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Book 12 Chapter 7

The Passion of the Bisamagun Mosarimon

"How already? "

The marshal was horrified. Suddenly, from the bottom of the canyon, one of them shouted out

He's suddenly in front of himself.

She hadn't expected such a long distance to be closed so quickly. Just then, a black-cloaked figure who appeared to be a member of the Twelve Blood Horsemen stood in front of her, a spear crossed in each hand. He pointed the sharpened tip of the spear at her face and shouted.

"Stop! I promote bloodletting……."

"Get out of the way, you're in the way! "


Ryuyeon's courage was virtually gone, and before he could even finish his lines, Ryuyeon's wildly swinging fist struck him in the left side of the face. He flew into an old tree off to his right, unconscious, his back arched like a shrimp, his head pointed at the ground, and he fell artfully to the ground. He was already halfway between life and death, the whites of his eyes rolled back in his head and a bubble in his mouth. He had cut his own life short by trying to look good for his mother.

But such trivialities were not on her mind at the moment. They were just a fly in the ointment, tangled up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Right now, his entire attention was focused on one thing.

'Bloodletting so simple!

Mo Shaolin's eyes grew wary as he looked at the ridiculously out-of-place spear. Even he was not confident that he could defeat the spear master so easily.

"Is it yours?"

Gazes like shards of blazing sun flew toward him.

"Who the hell are you, and do you have a name to reveal?"

"I don't remember having an insignificant name to teach a beggar!"

"Shiver, huh?

Mo Shaolin was dumbfounded, and so was he. He'd never been labeled a "shiverer" in his life. Not even when he was sent to the Great Lake. No one with a pulpit could dare to call him a trembler when he stood in front of thousands of vipers.

"You're so cocky!"

His face turned an earthy color and his eyes burned red with hatred. His face was red with rage, and he held the Mansa Plasma high in the air, reminiscent of a snake stalking its prey, coiling for a deadly strike.

"You have come to die, and I will grant you your wish!"

He began to hiss and speak like a snake. It was a terrible transformation that made people tremble with fear. After living among snakes for hundreds of years, he had assimilated their energy.

But Bi Ryuyeon was unperturbed. Rather, he was overwhelming her with his strength. Losing the battle of momentum, Mo Shaolin could only talk the talk, not do anything. Intimidated by Ryuyeon's murderous gaze, he took a step back.

That's when Bi Ryuyeon spoke up in a commanding voice.

"You have committed three sins!"

Mo Shaolin didn't say anything, just glared at Bi Ryuyeon.

"First, for letting loose a whole bunch of nasty snakes in my path!"

Bi Ryuyeon took another step forward, and Mosaic took another step back as if to keep pace.

"Second, you heinously targeted my Yerin's life, putting her in danger of death!"

Well, no one ever said Irene was yours……. There must be some misunderstanding.

"Thirdly, and finally, they have useless eyes that do not recognize those stronger than themselves."

As she took the third and final step, she declared.

One step, two steps, three steps.

Slowly approaching, Bi Ryuyeon looked like a messenger of death to Mo Shaolin, who had already been knocked off his feet before the fight began. But he quickly recovered himself.

"Wait, did I freeze up for a second? What am I doing with a kid in front of me?

For a moment, it was clear that I was mesmerized by something grotesque and ugly. He hadn't been thinking straight. He finally regained his senses and looked at Bi Ryuyeon. By now, this brat had already gotten to him.

But the whole thing was hollow for all its rhetoric.

"Are you done talking, child?"

Mosaic Lord said in a voice filled with years of experience. Bi Ryuyeon snapped her fingers once more.

"You committed one more sin by saying that. Well, it's a bother, so let's call it a day."

"Well, then, I'm not worthy to die, so go ahead and die!"

A light flashed in his eyes, reminiscent of a vicious snake. At that moment, the ground beneath Bi Ryuyeon's feet turned black and began to wriggle.


At that moment, the black earth rose up like a wave, swallowing Bi Ryuyeon in one fell swoop. What he thought was the moving ground was actually a swarm of hundreds of snakes.

Even the amulets of the Muklin Blood Network were useless at this point. They were under the control of a force so powerful that they had no fear of it.

"Kehehehehehe! How's this for a jizo of yours, Bisama-kun? Dissolve in poison and become a handful of blood as a reward for disrespecting the old man in it! Kahahahahahaha!"

If non-photography was an attack from the sky, geophotography was an attack from the ground. Until now, no one had survived this unjust attack. A hundred years ago, during the Heavenly Blood Tax, it had sent the five elders of the Zongnan Sect to the other world in a handful of blood.

Only when she was sure that Bi Ryuyeon was completely possessed by the jisajin could she feel a sense of release from the fear that had bound her like a web.

"Kahahaha! K-ha-ha-ha-ha! K-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!"

A triumphant, triumphant laugh burst from Mosaic's mouth as he turned to leave the snake-like mass of black rock behind him, completely enveloped in ebony, but it didn't last long.

"Are you done laughing?"

To her, it sounded like a voice coming from the beyond, through a crack in the gates of hell. At that moment, her laughter stopped like a lie. His head snapped back so roughly that he wondered if it had been ripped off.

The deadly siege of Jisan remained unchanged, but the sharp eyes of the marshal soon spotted a discrepancy.

There was no movement.

The boulder that had wriggled like a living creature only moments before stood frozen in time. The blood in her veins seemed to freeze, and an eerie chill ran down her spine.


At that moment, a slender silver beam of light sliced through the black curtain like moonlight through the darkness of night.

Flying Sword Misunderstanding

Sword Qi

Chapter of the Silver Sword Fighter

Silver Wind (銀閃風)


It could have been a blade of starlight, shredding the veil of darkness. Blood dripped, and flesh turned to hail. Amidst the hailstorm of blood, Bi Ryuyeon stood silently fluttering the hem of her robe, her face nonchalant as if nothing had happened.

A brilliant silver flash of wind blew around Bi Ryuyeon. The silver wind sliced through everything without a second thought. The vipers were no exception.

"This…, this is stupid. Uh, how did this happen…, how did this happen……."

The marshal was stunned by the nightmarish realization.

"So this adds up to five sins you've committed, and now you're too guilty to be atoned for by death. Alas, your comfortable death is withheld."

Bi Ryuyeon's voice was still low, quiet, and calm, but to Mo Shaolin, it was already a recitation of the King's verdict.

"ugh, ugh, ugh……."

He stumbled backwards, startled by the momentum of the approaching Bi Ryuyeon, who reeked of death like a grim reaper, forgetting that his back was to the cliff. Ten steps were too many for him to realize that there was nowhere to retreat to.

The dirt and sand that bit into his heels made a small 'pussh' sound as he fell off the cliff. I hadn't felt such intense fear in my life since I met him.


Just then, an anguished scream erupted from beneath the thunderclap. It was a different kind of scream than the one before, one that seemed to shatter stone, but the despair, horror, and heartbreak in it was incomparable. It was a scream that Bi Ryuyeon had never heard before, but she knew who it belonged to.

It was the scream of the binary theory.

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