seven Peaks could be so polite……. They were like servants receiving their master.

'That Seven, I heard the rumors, but I didn't know it was that bad…….'

His keen eyes had picked up on the aura of absolute submission and loyalty potentially emanating from the attitudes of the Seven.

"Archduke Bi, you are certainly the one to watch out for.

Jang Hong silently triggered his inner alert.

For a moment, silence took over, the opposite of the murderous, dizzying tumult of a few moments before. All eyes were focused on the eight of them. They still hadn't solved the example of the Grand Duke's rain, and there was no way that would have gone over well with Bi Ryuyeon.

Tinkle, tinkle, tinkle!

Behind the seven of them, the sound of clapping came from nowhere. The seven's frosty gazes turned toward the back.

"Good, very good!"

As if she was trying to get her temper up, she clapped her hands in a series of exclamations. It was like an audience member watching an entertaining light play. It was a move that effectively turned the tables on her opponent.

"That was fun, but do you have anything else to show us?"

He was talking about the series of attacks that had just taken place, and he was telling me that I was out of gas.

"What a quick-footed rat, not knowing how high up in the sky he is!"

The man in reddish-black robes with the sword polearm spoke in a fierce voice. He was in a bad mood, as he was the only one of the seven who had suffered the greatest humiliation of having his weapons blocked.

"You're a foul-mouthed fellow. Pity you don't even know the old adage that a foul tongue is the seed of its own destruction."

The man's face was recorded in the calculator in Bi Ryuyeon's head.

"I'll grant you that your feet are quick and your movements are fluid. But do you think we're at full strength for this attack?"

The second man who had thrown the spear spoke in a quiet voice, his wounded pride already restored. There was still a sense of pride that they had not given their all.

"You dodged a bullet this time. I'll give you credit. But will you be able to avoid it next time?"

They must have thought that all she had was fast feet, because she clicked her tongue and said in a sarcastic tone.

"Reading your opponent's skill is skill, and subduing that skill is skill! Saying you didn't give it your all is an excuse only a loser can make! A winner doesn't need excuses, because a winner is a winner no matter what."

His words were like a liquidation rush, sharp as a knife and unapologetic. But it had a way of wounding people's pride.

"How dare you!"

But their joyous, blood-curdling conversation was unfortunately cut short. That's because of the arrival of a woman.

"Grand Duke!"

Next to Na Yerin, who hadn't taken his eyes off Bi Ryuyeon, Eunseulan called out in surprise. His head turned at the familiar voice. His indifferent eyes widened. Thanks to this, his voice, which had been dry of emotion, could not help but contain a hint of emotion.

"Aran… Sojae……."

For the first time, the Grand Duke's face fell in horror. It was a surprise he hadn't been prepared for.

Why here? And then the question made sense. He'd been searching for them for so long, and they were so strange. No wonder he was so surprised.

"Did we get it right?

For the Grand Duke, the first priority was to confirm that fact.

'It's hard to be confident that a single treatment is complete. At the very least, you need to apply a double dose before you can be confident.

If I hadn't lost her yesterday, I wouldn't have to worry about this. Incompetent subordinates will always make you suffer. But no matter how incompetent they are, a leader is only a leader if he can put them in the right place and use them to their full potential.

"It's been a while, Archduke!"

Steadying himself once more, his unfathomable gaze slowly moved toward the silver snowflake.

Silver Snow Lan had now been granted freedom of passage, meaning that she could roam freely wherever she pleased, except for a few prohibitions. As an added bonus, she had been granted permission to stay here for the time being, rather than descending the Tianmu Peak immediately. If it weren't for the old man's efforts, I would have been kicked out immediately. But the old man's words had great power, and after he spoke a few words in the middle, we were able to stay here without much trouble. This was a great fortune for her, as she was bored and resentful of those who had gone outside.

I felt very lighthearted because I had already gotten permission. Earlier, she had left her temporary quarters to go for a walk without much thought. When she arrived at the dormitory where the celestial academy students were staying, Na Yerin and Yi Jinxue had already left. She had heard that they had gone to Gokou, and she had come here to meet them. After all, walking is more fun in a group than alone. But before she reached the entrance to Gok, she heard the commotion.

Thunderous roars and hideous flesh swirled rapidly from a single point. Even though she was more than two dozen zhang away, she could feel its violent aura.

Who would dare to cause such a ruckus in a place like this? It would take more than a little guts to do so. Either that, or they take the authority of this place lightly…….

She hastened her steps. And there she found a very familiar face, but all the more puzzling because she knew it so well.


I was suddenly hit with a throbbing headache. Her ears were buzzing and her stomach felt nauseous, which happened as soon as she saw his face. Her body shook like someone with anemia. She had to stop walking for a moment because of it.

"Do I still need more rest?

Maybe it was because she was still feeling the after-effects of the psychic ban. That was all she could think of. She stood there for a moment, trying to catch her breath. Only then was she able to speak to him.

"It's been three years?"

"Two years and 10 months to be exact!"

In response to her question, he was relieved to realize that the killing of a thousand flesh was, for the time being, complete. If the memory had been preserved in its intact form,……. he would have had no choice but to eliminate her existence immediately, and the plans he had set in motion would have had to undergo the inevitable revision.

"How did you end up here when you never left Gak?"

It was a question that had been nagging at the back of her mind for some time.

"That's what I'm asking, and I don't see your name on the list of participants?"

He sidestepped her question and instead asked back.

"It's just… something."

She rambled on, leaving out the details. She couldn't remember the whole story in English, and much of it was made up of things she couldn't tell the truth. Moreover, for some reason, an unknown energy had been creeping into her head for some time now, gnawing at her mind and tormenting her.

"But that's amazing, you took it upon yourself to do this……. But I don't think we've heard why yet."

Eunseulan's surprises were not ordinary. She had been a mysterious figure within the Heavenly Pavilion, like the hermit who had entrusted her body to the Deep Mountain Valley for seventy-eight years. He had no intention of attending this year's volcano conference. Many people had urged him to participate, but he had always refused. This was different from Chong Yang, and Eunuch Lan knew better than anyone that the reason for his refusal was not a lack of skill.

'That incident ten years ago…….'

It was a life-changing event for many people. No matter how persistent the laborers and elders from all over the country tried to persuade him, he would not budge like a stone. To be honest, I was surprised.

Watching her struggle with the waves of unresolved questions, the Grand Duke spoke in a voice that didn't waver at all.

"It just occurred to me that it would be nice to win a competition like this once in a while."

Winner! He spoke of his victory at the elusive Volcano Covenant Conference in a casual manner. As if it were a matter of course, as if it were no big deal…….

This attitude would have stirred anger in the hearts of many. But no one dared to contradict him outright, for there was a prayerfulness about him that could only be called the majesty of an absolute power.

'Yeah, that might work for him…….'

On the contrary, some people were subconsciously thinking this way.

It wouldn't be impossible, she thought. But the more she looked, the more she wondered if this person in front of her was really the same person from ten years ago.

"I was so cheerful and jovial back then……."

She remembered his decade-old past as clearly as anyone.

"What's done is done."

The Archduke quickly denied her memories.

"I see, that's just a memory now, never to return……."

The person who was there is no longer there.

His eyes were still impassive as he watched her mutter quietly, and it was hard to tell what he was thinking.

With that tacit agreement, the conversation that began two years and 10 months ago came to an end.

"What's your name?"

The Grand Duke turned his gaze to Bi Ryuyeon, who was looking between the two of them with quite a bit of interest. He asked for the other's name……. If the entourage knew, they would probably blurt out two or three times in a row in surprise. Of course, he was under no obligation to impress her.

"It would be a respectable name."

"What did I just say?"

"Was the text a little difficult? John-last-name!"

Of course, it wasn't that the Grand Duke didn't understand the text.


At this point, even the Grand Duke of Wu would be impressed.

"You bastard, you're using a dragon to kill yourself!"

The man with the whip shouted in anger. He was about to run. The Archduke stopped his fiery momentum.

"Stop it! That's it!"

He chose to prioritize his curiosity over the admonishment of sky-high arrogance.

"So, what's your dignity code for being embarrassed to even ask?"

It was unusual for the Grand Duchess to go to such lengths to recognize her opponent. Although the words were coldly sarcastic, Bi Ryuyeon shrugged them off. If she were to focus on such trivialities, she would lose sight of the big picture.


His answer was short, simple, and to the point. I'd always assumed that this geeky young man had no qualms about putting his name to something (though I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who would disagree…).

"Bi Ryuyeon?

There was a momentary flash of realization in his heartless eyes. He remembered hearing the name. It was a name he had heard so recently, less than five streets away, and what the man who bore it had done was unacceptable to him.

"Ho-ho? You're……."

Unconsciously, his right fist curls into a tight ball. The prey he had missed earlier in the day was now in front of him again. However, his mutterings were too faint to reach his opponent's ears. Bi Ryuyeon asked.

"Anything to say?"

"No, I don't, but I'll remember the name!"

He could feel a flicker of interest from the seven people in front of him. They must have been surprised to hear him express such interest.

"That's a great attitude, and a recommendation!"

Bi Ryuyeon replied calmly.

"But what's your name? Isn't it polite to give your name when you've learned someone's name?"

It was his demand and his right, but his right was crushed by violence.

"You are not yet qualified to know his name."

A man with a giant lineman on his back that resembled black wings spoke in a blunt voice.

"Do you have a golden name, or is it something you're ashamed to tell others, like Chulsoo or Younghee?"

He'll say things that would make a man run wild if he heard them. That's what makes him so scary.

"Insult him any more and you die!"

The black-winged man spoke once more.

"Whenever you feel confident."

If you cave in to such threats, it's no longer Bi Ryuyeon; it's a different creature wearing his mask.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk!

Again the space between them rose like a cloud of dense flesh. The air began to tense into an impatient state.

"That's it, let's go!"

The Archduke restrained the seven of them.

"But…, Grand Duke!"

They were on the verge of a breaking point. But his orders, once given, had to be absolute.

"Did I mention that I'm Bi Ryuyeon? I've seen the Silver Sojae today, so I'll forgive you. Let's go!"

The Grand Duke moved first, and the Ten Thousand Seven Gems, who had been standing in an awkward position, followed suit. Their grievances were not yet resolved.

"Well, I'm not a fan of receiving unfounded grace, but……."

Bi Ryuyeon fought to the end.

"You're a lifesaver today!"

"You're back from the dead!"

They didn't forget to get the last word in.

Eunseulan stared at his back with blank eyes until he was out of sight.

"This is why I don't like smart people……."

Bi Ryuyeon grumbled briefly.

"Are you okay, Ryuyeon?"

Na Yerin asked. The tone of her voice was devoid of any emotion, but the mere fact that she asked was a huge deal.

"It's as good as it looks!"

With a light wave of her hand, she brushed the dust off her clothes. It was a very relaxed demeanor.

"By the way……."

Bi Ryuyeon turned to look at the retreating Grand Duke's group. Seven men and women trailed behind him like shadows. They looked like servants and maids in the king's service.

"That's a lot of different greetings, and I don't know how to respond."

Na Yerin was the only one who noticed those eyes, sharp as spears of stars behind her veiled hair.

Give back as much as you get.

Karma and self-inflicted wounds have always been his favorite words.

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