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Book 12 Chapter 2

A feast for the non-cancerous!

- Triggers Deathblow (飛蛇陣)

"The bloodbow is dead."

Bloodblade reported, his face as hard as stone.

"…, I can't believe it."

The red blood was silent. They say there is no victory without a price, and he was not unaware of that, but… sometimes it takes the sacrifice of one to gain the other, and they had not yet achieved any. Of course, some sacrifice had already been made, but they hadn't expected it to be at the level of a general.

"I'm surprised they've survived that much damage so far. We've already lost a bloodbow, and they haven't lost anything yet……."

Redblood finally made up his mind, and slowly turned away. Embarrassed, he realized he would have to ask them for help.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I'm afraid we're going to have to have a seamstress step in."

I immediately heard a voice that sounded flat and yet somehow deep.

"I see! "

Among the three old men who had been silently watching the situation unfold from the back, the green-robed old man took a step forward and nodded. The old man's body was as thin as a dry twig, his face as strong as a goat's, and his two long, slit eyes as sharp as a viper's.

The ghastly glow from his creepy sockets made it seem strange that his entire body was devoid of normal scales. And his thin, long, pale gray lips, split in two by a crimson tongue, gave off a creepy vibe.

This rust-colored old man was one of the three vigilantes assigned to the operation, the Flying God Army.

"I thought I didn't need a cattle prod to catch chickens, but……. It's a hassle."

"Heh, heh, heh, it's okay, it's okay, never mind. It's all for him, isn't it, and it's a small price to pay. Heh, heh, heh, heh, I've been waiting to see when you'd call on the old man like a new poem the first night. You have no idea how anxious I've been to get this rusty old bundle of bones greased up and ready to go. Leave it to me."

In his right hand, as he ranted and raved about the monstrous bull, he held a serpentine saber in the shape of a snake. This was his poisonous weapon, the Mansa Blood Plasma, forged from a red gemstone as gaudy in color as the venomous fluid in the snake's eyes.

With one swipe of the All-Seeing Spirit, thousands of snakes obey his every command. All of them are venomous snakes with a powerful venom that can subdue a bull in an instant.

"Okay, my darlings, it's feast time! "


Easy profit!

A sharp whistling sound echoed through the air as he ferociously wielded the Mansa Plasma, a sickening smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

As if on cue, the ground around the monastery began to shudder in blackness. A creepy hissing sound echoed sharply and high in the black waves. It was the sound of thousands of snakes singing in chorus at the same time.

The wriggles and cries quickly spread in all directions, like ripples on a beach. As if in response, a hissing sound came from the other side of the canyon.

Bloodblade frowned involuntarily. It had always been a grotesque sight to behold. He was confident that his courage and guts could match anyone's, but the sight of a feast of thousands of snakes made the hairs on his body stand up in unison.


Hundreds of snakes slithered out of the black waves and flew down the canyon without hesitation. The sky above the canyon was instantly filled with the shadows of the black snakes. The Flying Serpent, one of the Absolute Flying Spirits of the Flying Serpent Army, had been activated.

By this time, Bi Ryuyeon had just practiced the techniques of the Feng Mu Rong Tian, swinging like a tightrope acrobat over the bars and soaring over the sheer cliff like a phoenix in flight.

It was at this point that Na Yerin's screams rang out.

Trapped on one side of the Iron Chained Spirit Realm, swinging his sword relentlessly against the fickle weather(?), Long Tianming flinched for a moment when he suddenly heard a woman's cry.

To whom is this beauty directed, like heavenly instruments coming together in harmony? Even though I didn't intend to, I suddenly felt a surge of infinite envy and jealousy toward the object.

I even had an absurdly disturbing thought: "How many of the monks on Mount Songshan would break away for the sake of the owner of that crystal-clear, pleading voice?

There are many who would gladly forsake their triumphs for her, if they could obtain her, or even the slightest possibility of obtaining her.

The fact that they hadn't seen her was the best of fortune and the worst of misfortune for those who were practicing at Shaolin Temple.

Contradictory as it may seem, it was certainly a misfortune not to see her with their own eyes, so beautiful that even the heavens envied her. But since they did not see her, they were happy, for they were not tempted by lust and tormented by suffering, and could concentrate on their training. He knew only too well how many had fallen prey to her unintentional temptations.

When Yong Tian Ming himself first saw Na Yerin, he had to use his most powerful mind technique, the Gold Immovable Heart Technique, to suppress his unconsciously rising lust, and even more so, he had to recite the Dharani Sutra from beginning to end without stopping. Only then was he able to escape the temptation of the lust-filled delirium and attain equanimity.

If his own practice had been more modest at the time, it would not have been so difficult for him to accomplish the feats of the ten-year student Dorje Amitabha.

"I'd been in the shadows for so long that I wasn't immune to reason.

That was it.


At the very moment Yong Tianming was briefly reminiscing about the past, a nervous scream, with a completely different tone than the one that had led him to the past a moment ago, tore through the air, echoing sharply within the cracked canyon.

It was the kind of scream that gives you the creeps, the kind that makes you wonder if your eardrums are about to explode.

Long Tianming covered and uncovered his ears for a moment, looking up the slopes of the canyon on both sides with a weary gaze, his eyes filled with seriousness as always.


After a moment, he nodded in satisfaction.

"Well, it's not going to fall apart."


The whirling spokes descended with ferocious momentum, sharp teeth flashing. It would only be a matter of time before the windswept white blades were caught in their frenzied spin, tearing the flabby bodies of men to shreds like rags.

Bi Ryuyeon's response was as exquisite as a tightrope walker's. With a quick kick of his right foot, he used the momentum to leap over the brutal teeth with the lightness of a bird's feather.

Na Yerin's worried cries came from far below. Bi Ryuyeon's ears perked up. Suddenly, she felt refreshed. In her mind, she wanted to wave her hand and giggle, telling her not to worry, but the irritatingly short-tempered men above her wouldn't let her.

Dozens and dozens of arrows flew toward him with a rippling sound. Bi Ryuyeon had no intention of becoming their practice target, so he stomped his right foot once more, and his hands swung gently.

Half a dozen arrows dropped like flies swatted away by Bi Ryuyeon's touch, and all the rest fluttered senselessly through the air, unable to touch his tucks.

The members of the Blood Palace Group shuddered, "What a bunch of bastards! Bi Ryuyeon's steps were unyielding, and for a moment, the sky turned black and they fell like rainwater.

The unseen image of the Bisashin army had been triggered.

"What is this?

Unable to be bothered to use his hands anymore, Bi Ryuyeon raised his phoenix to its peak. A strong air current began to swirl around him, centered on his body. The instantaneous wind shield never allowed the vipers to approach.

Severed snakes fell to the ground on the hoodoo bank, cut apart by the sharp blade of the wind.

"What is that?"

The eyes of the men of the Tenth Battalion in charge of the cordoned-off wedding party widened. A pale shadow, presumably human, had suddenly appeared in front of them like a ghost in the middle of a cleft canyon.

Birds and humans are different species, even though they are the same two-legged beasts, and the new method she showed was almost a miracle.

"Hi! "

Bi Ryuyeon waved back, and the one thousand and seventy-one, who had been in charge of the chains he rode up on, waved back in return. At that moment, a silver flash flashed from Bi Ryuyeon's left hand.

It was the last light he saw in this world.

'"You…, you…, you…, you…, you…, you…, you…, you…, you…, you…, you…, you…, you…, you…, you!'

After staring blankly at their comrade's untimely demise, the ten men of the Tenth came to their senses and surrounded him from all sides with their iron chains, a poisonous weapon of the Tenth.

Conversation was pointless in this situation.

"Who are you?", "Who are you?", "How old are you?", "What are your age and affiliation?", "Are your parents well?", "Do you have a pretty sister or brother? I might spare your life if you introduce me to them…….", and so on, were as useless to them as dog feces on the street.

When the Ten Roads Iron Chain Earthquake was activated, the air-splitting sound of the Qian Taili Earthquake, the eight directions of the Seng Gam Gan Gong, and the ten directions combined up and down, accompanied by the "cha-ching" silent chains, flew out. It was as if they wanted to bind him at once from all ten directions and then crush him to death with the silent chains.

"Do they think I'm a standing log?

As soon as she realized that, she decided to prove to herself that she wasn't a scarecrow or a wooden figure standing as stiff as a log.


The ten-stranded chain hissed like a poisoned black snake, wrapping around Bi Ryuyeon's body like a condemned prisoner.


Astonishment erupted simultaneously from the mouths of ten people, their faces suddenly pinched, as if it were a promise.

There were none.

He was not where he ought to have been, suffering the bones of his whole body to be shattered by the punishment of ten unacknowledged strands of iron.

All that remained was a tangled mass of chains, ten strands of iron, floating in the sinking ochre dust. Ten eyes turned simultaneously to the void, and they saw. No, they felt they saw.

The sun burned the white clouds to a golden glow, and though their eyes could not see it, their subconscious certainly saw it. The smile of the grim reaper with his back to the sun!


Shush, shush, shush!

At that moment, ten lances of light shot out from the brilliant sun, spitting out flashing flashes like sharp thorns. Shining like the power of the gods, the spears of light pierced through the hearts of the ten.

The ten bloodsuckers faced the last sun they had ever seen and stood still, like sunflowers craving light, like statues longing to cross the sky and reach the sun, never to breathe again.

"Yes…, yes you!"

As ten of his men screamed to death before they could take a single breath, the Tenth Master of the Twelve Blood Horsemen gritted his teeth and glared hatefully at Bi Ryuyeon.

Like a descent from the sun, Bi Ryuyeon's gaze met the searing, venomous eyes of the Throbbing Blood Chain head-on. Words were a waste of time.

It's a close call!

That was it.


A scream that could have crushed a handful of boulders to dust echoed from the bottom of the gaping canyon, where the mist hadn't yet settled. The echoes from the narrow canyon made it all the more eerie to hear from above.

The tail of Bi Ryuyeon's eye twitched for a moment.

"That's loud!"

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discord ko-fi