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Book 10 Chapter 20

Tunes among the rivers of stars

Day 13 of burial!

Bi Ryuyeon and Na Yerin were walking through the flesh with the light of the Holy Sword Hansang Jade Spirit as a beacon.

It wasn't a very comfortable journey.

The two continued walking for quite some time. The slope of the cave was quite unforgiving. The further they walked, the more random the path became. At times, it sloped sharply downward, and at other times, it steepened with another sharp upward slope. The path was winding, like a snake path. Up, down, left, and right. It was uphill and downhill, over and over again. And it was an intricate maze.

"It goes back and forth in such a way that you can't be bothered to make it on purpose, and if it were made by nature, nature would never be called a skillful miner."

Bi Ryuyeon grumbled.

"I see."

Na Yerin had to agree: the trajectory of the cave was too irregular, too uncomfortable to walk on, too jumbled and irregular.

Still, they kept walking. They needed to get somewhere. The halfway point in the middle of nowhere meant nothing to them.

"We'll rest here today and try to find our way back tomorrow."

Ryuyeon Bi said. Suddenly, he was leading this journey. Bi Ryuyeon and Nayarin sat down and sheathed their swords, the most expensive lanterns in the world. He wanted to be buried in the darkness for a while.

Then something amazing happened. Na Yerin's eyes opened wide. Stars had begun to appear in this dark, pitch-black underground space. At first, she thought it was an optical illusion, but it wasn't. Bright blue stars appeared all over the walls, ceiling, and even the floor to the left and right of her. It was like the night sky with the Milky Way. It was a beautiful sight that left me feeling strangely moved.

It was a beautiful landscape that seemed to capture the stars of the night sky. The stars were not celestial, but subterranean, glowing with a brilliant, ethereal beauty. Perhaps the flesh-and-blood rock contained minerals that glowed in the dark, but that fact meant nothing to him and her. The mere fact that they could see this beauty was enough.

"It's the kind of thing you can only see when the light is gone."

Na Yerin, who was sitting next to Bi Ryuyeon, gazed at the stars and muttered.


That's what I'd call Na Yerin's stargazing scene if I had to summarize it in one word. That's what she thought. The star clusters shining in the darkness of the earth's surface were beautiful, but to her, Na Yerin was even more beautiful.

The brilliance of the stars in the night sky, their brightness, their radiance, their luminosity, all seemed to be absorbed into her body. She was more beautiful than the essence of all the starlight embedded in the mysterious night sky of the lower realms. Her beauty was the same under the stars of heaven as it was in the stars of the lower realms.

Suddenly, Bi Ryuyeon was in a very good mood. She could hardly contain her excitement. She picked up the rosary next to her and placed it on her lap.

"Now, in honor of the beauty of the night sky and the beauty of Na Yerin Sojae, who shines so brightly down here in the depths of the underground, I'm going to play you a song."

Bi Ryuyeon greeted her one and only audience.

"I don't believe it."

Na Yerin said in amazement. She couldn't believe that Bi Ryuyeon played the gold; as far as she knew, the only time Bi Ryuyeon used it was to beat people up. But she had to admit, that was definitely a biased assessment of Bi Ryuyeon.


Bi Ryuyeon's fingers began to run over the mukgum.

A beautiful melody began to flow like the Milky Way in the underground night sky, and it had a very special power to melt the cold woman's heart. This was the first time Bi Ryuyeon had ever seriously played gold for someone. His ten fingers danced over the silk as if excited.

Na Yerin closed her eyes and quietly savored the melody that enveloped her. The sweet notes mellowed her heart and eased the tension from her shoulders. Finally able to calm her frayed nerves, Na Yerin leaned her head against Bi Ryuyeon's shoulder and drifted off to sleep. Feeling the heavy, soft touch of a hand on her shoulder, she turned her head toward her. She smiled quietly. But his hands were still concentrating on playing the mukgeum.

The blue stars of Jizhou were still beautiful. Bi Ryuyeon continued to tinkle the gold, careful not to wake her, as if hoping she would continue to listen, even in her dreams.

The faint notes continued to flow through the river of stars.

Day 15 of burial!

"He's been missing for days!"

Long Tianming looked at Maha Ling's expression and said. He deliberately used the word disappearance, not death.

"I see."

Maharishi replied bluntly.

"With each passing day, their chances of survival are diminishing, and some people have already said their deaths are a foregone conclusion."

"Is that so?"

Maharishi replied with a tone of disinterest. Long Tianming's face frowned slightly as he continued to listen to the Maharishi's blunt reply.

"For some reason, after the incident in Hwanmadong, your attitude towards me seems to be colder than before, but is that just me?"

Long Tianming's question momentarily stunned her. But she quickly reverted back to her usual bluntness.

"You're mistaken, that didn't happen."

He said it in words, but Yong Tianming was feeling it in his skin.

"What the heck is a complaint?

He didn't deserve the cold shoulder for no reason.

"What is he prying about?

Maha Ling couldn't tell Yong Tian the truth, for that day in the Fenma Garden, she saw the shadows in her own heart.

At first it was giant flesh, shriveled flesh rising from her entire body. It was a screamingly ugly sight. Even thinking about it now, she shuddered.

Maha Ling glanced at Long Tianming's face.

'By the way, why is that guy's face followed by…….'

She didn't like that fact even more, for the next thing she saw after the flesh rampage was a vision of the Dragonborn. After that vision, she had never been able to treat him the same way. And there was another, but it was horrible to even think about.

He hadn't always had a good relationship with her, but after that day, he didn't even dare to look her in the eye. When her silence continued, he sighed and changed the subject.

"How do you feel now that he's gone?"

"It's like a louse has been knocked out, and now I can sleep with my legs stretched out."

Maharishi replied coldly.

"You're full of complaints for a guy with a tooth missing. What the hell are you complaining about?"

If she knew why, she wouldn't be so frustrated. She seemed to be unhappy with everything in the world these days.

"It's nothing, if you'll excuse me."

The Mach number screeched.

"I don't think so……."

Long Tianming still hadn't withdrawn his suspicious gaze.

Day 21 of burial!

It seemed like nearly three weeks had already passed. But here, with the sun rising and the weight unknown, he could only estimate the time by his body's senses, but even that had its limits, and he wasn't sure exactly how much time had passed since he'd been trapped in the cave. It was just a guess…….

They had come in almost unprepared, with only a handful of wall hangings, but they were still holding their own. Even under extreme conditions that would have killed a normal person, Bi Ryuyeon and Na Yerin were able to maintain their physical strength. As martial artists who had mastered the martial arts, they possessed an incredibly tenacious vitality and skillful survival abilities, and their bodies were very well adapted to survive in harsh and extremely difficult conditions.

They could rely on a single sip of water to get them through the day. So they were still alive and well after three weeks, but even that was quickly running out of steam.

"This is the last grain of Wallgodan, and if we don't find something else in the next few days, we're going to starve."

Bi Ryuyeon said as she handed out one of the last two pellets of Wall Grass. Na Yerin's hand trembled slightly as she took it.

"Are we going to make it out of here alive?"

It was a weakness that wasn't like me.

"Sure. Don't worry, you said a well-fed ghost is a good-looking ghost, and I want to be a good-looking ghost. I don't want to be a dull ghost who dies here."

Bi Ryuyeon encouraged Na Yerin. They continued to explore the cave for the rest of the day, and all they could do was keep walking in a certain direction. The cave was much longer than they expected. Worse than that, it was a maze of passages. They wondered if they were trapped inside a true law, but Na Yerin was sure that was not the case.

"I don't think it's an artificial zine. There's no regularity in the placement or the structure or any part of it that would necessarily be present in an artificially formed zine. I'm pretty sure it's naturally formed."

She had a knack for pinyin, and when she said it, it was believable.

"But it's a very malicious and hostile structure, that's for sure."

It was then.


Bi Ryuyeon wrinkled her nose. Something fishy was coming from somewhere. It was definitely a different sensation than she had ever felt before.

"What's that smell?"

Na Yerin shook her head.

"It's not like anyone's floating a fish fry……."

They decided to follow the smell to its source. Bi Ryuyeon's heart was racing. This ominous feeling was strangely accurate, sending shivers down her spine.

The smell was getting stronger and stronger as they walked. Now she was sure of it. There was something out there in this darkness! It could be something very dangerous, but she and Na Yerin had no choice.

The only thing left for them was to move forward.

"Don't you think it's getting colder for some reason, Ryuyeon?"

The air was growing colder and thicker, just as Na Yerin said it would. Bi Ryuyeon spoke up, alert.

"Either way, it's good for us that the environment is changing, because we have to get out of here somehow."

She had a point. Bi Ryuyeon's words cut to the heart of their current situation. After walking forward for a while, they saw a red glow in front of them. They cautiously approached the light, and finally saw what it was: a carnelian jade with two fiery colors embedded in the darkness.

Those two carnelians were the eyes of something.

Jet-black scales and a body thicker than a log!

It was impossible to see the full length of the creature from Biyou and Nayarin's position, but it was easy to tell from the size of its head that it was ridiculously long.


It was the black-scaled weapon of legend, the Muklin Blood Net.

Bi Ryuyeon stared straight at Meng Lin, showing no sign of fear. Avoiding an opponent's eyes was tantamount to admitting that you were weaker than them. It didn't matter if it was an animal or a person. As an animal, it would be even more sensitive to such things. Bi Ryuyeon knew all too well the laws of survival of the fittest. The moment she lost the battle of momentum was the moment she would fall prey to that imugi.

In a snowball fight, she never lost to anyone. Bi Ryuyeon said with a wry smile.

"You're a tasty looking creature, and you dare to nest here, unaware that it's the entrance to the netherworld. Or is he stupid?"

It was a place where powerful people who could light up at the sight of a spirit object gathered in large numbers. Even if the Muklin Blood Net was a great thing, it was also a place where there were many masters who could spin the Muklin Blood Net with a couple of strokes of their swords. It was no small feat to simply steam a blood net. If it caught their eye, it would be dismissed as a dietary supplement for enhancing internal strength.

Bi Ryuyeon was pleased that there were no other Guan Daoists in her immediate vicinity. Jianghu was naturally a dishonorable place. Moreover, when one found such a fine food(?), it was advantageous to have fewer mouths to feed.

It was probably the first time he'd ever been treated to such an elixir for his nearly 1,000-year-old body.

Shhhhh! Shhhhhh!

Its blood-red eyes glowed menacingly as it stared down at the two of them. It was an enormous beast, capable of crushing even a thousand-year-old giant tree in a single bound.

Apparently, the cave was the dwelling place of this Imugi.

"Gee, it looks like the owner isn't very welcoming."

Undeterred by this unexpected turn of events, Bi Ryuyeon spoke up. It seemed there was still time.

"Uninvited guests are usually pampered."

Na Yerin cautiously brought her hand to her sword. She was ready to strike. A drop of saliva dripped from the bloodsucker's menacing mouth to the floor.


The rock then smoldered and melted with the sound of something burning.

"What a rude non-cancer to spit in my face."

Bi Ryuyeon Yan, a near-imperial weapon, was barely a snake's head.

"I guess that spit widened the cave, which is probably why the walls were slippery."

Na Yerin said.

"Hoo hoo, so you're a pretty good miner then?"

Certainly, as far as miners go, he was an incredibly capable bloodline.

"Hey, hey, Mr. Snake, why don't you just turn into a mole?"

Bi Ryuyeon openly taunted Ling Mang. He had no fear in the first place.


The momentum of the bloodsuckers grew stronger. He couldn't make out the words, but he understood the mocking tone they contained.

"Well, at least we know one thing for sure."

Bi Ryuyeon said, still not breaking eye contact.


"Don't you think that looks kind of stupid?"

Bi Ryuyeon whispered quietly into Na Yerin's ear. But surprisingly, the blood mang's hearing was good. Moreover, as a spirit creature, it could understand human speech. Bi Ryuyeon Yan's next reckless move was to scratch the sleeping Imugi's back with an iron brush. The dragon may have been mean, but he had a heart.


A bizarre sound was emitted by the blood net, which was thicker than a woman could hold, and it shook its head menacingly. It was meant to intimidate its opponent.

"I take it you're offended by being called stupid?"

Meng Lin's threatening behavior would have been effective enough for any other human, but it had no effect on this insensitive creature called Bi Ryuyeon.

"You always have to be careful what you say, because if you say it wrong, it can become a weapon and be aimed at your own head."

Na Yerin advised her gently. But it didn't take long to realize that Bi Ryuyeon didn't heed her advice.

"You're not even an imu, let alone a dragon!"

Bi Ryuyeon shouted at the top of her lungs.



Apparently, Heng Mang had gotten wind of Bi Ryuyeon's sarcastic tone and went berserk.

He had no desire to test his affinity with an unknown creature that he had never seen before-one that was quite ferocious and had a voracious appetite that could probably consume a human or two in one bite. He was very negative about the need to tame and appease the Muklinbloods, even at the risk of his own body becoming their lunch; it would be a great disservice to himself if he were to be eaten. Besides, he had always been the hunter, never the hunted, and he had never been the trainer, and he had no intention of befriending this strange creature.

On top of that, the other person's entire body language is hostile. No fool would interpret that behavior as a favor, with teeth flashing like they're about to eat him. This leads to the simple and obvious answer: there was only one course of action for him to take. There was no need to hesitate, then. There was no time for it. To hesitate in the face of a perceived enemy is as foolish as putting one's life in danger.


The angry Muklin Blood Net flew in, bouncing like a shot arrow.

A bolt of lightning flew from Bi Ryuyeon's hand.


There was no hesitation in his actions, but the results were not promising.


A beam of white-silver light flew out, poised to pierce Meng Lin's forehead, but it struck him in vain and bounced off the cave ceiling with a loud crack. A star appeared and disappeared in an instant.

"Whoa, whoa?"

For Bi, who hadn't anticipated her failure at all, it was an unexpected turn of events.

"I know you say you're only carrying three-star airpower, but I can't believe you can't catch a non-cancer like that……. That's some solid food!"

The lack of bloodshed in a single blow hurt Bi Ryuyeon's pride.

"Come to think of it, I once read in a book, the Zhenggang Lake Divine Mystic Artifact Atlas, that the scales of the Muklin Blood Net are as hard and tough as steel, and that its strength and elasticity only grows stronger and stronger with the passage of time."

Na Yerin exclaimed urgently.

"That's a very pleasant piece of information."

Bi Ryuyeon smiled, but it was never a good time for a leisurely laugh.

Shhhh! Shhhhh!

In response to Bi Ryuyeon's taunts and provocations, an eerie red glow emanated from the blood mage's eyes like flames. The momentum was incomparably stronger than it had been just a moment ago.

"You look angry, don't you?"

Na Yerin nodded in response to Bi Ryuyeon's question.

"You can't feel good when you've been stabbed!"


Bi Ryuyeon whistled lightly. Perhaps she admired her opponent a little.

"I've got to hand it to you, you're the first person I've ever met who's been able to keep a straight face when I've been hit in the gut. Of course, I can't tell the difference between genders, so let's just call him 'him'."

Again he smirked, but he had no intention of letting the attack go unanswered for a second time. Once was enough for him to experience the embarrassment of futility.

But even though it had taken the first blow, it didn't seem to want to concede the second. Its eyes glowed like fiery red jewels, and its blood-red tongue lolled out at the unexpected snack. The snack was more defiant than expected.

I felt like he needed to show a little more majesty.


With a sharp, slashing sound, the bloodsucker opened its gaping maw and rose from the floor. It seemed to swallow Bi Ryuyeon in a single bite. Faster than an arrow! It was as if it was rushing toward Bi Ho.

It was fast enough, and worthy of praise, but unfortunately, Bi Ryuyeon was no stranger to lunging tigers, and she'd seen her share of them. That was her undoing. With a swift twist of her body, Bi Ryuyeon managed to render Ling Mang's eating process useless, and she didn't forget to strike back in kind.

Lightning flashed from his hand once more. The blue flame crackled with a powerful discharge, accompanied by a brilliant sound, and struck the slender, lean body of the blood mang.



There was a deafening scream that made him want to cover his ears. The bloodsucker screamed in agony, writhing violently. It sounded like a violent dragon belch, but it was actually a snake belch.

Clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk!

As big as he was, he struggled mightily. The stone dust on the back wall fell and the whole cave vibrated. I was beginning to wonder if we were going to collapse. Bi Ryuyeon's eyes shone as she brushed the dust from her hair, protecting Na Yerin.

"I feel like I'm being buried alive!

His instincts were screaming.

"Ryuyeon, be careful."

Na Yerin called out in concern. She, too, had drawn her sword and was thinking of taking on Bi Ryuyeon if she could. But for now, she was willing to let Bi Ryuyeon face them alone.

"The shortest, the fastest, the simplest, and the easiest!

Bi Ryuyeon's eyes glowed golden, and his hands moved silently, his mind a sharp spear that could pierce steel.

Flying Sword Misunderstanding

Sword Qi

Life and death decisions

Lightning Lance (閃雷槍)

Pure white jewel dust glowed in the darkness, and a brilliant white bolt of lightning flew into the Muklin Blood Net's mouth. It tasted the lightning bolts like they were food. The flash of lightning turned his two-pronged tongue into four or eight prongs to make it even more appetizing. The lightning then traveled down his tongue and into his esophagus, where it sliced through his esophagus, stomach, and intestines to form a single digestive system, as if to shorten his digestive time. In other words, there was no digestive system left between his mouth and anus. After the frenzied rampage was over, he had become a truly unusual creature, with sixteen tongues that licked and slurped as soon as he ate. Even a spirit creature that was less than a thousand years old shouldn't have been able to withstand such a powerful attack.


With a loud shudder, he slammed himself against the cave wall. For a moment… then, as if at the end of its rope, it sagged to the floor. It was the futile end of a spirit that had lived for nearly eight hundred years.

"Oh, no! Was I too harsh? I hope I didn't spoil the inner dantan in your body?

Feeling slightly remorseful, Bi Ryuyeon walked over to the blood net lying on the ground. Praying that the inner circle was unharmed…….

"Chet, do you have any inner tubes?"

There was a hint of disappointment in his voice, and I searched my stomach in anticipation, but after washing my eyes, I couldn't find anything but snot. Apparently, he was less practiced than I thought.

"In the meantime, I'll be practicing hard, tsk tsk."

Bi Ryuyeon clicked her tongue wistfully.

"If I had an inner circle, I could have sold it for a lot of money……."

Like other martial artists, when he saw a herb, he would think of selling it for a high price rather than taking it to improve his cultivation.

But that didn't deter Bi Ryuyeon. She remembered hearing from Feng Yue that even without the inner circle, the blood of a spirit was quite potent. Somehow, they needed to satisfy their hunger. Na Yerin, an honor student at the Heavenly Martial Academy, would test it for toxicity.

"Hmm, it doesn't seem to be toxic, so I guess I can eat it as is."

Na Yerin dipped her fingertip into the blood of the Mukrin Blood Net and tasted it on her tongue. Fortunately, it didn't seem to be toxic. The two of them had been eating nothing but wallflowers for days, so they needed to drink some blood. If it was by the book, it would work. The smell of the blood was repulsive, but they would drink it to survive.

As the blood entered his stomach, he suddenly felt a searing heat rising from his stomach, and his entire body suddenly felt rejuvenated. Clearly, the blood of the Muklin Blood Net had worked. The book's description of the benefits of the Muklin Blood Net was not a lie.

For the time being, I didn't have to worry about food.

Day 26 of burial!


Bi Ryuyeon's face grew grave as she looked around at the bloodstained corpse and the flesh and blood behind it.

"Ryuyeon? Is something wrong?"

Na Yerin asked.


He didn't answer her question quickly, and she knew something was wrong.

After a while, Bi Ryuyeon spoke again. She tried to sound lighthearted, but what she said could not be taken lightly.

"I think the snakebite has taken its final revenge on us."

"What? What does that mean, sir… no way?"

"Yeah, I think he must have blocked the doorway he was using with one last snake burp, because everywhere I look, there's no sign of him coming in or out, and there's no more blood leading back."

It was the worst news ever. Na Yerin's face paled. She thought she'd finally found a way out after defeating the Muklin Blood Net, but it was all for naught.


Cursing erupted from Bi Ryuyeon's mouth.

"…What's a good way to do that?"

"Well… I'll have to start thinking about it!"

Day 34 of burial!

A week and a day passed. Ryuyeon had been searching everywhere, looking for a way out, but the rocks were strewn about, and she couldn't tell which way was up. But she couldn't give up now.


Her nose tickled, and she sneezed loudly. A long reverberating sound echoed back through the cave. For a moment, Bi Ryuyeon couldn't help but shudder at the thought that struck her head: admiration for her excellence.

"Oh my God, why am I so smart?

No matter how much he thought about it, he felt like a handsome genius who couldn't help himself.

Nangzhong Zhichu (囊中之錐)! The awl in your pocket will always come out at some point! A brilliant man cannot hide his qualities no matter what.

There was still one last number left to use.

And… Day 44 of burial!

For the next ten days, Bi Ryuyeon continued to feed on the blood of the bloodsuckers, sending her qi into the wall. The purpose was to determine the thickness of the wall by the progression and reflection of the chi. If there was a cavity on the other side of the wall, the chi would bounce off the end of the wall. That's how you get the thickness of the entire wall. Bi Ryuyeon had used this method to escape from the burial site. The shock of being hit in the back of the head by Ling Mang had caused her to forget for a moment, but a sneeze reminded her.

This was all she could do, but the way out was not as easy to find as it had been then, and she had to spend ten days pounding her way through the cave.



Bi Ryuyeon once again tried to penetrate the qi, but the repetition did nothing to clear up his doubts.

"Guess what? It's a big……."

He clicked his tongue.

"What's wrong, Ryuyeon?"

Na Yerin, sensing the ominousness in Bi Ryuyeon's frown, asked cautiously. Bi Ryuyeon shook her head.

"No, that's not it, it's too thin, although there's definitely room on the other side."

"Then why don't we just drill it like we did last time?"

Turo Na Yerin asked, puzzled.

"That would be simple, but the problem is that the other side isn't just empty space."

As much as I would love to have the same situation as last time, it wasn't to be this time.


"I think there's a vein of water running behind this wall, and I'm going to have to be careful before I break it."

Bi Ryuyeon glanced at Na Yerin in surprise. Na Yerin could see what she was trying to say. She nodded.

"I've already entrusted my life to you once. Let's entrust it to Ryuyeon once again."

At her answer, Bi Ryuyeon smiled brightly.

"Okay, your mortgaged life, I'll make sure you get it back, I don't want to lose it and then have to pay a penalty, aren't you afraid, Yerin?"

Na Yerin shook her head.

"No! What about Ryu-yeon?"

"Huh… I don't know how to say it, but death hasn't really hit me yet, and somehow I don't think I'm going to die, because my life force is kind of tough."

"Really? That's very believable."

There was something about his words that made her believe in him, and she didn't know if it was his ease.

"I could tolerate everything else here, but the fact that I couldn't try some of the delicious things that delight my tongue made me lament unbearably, so I decided that when I got out of here, I would try the famous Cantonese fried rice and Peking delicacies."

With an exaggerated gesture, Bi Ryuyeon said.

"If you want to try Cantonese fried rice and Peking delicacies, shouldn't the first condition be that you get out of here?"

She still wasn't convinced that her escape was going to be successful, but with food supplies running low, something had to be done. It had been a long time since the wall curtain had fallen, and now the blood of the Muklin Blood Net was running low.

"Yerin, if we were to get out of here, would you like to eat Peking delicacy and Cantonese fried rice together?"


Na Yerin replied coolly.

"Are you sure you won't regret it?"

"I don't know that I'll regret it, but I have to agree that I can't think of a better way to do it."

Na Yerin replied.

Bi Ryuyeon stood in front of the rock wall she had marked with a serious face, and then looked at Na Yerin with a serious face again.

"Yerin, did you forget anything?"

"What is it?"

Na Yerin didn't notice. Bi Ryuyeon was momentarily disappointed.

"I'd like to get the blessing of the Goddess of Fortune before I take on another life-and-death challenge, what do you think, Goddess?"

Na Yerin's face suddenly flushed at Bi Ryuyeon's question.

"Do I really need to do that?"


Without hesitation, Bi Ryuyeon replied firmly.

"Can we just not do it?"


Bi Ryuyeon replied firmly.

"Procedures are meant to be followed."

It was Bi Ryuyeon herself who often violated these procedures.

After a moment's hesitation, Na Yerin nodded.


Finally, Na Yerin agreed.

Na Yerin gently pressed her lips to Biyou's mouth. It was a blessing from the Goddess of Fortune. Na Yerin lowered her head in shame. She was not at all in keeping with her reputation as cold and distant.

Ryu-yeon Bi could only laugh.

'It's day 44! Is this a joke of fate? Or a test from the heavens?

If it was a coincidence, it was an amazing coincidence.

"Forty-four didn't stop me last time, and it won't stop me this time either! If that's the mast that holds my fate, I'll break it with my hands!


Finally, Bi Ryuyeon's fist crashed into the reconciliation rock wall with a blue thunderbolt.

Quack, quack, quack, quack!

A huge amount of water gushed out of the gaping hole.

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