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Book 12 Chapter 14

Dog Runaway Case

"Abu! Abu!"

One of the children ran over and tugged on his father's pants.

It was pretty gruesome to see droplets of water in both of his eyes.

"Why? What's going on? "

"We're in trouble, we're in trouble, our old dog has run away."

"What! Why is he running away when he's already been gone for a year? Did he realize it's his turn next year? There's no way an old bastard would cheat on his wife with a chick…, pfft!"

The man's thoughts were interrupted by a strong tug that broke his waist dance.

"Abu! Abu!"

Again the child tugged at his father's pants. The father shouted.

"Pull, pull, pull. Inum, why are you clinging to me so tightly? You're going to pull my pants off."

The man called Abuji listened to his son's words with a sullen expression on his face.

"Nogu, Nogu, Nogu, hurry up and find him!"

"How am I supposed to find a runaway of his own accord? He must have fallen into some hungry beggar's pot while passing by."

The man said, releasing his son's clenched hand.

"Aaahhh, Nogu, hurry up and find me Nogu!"

The boss was at a loss as to how to refuse his son's tearful request.

"Okay, okay, okay! Okay, okay, please cry your eyes out, my pants are not a rag, inum!"

Desperate to find his son, the father organizes a search for Nogu, but no matter how hard they scour the village, Nogu's whereabouts remain elusive. While searching, he encountered some suspicious-looking martial artists, but the man quickly dismissed his suspicions.

'There's no way those people dressed up like that would have done something like that……. Look at that old man in white at the head of the line, he looks so noble and dignified, he could never have done such a thing, not with cancer.'

Moreover, each of them wore a weapon. There was no way they would have the courage to speak to an ordinary villager. The group of martial artists he'd witnessed stalked out of the village with stony faces. The man watched curiously for a moment before resuming his search.

A small clearing a short distance from town. Binggum said with a stern face.

"Will this work?"

"It'll work out somehow."

Ryuyeon Bi replied.

"Chet, I wish there were more…, but it's only one!"

It's a shame, said Turo Yeomdo.

"What about the pot?"

"Gnosis has already saved the day."


"Sanssouci will come to the rescue."


Bi Ryuyeon nodded in satisfaction.

"The blood is replenished, the deficit is filled, and it tastes good, which is the best thing for patients!"

He smiles and gives a thumbs-up. Neither Yeomdo nor Bingum seemed to disagree.

"It's been a while since I've been nourished."

The Yeomdo was already making my mouth water in anticipation. He was already bored to death with the dry stuff, so it was understandable that he was eager to try something chewy with warm broth.

"That was a neat catch on that dog earlier."

"That's a lot of praise."

Binggum replied. Apparently, capturing food was Bing's official duty. One side was busy preparing food. He built a pedestal around a good-sized stone and hung the pot on it. Underneath, dry firewood was gathered and lit. Most of the work was done by the master craftsmen, whose movements were fluid and skillful, as if they had never done it before.

With a crackle, the flint finally caught fire. The water boiled for what seemed like forever.

Once we left this small settlement and crossed the pass, we were in volcanic territory. Our destination was now within reach.

Office of the Mighty Lord of the Black Isles, Black Heaven Clan.

The Black Sky Lord Gal Zhongtian was studying the two reports in front of him. To all appearances, he exuded the majesty of a mountain peak. The two eyes beneath his charcoal-black, strong brows contained the sharpness of a ten-thousand-times-cultivated sword. Right now, the two strands of foreknowledge were skimming over the report that had just been reported for payment.

One of them was the fact that the delegation from the Heavenly Pavilion had almost reached the volcano and was about to enter the safety of the Volcanic Sect, but when his gaze slid down past that section to read that the delegation had been defended all the way to the volcano, but had been attacked and taken casualties, his eyebrows shot upward in a surge of anger. And when he read the final phrase, 'The pursuit was unsuccessful,' his face contorted uncontrollably.

He closed his eyes for a moment, leaned back in his chair, and lapsed into a brief silence.

Will we ever catch them by the horns? Despite sending a secret tracker, I failed again. I had been careful and careful and careful and careful. A deep sigh of frustration escaped from the depths of his lungs.

Another report was that a blazing flash was seen on a mountain on the road to the volcano, accompanied by an explosion, after which the mountain burst into flames and burned for three days and three nights.

"Did a military powder keg go off, or did they accidentally set the acid on fire while experimenting with fire?"

Gunpowder was banned for use by great powers. Moreover, gunpowder was a top military secret. It was under the strict control of the government and was handled with great care, so it could not be taken out of the country. It was nothing special, but it was also something that could not be neglected. I also didn't like the fact that it was right on the way to a volcano. He picked up the next report, thinking he might need to investigate further.

Just then, the door to his office burst open and a middle-aged man rushed in from outside. The man was not an unwelcome visitor; he was a top-ranked military scholar who belonged to the Black Heavenly Brain, the top brains of the Black Heavenly League.

Gal Zhongchuan's brow creased slightly.

"Can you come in a little quieter, I'm going to knock the door off."

However, given how quickly he had come in, even the words of the Black Heavenly Martial Lord Gal Zhongtian didn't seem to reach him. The middle-aged man was now focusing all of his attention on catching his breath, panting hard enough to speak properly. The middle-aged man didn't even think to apologize for his rudeness.

"Falcon, my lord. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!"

What was the urgency of the matter, and why was he so fussed and distracted? Gal Zhongtian's frown deepened.

"What's all the fuss about?"

It was frowned upon. Those who stood above others were not to be easily swayed like others. He must always keep a cool head and keep things in perspective. If the leadership panicked, the organization would become a mere ragtag bunch.

He had always taught this lesson to the men under his command, and it was only natural that his displeasure level should rise at such a display of bewilderment. But the soldier kneeling before him, almost fainting, seemed to appreciate the fact.

Gal Zhongchuan had never seen a soldier so contemplative and perplexed. What could possibly shake the iron-walled glacier?

"Don't just gasp for air, say it properly. Otherwise, how am I supposed to know what's going on?"

Finally catching his breath, the man began to report urgently.

"What, what!"

Gal Zhongchuan jumped to his feet in horror. The rosewood chair tumbled backwards with a loud thud. Gal Zhongchuan was now doubting his ears.

"What did I just say? Say it again!"

By asking once more, it was easy to see how alarmed Gal Zhongchuan was. Asking again doesn't change anything, but the soldier repeats what he said.

"Yes, I report back. Tae, Tae, Lord Tae is missing."


Gal's reaction was more one of disbelief than outrage.

"Yes! City, missing."

"One person jokes about……."

I didn't say, "You have to cover it up.

"That's true."

"Such a fool!"



Another expensive table had died today. In his mind, the soldier silently weighed the cost of the table's life, which had just been solemnly sacrificed for the holy purpose of venting his anger.

"Here I go again, spending money on something I don't need.

As a financial advisor, he was highly sought after, but he didn't want to give such risky advice to a frenemy.

"Where the hell did you go, where did you go, this has never happened before……."

He was his father, but he could hardly be called a father. Even though he was the fierce master of the Black Heavenly Blind, Demon Lord Gal Zhonghyeok was just that to him. He didn't think anything bad had happened to him, and it wasn't an exaggeration to say that there was no one in the world who had the ability to harm him.

His father had been heartbroken for nearly two decades after his only opponent, Mu Xin Yuelin, had mysteriously disappeared forty years earlier, and one day, twenty years ago, he suddenly appeared depressed, drinking and grieving.

He had lost his opponent for today's martial arts debate forever. He could not understand his father's grief.

"He must have gone into hiding because he didn't like being around, for who could harm him unless he had a flesh and blood body? "

Worrying is futile, Gal Zhongchuan thought. No chariot could ever conquer his body. There was no need for force. A futile death, he believed, could not befall a man of his father's caliber. But his father shook his head.

"No, I don't. I have a feeling I'll never see him again and share a drink with him. I can feel it. That he's not in this world……."

His voice was full of conviction, but he still didn't believe it. No matter how heavenly his father's words were, they were not to be trusted.

"It's just a hunch! It's unconfirmed. If your father corrects you like this, what's wrong with him? Take heart."


The heavens of the Black Sea remained silent and did not answer, and on that day my father stepped down as Lord of the Black Sky and went into hiding. On the same day he became Lord of the Black Sky.

As far as he knew, his father, Gal Joong-hyuk, had never stepped out of his lair since that day. But a twenty-year absence without any notice or announcement……. He hoped it was nothing like that, but he couldn't help but feel a shadow of anxiety creeping over him.

"But what are you doing here?"

Gal Zhongchuan's gaze snapped from his thoughts to the soldiers.


The soldier replied with a sneer.

"I'm asking you why you're not going to find him and why you're standing here like a rag doll!"

A sharp flash of light flashed from his tiger-like eyes, and he burst into a rage.

"Release the men at once to inquire into your father's whereabouts!"

"Yes, yes!"

The soldiers scurried off at the sound of Gal Zhongtian's words. The Black Sky Martial Lord clicked his tongue and watched them flounder.

"Are you sure you're a runaway?"

No one was able to answer this question.

Deep in the Heart of the Temple of Heaven

The Grand Duke tore the report he was holding to shreds. The torn paper flew into the air like white petals. Thunderbolt Sword Dongfang dead, Lightning Sword Gongfang seriously wounded, Non-Sacred Army Captain Mosaic unaccounted for. Blood Chain, Blood Spear, and Blood Bow were killed.

It was a bitter loss, and a blow he hadn't expected. Qi Sahan's forehead was on the ground, shaking with remorse, but the Grand Duke didn't even glance at him.

But when the Grand Duke received the other report, his anger quickly turned to joy. It was a rare and marvelous sight to see such an outburst from the mouth of the Grand Duke, who was as cold and stoic as an icy hell.

"Hahahaha, is this report really true? "

"It is said to have brought Duke Gong to the brink of death, so it must be true."

Qi Sahan replied, his forehead still pressed against the stone floor.

"Good, good! If this is true, it's a treasure trove of achievements that can't be matched by any of the previous damage, for the obstacles that have been lurking and weighing us down have been wiped clean from the face of the earth, and now nothing can stop us, for the absence of one is the same as the absence of the other."

"He…, yes, now there is no one in this powerhouse who can stand in His way, and what a joy that is."

"But there are still a lot of eyesores, Chi military!"

The Grand Duke gently called out to Qi Shi Han. His anger was already almost gone.

"Yes, please."

Cold, icy blade-like eyes stared sharply into the deep darkness.

"Get ready, we're going directly to the volcano."


Qi Sahan replied, bowing in a manner that could not have been more polite.

Finally, he decided to make his own move.

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discord ko-fi