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Book 13 Chapter 11

A grand welcome

When they had passed through the three gateways and reached the top of the volcanic Tianmu Peak, the emotions that dominated their minds were not those of victory, but rather of intense defeat and despair.

They had always been confident in their own martial prowess, but they knew that when they were faced with a group of people with enough force to turn them into ping-pong balls, they would not win, but would suffer a one-sided defeat that would scar them for life.

"You mean that's the kind of monster we need to be prepared for?"

My shoulders shook despite my cold-hardened body.

They hated the people who showed them that horrible thing.

"Is it really human? Am I exaggerating too much?"

Hyun-woon looked at his best friend, Namgungsang. He was usually a cheerful person, but his complexion wasn't so good right now. He wasn't the only one. Almost everyone else who was walking along the road right now, including Qin Lie, was in a dour mood. A gloomy air enveloped the entire group.

"Probably not……. Too bad!"

Nangong shook his head. Of course, he wanted to deny what he had seen and heard today, but all things considered, that was highly unlikely.

"Anyway, we're not fighting him here, and I don't see the point in dwelling on a past that has yet to materialize. History tells us that he fled then, scarred beyond repair, so I'm sure he'll be fine."

It was also something he said to himself.

"If only……."

Despite my intentionally cheerful tone, the effect was not as spectacular as I thought it would be.

"Think about what's in front of you, and don't get too hung up on stories that you don't know when they're coming, and that are unlikely to come. It's just a fancy."


As they talked, before they knew it, they were standing at the entrance to the Hongmae Valley.

Finally, the delegates from the Tianmu Museum arrived at Hongmae Valley, the destination of the Volcano Covenant meeting.

It was a huge, calabash-shaped basin, but it was never cramped. Even with a dozen or so magnificent buildings built around it, it didn't feel cramped at all. From the cliffs surrounding it like a folding screen, small waterfalls cascaded down in all directions in a white spray. The spray from the waterfalls cascaded over the edge of the cliffs into another valley. The sound of the waterfall echoed softly in the valley.

Even more mysterious was the fact that the red plum blossoms were in full bloom even though it was still fall. Pink snowflakes seemed to be sprinkled on the graceful branches of the trees, like beautiful corn beckoning to the sky. They sometimes appeared to be dusted with sparkling carnelian powder.

Plum blossoms in full bloom, defying season and time, and a thick fragrance wafting from them. It was a mysterious and stunningly beautiful sight-some of the innkeepers were so impressed that they stole tears from their eyes-but for Yun Junho, it was enough to stun him.

It was out of season and the scent was faint, so I wasn't passing out yet, but I was feeling very dizzy. Oddly enough, I didn't break out in hives. Normally, this never happens to me……. I wondered what was going on, even to myself. But I was still dizzy.

I hurriedly checked my acupuncture points and blocked my sense of smell. It was a spleen (?) method taught to him by his master, but he couldn't avoid the psychological effects. The plum blossoms that filled his vision made him dizzy.

I was like, "Oh my God, I've been to all these places.


Mo Yonghui stopped walking and looked around. He wasn't the only one. Everyone in the delegation had stopped walking, each clutching their weapons in one hand and scanning their surroundings.


I'm sure everyone felt the same way.

Namgung and Hyun-woon exchanged glances.

'One, two, three, four…….'

Do the math silently in your head.


Namgung shakes his head.


While everyone was demonstrating, they realized that there was one person who wasn't joining in on the fun and was ambushing them, killing them. Stealthy and dangerous. It was clear that he was quite skilled. But the Southern Palace Master didn't miss the slightest hint.

His senses had been sharpened by the intense training of Bi Ryuyeon and Yun Che.

"How rude!"

Binggum said, his face expressionless. Then the twisted corners of Yeomdo's mouth twitched.

"That's quite a welcome!"

I already knew the source of this cobwebbed life, and I knew what was causing it.

The battle of momentum, a kind of test, has already begun. The loser of this tug of war will be a puppy with a tail. Prestige is on the line. The one who walked first. There was no backing down.


Jang Hong ponders in a quiet voice.

"What an exhilarating welcome! What is goodwill……."

A grand welcome ceremony! It's obvious that they cared! When they finally set foot in Hongmaegok, the first greeting was not a bad one.

"Sounds like fun."

Bi Ryuyeon smiled wryly.

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discord ko-fi