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Book 10 Chapter 9

Paternal (父子有親)

- There should be friendship between father and son!

"Do you have any idea where……."

Lim walked forward, cautious of his surroundings.

All light is blocked from all sides, so you don't want to run into a rock or use the

There was a risk of tripping over a stone beak.

Plus, I didn't know if there was a trap around the corner. There is no greater fear than the fear of the unknown. The blocked information spawned countless imaginings in his mind. His steps grew heavier and heavier as the number of horrific, shuddering images grew.

It wasn't easy for Lim to take one step at a time.

A peculiar scent was lulling him into a daze. A sound reached his ears. It sounded like a group of people murmuring, perhaps some sort of chant. But at this point, it was hard to tell if he was hallucinating or not.

"What's wrong with this?"

A languid feeling washed over my body, as if I had been in and out of a warm bath all day. My hands and feet felt lethargic, and every step I took was a struggle.

'If you need to stop and rest for a moment…….'

That's what was going through his mind.

None of the participants really understood the effect of the incense, which is called "dreamy soul incense".

"Sungjin Lim, what are you doing here?"

Suddenly, a giant stood in front of him, his body covered in fur and casting shadows everywhere.


Lim exclaimed in surprise.

"At least you haven't forgotten Abby's face yet. Good for you!"

He had a beaky face with a thick, ragged beard that stretched across his eyebrows. His body was covered in scars, even several on his face. They were scars of honor, indicating how hard he had worked in sales.

"What about here?"

Lim still couldn't control his racing heart. She had been told that something beyond common sense was going to happen, but this was really cheating.

"Didn't we just break up?"

Lim instinctively raised his iron fist and went on alert.

"Abby wants to see his face, who's to say she can't, it's my choice. I do what I want to do!"

Now that I think about it, it was definitely that damn personality. The damn thing was uncontrollable, a boiling pot, and I knew my father was right. But it still didn't feel real, because it was impossible. He knew, if no one else, what his heritage was with a shudder.

"You didn't get caught, did you?"

I prayed that wasn't it.

"Phew, who dares to hold this body, there is no one in this world who can hold this body!"

"There's a lot of it, I just don't do it because I can't be bothered.

His father's occupation was that of a green belt road. He was a tycoon who didn't bother to do anything as trivial as robbing roadside passersby.

"No matter how much you try to deny it, you are my son!"

"Heh, I'm no longer a Noklim, I'm a Baekdo. Don't turn your son into a thief at will. I'm stuck with my son."

Lim shouted. His father's job was a shackle he couldn't take off.

"Look at you, you dare to rebel against Abby's words. Once a Green Forest Dao, always a Green Forest Dao! You can't change where you come from no matter how hard you try! You can't deny the Green Forest blood in your veins. No matter what anyone says, you are the son of the seventy-seventh sect of the Green Forest, the King of the Green Forest, the Crazy Wind Demon King, Lin Daxing!"

The Chancellor was the head of the Seventy-seven Green Forests. It was an alternate name for the head of the state.

"Damn, that reminds me of something I don't want to think about!

Master of the Frenzied Marango! Master of the Seventy-seven Green Forests!

God of the Greenery, King of Thieves!

No matter how he struggled, there was no denying that he was his son. He had to grimace as he was suddenly reminded of a past he didn't want to remember.

"Phew, I'm getting a little carried away with the bandit bastard topic.

"A crow is a crow, no matter how many times it washes itself in water, but it can never become an egret.

"No, no, no, I'm going to be a white knight!

"With the blood of the Green Forest, you will always be a Green Forest Dao, and you will never be a Zhengfain.

It was a memory she didn't want to relive, and it was all because of her damn father, but she didn't let the piercing gaze of Im Sung-jin stop her.

The same confrontation occurred when he left Chongchae. Lim still remembered the events of that day vividly.

"You have betrayed this father, and where are you going? You are the heir to succeed me!"

"No, I want to enter the Hall of Heavenly Martial Arts and pursue the extremes of martial arts."

"You will never fit in with them! You will follow me here! You are my son, the King of the Green Forest. Where do you think you're going, abandoning your home?"

"Remove me from the family tree or not, it's up to you. I must go on my way."

Lim replied, undeterred.

"You wretch, how dare you disobey her wishes?"

The Cipheron Nangado glowed a vibrant blue as it fed on the blood of countless people, but Lim didn't back down.

"I'm going to fight with my dad and get out of here, no matter what."

He gripped the gon with both hands and struck a stance.

"What the hell, when did you ever learn such an insignificant martial art as kung fu?"

His father, Lim Duk-sung, the Grand Master of the Green Forest, was a master of the sword. He had never mastered a weapon such as a sword, which was clumsy in appearance and very troublesome to use to kill people, which made him even more puzzled.

Lim didn't answer that question, but instead made his point.

"Don't stop me. I'm going to go my own way, and I'm tired of being a rogue, taking other people's riches."

"It's called business! It's called protection business! You're foolish enough to dethrone the King of the Hundred Thousand Green Forests! You're the son of the King of the Hundred Thousand Green Forests, Lim Duk Sung!"

"I never thought I'd resent that blood so much. Here we go."

"Onya, let's break one tie today! There's no way those little bastards from the Green Forest will accept a child of the Green Forest. Good luck!"

'No! I'm going to be a white knight! Aaaaahhhhh!'

Lim Sung-jin went into a frenzy and charged at his father, swinging his iron sword furiously.

'I thought that was the end of our relationship, but…….'

But now he was at odds with his father again.

"I don't care what you say, I'm not going back. That's not where I belong. The only place I belong is right here in the Temple of Heaven. No matter what my father says, I'll be here."

Lim was adamant. There was no room for compromise on this one.

"Hmph! You talk a lot. If you want to make your point, try to beat me. You may have been lucky enough to get away with it that day, but not today. I'll prove to you that you're an inevitable son of the forest. Now, come on! A crow can never be an egret!"

"No! I'm already a white knight! I'm not a rogue like you! No, I'm not! Aaaaaaah!"

Once again, a frenzied Lim Sung-jin charged at Lim Duk-sung, wielding the Jin Sung-gon, and an attack of unparalleled power unfolded in his hands.

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discord ko-fi