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Book 11 Chapter 6


One of the most surprising changes we've seen in recent years is the

He is able to engage in the sophisticated activity of thinking.

that it was showing.

Originally, Bi Ryuyeon didn't know what it was to be troubled. He hadn't been taught to take the world seriously on purpose. But nowadays, he had a problem, and it was also a suspicion.


She realized that she couldn't even count how many times this had happened to her. She wondered what was wrong with her, but she couldn't come up with a clear answer. Worry is a mental byproduct of the problem-solving process of finding a solution to a problem. Once the answer is found, the problem will naturally be solved.

On the path to the volcano since the group had left the Celestial Academy, Na Yerin had repeatedly avoided eye contact with him. Once or twice, he might have chalked it up to coincidence, but it seemed like dozens of times already. It was obviously deliberate.

It was the question of "why?" that bothered her. For some reason, it seemed like Na Yerin was trying to create distance between them. Her behavior was a far cry from the coldness of their first meeting. It was also a far cry from her gentle demeanor in the hall. But he couldn't quite put his finger on what it was.

Bi Ryuyeon was not one for detours to get answers, but there were too many distractions and obstacles around her to make a head-on attack. Ever since she had escaped from the Phantom Demon Cave, the light of caution in the Poisonous Demon's eyes had intensified. It was as if he was treating himself as an evil spirit, a disease-carrying ghost.

But she's not one to succumb to that kind of disability, so maybe she's just comfortable with the idea that a relationship is more dramatic with a little bit of disability. Of course, a relationship with so many different disabilities would be rare.

"Bingbai Peak Na Yerin is the idol of all our men, and to be a woman to any man would be a violation of language! It's against the laws of nature!" because there are a lot of men out there. For one thing, half the world's men were enemies, and that's before you count the black men and the few men of the same sex.

It was quite a risky and eventful love affair.

Ryuyeon was a master at calculating profits and losses, but he didn't know how to write long poems with beautiful, flowing sentences and win a woman's heart with his words and rhymes. It was a realm that even he, who prided himself on being an all-rounder, could not touch, did not want to touch, and did not want to get involved in.

That's why I couldn't help but wonder how to talk to Na Yerin, who had suddenly become cold to me, as if the cold wind was blowing like a bitter winter gale.

"I'd rather fight ten thousand enemies……. Damn, that's a terrible thing to do!"

Bi Ryuyeon pouted her mouth and grumbled, sincerely cursing the heavens. Na Yerin was less than three sheets away, but in her mind, the distance felt like more than a thousand sheets. Judging from the timing, it must have been after she had been called to her father's side for a one-on-one talk(?).

But was she aware of this? Although she was very curious about it, she decided not to find out; it would be wise, and not to mention good for her mental health.

"…I still don't know."

She decided to give up gracefully. To risk one's life trying to find an answer to something that is not solvable and for which there is no ready solution, no answer, no theory, no panacea, no formula, is in itself a waste of time and money.


Bi Ryuyeon quietly invoked the Southern Palace statue. The group was crossing the Nine Mountains on the border between Jiangxi Province, where Nanchang is now located, and Hubei Province, where Wudang Mountain is located.

"Yes, Big Brother!"

"What do you think you must do to win a woman's heart? "

Bi Ryuyeon's sudden question had caught him off guard. That was unexplored territory for him as well.

"Well, after all, isn't it best to win a lady's heart with the melody of beautiful language? "

"A horse's foot?"

She never once thought she was being pushed around by a horse. "Those who are outmatched by logic cannot win! You must be strong on your feet!" His master's words had stuck in his ears since he was a child. In his mind, it was hard to win anything if you're on your feet. If you lose a horse fight, you give the advantage to your opponent. Then you're stuck fighting at a disadvantage for the rest of your life. If you can't convince your opponent with logic, you can hardly call it a victory. However, even though the person who wins the argument is the winner, the loudest person doesn't always win the argument.

Of course, there are plenty of people in the world where logic doesn't work and fists do. And when words fail, when we feel we're at a verbal disadvantage, we sometimes turn to violence as a tool. In that case, we have no choice but to respond with our fists. However, this was obviously not the field Nan Gongsang was talking about. Perhaps Bi Ryuyeon was thinking of something wrong.

"I…, I mean, like, poetry or something."


The horse's tail rose long and high into the sky. Bi Ryuyeon's expression changed strangely. For a moment, Nangong Shang's heart sank.

"You've obviously been reading too many romance novels!"

Even if he had said, "It's your face and money that win a woman's heart," he wouldn't have made such a strange expression. Bi Ryuyeon suddenly wanted to stroke the head of the Southern Palace Master.


In fact, she didn't even know why she was called naïve; she had seen the old man of Chulhwa High School do it when she was younger, and she copied him.

"You must have a knack for poetry, since you say that, so why don't you write one!"

Bi Ryuyeon commanded the Southern Palace. It was a strong order, comparable to a military code where disobedience would not be tolerated.

"I…, I?"

This was an unexpected turn of events. Namgungsang was taken aback. Of course, he learned. As one of the eight great families of the Martial Arts, the Nan Gong family is not only concerned with martial arts, but also with the liberal arts of poetry, writing, art, and painting to a certain extent, so the basics were learned at an early age. However, poetry requires deconstructing, arranging, and combining language into rhyme and rhythm, so learning a little was not enough.

And Namgungsang could not, in good conscience, say that he was a good student of poetry.

"Yeah! You've got a big heart! What are you so upset about?"

"I…, I'm in a relationship…. We're not even officially married yet……."

Namgungsang blushed and replied in a voice as low as a mosquito's.

"I'm not responsible if you do that and someone steals it."

"That…, that harsh word……."

He quickly became the bane of the Southern Palace. Even as he grew stronger, he remained timid.

"After all, you said you had to write beautiful poetry to win a woman's heart."


Namgungsang's answer was as small as a mosquito.

"So you build it."

"That…, because……. You mean me?"

Namgungsang pointed a finger at his own face. The man with the complicated title of Master and Grandmaster nodded.

"You're not the only one here, are you? "

Apparently, there was nowhere else to run. After taking a moment to catch his breath, Namgungsang recited a poem. It was an act of great courage on his part, but courage alone does not guarantee a favorable outcome.

"You are my sun!

Alas, the world without you is a

Morning never comes

Long live the night!"

Nan Gongsheng recited the poem, trying out various postures with his eyes closed to recall the image and capture the emotion. With his eyes closed, however, he didn't notice that Bi Ryuyeon's face was strangely contorted. After spending a long time reciting the poem, Namgungsang opened his eyes and looked at Bi Ryuyeon. She simply chuckled.

Despite the ominousness in his smile, Namgungsang laughed along with him.

"You try it."

"What? I…, I? How dare I tell Na Yerin Sojae to……. I'm going to be beaten to death by that psychic, for God's sake, Big Brother, punish me!"

Namgungsang's voice quickly turned to a howl. He was in real distress. No, he wasn't in a hurry, he was terribly afraid of something.

'Tsk, tsk, your future is bright. I see it!'

The image of a distant future of the Namgung Prize, perhaps the first of its kind, flashed in his mind. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't imagine a different future for the Southern Palace.



Namgungsang winced and ruffled his hair.

"Tsk, tsk, you ugly bastard, who's going to recite a poem to Yerin? You wrote the poem, you should recite it to your master, why are you stealing from others?"

Bi Ryuyeon clicked her tongue and raised her fist to growl.

"Ryeo…, to the spirit medium?"

Bi Ryuyeon nodded vigorously. Namgungsang stood frozen in place.

"What, you're not confident? "

"No…, not really, but……."

"Then go ahead and do it, enforce it!"

At Bi Ryuyeon's urging, Nam Gung Sang took a few unwilling steps. Like a spectator, Bi Ryuyeon silently watched him struggle. He was taking heavy steps as if his feet were a thousand paces long. He looked like he didn't know in which millennium he would reach his beloved.

He looked a little pitiful as he strode toward the spirit standing in the distance, sweating profusely. But she had no heart for mercy now. It was her own fault for being such a slow learner in the relationship in the first place.

At last, Namgungsang and Qinling have met, and he says something to her. Qin Lie nods his head. It seems to be a sign of approval.

Finally, the showdown!

Nan Gongsang finally managed to force his tongue to form a combination of words that he was ashamed to call his own. His psychological embarrassment could be felt from afar. Qin Lie's face suddenly turned cold as he smiled faintly and quietly closed his eyes to admire the poem. Her already faint smile was no longer there, and the line between her eyebrows creased once.


At that moment, Qin Lie's elbow slammed into Nan Gongsheng's abdomen at a blinding speed, so fast that the people around him couldn't understand why Nan Gongsheng had suddenly clutched his stomach and folded his waist in half.


Bi Ryuyeon gulped.

"I should have hit him over the head with it."

She waited with some excitement, but alas, there was no separation. It seemed that she was still attached to him, not detached. There was only one word that came to his mind.

"Cause and effect!

Bi Ryuyeon's attention was no longer focused on the Southern Palace and the Qin Clan, and he slipped back into his own mental world.

"Tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch."

It was a punchline from a strange place. In fact, the shrimp folding at the South Palace was already planned. Bi Ryuyeon-yeon had learned gold ever since. Music and poetry were in sync, so even if she couldn't make it properly formal, she could hear and feel it.

You can't win a woman's heart with a few flimsy words, and it's almost foolish to think that it's possible. But there are plenty of men out there who are still trying to do it. And every once in a while, a number of success stories are reported. It's a sad reality.

His gaze shifted back to Na Yerin. For a moment, their gazes met. Then, again, for no apparent reason, Na Yerin's head jerked the other way.

'Is this what they call outwardness? Hmmmm…….'

Why was she so flustered whenever she ran into him? Bi Ryuyeon was a little troubled; the distance between him and her hadn't closed more than a certain distance since that day. It was obvious that she kept avoiding him.

Why? That was all he wanted to know right now, but the reason was that she had gone missing. All he knew was that her behavior was sudden, abrupt, and unexpected.

'Sure, but when was it good…….'

If you're this discouraged, you're not Biyou.

"Spirit medium……!"

In the distance, Gung Sang, who had been punched in the stomach, clutched his stomach and staggered forward, eagerly following Qin Lie's fast-paced pace. But Qin Lie didn't slow down at the South Palace Master's near-screaming call. In fact, it only made her run faster, and she never looked back.

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discord ko-fi