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Book 12 Chapter 4

In the middle of a non-photo

- Groundskeepers afraid of snakes

"You're going to tie our hands first!"

In the midst of all this chaos, Bingum's voice remained calm as he said

I didn't miss a beat.

For now, it's clear that the enemy, for whatever reason, wants to slow them down. They also want to humble themselves and reduce their power.

And just as they intended, their steps were being perfectly blocked by this mountain.

"They already knew we were coming this way!"

"You knew?"

Yeomdo yelped in surprise.

"That's right. Otherwise, you wouldn't have gotten such a grand welcome."

"Who the hell?"

"That doesn't matter now. It will matter when this fight is over. This was our mistake, our lack of caution. It's no one else's fault but our own for failing to scout the terrain beforehand, even though it's ripe for ambush, and we deserved it, don't you think?"

Bing'er's words were a sarcastic jab at the man who had interrupted her preliminary scouting instructions. Each word was like a stab in the back of his heart. The red-haired man could only shudder and tremble, mute as a honeyed mute.

"Oh, who'd want to be ambushed in a place like that? Isn't that a bit of a waste of time? It's okay, it's okay, I'll take care of it, I'll take care of it, I'll take care of it, so let's just go!

Why did I do that? Yeomdo berated himself inwardly, pounding his head in frustration. He was furious, but he had no words to reply to Bing's words. His complexion flushed red with anger and shame.

"I want you to take responsibility for your words!"

It would have been easy to forget, but Binggum's face was filled with the determination to never forget, even if it meant dying.


This time, too, Yin was unable to offer any rebuttal; he could only let out a mental scream.

"Holy shit, I'm screwed!

It was a fatal mistake, one that could not be undone.

He loved snakes, as beggars in the open are wont to do, and whether they were venomous or non-venomous, water or flower snakes, or even lizards, he had the kindness (disguised as appetite) to love them without discrimination.

Grilled snake was one of Open's top two favorite foods, along with hot pot with a dog bath, so there was no reason for him to dislike it, but today he felt a powerful sense of urgency that his top two favorite foods might turn into his top one.

A strong, fishy odor that stings the tip of your nose, and toxic white teeth that clench everywhere. They seemed to be bragging about their teeth-bleaching status, and to be honest, it wasn't cute at all. This was not it.

He wasn't alone in feeling this way. For Dang Chul-young, a direct descendant of Sichuan's Dang Mun, who is nowadays more commonly known as Dang Ginseng than his real name, venomous snakes were familiar pets, along with poisonous insects such as poisonous scorpions, poisonous centipedes, and poisonous spiders.

They were very valuable donors, always providing a daily dose of poison for themselves and their families. Whether it was voluntary or coerced is not the point here.

From social media, with a woman who had the audacity to claim to be his sister (an opinion that would have made Tang Wenhye cringe if she had heard it), and with the Tang family's children, he had touched every kind of snake he could name like a roadside pebble. Of course, they were all venomous snakes. In Tang circles, a venomous snake was a useless "why were you born?" creature.

Among the Tang family's many poison collection sites was a specialized snake farm, which was a required part of the training for Tang bloodline descendants.

A story about a child of the venomous master of the Sichuan Dangmen trembling in fear of a poisonous snake would probably elicit no more than a passing snort from Kang Ho.

But today, for the first time in his life, he realized that these scaly cuties were terrible. If there were a billion of them…, if they became too numerous to count, that could happen! He felt like he had learned a new lesson today.

He turned his head to look at Tang Wenhye, who was still in the middle of her sister's fight. The tomboy, who was said to have a heart of iron, seemed to agree with him, but instead of answering him, her face turned pale.

Then it dawned on him that he had been taught during his education that there had once been a man who had the ability to manipulate photographs (蛇陣) on such a horrifyingly large scale at will. It was like being struck by lightning.

'You idiot, why didn't I think of him, that infamous freak!'

Suddenly, a chill ran down my spine.

"Holy shit, now I remember. It's been there before, you fucking old man with your shitty syntax!"

A shout came out of Yeomdo's mouth. Anyone would feel the same way if they were faced with such a shitty situation.


Binggum nodded.

I should have seen it coming from the moment the snake dropped out of the sky with such impudence. There was only one other person in the entire warlorddom who could run such a large-scale photography operation.

Bisamagun (Flying Demon Lord)!

Two people shouted at the same time.

"You mean that monster was still alive when I thought it was already dead?"

Binggum questioned. He hadn't been seen or heard from in a hundred years.

"Why are you asking me that? "

Yeomdo replied bluntly.

"That was more than a hundred years ago, and the famous story of how you turned three hundred of your own troops into snake food overnight was during the Great Blood Tax. I've never heard of anyone surviving the great bloodbath of the Sunblood Sea."

I couldn't believe it either.

"If it's not him, it's his successor. But you're too good for that. But if it's really you……."

If so, they were very troublesome opponents, but they weren't weaklings who cowered at the mere mention of the name.

"What should I do?"

"What the hell, I've got to get his slippery little head out of the snake's den, and there's no point in dealing with this endless stream of them, is there?"

Binggum asked, arching an eyebrow slightly.


"Leave it to me! "

Yeomdo patted his chest and answered confidently, causing Bing'er to feel unnecessarily uneasy in her seat.

"Hey, you cowardly snake-eating old man! Stop hiding like a mouse and come out! I'll roast your body to a golden brown today!"

Yeomdo shouted for the canyon to leave. His voice carried well through the canyon.

"Wasn't it the Bisama Army?"

Binggum kindly corrected the name. Apparently, a hundred years ago, they had called themselves the Bisashin Army, but to the White Daoists, they were only the Bisama Army.

"What's a Bisamagun? He's just a snake charmer! An old man raising snakes in a poultry farm, what's he doing in the river? I thought he'd stay in the mountains and slay snakes, but instead he's picking pumpkin seeds out of his backside! What's the point of a fancy title like that? Maybe a mazoku would be more appropriate. A Bisamagun? Ohhh, this is surprisingly good."

He nodded, admiring his own wit. Bisamazole! No matter how many times he thought about it, it stuck with him.

"Hey, Bisamazole, where are you hiding, let me see your face! Hey, Bisamazo-o-ol, the snake man!"

He couldn't stop shouting, which of course reached the ears of the Bisama army's Mosaic commander, who was stalking the snakes in the canyon.

"You…, you rip-off!"

Mo Sailing gnashed his teeth. How dare he think of himself as a pawn! He hadn't seen such a lowlife in a hundred years.

'A hundred years of seclusion is too long for a freak of nature. The hierarchy of the Jiang Clan has fallen to the ground.

No one in the last hundred years has ever dared to be so arrogant and disrespectful in his presence.

"That's enough! One prank is enough. What are you going to do by provoking the enemy?"

Binggum stepped in to stop the rant.

"Phew! You may be afraid, but I'm not afraid at all. If he appears before me in response to my provocation, he will have to realize that this is his day of sacrifice. He's just a simple snake charmer, Bisamazole, and he doesn't deserve it, driving around snakes. Hey, snake charmer, where are you? Are you afraid to come out? If you're not afraid of your dharma, come out quickly, Bisamazole!"

Each word spat out with such intensity, it was as if it was meant for him to hear. Binggum didn't want to waste any more energy arguing, so he just gave up.

"Do as you please!

I'm over forty years old, and I'm still doing things like a snotty little kid and a stupid saltiness.

'Where did I put all those years of age…….'

However, despite the inner workings of the ice sword, Yi Dao's taunt was too effective. Even a hundred years of cultivation was useless against such a blunt provocation.

"Yikes, that…, that…, that…, that…, that…, that…, that…, that…, that…, that…, that…, that…, that…, that…, that…, that…"

The canister burst open and the lid swung with all its might, sending the entire reserve serpent army flying down the canyon.

"Not a single one shall survive. Kahahahaha!"

The snakes had originally been left around him to carry out orders that they were not to be exterminated, rather than to conserve power, but in his furious gray brain, the orders of his superiors had already gone out the window.

"Gah! Gah! Gah! Gah! Gah! Go away! Go away! Go away! Won't you go away?"

The piercing screams of the Mach force continued unabated. It was an almost murderous auditory assault.

"Oh, no!"

Long Tianming shook his head, cursing his delicate ears. How could things be so different? The secret mysteries that enveloped the world were truly amazing. While mesmerized by the mysteries of the world, Long Tianming sensed a sudden change in the situation.

Why did the number of snakes suddenly increase dramatically? Long Tianming couldn't figure it out. He had already given up counting, and there was still no end in sight……. It was as if he was facing an infinite number of waves on the beach.

"What are you thinking…, bam! What are you thinking…, bam!"

But that didn't mean the snakes stopped attacking at that moment. They weren't kind enough to set aside time for a question-and-answer session.

For a moment, Long Tianming alternated between looking at Mach and the void. It was as if he was searching for any trace of the voices that had passed through there in the past. After a few times, Long Tianming shook his head in disbelief.

"How can you be so wrong with the same scream……. God wasn't fair, how sad!"

He sighed and muttered, and she never missed it. Something was very much on her mind, a thorn in her side.

"Did you just say…, clunk! What…, clunk! Did you just say…, clunk!"

Feeling an instinctive sense of discomfort and displeasure (which she did feel, but couldn't explain why), the Maharishi asked nervously, her sword still murderously violent.

"Oh…, I didn't say anything. I didn't! You must have misheard me."

For a moment, Long Tianming's heart fluttered in his chest, but then he put on his best face and spoke calmly. It's times like these that he realizes just how good and useful the Golden Immovable Core, one of the 72 Shaolin techniques, is.

'I can regain my composure in an instant, no matter what the situation!'

Even as he wielded his sword, Long Tianming was deeply grateful for the Buddha's grace and his master's teachings. Looking at Yong Tianming, who was united in his heart, Maha Ling still had a gleam of suspicion in her eye that was sharpened by the intuition of a piercing woman.

Yong Tianmei's base in dealing with this crisis was admirable; instead of making lame excuses, he used the simplest and most straightforward actions to get out of this dangerous situation.

"MaSojae? Are you okay? Be careful!"

He simply pointed nonchalantly at the back of her foot with the index finger of his left hand, and that was enough for her to look past. Maharishi's gaze slowly traveled along the serious-looking fingertip, and when it reached the point, her eyes widened in horror.

While she was distracted, a viper had crawled to within inches of her heels. As if all it needed to do was bite, the viper stuck out its red tongue and flashed its razor-sharp venomous teeth with gusto.


Once again, a sharp, nervous, masturbatory scream echoed through the narrow valley, echoing in countless echoes, as if a lightning bolt were about to strike.

"Die, die, die, die!"

Whirr, whirr, whirr! Pavabat!

Maharishi's dao swung like a gust of wind, and a thin spray of blood rose around her. The torn corpses of the vipers plummeted to the ground. Her retribution for the creatures that had brought her such disgust was brutal.

"You're right, you're wrong!"

Long Tianming nodded once more.

"Fuck you!"

The scorching heat accompanied by harsh yelling!

Blah blah blah!

Heat rushed to Yong Tianming's face as he slashed at the eager vipers. Beyond him, Yeomdo wielded a red flame, intent on turning the snakes into a collective roast. With each sweep of his powerful hand, waves of flame surged through the pottery, engulfing his son-in-law. The heat was so intense that it seemed as if nothing but blackened ash would remain.

"By the way, ……."


Binggum, who had been watching Yeomdo's grilling skills for a while, replied nonchalantly.

"Where is your master?"

Binggum frowned lightly as the group cremation of dozens of snakes began.

"You have a way with words! "


"You make it sound like you're my 'master' and not yours!"

At Binggum's retort, which sounded quite displeased, one cheek twitched with a rough red beard. His teeth were bared.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, Sa-je, that's not a very good habit to have, especially with a 'grandchild'!"

'Priests,' said Yeomdo, emphasizing the latter word uncharacteristically. This time, Iceblade's blue-white eyebrows twitched. An icy cold gaze stared directly at Yeomdo.

"I'm sure you're off somewhere, wandering about as usual. You, who've been around for 'a while' and 'a long time,' and who've lived your life with your hands and feet, know better than I do, don't you?"

Iceblade replied in a cold voice that sent a chill through the air. Fierce sparks flew between them. They didn't care about Bi Ryuyeon's whereabouts now; it was already the last thing on their minds.

Bi Ryuyeon was not as idle as the two older students thought; he was quite busy at the moment. For one thing, he had to deal with a man who was charging at him with such fervor that he seemed intent on tearing him apart.


Shhhh! Shhhh!

Thick, black chains slashed through the air, cutting through the wind. With bloodshot eyes, the Tenth Master of the Twelve Blood Horsemen swung the two strands of iron chain in rapid succession with a maddening momentum, but Bi Ryuyeon was a shapeless mirage of mist in the first place, unwilling to allow them to even touch.

Never before had he felt so helpless as he did today, even with his honed martial arts skills to strike eight chains simultaneously. As each chain he swung missed, the terror that had settled in his heart like a vengeance grew more and more intense. His teeth clattered and his thighs buckled, but there was nowhere to retreat.

"We must stop this!

If left unchecked, he could risk the collapse of the entire chain-link citadel. He steeled his resolve and raised a thick, hard black chain that seemed impenetrable to any sharp edge. True to his name, his weapon was also an inky black iron chain.

The collapse of the Djinn had to be prevented at all costs.


He roared in anger, swinging his hands like windmills, and two strands of chain flew toward Bi Ryuyeon, writhing like a raging dragon. It was the Old Dragon Shredding, the pinnacle of his poisonous martial art, the Blood Shredding Technique.

The black iron chain whizzed through the wind, threatening to reduce Bi Ryuyeon to a bloody mess in an instant. However, Bi Ryuyeon's body flickered, and the two strands of the old dragon tore through the air, leaving only a trace of him in their wake.


Bloodchain's eyes widened.

"Uh…, where are you, where are you!

Bi Ryuyeon hovered in midair, and in his hand he held an unmarked wheel that he had picked up at some point. Unlike the black wheel, its white teeth shone sharply in the sunlight.


Then Bi Ryuyeon's right foot kicked Bi Chaolun in midair.


It cut through the atmosphere with a terrifying speed that no arrow could match.



The chain, stained red with blood, fell to the floor.


Twelve light rings shot out of Bi Ryuyeon's body with terrifying force. It was a long-unused flying ring, and he had applied the aura of the Thunderbolt Dao to it. Its effectiveness and power were incredible. Even if the Iron Fence Flame Qin Zhaoyun were to revive and throw them, it would be difficult for them to produce such power.

They moved with the agility and swiftness of lively snakes with a wisdom of their own, slashing through the undergrowth, screaming incessantly with red blood as they followed the trajectory of the passing flashes.

This blow was the beginning of the collapse of the siege ambush of the Twelve Blood Horsemen.

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