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Book 11 Chapter 19

A roundtable discussion with Ryu-yeon Bi and her crew

Bi Ryuyeon: Hi, I'm Bi Ryuyeon, and I'm very happy to be a regular reader again.

Jang Hong & Hyo Ryong : We're happy too.

Bi Ryuyeon: First of all, I must apologize to our readers.

About the typo in Book 10. Since book 10 came out, many readers have asked, "Why does the cube have 13 vertices?".

Jang Hong: There were a lot of them!

Effect: Mmmmm!

Bi Ryuyeon: I counted them too, but alas, it's not 13. The answer is 8. Black.

Jang Hong & Hyo Ryong : Of course!

Bi Ryuyeon: So why did this ridiculous mistake happen? Is it because the writer's math score was really bad? Is it because the writer was terrible at geometry?

Hyo Ryong: Probably.

Bi Ryuyeon: Then I'd like to introduce Mr. M, the writer, here for a moment. In order to respect his privacy, we will modulate the screen mosaic processing and voice, so please understand that.

Writer M: (in a modulated voice) Eh…, actually, I knew that the cube had eight vertices, because this isn't even a four-dimensional space, and there's no way that the cube has 13 vertices. Of course, just because it's a four-dimensional space doesn't mean that it has to have 13 vertices, but……. That line was the problem.

Jang Hongwal: That's the cube. So, the most perfect shape, the regular

How many vertices make up the hexahedron?

Biyun Wahl: "Thirteen!" (?That was the line in question.)

The mistake was that the writer had set up the scene and thought, "I'll fill it in later." Then he procrastinated and procrastinated and procrastinated, and by the time the deadline rolled around, he was stuck with "deadline syndrome." In his mind, the scene was complete, so he didn't think about it. I don't think there's any excuse for that, and that's the scary thing about deadline syndrome: you can't get something as basic as that right. So I apologize to you, dear reader.

Jang Hong: So what are you going to do?

Author M: Man is impatient! Wait, because I'm going to tell you about it. The scene was originally intended to look like this

"ShallaShalla……. How many vertices are there?"


"And the noodles?"

"Six! "

"And the corners?"


"What is the sum of these three numbers?"


Bi Ryuyeon: Oh my, my math skills are amazing!

Hyo Ryong : Isn't that math?

Bi Ryuyeon: Tsk, tsk, I don't know, it's geometry, it's math, it's math, it's math!

Jang Hong: It's not over yet, let's keep watching. Then I'll say this.

"And if we divide it in half?"


Writer M: This is how we end up with the number 13.

Hyo Ryong : Why did you split it in half there?

Jang Hong: That's because 13 is a prime number that cannot be divided by anything other than 1 and itself. Ahem!

Bi Ryuyeon: Why should we?

Writer M: You're…, you're touching dark territory that you shouldn't be touching, just because you are!

Jang Hong: Okay, let's leave it at that, I don't think the writer will be in trouble if we probe any further.

Bi Ryuyeon: Wait, we should definitely solve Ye Lin's problem and move on!

Author M: Ah! Sorry, sorry, sorry, I forgot for a second. It happens to the best of us.

Bi Ryuyeon: (Chirp!) Isn't this a planned conspiracy to reduce the number of mistakes to one?

Writer M: (gasp!) That…, no way, you're overreacting!

Jang Hong: That's very hard to believe.

Use: No Credit!

Author M: Alas, my faith has fallen to the ground, and I live in a world of unbelief, where man does not believe in man…….

Bi Ryuyeon: Let's get to the point quickly, since the introduction is a guinea pig.

Writer M: Someone asked if Na Yerin is the granddaughter or daughter of Martial Artist Nabaxian, but it was originally set to 'daughter'. Please forget the previous one and remember her as Martial Artist's daughter from now on. I'm sorry.

Mr. Jang Hong: So the issue of Volume 10 is over for now?

Bi Ryuyeon: I guess so. It'll probably happen again in the next book, I'm sure.

Author M: Talk bad, talk bad, talk bad!

Bi Ryuyeon: Then let's make a bet!

Writer M: (This, this) scary bastard, let's just move on, let's move on!

Bi Ryuyeon: Okay, I'll let you off the hook! You're lucky to have someone as naive, solid, and kind-hearted as me as your protagonist!

Author M: Aah! There's a bird flying away.

Bi Ryuyeon: Oh, by the way, Mr. M, the writer, you said that something funny happened this time?

Author M: What fun. Oh, sure, it was hilariously exhilarating for me, but it was also horrifying, and that closure……. That was just horrifying.

Bi Ryuyeon: What's going on?

Writer M: There's a legendary madman in our office, or as he's commonly known, Kakdugi, because of his harshness. He's been procrastinating and procrastinating and procrastinating and procrastinating, and now he's caught.

Bi Ryuyeon: Ho-ho, did that happen?

Author M: The legend of Ilmyo's brother, who has been called the ultimate in craziness, the Great King of Craziness, Keseracera, the Wheel of Fortune, and Mokdugi, is well documented in Hyunyoung's skyscraper story, so I won't bore you with the details. It would just be a rehash.

Bi Ryuyeon: Oh, that rumored skyscraper story that came with some sort of appendix.

Writer M: Right, ah, of course, all those stories about me out there are bullshit. They're frames. Don't believe them.

Bi Ryuyeon: Cut the chatter and get to the point. So what did you see?

Writer M: Oh, I thought that was a comic book thing, you know, where the writer's rep comes to your office, you set up camp, and you wait three days, four days, until you get the manuscript.

Bi Ryuyeon: Alas, the legendary elixir Boxcars that make writers write for 24 hours a day and finish their manuscripts? It's often seen in manga, and the side effect is that the cartoonists all turn blind and move like zombies. But what were they writing that caused them so much pain?

Writer M: Well, I heard it's a martial arts novel, and it's really interesting! I can't reveal the title here (you said you're going to compete with your writing, so it's up to you), but it's really a free-wheeling story.

Bi Ryuyeon: Gratuitous?

Writer M : Yeah, I don't know if it's nothingness or nothingness or nothingness or nothingness, I don't know which nothingness, but anyway, that's not the point, the problem is that the story is funny with a billion words, but it doesn't come out with a billion words!

Bi Ryuyeon & Hyo-ryong & Jang Hong : Hoooo~.

Jang Hong: That's probably number 2!

Writer M: The biggest problem was that my brother was using the free sword for free, but he was also overlooking the deadline for the manuscript. I don't remember when the deadline for the manuscript was because it was so ancient, but I'm sure that the years have passed by without a care since then.

Bi Ryuyeon : It's exactly what it sounds like, or should I say, it lives up to its name.

Author M: Well, I applaud the publisher's perseverance, but there are limits in the real world. Finally, the publisher's patience ran out and he decided to play his last card, which was to visit a skyscraper!

Bi Ryuyeon: Who is he?

Author M: The legendary man in charge, Zhang, or commonly known as Zhang Viper.

Bi Ryuyeon: Huh? I've heard that name a lot.

Author M: Probably so, who knows, he was once the legendary ○○○○!

Bi Ryuyeon & Jang Hong & Hyo-ryong: Are those rumors ○○○○ true!!!

Writer M: Yes, I suppose you could say that, but don't try to go any deeper. I must go on living. There are taboos and dark areas in this world. If you mess with them, it's not going to end well.

Bi Ryuyeon & Jang Hong & Hyo-ryong: hmmmm…….

Author M: And so the legend began. Zhang Viper began spying on Brother Yi with eyes that surpassed the ultra-precise, ultra-high-resolution surveillance cameras on the orbiting satellites.

Bi Ryuyeon: So what happened?

Artist M: What's going on? The guilty brother, Ilmyo, can't make a sound, and he trudges into the workshop like a Jew being led to the gas chambers of Auschwitz. This emphasizes the victimization part of Ilmyo's self-consciousness, but in reality, he's like Penguin Man getting caught by Batman.

From that point on, the famously light-as-a-button Brother Ilmyo sat on his ass like it was glue and put a box of boxcars on his desk and started burning up his finishing spirit. He occasionally tried to leave his chair and dabble in the world of nightlife, but was repeatedly thwarted by Mr. Zhang's relentless surveillance and ironclad defense. No escape into the electronic net like Project 2501 was allowed, for the Miracle Serpent-or so we call him in the office these days-plucked Ren Sun without a second thought.

Hyo Ryong: That's a little pitiful. So didn't the people in the office help that guy called Kakdugi?

Writer M: Of course, we helped him, and we helped him so much. When he was away for a while, we filled in for him. Isn't that a tearful friendship?

Bi Ryuyeon: It must be a bloody friendship for someone.

Author M: Cause and effect, reap what you sow, heaven does not tolerate injustice, beans grow where beans are planted, red beans grow where red beans are planted. When we recalled the proverbial axe to grind and the lion's share of the words, we felt pleasantly refreshed and exhilarated. Days like those three days have been few and far between in recent years. What do you think? Isn't it a beautiful friendship?

Jang Hong: It seems like the usage of "beautiful" has changed a lot these days.

Hyo Ryong: So what happened, are you done writing?

Writer M: Uh-huh! People are impatient. Let's go through the process step by step and ask questions. We haven't even finished the process yet, so how can you ask me about the results? Rumor has it that you wrote more in those three days than Brother Yi has written in the past three thousand years.

Hyo Ryong: That's…, isn't that a bit of an exaggeration?

Writer M: Well, rumors are always a bit exaggerated. But my brother Ilmyo, who thought he would never be a published author, but a contract writer, finally became a published author through the power of one man. He finished and got published……. I thought such a day would never come. A miracle happened.

So the three days are called the Three Days of Miracles, the Three Days of Hell, the Three Days of Blood and Finality, the Three Days of Human Victory, and so on. Oh, and of course the human victory here refers to the Miracle Field Viper.

Hyo-Ryong & Jang Hong : Oh…, that's great.

Author M: I'm probably going to cause a scene every time I see an intestinal viper for a while. He's in charge……. I've heard rumors, but it's the first time I've seen it with my own eyes. A good, hardworking writer like me has never had that happen to her.

Bi Ryuyeon: That's kind of a dubious statement.

Author M: That's why you're being told you lack faith. I'm your creator! Just believe me when I say it! I've been punching above my weight on my dates ever since!

Bi Ryuyeon: The days of characters moving at the whim of the author are long gone. That's just a relic of the old world. From now on, the new generation of characters must have a strong will to move independently of the author's hand!

Writer M: I…, please don't take me any further down the path of decadence and indulgence, please!

Bi Ryuyeon: Think about it first.

Author M: I think if we spend any more time here, something is going to happen, so let's call it a day.

Bi Ryuyeon: I don't think so, let's stop then.

Author M: Do what you always do and get it done.

This is a drawing by Apple Witch, who is actively working on the next cafe after Biroido, the Sword Ryu Hon full-length neo-wuxia fantasy novel☆Biroido★ (cafe.daum.net\/TGSNOSF) and ▶▷Biroido◁◀ (cafe.daum.net\/biroido). <Apple Witch, thank you for your wonderful drawings as always! We'll be sending her an autographed copy of the 11th volume of Bireido, and if you ask if there's anything else, I apologize, but that's all we have. Thank you for your understanding.

I'd also like to thank the many readers who have contributed all sorts of unique artwork to the cafe.

Author M: Thank you so much. Bam!

Bi Ryuyeon & Hyo-ryong & Jang Hong & Writer M: Thank you for reading the 11th volume of 『Biryodo』 so far, and especially for those who have bought it. Please forgive us for any imperfections. We will come back to you in a better shape in the next volume. Thank you very much!

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