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Book 10 Chapter 7

Opening of the Phantasmagoria (幻魔洞)

The darkness of an agonizing night has been pushed aside and the morning of trial has dawned with dawn.

Few people woke up to the sound of a bell announcing it was time to get up.

This is because almost all participants are nervous and excited,

It kept me awake at night.

Junho Yoon was standing by the window, watching the morning sun rise.

"This morning has dawned at last! Let us swear by that sun. We will never run away again……."

A determination unlike any he had ever known radiated from his entire body. He wanted to be reborn, and all because it was the morning of the mysterious Hwanmadong examination. Even the air seemed to be tense with excitement. His heart was beating fast, and a shiver ran through his body.

"I'm sure you've all had sleepless nights due to nerves, excitement, and anxiety."

Despite dozens of attempts to sleep last night, he had failed every time. But…….

"Hey, it's morning! It's time to get up, Ryuyeon! Ryuyeon!"

Mo Yonghui shook the Bi Ryuyeon a couple of times before giving up.

"Koolkoolkool. …zzzz…zzzz…my money……. Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm."

Ryu-yeon Bi, on the other hand, was still tossing and turning in bed when the wake-up bell rang, unwilling to get up.

Mo Yonghui frowned at Bi Ryuyeon's handsome face when he saw her like that.

"This guy doesn't know nerves or excitement?

His oversleeping face exuded relaxation and serenity.

The first rays of dawn pierced the cold air. Bi Ryuyeon walked with her friends and students to the scheduled meeting place. An invisible tension flowed between them. She was the only one who seemed to be relaxing and ding-donging.

"Good morning, Long, Hong, Junho?"

As she walked out the dormitory door, she saw Hyo-ryong, and beside him were Jang Hong and Yun Jun-ho. Their tension was palpable, especially Yun Jun-ho's nervousness and determination. Bi Ryuyeon was very satisfied that her training had finally paid off.

"Shall we go then?"


We all nodded in unison.

The group walked toward the meeting place. Soon enough, they were joined by the members of the Masterworkers, including the Southern Palace and the Zhenling. They gave Bi Ryuyeon a quick bow. Then Jang Hong, Hyorong, and Jun Ho hurried to greet them. They were all familiar with each other because they had suffered together under the Yeomdo through special training camps. After exchanging greetings, they all made their way to the meeting place. There was only one way to get there, after all. They weren't the only ones walking towards the same destination. Among them were Qin Shengon, Lin Shengjin, the Heavenly Spirit Tang Qilin, and Chen Xiaohao. Bi Ryuyeon exchanged pleasantries with them; it seemed that they were also planning to participate in this trial. Today, they were not the usual troublemakers of the Heavenly Martial Academy who always liked to play and think.

"That's a lot of people. Are they all here for the Volcano Covenant Regional Qualifier?"

Hyorong looked around and marveled. All of them had a single prayer.

"It's a matter of honor and longevity for them, their families, and themselves. It's no wonder they're so eager to take on the challenge, but few seem to realize that the price is not cheap, as most of them probably don't even know what the Volcanic Covenant is."

Jang Hong's words were quite cynical. It wasn't his usual tone.

At that moment, someone entered her field of vision.

"Uh, Yerin Sojae!"

Ryu-yeon waved and called out to her. It was Bi Ryuyeon, calling her by name in a cheeky way. Dokgo-ryung's face frowned inexplicably at the unexpected encounter. Lee Jin-sul was confused, not knowing whether to be happy or sad about her unresolved relationship with Hyo-ryong. Unable to help herself, she joined Bi Ryuyeon's group. They had missed their chance to turn away.

As they walked down the street, many people stopped to greet the group. Most of the greetings were directed at Zhu Zhaodan and Na Yerin. The group's reputation was growing by the day, and they were now almost idolized by the new students. It was so popular that some people's wish was to join the troupe and become a member.

Their popularity had been at an all-time high ever since their victory over the Blue Dragon Clan. Of course, none of those who harbored such fantasies were aware of Zhu Jiaodan's complicated relationship with Bi Ryuyeon.

Today's gathering place was a small practice field in front of Hwanma-dong, the test venue. It was small, but big enough for all the test takers to gather.

When Bi arrived with her group, there were already a lot of people who had gotten up early the day before, and a lot of workers who were busily preparing for the exam, but the nervousness made the room of about 50 people feel silent, with no chatter.

However, there were still many more people to be gathered. This time, there were 108 current Heavenly Martial Academy members from the Black and White Sword Sect, as well as 213 senior graduates from the various prestigious sects and branches of the Martial League, totaling 321 participants. It was extremely rare to see such a large number of masters who had reached the first level or higher gathered together at once. To be selected as a representative, you have to defeat a huge amount of competition. They had to give it their all.

"There's tension even between labor and management."

Namgungsang looked around and said.

"Of course. It's a gateway that's been sealed for 18 years because of the danger. Three days ago, I wrote that damn memorandum and that damn will. Who knew I'd have the experience of writing a will at such a young age. Everyone's scared of an accident, why shouldn't I be? They're probably desperate, too. Aren't you more scared than that?"

His friend and rival asked. It was Hyun-woon, who was becoming more and more distant from the dignity of a master.

"This is better than I thought. I'm a little nervous, but not scared."

Apparently all that salt water abuse was paying off.

"What the hell is in there that has everyone so nervous……."

I didn't want to, but I had to get my hands dirty and figure it out.

While Namgungsang was sensing the momentum and tension emanating from the bodies of the laborers and participants, Bi Ryuyeon was looking at them from a different perspective.

"That's a lot."

"Not many. I believe there are about three hundred contestants this time. Three hundred masters of the Ironhearted Warrior… it won't be easy."

Jang Hong couldn't hide his nervousness.

"No, not that, you mean all these people in there at once?"

"That's right!"

It was a case of why ask for the obvious?

"So how big is it in there?"

"It must be quite large."

It wasn't a very helpful answer.

"I know that," I said, "I was just thinking for a moment about how much gold it would have cost to artificially dig that large cave."

"Don't say that with such a serious face. It'll give the wrong impression."

Jang Hong shook his head as if he had no choice.

It was then.

"The Lord of the Heavenly Martial Hall is entering!"

With a loud shout, the seated elders all rose to their feet and bowed to the entering majinga, along with the assembled priests.

Thud, thud, thud.

The Heavenly Martial Arts Pavilion Lord, Iron Fist Mazinga, walked out and stood on the dais above the performance hall. It appeared that he would be delivering the speech himself, as this was a crucial test to determine the representative of the Volcano Covenant Council who would carry the honor of the Hundred Islands. The importance of this test was great. With a wave of his hand, the guards broke ranks and the laborers resumed their seats.

Majinga looked around and began to speak, his words having an invisible power to bend people.

"There has never been a better day for you to challenge yourself to beat yourself. I am proud of you as you stand here. You may be wondering what is inside this place called the Phantasmagoria. But I cannot tell you what it is. What you see in there and what you gain from it is entirely up to you, but I can tell you this. You will probably come face to face with the most terrifying thing in the world. You may think it's hell."

These were words that struck fear into the hearts of those who heard them. Mazinga continued to speak. Everyone listened to him in stunned silence. Their faces were grave.

"We can open the door, but we can't find the way out for you. It remains entirely up to you to find the light at the exit. I now ask only one thing. If any of you are afraid, step forward now!"

His eyes were fiery, his voice was uplifting, and his listeners were mesmerized by the atmosphere. No one stepped forward.

Mazinger said again.

"Is there anyone here who is weak and trembling with fear? If so, come forward now. The path you must now walk is the entrance to hell, and the gate you must open is the gate of hell. Step forward now and I will spare you the ordeal. Is anyone here?"

His raspy voice made the air in my gut shudder.


A raw but strong voice!

Yun Junhao glanced at the hand that was clutching his wrist like a hawk. His feet were now slightly off the floor, an unconscious act that he hadn't even realized had happened. If she hadn't stopped him, he might have taken a step forward, and he would have been a laughing stock for the rest of his life.

Bi Ryuyeon shook her head firmly.

"Don't move, not a single step from here, and you'll have to live in the bridle of a cowardly fool forever! If you don't want to, if you want to shout at your stupid, cocky death row brothers, don't move at all, like a thousand-year-old giant tree rooted in the earth! Do you understand?"

Yun Junhao nodded weakly, intimidated by Bi Ryuyeon's words and eyes. He gently placed his right foot, which was slightly lifted off the ground.

"Now, who is without courage?"

Mazinga asked again, this time loudly, his roar shuddering through the cold pre-dawn air.


They answered in unison, a chorus of voices, a thunderous roar that echoed off the stage. A grin of satisfaction crossed Mazinga's face.

"I am proud of you. I have no doubt that you will come through any trial with flying colors. Guandao! Remember, the moment you give in to fear, all bets are off. It can wear down your spirit, and sometimes even kill you. Be very careful. The enemy is within you. Pillars of the White City! Guardians of the Faction, now step forward and endure the trials that come your way!"

Mazinger thrust his right hand out in front of him.

"Now go!"

That signaled the beginning of the trial, nay, ordeal.


A cheer erupted from the crowd.

But no one here had any foreknowledge of the ominous events to come.


The sound of its opening was so strange and hideous that it struck fear into the hearts of all who heard it. It sounded like the first scream of a door that had been firmly closed for 18 years. Moreover, the cave that appeared behind the door looked like the mouth of an infernal devil.

One of the laborers in charge of conducting the test shouted out.

"Now, please enter in the order in which you were given!"

Apparently, the numbered tickets were to determine the order of entry. Bi Ryuyeon checked the list she had been handed.

It was forty-four times.

"Ominous, isn't it? That's not a very good number."

Jang Hong appeared out of nowhere and said something.

"What's so ominous about that?"

Bi Ryuyeon said bluntly.

"According to numerology (the study of the meaning of numbers as a kind of contemplation), the number four has long been an ominous number, symbolizing death. The number forty-four is even more ominous, as it contains two deaths. That means you may face more than one death when you take this test. Or……."

"Or something?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked if it was frustrating for Jang Hong to drag his feet.

"I doubt it's just two times. Forty-four, when written in Arabic, looks like this."

As a gesture of kindness, Jang Hong wrote the Arabic number "44" on the floor. In this era, the concept of Arabic numerals had already been introduced, albeit not commercialized. After a pause, Jang Hong continued to speak to see if he had anything more to say.

"Depending on your interpretation, this could mean that death will visit you four times. The first four refer to near-death experiences and the last four refer to the number of times. But it's fresh blood compared to the next interpretation, which is more serious. I'm not telling you because I don't want to put too much pressure on you, but……."

As far as Bi Ryuyeon could see, Jang Hong didn't look sorry for himself at all. In fact, he seemed to be enjoying himself.

"Forty-four is also the number four plus eleven, which means that death may cast its grim reaper's shadow over you eleven times."

"You use numbers to speak ill of me. You curse, but it would be more effective if you made a zeung (straw doll) and drove a nail through it. May I lend you a lock of my hair?"

Bi Ryuyeon said sarcastically.

"How many times does he do that?"

"Number 13."

Jang Hong said with a proud expression.

"That number doesn't look ominous, does it?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked in a twisted tone.

"Of course! According to number theory, 13 is one of the most perfect numbers. Do you know what the most perfect shape in the world is?"

Bi Ryuyeon shook her head. Jang Hong nodded as if he knew that was the case, and released Xue.

"That's a cube. So how many vertices make up the most perfect shape, the cube?"


Bi Ryuyeon replied. A satisfied smile appeared on Jang Hong's face.

"Exactly. So how can such a perfect number be a misfortune? So I've got a lucky number, and you've got a misfortune."

"So it must be really good."

"Of course it's good; how can I not rejoice when misfortune that could have come to me comes to others, and good fortune that could have gone to others comes to me; it's a blasphemy against the goodness of heaven."

Jang Hong replied cheerfully.

"Chet, you make your own destiny! I'm too cheap to bet my fate on a number on a piece of paper. We'll see. Who gets out of there alive."

"Ah, but that doesn't mean I have anything against you, so don't get your panties in a bunch."

Jang Hong said shamelessly, as if he had forgotten everything he had said so far in his excitement. Bi Ryuyeon curled the tail of one side of her mouth and smiled.

"Well……. That's a little dubious, too."


When she heard her number called, she stepped forward. It was finally her turn to enter.

'Two deaths are possible? I don't need to listen to an unqualified soothsayer, Grim Reaper! If you can kill me, do it, but be prepared to die by my hand before you do.

Bi Ryuyeon was not afraid at all. She could hardly wait to see what kind of mortal would dare to take her life, even if it was a stranger.

'I'm not weak enough to be controlled by such horoscopes and fortune-tellers. A strong man must be in control of his own destiny.

Bi Ryuyeon stood up and crossed her arms behind her back. The eyes of Lim Sung-jin, who was sitting next to her, narrowed.

"No. Are you sure you want to go in there with such a heavy load?"

With a look of disbelief, Lim asked.

"Of course not. This is my artistic soul, and I can't just throw it around, and I can't just leave it lying around because it's so expensive, it's ridiculous."

A thunderbolt was the secret treasure of a master. The secret treasure of any sect was the priceless treasure, which meant that it was an extremely valuable object that could not be measured or priced. It could not be left in the courtyard for what might be an extended period of time. One could not handle such an expensive object recklessly or leave it lying around.

"Your way of thinking is still beyond my comprehension, yes. I can't believe you're carrying something in there that seems to serve no purpose but to get in the way……."

Lim shook his head.


Once again, I heard a voice calling his number.

"Let's go first, then."

Bi Ryuyeon wore a silk robe and strode boldly toward the deeply pierced copper veins of the Fang Ma Temple, which appeared to be the path to Yubu.

Soon his body disappeared into the darkness.


It was Wei Zichen's turn. Wei Zichen glanced at his hand, where a black, round pill rested. He looked at the pill, and then at the silver cylinder in his hand. He continued to fiddle with the cylinder, unable to calm his nerves.

The events of the day stood before him, as good as if they were today. His ears perked up.


On that day and in that place, the man suddenly offered something to himself. What he held out was a single pill (丸藥).

"What is this?"

Wei Zichen, who was still feeling flustered, barely managed to compose himself and said.

"It's a hoshimaru. It's literally a heart-protecting pill, specially formulated to last for a while in the pit. You'll know it when you see it. You'll need it once you're inside. Make sure you take it as soon as you enter. And remember, it's only a trial run, so make sure you finish everything in there. Don't forget, the medicine is only good for one dose, and if you forget that it's gone after one dose, you'll be in big trouble. You must finish your work before then."

"Are you saying that this is the place where you need this, that Hwanmadong is……?"

It seemed to be a place beyond his imagination.

"Yeah, I haven't been in there myself, I've only heard about it, but he's right, it's not a place where you can be careful and stay safe."

"So what should I do?"

It was to his advantage to gather as much information as he could. It was obvious that he would be much less restricted in his activities. Wei Zichen was desperate.



"You said mind."


When speaking, the head and waist should not be cut off to distinguish identity. A disembodied head and legs were not acceptable.

"That's all I heard, too. That's all I know."

He said one more time for emphasis.

"Make sure you take that pill as soon as you get in, make sure!"

It was time to take that pill.

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